The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 220

Chapter 220 Two Hundred and Twenty

Greg's hand supporting his chin balled into a tight fist, and he kept picturing Lucianne in his head to restrain his growling animal that was trying to push itself forward.

Kelissa glanced at Greg before she showed her cousin a fake smile and said, “Let's leave death aside for now. We were hoping that you'd have some kind of resources, your Grace. We could consider something less—"

Livia butted in again, “I don't get why death should be left aside. The wolf is marked. The only way to get to your end goal now is to kill her. Do you need her alive for some reason?” The Duke thought this was a perfect time to start a front-row seat soap opera, so he turned to Kelissa and asked with a taunting smile, “Are you going to tell her?” Livia's eyes widened when she asked, “Tell me what?”

Kelissa scowled at Greg but the Duke was not going to take back what he just said. Livia repeated her question, louder and fiercer this time. She earned a glare from her uncle and aunt but she couldn't care less. Next to her, Sasha smirked when she caught on, and she said, “You were promised the wolf, weren't you, your Grace? That's why the heiress is also pinned on keeping her alive.”

Greg was impressed that, of all people, the dumb blonde got the answer. “So, there is a brain in that head of yours, Cummings. Bravo.” Livia's eyes turned onyx, and her hard stare was on Kelissa when she gritted her teeth and said, “You promised that he was MINE.” Kelissa was unperturbed as she responded, “If the circumstances change, our plans have to change with it. The end goal comes first, Livia.” Livia scoffed darkly and added, “You think you can just overrule everyone and sweep away what the rest of us were promised when we decided to help you? You think you can make us fall in line and you think you know everything? Well, let me tell you something you don’t know: Sasha already bought Oleander from the rogue Alpha, saying that it was to kill Seb when it is actually to kill YOU after you tore the wolf away from the King!”

“LIV!” Sasha exclaimed in shock at her secret coming out from her confidant's mouth.

Greg muttered in amusement, “Ooo...plot twist.” Well, not for him since he eavesdropped on everyone's conversations in the house.

Kelissa hissed, “Shut up, your Grace! Just because my promise to you remains intact, it doesn’t mean you have to flaunt it!”

Greg's sharp hearing picked up something not far away from the other side of the door but from the blank looks on everyone else's faces, he concluded that he was the only one who heard those sounds. So, he played dumb and responded to the fuming Kelissa, “Flaunt? Heh! Kylton, get real. You've already decided to kill Lucianne. And you already backstabbed me when you sent the rogue to forcibly mark the Qu “Wolf.” Kelissa insisted, her eyes showing some onyx shades despite her parents’ surprised looks when Greg mentioned things that were not discussed with any advisor.

Greg raised his eyebrows at the heiress's interruption, and reminded himself that he was going to be there for only another few more minutes at most. The Duke gnitted his teeth, and said in a low voice, “If you read the news properly, Kylton, you'd know that she is one of us now. She's a Lycan. She's the Lycan Queen.” At that very moment, the door fell off its hinges as it burst open.

Kelissa, Lady Kylton, Sasha and Livia screamed as everyone got up and backed away from the door. In walk Lucianne with black and onyx orbs in a white, knee-length dress. How did she find them? And where were their guards?! Policemen stormed in and pointed guns at the people in the room, making the Kyltons and the others raise their hands above their heads as they trembled in fear and shock. They were still stunned when they were being cuffed. Only Greg was spared.

Lucianne scanned their faces, and locked eyes with Greg, who raised his hands with the others as well, and without a word or smile, she gave him a firm nod, prompting him to come forward. He obliged, lowering his hands and approaching her, utterly relieved that she got here sooner than he expected. Then again, this was Lucianne. His cousins would have been an entirely different story. Strategizing itself would have taken them forever!

Livia grew worried about what was going to be done to Greg but she couldn't find it in herself to move, speak or scream. She was petrified Livia was about to break down in tears when Greg was two steps away from Lucianne but what the bed warmer witnessed next shocked her to the core.

Greg knelt on one knee before Lucianne without being asked or commanded, held his head low and uttered in devotion, “My Queen.” Lucianne asked rhetorically, “You sent word, your Grace?”

"WHAT?!" Kelissa exclaimed before the policewoman behind her nudged the gun against the back of her head, asking her to shut up. With his eyes still pinned to the ground, Greg tried not to be bothered by the fact that Lucianne’s scent was now mixed with his cousin’s when he uttered, “I did. I apologize that the message couldn't be sent sooner, your Highness.”

“No apology necessary, your Grace. Stand.” Lucianne thrusted out a hand in his way. Literally everyone looked at her small hand in disbelief, including Greg himself.

The Duke took a good three seconds before reaching out and taking it. But before Lucianne could pull him up like she would an ally, he pecked a soft, formal kiss on the back. Only after that, he rose and stood before her. Lucianne continued to stare at the perpetrators of the crimes she and her people had been fighting off for years. Then, surprisingly enough, she asked Greg, “Is there anything! should know, your Grace?” With an arm stretched across his chest as a sign of loyal service, he offered her a slight bow and uttered, “I've implanted several recording devices around the house, my Queen. I'm hoping you'll allow me to collect them for you.”

“That would be helpful. Any requests with regards to these people? Anything I should know before I torture an ally that you may have here?” Greg kept his bow as he said, “I have none here, my Queen. But, with your permission, I'd like her.” His head motioned to Tanner before he added when his head motioned to Livia, “And her.”

Lucianne took a second before she said, “The one who blackmailed an employee after sending an assassin after a child, and the bed warmer.” She scoffed darkly before she asked, “What's the request, your Grace?” Upon detecting the suppressed anger in Lucianne’s voice, Greg fell on one knee again as he spoke, “I plead with you to let me have them, my Queen. This doesn't concern anything related to intercourse, I give you my word.” “Look at me, your Grace.”

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