The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 219

Chapter 219 Two Hundred and Nineteen

Almost everyone groaned. They thought they were done. They thought they got all of them. Dalloway's statement made Lucianne’s eyes widened, and Xandar's grip around her tightened before it loosened again when Lucianne’s thumb started stroking his lap. Dalloway then said, “There is some good news that I should mention: the tunnel is small, so only wolves could go through it one at a time. Our own people had to break the concrete around it to enlarge the passageway during our investigation.”

That was definitely a relief for all the worried faces in the room. Lucianne turned to the Alphas and Lunas in the room and said, “Alert the pack leaders. Every one of them, especially those around Faint Moon.”

Juan then asked, “Should we offer them a chance to surrender first?”

It was on the tip of Lucianne’s tongue to say “yes’ but she remembered how offering Jake a chance to surrender played out. She was conflicted, so she locked eyes with her mate and asked, “What do you think, darling? Should we?" Xandar thought about it, well aware of the conflict she was experiencing. After a moment, he declared, “One chance. Only one. Get them to surrender and detain them until our people get there to bring them back here. If they try anything funny, kill them.” 3 “Understood.” Juan uttered with a smile, and the other pack leaders of the alliance nodded in compliance.

Dalloway then went on to explain that the rogues they arrested didn't know anything about the suppliers of their weapons and poisons because Alithia was the one who handled these things, and Toby slammed his head on the table for killing her.

Lucianne looked at her best friend rubbing his forehead and said, “Chill, Toby. She deserved to die.”

Toby retorted, “No, Lucy. She deserved to be tortured with whips and an electrocution chair. She didn't deserve to die.”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The room was filled with furrowed eyebrows and inquisitive eyes thrown at Xandar. Even his own mate was giving him a puzzled look. Was he expecting someone?

“Come in!” Xandar was equally lost but if his guards saw the need to disturb his meeting, it had to be important.

The door opened, and in walked Vernon, who bowed before coming to the King's side to hand him his mail as he said, “Apologies, your Highnesses, but there was one among the stack that seemed important.”

Vernon placed a blue envelope on the top of the stack that had "URGENT" written in red, followed by a line of black-colored words that read: Attn: H.R H. Queen Lucianne Freesia Paw. The fact that it wasn't Greg's handwriting like it was the last time didn’t stop Lucianne from snatching the envelope and nipping it open. She took out the white card and read it with Xandar. Xandar's eyes darkened, and Lucianne’s neck stiffened before her friends noticed the homicidal glint in her black and onyx orbs. After a short moment of pin drop silence, Toby got tired of waiting.

So, he groaned as he got out of his chair and strode to his best frend's’ side while complaining, “Lucy, you and your mate have got to learn to..." he started reading the card in her hand and his brain paused for a moment before he cursed, “Sh*t.”

'0187 Phoenix Road, my Queen. I'm here with the founders of Wu Bi Corp. Greg.

After that, it didn't take long for Dalloway and Laurent to find out who the registered owners of the residence were. A plan was hatched within thirty minutes, and they left the villa to head for the location Greg sent them.

Greg only woke up when another knock on his door came. If that was Livia again, he didn’t know if he could restrain his animal from scratching her face and tearing out her organs. As he thought about the endgame drawing near, he walked to the door and opened it.

To his relief, it was only the heiress, who invited him to have tea. Greg played dumb and asked, “What did I do? I left the toilet seat up this time.” Kelissa rolled her eyes and said, “It's just a grateful gesture for your years of supporting our business, your Grace.” Liar. But not a badone, actually.

“Fine.” Greg groaned. So much for wanting tostay in his room until Lucianne came and break him out of this sh'thole. He still found it hilarious that the Kyltons gave him access to Wi-Fi without considering that he would use it to pinpoint their location. Maybe it was because they didn’t know that he could still mind-link without detection to send out orders.

As Greg walked with the heiress, he muttered, “I'm impressed to see you so composed after the news all over the internet, Kylton.”

That was definitely the right thing to say for someone who didn't hear the heiress’s mad scream. Kelissa's rage showed again as she replayed the news in her head. But instead of throwing a fit, she simply smirked and said, "Well, I learn from the best.”

Greg prayed that she didn't mean him. He didn’t want this failure to be his student. When they entered the tea room, the Lord and Lady paused their discreet chatter and smiled at the Duke. Sasha and Livia stopped their gossiping, too. Tanner looked like the most left out one there.

“What the f'ck do these losers want?’, Greg thought as he returned everyone's fake smiles. After he was seated and given Earl Grey, Kelissa got to the point, “Well, your Grace. You've read the news. It seems that our plan has gone down the drain, and things are...complicated now.” “No, sh*t. Is that why I'm here? To whine and complain with all of you?” “No, your Grace.” Lord Kylton began before his daughter's scowl made him lean back for her to continue speaking.

The heiress turned back to the Duke with a less hostile gaze and uttered, “We're not here to complain. We're here to talk about what could have gone wrong, and, if possible, to find a solution together.” “Ah, that's not so bad.” Greg leaned back into his seat and crossed his legs before he asked despite already knowing the answer, “So, who's starting?”

Kelissa, as the leader, said, “I think I should go first. I propose that we come up with a Plan B as soon as possible, and execute it with all immediacy. The plan we sent to the rogues took too long to execute. Had we brought the plan forward, the rogues would've gotten the work done before the...infiltration...happened. We were hoping that you'd have some form of connections to get the job done, your Grace.” Livia then asked, “The plan is to kill the wolf now, right?”

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