Testing Fate (#3, The Mystic Wolves)

Testing Fate: Chapter 17

I didn’t want to move an inch, perfectly content to lie in Mason’s arms forever. After returning from debriefing the Council, I’d been whisked off to his room and we’d been locked away ever since. People had come and gone, knocking on the door but they quickly left after realizing no one was answering.

“We really should go and see everyone. There’s a lot to do and nothing’s getting done,” I sighed, my head resting on his chest. I could hear his steady heartbeat and it felt like heaven. Nestled on top of his bed, Mason’s hand stroked slowly through my hair while mine lay over his abdomen.

“It can wait. Right here, right now is all that’s important. I feel like it’s been a lifetime since I’ve held you, listened to your voice. I just want to keep you to myself for a little longer.”

“After tomorrow, you’ll have me all to yourself.” I poked him, loving that he was close enough to touch.

“And for this next hour, I’ll have you as well. I’m greedy like that.” He laughed, the sound like a deep rumble. I peered up at him and he had that relaxed, sexy look he got when he was content. Repositioning my body, I tilted my head and he leaned down so we could briefly kiss. It was these small things, gestures, moments that I’d missed so much.

“Darcy O’Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Mason O’Connor,” I said happily. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything more perfect.” I let my fingers trace over his stomach in a lazy pattern.

“I have,” he answered. When he didn’t continue, I moved to sit up but was stopped when he also turned, knocking me on my back and him gazing down. “When the Fates said we were mates and that no one could contest it. I was marrying you regardless, but it was still music in my ears. I’ll never get tired of saying you’re mine, Darcy Matthews soon-to-be Connors.” He winked and I reached up for his face. He nudged my palm, my hand curving to match the contour of his cheek. Moving again, he placed a soft kiss there before resting back on his side.

“It’s really going to happen, isn’t it?” I whispered, not wanting to speak too loud, in case I jinxed us. “No more waiting. No more drama. No more psycho females from the past.”

“Nope. It’s all about you and me, baby. And heaven help any fool who tries to get in the way.” Mason pulled me in closer and began nuzzling into my neck. “Just think, this time tomorrow . . .” His words were drowned out by my laughter as he worked on a ticklish spot with his teeth.

“Hmmm, that’s right. I hadn’t thought about the wedding night.” I pushed at him, trying to create a little space so I could breathe again. “I sure hope after all this time you were worth the wait and not just eye candy.”

My comment had the desired effect. I’d just thrown down a challenge and judging from the affronted scowl on Mason’s face, he’d make sure he proved himself.

“I’ll have you know . . .” I didn’t let him finish.

“I already know. Now hurry up and kiss me. Please.” I moistened my lips and smiled when he instantly responded. Just like every other time, the first touch of his mouth to mine caused heat to pulse through my body and my toes curled. Just his kiss told me we belonged together, my spirit recognizing my equal in him.

Mason got comfortable, our bodies pressed together, mine nestled perfectly into his. The pressure from his hand at my waist reminded me how much I loved his touch, and when his fingers brushed over my exposed skin, I knew that accepting the Heart or Death had been worth it. I wanted to spend every day, for the rest of my life, like this— in his arms, being loved by him.

Our kiss was a slow dance, tender as we reacquainted ourselves before gradually deepening, languid. I could feel his heartbeat under my hand, proof that he was alive and very much here with me. Our connection was as strong as ever and with each breath, I fell more completely under the spell he was creating. His tongue dipped with mine and if I could have, I would’ve purred in satisfaction.

He never sped up his tempo, keeping each movement of his mouth over mine unhurried and thorough. His hand moved from my waist and up under my shirt at the back. His body heat radiated through his palm over my skin as he held me firmly. I reveled in the strength he showed, in how safe and protected I felt.

I had no idea how much time passed. There was no rush, Mason was giving me all of his attention and something within me clicked, like a piece of a puzzle finally finding its place within the bigger picture.

“I love you,” I whispered. Settling back into his embrace, I rested against him again. I loved feeling him take each breath, imagining mine seeking out his rhythm and matching it.

“I love you too,” Mason answered, placing a light kiss in my hair.

We lay in silence, not the oppressive kind, but a comfortable lull. There was no pressure to speak and fill the void. Then I remembered something I’d wanted to ask since returning to the Council room.


“Hmmmm.” His response sounded sleepy.

“Who was your companion through the trials?” The Moirai had given me Devlin but I didn’t know who they’d provided for Mason. There were only three of us when they whisked us away. All through my tests, I’d been grateful that I hadn’t gone through them alone. My heart hurt thinking that Mason may have had to face everything without a friend to help.

He didn’t reply straight away. Lifting my head, I saw a stray tear roll down his cheek and my stomach lurched. He had. He’d gone through whatever challenges by himself, and it sparked a flash of anger.

“Jasmine.” Just one word, but it explained the emotion that now flooded his features. It was a mixture of wistful wonder and sadness with something new, acceptance.

“She was there?” Closing my eyes, I could see her in my mind. Mason’s sister had been so beautiful, so happy, and I missed her fiercely. Her recent death was still fresh in everyone’s hearts, especially his. Maybe the Fates weren’t completely without feeling if they’d given him such a gift.

“I walked through the door and saw her standing there, wearing her favorite jeans and t-shirt. I remembered thinking I was glad to be spending time with her. I just didn’t realize how significant it was until I completed my trial and they sent me home.”

I remembered that shirt. We’d been shopping in town and walked past the thrift store when Jasmine saw it displayed in the window. She had a thing for all things vintage and for a few dollars, it had been a bargain. The bold, colorful Girls Just Wanna Have Fun became her motto. The last time I’d seen her in it, the fabric was getting pretty threadbare. She hadn’t cared though. It was her favorite and she would continue wearing it until it disintegrated. The memory caused a tug on my heartstrings.

“Are you okay?” I laced my fingers between his, resting our hands on his stomach.

“Honestly, I am. It was amazing, Darcy. Don’t get me wrong, the challenges I faced were tough and for a moment there, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to make it through. But I had my baby sister with me. She helped keep me motivated and focused, made sure I didn’t get too discouraged.”

“Devlin did the same for me,” I added, softly. “Seems the Fates chose well when they decided who to send with us.”

“We would sit up all night and just talk about anything and everything. Jasmine would tell me stories from our childhood, reminding me how much she loved me and how proud she was of her big brother. We laughed and laughed over the trouble we got into and we talked about our dreams for the future. In those moments, I didn’t know she was really gone, that I’d been given one last time with her. In the last test, the Moirai revealed that, in reality, I’d lost Jasmine, and the truth almost crushed me. They then told me I could have my sister returned to me, or I could choose to continue. I still didn’t know why I was participating in the Heart or Death, but my gut told me I had to keep going. Saying goodbye to Jasmine again was, without a doubt, the hardest of all the challenges. I won’t lie and say I didn’t falter.”

My heart broke for him. Mason adored his sister, loved her deeply and her death was still something he’d fought to accept. I had no doubt the offer made him pause, especially if it meant he could have her back—to hold, to see, to listen to and touch. I don’t know how he found the strength.

My silence told him what I was thinking, our connection was working again. “I found the strength the same way you did when facing your challenges. I kept going because I knew whatever I was fighting for was worth it and was bigger than whatever they tempted me with. I realized that the more enticing the offer, the greater prize must be. When I declined and my memories returned, your face was so clear in my mind and the love I felt for you so powerful, I knew. I love Jasmine with all my heart. I would do anything to have my beloved sister back, but not if it meant giving you up. You are vital to my survival now, Darcy. And you’re mine.”

I nestled deeper into him and was rewarded with his arms tightening around me. His admission stunned and humbled me. Just when I thought I couldn’t love Mason more, he said something like this and I fell harder. I could say what I wanted about the trials we faced, but there was no denying the process had forged us into a stronger couple.

“I’m sorry you had to choose,” I murmured into his chest.

“I’m not. Now that I know what was really at stake, I’m glad I followed my instinct. I would’ve still chosen you, had I remembered you. This whole adventure with the Moirai taught me a valuable lesson, don’t mess with fate. For whatever reason, Jasmine’s time came sooner than we all wanted. I don’t like it, but I’m learning to accept it. She may not be here with us physically, but I know we’ll see her again. As long as I have that hope, I’m okay.”

“I love hearing you talk like this, Mason. I’m glad you were able to find some peace through all this. I worried about your holding it all your emotions in and not sharing.”

Mason chuckled softly, the sound echoing through his chest into my ear. “I knew everyone was also grieving over Jasmine’s death. It was so sudden and the fact she was killed by someone we all thought was a friend, was unbearable. It really shook the Pack. Plus, as Alpha, I wanted to be strong for everyone and not burden members with my own grief. I know that was misguided, but old habits die hard. The time with Jasmine really helped me come to terms. Some of the things she said to me, I’ll always hold on to.”

“As long as you also remember you’re not alone anymore.” I gently slapped him, meaning to scold him lightly. “We’re a team and that means we rely on each other. No matter how scary or how bad things get, we always share what we’re thinking and feeling. We don’t close the other out, even if we think we have good intentions. I don’t ever want you to think you can’t confide in me.”

“Haha. Jasmine gave me the same advice.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “I promise, Darcy. Me and you . . . forever.”

“I promise too.” I raised my head and lay a kiss on the underside of his chin. “Forever . . . I love the sound of that.”

“So you keep saying.” Mason grinned and the sight sent a flip flopping sensation through me.

There was another knock at the door, followed by a muffled, “Hello”. I was perfectly content to ignore this one as well. Mason, however, had other ideas and slid himself out of my embrace before standing.

“Can’t we just pretend we’re asleep for a little longer?” I asked, watching him walk across the room. I was definitely torn at the moment. I didn’t want to let go of the much needed alone time with Mason, but a flicker of excitement broke through my selfishness as I sat up to greet whoever was at the door.

“I actually want you to visit with this person,” Mason replied over his shoulder and I caught the knowing look. This was planned. Opening the door, he greeted the visitor and the feminine voice of Harmony floated over the air.

A wide smile broke across my face and I rushed over. “Harmony! What are you doing here?”

“Well, I got a phone call earlier from a certain groom-to-be saying that his beautiful bride-to-be was in need of a dress.” Harmony winked, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “So here I am and at your beckon call, honey.”

It was proof my mind had been preoccupied by the Fates. I’d completely forgotten about my wedding dress. The dress I’d picked out. The dress I’d dreamed about, chosen, and loved, had been destroyed by Amber. I’d stopped her from casting the obsession spell on Mason, and in return, she’d taken her fury out on the dress. She’d thought by ripping it, she could convince Mason I’d attacked her. Thankfully, he’d known better.

“I can’t believe I forgot,” I whispered, my hand covering my mouth. “That dress was so perfect.” Mason’s arms instantly wrapped around me.

“I know you loved it, but trust me, okay? Everything will work out.” Harmony chattered, reaching for my hand so she could pull me out of the bedroom.

“Go with her, sweetheart. Don’t think of anything but tomorrow and how much you’re going to dazzle me walking down the aisle.” Slowly he released me from his grasp, nodding his head with approval. Looking over me to Harmony, Mason mouthed thank you before adding, “Spare no expense. Whatever she wants, she gets.”

Throwing one last grateful glance at him, I joined Harmony, heading toward Mason’s office.

“We’re not going to my bedroom?” I asked confused.

“You’ll see,” she answered.

Full of dramatic showmanship, Harmony threw open the door to the Alpha’s private sanctum and my eyes widened in disbelief.

It was a white, wedding, wonderland.

And it was all for me.

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