Testing Fate (#3, The Mystic Wolves)

Testing Fate: Chapter 16

Neither of us wanted to let the other go. Any disappointment at finding the room empty evaporated the second Mason dragged me into his arms and kissed me.

Each brush of his lips eased the pangs from being separated. I reveled in every blessed sensation, like a starved captor who suddenly found himself alone in banquet room filled with food. My body tingled and my mind kept repeating the same thought over and over again. I was home and we’d survived.

I nestled into the crook of his shoulder, taking in a deep breath. His scent hit me with all its familiarity and I couldn’t help the wide smile on my face. Mason’s arms never slackened, keeping me tucked in close to him as he also inhaled, reacquainting himself with me.

“Let’s never do that again, okay?” I whispered, half laughing with joy. He chuckled in my ear, placing a soft kiss there before releasing me enough to look down.

“I agree. In fact, I’ll make it an official law. The Alpha and his beloved mate will never spend more than one day apart. Sound good?” He winked and my stomach did flip flops seeing his crooked smile.

“Sounds perfect!” I couldn’t take my eyes away from him, making sure not a hair was out of place. I’d missed him so much and all I wanted to do was go home where we could be alone.

People started entering through the open doors. Devlin must’ve gone to inform everyone that we’d returned, because he was walking beside his king in deep conversation, Vivien trailing behind with Daniel.

“Welcome back, Darcy!” Zane greeted. After slapping Mason on the back, he gently squeezed my arm before standing aside for Vivien. My dear friend looked happy to see me, but there was no ignoring the thin lines of worry and dark bags under her eyes. I could just imagine her staying up to all hours, waiting.

Leaving the safety of Mason’s arms, I walked into Vivien’s comforting embrace. “You are a sight for sore eyes, my dear,” she whispered before letting me go. “I’m glad to see you’re in one piece as well.”

“It was a little touch and go there for a while,” I quickly interjected, preventing Devlin from answering. “But everything’s okay.”

I sent a warning glance to Devlin and shook my head. I didn’t want everyone upset over how hurt I’d been. I just wanted to put it all behind me now and focus on what was important, our future.

“Mason informed us about the trials you underwent and the stakes. I knew you both would succeed.” Zane gestured to the front row of chairs and we each took a seat. Devlin and Daniel moved theirs so we could sit in a makeshift circle. I smiled as I looked at each of my friends. It was so good to be home.

“We did. So now it’s official, Darcy and I are destined mates and no one will ever be able to throw our marriage into question again. The Moirai will also want to make the announcement before the Council.” Mason picked up my hand and kissed the back of it. “Then it’ll be time for a wedding. I’m sure you can all agree with me that the time for waiting is over.”

There was a round of agreements.

“Then let’s debrief you two, so you can go home. Zane and I are the only two official Council members here at the moment. Let’s get this on the record, shall we?” Vivien smiled, and led Zane up to the platform. Sitting in their respective chairs, getting comfortable, the rest of us rearranged the seating back to how it was and waited.

“The meeting is now called to order and we ask both Mason and Darcy to come forward.” Zane’s voice had taken on an authoritative air and I felt a surge of excitement. It really was over between Amber and her threats in claiming Mason.

“I also call the Moirai and ask that their presence join us,” Vivien spoke in a respectful tone. Mason and I clasped hands, patiently waiting for the three young women to arrive. Just the small contact with Mason caused a pulse of electricity that sent tingles up my arm. Squeezing my fingers gently, he looked down at me, happy.

The air stirred, signaling their arrival. Instead of dread, I was actually glad to see them when they arrived. They were no longer the harbingers of doom, trying to take the man I love away from me. This time there was no cryptic declarations, no trials nor tests to prove my worth. With a few words, this entire nightmare would be over and I wanted to scream from the rooftops. I was so relieved.

“You have summoned us,” Klothos spoke, her voice light and nonthreatening. “And it pleases us to inform you both that the young Alpha and his chosen mate successfully completed the Heart or Death. They did so with honor and integrity, facing each trial with a dedication befitting who they are. The heavens have decreed their destinies intertwined and ordain their mating. So it is now and forever will be.”

The three Fates bowed their heads slightly, giving respect to both Zane and Vivien before turning to address Mason and me.

“It has been our honor to serve you. You both showed incredible courage and we look forward to the many great things you are destined to accomplish.” Lakhesis spoke for herself and her sisters. One by one, they gently touched our arms in goodbye, softs smiles on their faces.

“I know this has been a hardship for you, Darcy,” Klothos whispered, leaning in so we could have a little privacy. “But all these things have been for a greater purpose, to strengthen you for what is to come. It has not all been for naught. Hold peace in your heart that you are ready and able to face your future.”

I gave Mason a confused sidelong glance, not sure what the young Fate meant and he shrugged his shoulders. Smiling, I thanked her and watched with relief when the three disappeared from the room. My dealing with the Moirai was finally over.

Everyone seemed to also release a breath. So much had ridden on the outcome and now the uncertainty had ended, it was full steam ahead. Watching Zane and Vivien, there was no denying the worry they’d been holding on to. No one had wanted to see Amber, with her mind games, win.

“Where is Amber?” I asked, looking to everyone. “Last time I was here, she’d been sentenced. Is she being held somewhere?” I needed to know she was being contained and no longer able to cause trouble.

“She’s being held in the Council’s dungeons until we can transport her to somewhere more permanent. We received word a few days ago that the prison in Alaska is ready to receive her, so preparations are being made,” Zane replied.

“The sooner she’s gone the better, in my opinion.” Daniel growled and I agreed. She’d been a thorn in my side, as well as Mason’s, and I’d feel a whole lot better knowing she was far away. Even then, there was no way of fully trusting she wouldn’t try reaching out to ensnare Mason somehow.

“A few days ago?” The words finally registered. “Didn’t we just leave a few days ago?” I glanced to Mason, my brow furrowed.

“It seems time goes by faster there. You’ve actually been gone over three weeks. I returned two days ago,” Mason answered. Seeing my surprise, he pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me. “Yeah, it shocked me too, but it’s all behind us, now. You’re back and we’re together; so you know what that means, right?”

All I could focus on was those two precious words we’re together. That’s all that mattered. Everything else was gravy.

Daniel coughed, bringing my attention back to Mason, who was still waiting for me to answer his question. “Ummm, what does it mean?” My breath hitched as I caught a glimpse of Mason’s wide, Cheshire cat grin. I expected him to tell me, but instead he dropped to one knee.

“Darcy?” he started, taking hold of my hand and bringing it to his lips. All thought fled my mind, my heart beginning to race. The room went quiet, everyone’s focus on me.

“Yes?” The small response caught in my throat and came out a soft whisper.

“Can I make you mine now? Marry me.”

“Yes,” I answered hurriedly. “Yes, yes, yes!” Tears filled my eyes and I squealed with excitement as Mason stood, swinging me up into his embrace. He’d already proposed to me, the night still clear in my memory, but this . . . this was perfect. After all we’d gone through, his question meant the world. His. I wanted to be his more than anything.

Applause and well wishes crashed around me. I didn’t take my focus away from Mason’s face, love shining from his eyes. He started leaning in and I met him half way. Our kiss was a mixture of tenderness and promise, of relief and excitement. This was going to happen and nothing was going to stop us from finally being bound together, forever.

Daniel’s congratulatory slap on Mason’s back broke our kiss. Sliding out of his embrace, I was quickly pulled into Devlin’s arm, his hold tightening as he whispered his approval in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his waist and returned the squeeze.

“Thank you for everything,” I told him, tears now freely falling. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“Shush, there’s no need to say anything. I’ll always be there for you, sweetheart. Always.”

He relinquished his hold on me and I was turned about, only to walk straight into Daniel’s open arms.

“It’s about time, Darcy. Now it’ll be official.” I could hear the happiness in his voice.

“If you think this means you can start calling me those ridiculously pompous names, you can forget it.” I laughed.

“Oh, I’ve been working on a few titles, but I’ll save those for when it’s officially, official.” Daniel winked and I stepped away to slap him.

“So when do you plan on making this young woman your own?” Zane asked, joining us along with Vivien. He offered a regal bow and shook hands with Mason. “Can I suggest that you don’t wait too long?”

“Tomorrow at dusk and not a second longer.” Turning to me, Mason cupped the side of my face, his thumb grazing back and forth over my skin. “Think you can be ready?”

“I’ll be the girl in white.”

“Then it’s settled. Vivien, will you do us the honors?”

“It would be my pleasure to marry you both.” Vivien answered, her eyes watering. “Now let’s be done with all this. We have a wedding to prepare for.”

Giving our goodbyes and with the promise to call later with more instructions, I followed Mason and Daniel out of the room. We were finally heading back to pack property, to our home.

Taking one last look at the room and remembering everything that had occurred here, I nodded in approval of how it had been resolved. This was one chapter of my life I was grateful and thankful to close.

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