Taming the Billionaire CEO ( Daniel Monroe )

Chapter 16


Anna stared at Lily’s phone as the audio came to an end. For a while, they both said nothing and stared at the phone, a blank look on their faces. 

A smile slowly spread across Lily’s face. Jack- 

pot!” Anna finished for her, punching the air victoriously. 

Lily ran her hand through her hair, her smile getting wider. “This is way better than I could have hoped. Not only is she not pregnant, but she’s cheating with her ex. Mehn! It’s bound to make serious waves,” Lily said. 

“Right? This is so crazy. It’s going to destroy her and cause a lot of damage to the Monroes regardless of how they try to get out of this one,” Anna chipped in. 

“So,” Lily turned to face Anna, her tone serious, “Do we release it now or what?” Anna thought for a while before sighing in defeat. 

“What is it? You can’t do it?” Lily raised a brow, puzzled by her reaction. 

Anna shook her head negatively, “No, it’s not that. It’s just-” she settled in the bed comfortably, 

I want to release everything right now and show Daniel he left me for a cheat and a liar who has zero regards for him and his family. 

“So what’s the problem with that?” 

“Because it’s not a smart move and I’d be doing it based on emotions and not reasoning. Rather than release it now, we should wait for a week to see if a better opportunity to release the news will come. An opportunity that’ll cause maximum damage- 

Lily nodded, “You have a point. 


“And we shouldn’t release both news at once. First, the pregnancy scandal and we can use the cheating scandal when the relationship between her and Daniel is on very thin ice because I highly doubt the pregnancy scandal will cause him to leave her,she finished. 

Lily nodded in agreement, “You’re right. At most, it’ll cause friction between those two, although it’ll wreck her relationship with other members of the family. So, we wait, yeah?” 

“Sadly, yes!” Anna sighed, albeit content with what she had found. 

Lily pulled Anna into a tight hug. “You’re choking me,” Anna said, barely able to breathe, making Lily pull away. 

“I’m so proud of you for not letting your emotions get the best of you,” Lily said and Anna smiled in response. “Now, let’s watch a movie to celebrate this, or do you want to go out instead?” 

“Hmmm, let me think about it,” Anna said. 

“Whenever you say you want to think about something, it takes forever for you to come to a decision, 


so we’re just going to watch a movie,” Lily decided. 

“Works for me,” Anna smiled, but deep down, she was worried about Daniel. How would he take the news when he finds out? 


Is t 

“Is there any important news for me?” Davis asked, not looking up from the file he was flipping through. 

Paul shut the door behind him and dropped some papers on his table. “I already sent the important. ones via email,” he said. 

“Good,” Davis said, leaning back on his couch with an exasperated sigh

“Perhaps you should take a break, sir,” Paul said in concern, but as expected, Davis refused. 

“I have way too much to do to consider taking a break, especially now that I have to set my revenge 

against William in motion,” he argued. 

Paul nodded, knowing trying to persuade him was pointless; he would do whatever he pleased. “I still don’t understand why you revealed your identity to the Monroes because you wanted to purchase their apartment when you’re still going to be living in your apartment.” 

“I did it for Anna, Paul,” Davis said and added, She’ll be most useful when she’s closer to them. Just a day in the house and she already found something that could be useful. Plus, I would have shown myself to Williams sooner or later, doing it now doesn’t change much.” 

Paul sighed, “Okay, sir. Just be careful and-“he hesitated, unsure whether or not to say what he wanted to say. 

Noticing his hesitation, Davis turned to Paul, “We’ve been together for a very long time now, Paul. Nothing you say could upset me; I know it comes from a place of concern so please don’t act as though we’re strangers when we’re alone,” he told him. 

“If you say so, Davis,” Paul said. “I don’t trust Anna.‘ 

Davis raised a brow at him, puzzled by his words. “And why is that? You were the one who did a background check on her and confirmed she’s clean or did you find something new on her?” he questioned, a bit worried. 

“She is clean to the extent we need her to be, but I don’t trust her feelings for the enemy. She’s a woman who suffered in a loveless marriage for two years, yet didn’t leave even when she knew her 

husband was out with someone else–” 

“I’m just saying if I have this thought, then the Monroes probably have too and I don’t trust she won’t fall into Daniel’s arms if he puts effort into winning her back. She’s a ticking time bomb that can’t be left alone with the Monroes for too long,” he finished. 

Davis leaned back in his seat again, “I completely forgot about that,” he muttered, massaging his temples. “I guess now I’ll have to keep an eye on her.” 




Paul continued, “Exactly, sir. You might have to start staying in their house more and if I must add, you both are not giving off the impression that you’re married. This will only lead them to assume she’s an easy prey-” 

-I don’t know much about real–life romance, but I wouldn’t believe it if I was told you and Anna are married out of love. You’re always apart and even when together, you barely do anything.” he 


Davis winced. “I can’t believe I’ve been so foolish about this,” he said with a sigh. “I didn’t think 

about how hard it would be to feign love. I’ll have to discuss this with her.” 

“Yes, sir.” 

“Wait a minute-” Davis faced Paul, raising a suspicious brow at him, “-since when did he become a romance expert?” he asked. 

Paul coughed, trying to hide his embarrassment, “I’ve been doing a lot of research about it through romance movies,” he told him. 

“And why is that? Is there someone you’re interested in chasing after?” Davis asked, surprise written 

ver his face. 


“I have no time for such, Davis,” Paul stated. “I’m just doing it so I can assist you better with your task of faking love.” 

Davis’s lips curled up in a small smile. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Paul. Thank you. 


Paul nodded and then brought out an invitation letter from his pocket. “You can start from this,he said as he handed the invitation letter to Davis who stared at it sceptically. 

“What’s this?” Davis asked as he collected the letter from Paul. 

“Every year you’re invited, you decline the invitation because you don’t want to reveal your identity, but now that you’ve already revealed it, you should attend this year’s party with Anna and introduce her as your wife,” Paul said to him. “It’ll speak volumes about how much you supposedly love her since it’s strictly by invite but you still bring her along.” 

Davis stared at the invitation letter distastefully. Do I really need to do this? 

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