Taming the Billionaire CEO ( Daniel Monroe )

Chapter 15


“Hey, Lily. The eagle has landed, where are you?” Anna said into her phone as she watched Renee pull 


in front of the mansion. 

“The eagle has landed? What eagle?” Lily questioned, her tone was one of genuine confusion. 

Anna rolled her eyes. “This is why you shouldn’t watch sweet romance all the time. I’m referring to Renee; she’s back from her appointment with the doctor if she did meet one. 

away.” Lilu.. 

“Right. I’m about five minutes her voice muffled. 

Anna’s dropped curtains, her face dropping along with it. “Don’t tell me you stopped to get a hotdog,” she said as she jogged up the stairs, although she knew the answer she was getting from Lily. 

She didn’t get a reply but the sound of her munching. She rolled her eyes as she hid in one of the empty rooms on the first floor of the house, where Renee’s and Daniel’s room was situated. 

After watching Renee for a while, she knew she always took a shower whenever she came back from an outing, especially when it was a sunny day like that one. “Just hurry up,” Anna whispered when she heard the front door shut. 

Everyone had gone out to their business and it was just she and Renee in the house. “This is our best, if not our only opportunity to do this, Lily. Don’t mess it up,” she muttered hopefully, her heart. pounding hard against her chest when she heard the click–clack of Renee’s heels against the tiles. 

“What an asshole!” she heard Renee voice trailed off as the door of her 

sau “I shouldn’t have…” ber 

room slammed shut. 

Asshole? Is she referring to the doctor or did she meet someone else? 

“Dang! I should have let Lily trail her,” she muttered, hissing in regret. 

Her phone vibrated in her pocket. She checked the caller ID and as expected, it was Lily. Hey, I’m. here,” Lily said. 

“Stay on the call,” Anna said and like a thief in the night, made her way out of the room. She tiptoed to Renee’s door, perspiration trickling down the side of her face. 

She placed her ear on the door, listening for Renee’s movements and trying to catch what she was saying a failed attempt. 

Renee threw her bag to the bed, running her hand through her hair. “This is all that idiot’s fault, she complained, “Why did he have to tell the press about me?” 

She sighed as she stripped. “I have to end this as soon as possible,” a mischievous glint lit her eyes. Now that Anna is back in this house, I guess she could be my scapegoat.” 

A sigh of relief left her as she formulated the plan in her head. “All I have to do is make it seem as though I lost my baby because of her, and not only will she be ruined In Front of the family, but also 


in front of Davis-” 

“Who knows? It just might give me a better shot of getting with him,” she smiled. Although she cared about Daniel, she cared more about securing her future and Davis was a much better fit for her in every aspect. 

She wrapped a towel around her body, dumped her clothes in the laundry basket and walked into the shower. 

Outside the door, Anna heard the shower come on, “Hurry in now and come to the first floor. Wait in front of the second room on your left. Please, be as silent as possible,” she whispered into the phone. 

“Got it,” Lily said and hung up. Anna closed her eyes, and saying a silent prayer, carefully opened the door, wincing when it let out a small creek. 

She slipped into the room and immediately went for Renee’s bag. Yes. The phone was in the bag just as she had hoped. 

She immediately rushed to the door where Lily was already waiting. “Hurry, I have no idea how long we have,Anna told her as she joined her outside the door. 

Lily nodded, “It won’t take long at all,she whispered with a reassuring smile that immediately fell when the sound of running water stopped. “She’s already through?” she whispered in shock, alarm written all over her face

“Just hide in the opposite room and get the cam out,” Anna whispered, barely stopping for air, T‘|| lure her out so you can return her phone into her bag 

“-Remember to zip the bag when you return the phone and when you’re through, hide and ring me up so I don’t have to talk to her anymore-” 

-And also, put her phone on silent and when you’re about to put it back in her bag, you can return it to its normal ringtone,” she finished. 

“Alright, I get it,” Lily entered the room and Anna immediately knocked on Renee’s door, for fear that she might head for her phone immediately after her shower. 

“Renee!” she yelled, banging harder on the door. 

Renee threw the door open in annoyance, “What the hell, Anna?” she yelled. “Are you trying to break down my door or what?” 

“What the hell is the nonsense you did to my room?” Anna blurted, biting her lips. 

Really? That’s the best you could come up with? 

Renee’s face contorted in confusion, “Excuse you?” 

Without saying anything, Anna grabbed her and dragged her out of the room. “Are you crazy or something? I’m not even dressed!” Renee screamed, terrified Anna was trying to harm her. 

Anna turned to her with cold eyes when they were on the stairs. “If you fall while struggling, it’ll be 


your loss-” she thought for a while, “-probably death, but not mine.” 

Renee’s face paled. “What is wrong with you?” 


Anna scoffed. “You have a lot of guts questioning me.” Just then, her phone vibrated in her pocket and she immediately let go of Renee’s arm. “Forget it, you’ll probably not admit to it, but remember Renee, I’m watching you.” 

Renee watched as Anna left, rubbing her sore arm. “Has she finally lost it?” she muttered, her lips trembling. 

Will I be able to frame her for my fake miscarriage now that she’s become unhinged? 

Anna descended the stairs and walked towards the front door where Lily was waiting, as though she was just arriving. “Lily!” Anna exclaimed, being intentionally loud about it so Lily would hear. “You didn’t tell me you were coming over,” she added, her voice even louder. 

“I think that’s fine,” Lily said with a light chuckle and they rushed to her room. 

“By the way, what was the nonsense she supposedly did in your room?” Lily teased with a chuckle. ” What sort of excuse was that? What would you have said if I hadn’t called in time?” 

Anna shrugged. “I have no idea but I’m sure I would have found something sensible to say. Either way, I was certain you’d finish on time. Now-” 

-we check,” Lily completed her sentence, trepidation on both their faces. 

“I hope it’s something that’ll help us,” Anna said with a sign. 

“I hope so too. All these ninja moves I’ve been making had better not be for nothing,” Lily said, trying to lighten the mood as she turned on her phone and clicked on the audio from the spy cam. 

Act Fast: Free Bonus Time Is Running Out! 

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