Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 35: A Glove

Villin stayed in his bed for many hours without sleeping, thinking of all that happened this day. Once an unknown period of time passed he finally fell asleep. Six hours passed before he woke up once more, he felt a lot better now. The previous night before he fell asleep he spent some time thinking of the situation and he ended up concluding he wasn't in the wrong.contemporary romance

The blonde boy was the one that used a potentially lethal spell and it was only because of his lack of control that he didn't manage to cancel the spell when he got pushed to the side.

Even though Villin knew his logic was somewhat twisted, he chose to ignore it. In the future, people would die because of him, even though he wasn't sure he fully understood what this meant yet, he knew it was true.

He would be studying 'Gene Solutions', what would he do if someone found out about that? The very reason he got the 'Icy Pike' spell was that it was potentially lethal.

He sighed deeply as he tried to calm down, he could feel himself getting pissed off at himself.

In order to keep himself busy, he tried on the new gloves he had gotten the previous time. Both of them looked very similar, they were simple smooth black gloves that reached to the elbow. When he felt them, they did feel different though. The left glove felt as expected but the right one didn't feel as it looked at all.

When he touched the smooth black surface he felt how hard it was. It was as if the glove was made out of metal even. Villin frowned as he touched the entire thing, there were some 'soft' areas here and there, most noticeable at the wrist area and the finger joints, yet even here there was at least one line of metal, probably to conduct the magic.

When he tried the right glove on he was pleasantly surprised. Most of the inside of the glove has some thin padding, this kept the metal off of his hand so it didn't feel cold. That being said there was an area on the palm of his hand that wasn't padded, this should be the contact point, similar to how the base of a wand this is where the magic energy would be poured in.

Now there was only one thing left to do. Villin grabbed his first-grade wand and let his consciousness enter it, gazing upon the spell saved within. Then he pulled every bit of his magical energy within the wand out, making sure not even the tiniest bit was left inside.

When you saved a spell to a wand, you practically connected a small part of your web to it. If the wand were to be destroyed while you were connected to it, chances were that some of the nodes would receive minor damage, it even had the potential of harming one's consciousness. In a way it was similar to how you drew lines in between nodes, having your magic power connect them in order to cast a spell. But then instead of that, you connected certain nodes to the wand's core, a part of the wand made specifically to keep a connection with a certain number of nodes at a time. This connection could be broken forcefully if you went too far away from the wand or tried to save a spell to another wand.

It was similar to an electric fence, if you had one hand on the fence and you weren't touching anything else, you would be fine, but as soon as you touched the ground or a piece of metal, the electricity would have a place to go to and you would be electrocuted. Connecting to two wands would be similar as what was previously a path from your web to a wand would now become a path between the two wands, their energy would flow between each other not caring about the damage done to the web, then after a bit one of the wands' cores would break.

After triple-checking to make sure he retracted all of his energy, he took the glove and put it on before trying to enter it with his consciousness as well, this took a while since he didn't know where the 'core' of the wand was. After looking for a while he found it was pretty par up, close to the elbow area.

When he looked within he was extremely pleased.

"It seemed he made a breakthrough of some sort." Villin was smiling wildly as he looked at it. When he came to the stall the previous week Raphael the wand-maker simply made wands able of saving a single spell of a maximum of eleven nodes. Yet the one he held now had double the capabilities able to save two of such spells.

It was extremely likely Raphael found out how to make wands capable of saving two spells while making this glove. The reason was likely because this wand was so different compared to anything else he's made. The material was different, the size, and the shape. Any of these might have brought forth a change of perspective allowing him to understand what he previously couldn't.

Thinking about this, Villin figured Raphael was probably planning to rediscuss the price they had set. After all, while the commissioned wand was barely better than one of the first grade, the current wand rivaled the third-grade wands. But seeing as he was the reason the wand didn't end up being destroyed and he didn't want to stay at the location Raphael quickly sold it for the original price.

Wearing both of the wands Villin smiled a bit as he thought the gloves made him look kind of edgy, this actually caused another thought to come up inside of him. 'Actually, what do I look like?'.

Villin thought but he truly had never been able to see his own face. There were no mirrors in Silver's place, not even in the bathroom. As for in the school, even the water they used for pills was extremely clear not letting him see his own reflection. The only somewhat reflective surface he had seen thus far were a few pots in Silver's place but even those were extremely warped not letting him see clearly.

He suddenly got really curious thinking about how he looked. He decided to have a look in the library and see if there's a reason there aren't any mirrors even in the bathrooms.

With this thought in mind, Villin headed to his first class of the day, it was there that professor Messen made an announcement to the class.

"Students, this year the beginning-of-year tournament will take place a month earlier compared to usual. In exactly two weeks the tournament will take place. The tournament is meant to put everyone in a class with people of similar skill levels, after the tournament, there will no longer be a distinction between first and second year, there will only be the first grade. There are a few categories in the tournament, most of these are optional, please check your chests in the evening for all the necessary information." After saying this the professor had an odd expression on his face, as if he was contemplating if he should say something.

"As for the day after the tournament, there will be no classes then as the teachers have to attend a meeting."

Villin couldn't help but notice the professor didn't seem to be happy about this in the slightest and he couldn't help but wonder if something was wrong.

The two classes of the day went as usual and soon Villin had some free time. He spent some time saving 'Reverto' to his glove, then he spent the rest of the time on 'Chameleon', after a while he managed to cast it with a wand. Out of the wooden wand came a haze screen, it spread out and moved and after a few seconds, a hazy screen was spread around him. Villin though a bit before putting aside his regular wand and attempted to cast it with his glove, if the wandless effect was similar then what had just happened it didn't seem like a bad spell to save.

Sadly he didn't manage to cast it in time. It was time to head to the Cut and Crease club. He grabbed some potion materials he bought and made his way to the classroom.


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