Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 34: A Serious Fight

As soon as Villin got to the third-grade wand-maker area, he noticed something was going on in front of him.

"We are proud students of this school! How dare you make some shit like this you treacherous scum!"

A loud voice of one of the parties involved reached his ears and Villin got a bad feeling about the whole situation. "I make whatever the hell I want to make, who the hell are you to say I can't make original wands you bastard!"

The second voice was one Villin recognized, it was the wand-maker he had commissioned the previous week. He quickened his steps so that he could see what was going on. A few other people also seemed to be looking in the same direction but most of these seemed more annoyed than anything else at the commotion they were causing.

"You! I've tolerated you for long enough Raphael! I will not allow you to continue sullying the reputation of our school!"

Villin now saw the parties involved a dozen meters before him. The wand-maker called Raphael was standing behind the same stall as last time but his face was red and he looked furious. On his table were a multitude of different objects. There were a few simple knives, a walking stick, a nail, and a number of other, miscellaneous objects. But the most noticeable was a pair of gloves in the middle of the table. They were sleek red gloves that would reach up to one's elbow.

On the other side of the table was another boy. He had blonde hair and his robe also indicated he was of the third grade but his wand looked extraordinarily simple. The quality seemed to be even worse than a first grade's wand. Villin immediately knew these two men were opposites. One didn't care in the least about how a wand looks, only caring about power, while the other one only cared about looks even if the wand's power suffers.

Normally, even if the wand the conflict started with was commissioned by himself, Villin wouldn't care. But this was quite different. The blonde boy wasn't the only one to be angered. Many of the surrounding students seemed to agree with him even if they didn't speak up themselves. It looked like his commission was actually seen as a roper problem. Now that he saw this situation it wasn't all that hard for Villin to figure out why this creation was seen as traitorous.

It was all about wandless casting. Wandless casting wasn't forbidden in the central continent and certainly not in The Academy but it was a relatively new practice here. It was still seen as a way of fighting used by fighters of the western continent and the people here that have lost people to them weren't few at all. Still, wandless casting was still somewhat accepted these days, not using this at all would be too big of a disadvantage.

It would only become a real problem if you specialized in wandless casting. For someone to commission a wand in the shape of a glove, this was seen as a clear insult to their culture. As for making a wand such as this? This was even worse!

In some of the other schools on the continent, a student could be put to death for doing such a thing. Seeing the situation began to escalate Villin knew he had to do something this instant. If this fight kept going and more people got involved, he wasn't confident the wand-maker wouldn't say he was the one who commissioned it, then he could also be in a grave amount of trouble.

Yet he was too late to stop the matter from escalating further. After the blonde boy said his line he grabbed his wand and pointed forward.


Villin saw Raphael jump aside in a panic, scared out of his wits, it was clear he wasn't a fighter.

But the blonde boy wasn't aiming his crooked wand at him, instead, the point was aimed at the pair of gloves. Before casting a spell he looked at Raphael one more time "You fool, you should know I'm doing you a favor here!"

After saying that he started casting his spell "Grashga-"

Villin inwardly cursed when he saw what was happening, he spent almost all of his money on those gloves, there was no way he could just let them be destroyed.

And so he jumped forward when he heard the blonde boy begin his incantation, he couldn't let his gloves be destroyed like this. The blonde boy was just finishing his incantation when Villin reached him, bashing into his right shoulder with full-force.contemporary romance

The force of the impact caused the entire body of the blonde boy to tilt, and so his wand aimed at one of the spectators. The blonde boy had already finished his incantation and it was too late to cancel his spell. With wide eyes, he watched as a red streak came out of his wand heading straight toward one of the spectators.

The spectator was a second-grade student who had been talking to some of the third-grade students nearby, asking what was going on. He was still in a fairly good mood when he suddenly saw a bright red streak heading for him. He froze up instantly as he saw death approach, his face instantly got pale and his lips quivered.

The spell was coming closer and closer and just as people began closing their eyes expecting the boy's head to pop, an extremely fast white streak came out of nowhere hitting the red spell just an inch in front of the terrified boy's face.

Seeing the red streak pause in its tracks, someone managed to pull down the terrified boy, a moment later the effects from the white spell wore off and the red streak headed toward a wooden stall.

As soon as the wooden stall was hit it melted away, it looked as if the wood was put into a vat of acid as it instantly rotted, within a second close to a square meter of the table was gone as the spell's effect concluded. If it wasn't for the sixth grader who was looking at the situation with interest, someone would've died here.

The blonde boy who cast the spell had fallen to the ground after Villin crashed into him. When he saw the route his spell took he also paled considerably realizing that if his spell had hit the boy, death was extremely likely.

It was only when the spell's effect had worn off that he realized what all had happened, he had been pushed, that was the very reason this all had happened!

He felt as if fatigue overtook him at that moment, he just wanted to sleep but he gritted his teeth to look up, he wanted to know why someone had pushed him. Yet when he looked up all he saw was a wand, and then a blue streak as he fell asleep.

Villin was breathing heavily as well right now. He had just almost caused a death. If the sixth grader wasn't there, someone might've died. Once the spell was cast Villin was shocked for a second before he used Drowse twice onto the blonde boy he had pushed, after the second cast, the boy promptly fell asleep.

Everyone's minds were in disarray. Some people were checking up on the second-grader who had fainted due to shock while a few others checked on the boy Villin had put to sleep. The entire area was in chaos and everyone seemed to forget what the original fight was about. Nobody blamed him for knocking the blonde boy out with his spell either as he was the one that cast the first spell and he wasn't hurt.

Raphael had already gone up to his table as he was packing his things, he didn't feel like selling anything else today. When he saw Villin, he left the gloves on the table, he then walked next to him before stopping and looked the other way. Villin was about to ask what he was doing when he noticed a crystal holder in Raphael's back pocket. He quickly took out his own and paid the second half of the price.

After this Villin quickly went up, grabbed the gloves, and left the marketplace, right now most of the people around the area had just arrived so they probably wouldn't think one of the gloves was a wand. The commotion was growing bigger and bigger and if this was in the normal parts of the school a teacher would definitely have gotten involved at this point.

Once he got to his room, Villin fell onto his bed, he was sweating bullets as he realized what had all happened. "God fucking damnit, someone nearly died!"


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