Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 32

Griffa stood before the large mirror in her room on a perfect mid-spring day. She looked at the dark blue gown she wore. The sun of Adalwen with a Keene falcon flying over it was stitched in silver on the skirt. The bodice had a simple diamond pattern stitched on it. She slightly moved some of her curls on each on her shoulders. Her hair was half up with her crown sitting on her head.

“You look lovely, dear,” said Maybell who stood behind her. “You are always beautiful, but I have never seen you look more beautiful than you do today.”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t want to pull all of your hair up, my queen?” asked Elsie, her assistant. “It would be more proper.”

“No,” said Griffa. “Talon says he likes my hair down. I don’t care about being proper. I just want to please him today.”

“You would be beautiful no matter what you wore or how you did your hair,” said Maybell. “I hope this young man realizes what a jewel he is really getting.”

Griffa smiled. She turned to Maybell and took her hand. “He is wonderful, Maybell. You know how much he loves me.”

“I know. I have seen the way he looks at you. I just want him to treat you well.”

“He does, and he will. I am very happy,” said Griffa. “Thank you for being here today. I do miss seeing you. I will come visit you often.”

“I know, my dear, and I will visit you as well. I am very happy, Griffa. I will never think anyone truly deserves you, but I know Talon does love you very much. When he was staying at the manor, there were days I thought he might snatch you up and run away with you, the way he looked at you. In the end I believe your father would be pleased. I know he was skeptical of Talon and his father, but I think seeing the young man as he is now, your father would approve. It is quite something to have a Keene and a Wendell ruling over us as a queen and king.”

“I think you are right about all those things, Maybell. Now, you and Elsie need to get to the temple. I have had Addi save a seat for both of you,” said Griffa.

Maybell kissed her cheek quickly as Elsie curtsied. They left the room, leaving Griffa alone. She smiled at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t believe this day was finally here. She would marry Talon. It seemed so unlikely. A year and half ago, this never would ever happen. She had dreamed of marrying Ansel. She would have married him if he had lived, but it was not meant to be. She still thought of Ansel often, but she would do it mostly with a smile. He had asked her to live well and be happy. She planned to do it for him and herself. She did love Talon. She loved him very much. She found that she was deliriously happy.

Griffa looked one more time at herself in the mirror and then turned and walked from the room. She went down the stairs to find Kedan waiting for her alone in the entry hall. He looked very handsome in his protector’s tunic. He stared at her as she moved towards him. He walked to meet her as she reached the bottom of the stairs, taking her hand and kissing it.

“You look beautiful, Griffa,” he said softly.

“You look very handsome as always, Kedan,” said Griffa.

She looked at him standing next to her as her protector. She smiled at him and took his hand, feeling the bond they shared. “Kedan, thank you for doing this for me.”

I am happy you have chosen me for this honor. I only hope that Talon truly deserves you.”

“You know he does, Kedan. You know how much he has loved me for so long. I am very happy. You must sense how happy I truly am.”

“Yes, and I am happy for you. He definitely loves you, but I will still watch him. He may be my king after today, but nothing comes before you, my queen.”

Griffa leaned up and kissed Kedan’s cheek. “I love you, Kedan. I value you not only as my protector, but also as one of my dearest friends. I hope you are happy living here in the city with me.”

“I find that I like living in Aurumist with you as the queen very much. I am very happy, Griffa.”

“Good,” said Griffa. “Now, hopefully we can find someone for you soon. I have been thinking it over, and I have decided you should marry.”

Kedan laughed. “You have decided that for me, have you? I suppose you have a woman in mind.”

“Yes, and I believe you have the same woman in your mind as well. She is perfect for you, Kedan. I hope you know it.”

“We will see what happens, my queen, but today is your wedding day. You should focus on that.”

“You are right. Today is my wedding day, and I am sure I will be too busy to manage your personal life. You are free to enjoy today as you see fit,” said Griffa.

“We must be going,” said Kedan offering Griffa his arm. “You should not be late for your own wedding day.”

“I will never be late for anything, Kedan,” said Griffa taking his arm. “I am the queen, and I think you will find I am always right on time for every event.”

Kedan laughed at her as he escorted her out of the palace. They walked through the palace gates and into the first Ring of Aurumist. Griffa smiled at him as she felt Kedan’s shield surround her. People had lined up to see the queen walk to the temple. They waved and smiled at her. It was a bright spring day that was warm and pleasant.

As they got to the temple, Kedan turned and looked at Griffa. “Are you ready, my queen?”

“I am,” said Griffa. “I am beyond ready.”

“It looks like everyone is set,” said Kedan looking into the temple. He pulled Griffa close to him. “I am very happy for you, Griffa. I know things may not have turned out as we all planned, but I do believe he will make a good king.”

“I know he will,” said Griffa. “I also know I love him. Things rarely turn out as we plan, Kedan, but that does not mean we cannot all be happy. He is second to no one to me. I will have no regrets.”

The walked into the temple to see benches had been set up all around the statue of the gods. A cleric stood in front of the statue. Addi stood on one side looking very pretty in her red gown. Griffa looked to the other side to see Max and Talon looking at her. Talon stared at her as she and Kedan slowly walked towards them. He was wearing a black tunic with the sun of Adalwen stitched on the front. Two small silver foxes were stitched on his shoulders to represent his family. He looked more handsome than she had ever seen him. Everything about what was happening felt so right. Talon’s eyes looked almost as if they had tears in them. Griffa glanced to the sides as she walked down towards the statue.

She saw Nora, holding her young daughter, smiling at her with Cillian sitting by her side. She saw Addi smile at her before turning her eyes to Kedan and blushing. She saw Maybell with tears in her eyes sitting close to Clara and other Ring members. Then Griffa just looked at Talon as she got close to him. He was staring at her with a bright smile on his face. When they got to the front, Talon came close to her. Kedan took Griffa’s hand and kissed it. He then placed it in Talon’s hand and walked to stand by Max. Talon walked with her up to stand in front of the cleric.

The ceremony passed almost in a blur to Griffa. The cleric said some words and then a prayer. He then turned to Griffa.

“Queen Gryphon of the blood of Adalwen do you pledge yourself to Talon Wendell. Do you promise to show love and respect to him? Do you freely bond yourself to him as his wife?”

“I pledge to always respect and love him as my husband. I freely enter into a lifelong bond with him.”

The cleric turned to Talon.

“Talon Wendell do you pledge yourself to your Queen, Gryphon of the blood of Adalwen. Do your promise to show love and respect to her. Do you freely bond yourself to her as her husband?”

Talon stared at her and took a breath. “I pledge to always respect and love her as my wife. I freely enter into a lifelong bond with her.”

“Do you pledge to serve as her king consort, serving you queen freely, and helping her as she sees fit?”

“I will serve my queen however she needs me. I gladly pledge myself to her as her king consort.”

“Do you vow to serve the kingdom as the king, giving your loyalty only to your queen and the kingdom.”

“I will gladly serve the kingdom and my queen, knowing nothing comes before my loyalty to Regventus and my queen.”

The cleric held two simple silver rings in his hand. He squeezed them together in his closed fist and then opened his hand. Griffa and Talon each took one and placed it on each other’s finger.

The cleric then took their hands and joined them together. Talon gripped Griffa’s hand and looked at her. She could feel tears coming to her eyes. The cleric put his hand over their conjoined ones.

“Do you both swear to spend this life together until the end, and find each other on your next adventure where you will travel on together forever?”

“Yes,” they both said at the same time.

“I join these two together in this life and the next. The gods bless this union, and nothing should ever cause it to be undone.”

Griffa felt her hand grow warm. She felt as though something wrapped around their hands tying them together. She looked at Talon and felt nothing but intense love for him.

The cleric moved his hand away from theirs. He said some more words and prayers, but all Griffa could concentrate on was Talon and the love she felt for him. He gazed back at her, looking at her with so much love, Griffa thought she had never been happier.

“We celebrate the love of our queen and king, may the gods guide them and us in the days to come.”

With that the ceremony was over. Griffa and Talon walked out of the temple. Kedan followed at a short distance. The people started to leave the temple as Talon and Griffa approached the palace gates. He started walking quicker, dragging Griffa with him. They entered the palace, and he took her into the place study close to the throne room. He closed the door quickly and turned to her. He pulled her close to him, and put his hand behind her neck, bending down and kissing her.

“We will have to go to the ballroom soon, Talon,” said Griffa as they pulled apart. “Everyone will be waiting for us, and we will have to make our appearance on the balcony.”

“They can wait for a little longer. It will take them a while to all get to the ballroom,” said Talon as he bent down and kissed Griffa again.

He led her to the sofa in the sitting area in the front of the room. He sat her down and kissed her over and over.

“I am afraid I will hardly be presentable after this,” said Griffa breathlessly as Talon raised her skirt with his hand.

“I will help you set things to right, but above all you will look like a wife who is very loved by her husband.”

“Hmm, my husband,” said Griffa purring as Talon kissed her neck, slowly laying her down on the sofa. He his hand moved slowly up her thigh, and Griffa moaned, “My king.”

Talon looked at her, making a low noise in his throat. “Good gods, Griffa, do you ever want me to let you leave this room?”

“Do you like when I call you that, my king?” asked Griffa before kissing Talon’s jaw.

She decided he did like it. He seemed to like it very much.

They did eventually make it to the ballroom. No one commented on their late appearance until Max smirked at her as he danced with her.

“I see that you were a little late for your own wedding ball, my queen,” said Max.

“A queen is never late, Max. She is always right on time.”

“I suppose that is true, Griffa,” said Max as he waved his hand behind her upper back. “I would comment that a few of your buttons had seemed to come undone, but I suppose it’s not polite to tell a queen that in public.”

“Not polite at all,” said Griffa. “Now, how long until we celebrate again with your own wedding.”

“Just a few months. Bettina wanted you to have some time with your husband before she asked you to travel to Arialla”

“You are betrothed, and you didn’t even tell me,” said Griffa hitting Max’s arm.

“It was very recent, and you have been busy preparing for your own wedding. You are the first person that has been told besides Oliver.”

“When I get back, we will have to celebrate. I am very happy for you, Max. She is quite a young woman. I think you are both very fortunate to have found each other.”

“She is wonderful. I have been very lucky in love in my short life, to have found two extraordinary women to love me.”

“I believe we have both been blessed that way, Max. It sounds like it should be hard, that our hearts would be divided, but I find I have plenty of room for my love of Ansel that still remains, and the love I have for Talon. They do not conflict in any way.”

“I know what you mean, Griffa. If anything, Issa’s love helped me to understand my love for Bettina. Issa helped make me who I am. Bettina is a continuation of that. Our lives are like a story, every part is important towards making the proper ending.”

“I will always miss him, Max,” said Griffa softly. “I know you understand that as well.”

“I do, but I don’t think you will ever regret your life with Talon. Live well, and be happy, Griffa. That is all Ansel every wanted for you.”

“No, I will have no regrets spending my life with Talon.”

Talon and Griffa made their appearance on the balcony with Kedan behind them. They waved to the crowds below who seemed very happy to see their king and queen. Some also seemed equally happy to see Kedan, but Griffa didn’t mind. Before long, people were starting to leave the ballroom, which meant Talon and Griffa could leave as well. Kedan had suggested to go to the river house the palace owned. He said it would be the perfect place for a newly wedded couple to spend a few days.

Kedan wasn’t enthusiastic about Griffa leaving without him, but she knew he understood it. He stood in the entryway with Max, Bettina, and Addi as Griffa and Talon came down the stairs after changing and grabbing their cases. Griffa took Kedan’s hand.

“It will only be for a few days. Gets some rest and enjoy some time with your son. I have left some potion in your room to help you sleep, as well as the techniques for managing any discomfort you feel from being away from me. I will put my shield down several times a day so you can check in on me.”

“I hope you have a pleasant time, my queen. I will miss you, but I am glad you are getting away.”

“Thank you, protector,” said Griffa smiling. “I look forward to seeing you and Zayden when I return. I believe there is someone else here who will be glad to have your time as well.”

Kedan smiled slightly and glanced at Addi. “I think you are right, my queen.”

Griffa hugged Addi as Addi whispered. “I will miss you, Griffa, but I hope you do enjoy your time away.”

Griffa kissed Addi’s cheek. “I hope you are able to enjoy my time away as well.”

Addi blushed and smiled.

Griffa moved on to Max who was speaking with Talon. Whatever Talon had said, made Max chuckle and shake his head.

“What did I miss?” asked Griffa.

“Nothing you need to worry about, my love,” said Talon taking her hand.

“Take care of the kingdom while we are gone, Max,” said Griffa. “If anything comes up you can contact me.”

“You should go to Clara first. It better be something very large like the destruction of the entire city if you do contact Griffa,” said Talon.

Griffa elbowed Talon. “Really, Max if you need anything, you can send me a message.”

“I think I can keep the kingdom running for a few days, Griffa. Go enjoy yourself.” Max took her hand and squeezed it before letting it go.

“I suppose you will have plenty of help,” said Griffa looking at Bettina. She leaned in and hugged the young woman. “I am very happy for you. I look forward to celebrating when I return.”

Bettina smiled. “I am very happy, my queen. I hope you know how much I love him. I know how important he is to you.”

“I don’t think he could have made a better choice,” said Griffa letting Bettina go.

Griffa turned back to Max. She took his hand. “Max, I hope you do know how much you mean to me. It seems an age since we met, but it hasn’t been that long. It’s hard to believe were we started to see how it all ended.”

“It hasn’t ended, Griffa. It’s actually just begun, and everything is as it should be,” said Max smiling. “Go enjoy yourself for a while. You have earned some relaxation and merriment.”

“As have you, Max. I am so very happy for you” said Griffa gripping his hand.

“I am happy for you, as well,” said Max. Griffa bent down and kissed Max’s cheek. “Go on. I will see you in a few days.”

Max looked at Talon and said, “There are no doubts, Talon. You have nothing to fear.”

Griffa let go of Max’s hand and looked curiously at Talon. He took her hand with a small grin and led her to the middle of the entrance hall. “I’ll tell you later,” Talon whispered and Griffa nodded.

Griffa looked at Talon and concentrated on Kedan’s description of the River House. She soon felt herself travel.

Griffa leaned on the rail of the bedroom balcony overlooking the river. Talon stood behind her with his arms around her. He had moved her hair and was kissing her neck. She watched as the sun started to set over the river.

“This is a beautiful kingdom.”

“It is very beautiful,” whispered Talon as he pulled her against him. He kissed Griffa’s shoulder.

“I am being serious, Talon,” said Griffa turning slightly to look at him.

“So am I.” He put his chin on her shoulder. “You are a part of the kingdom, and the most beautiful part of it I have ever seen.”

She smiled. “I want to be a good ruler of this kingdom. I want to be worthy of being called the queen.”

Talon leaned up and pulled Griffa around to look at him. “You are a very good ruler of this kingdom. It has already been proven time and time again that you are worthy of your title. You should never doubt yourself,”

“I don’t doubt myself. I just want to make sure I remind myself from time to time how fortunate I am to be able to lead such a beautiful, wonderful kingdom.”

“And we as your people should remind ourselves how we are fortunate to have such a loving, powerful, beautiful queen,” said Talon. He bent down and kissed her.

“What did Max mean with what he said to your back in the palace?”

Talon smiled sadly and looked down. “I had feared you might wish I was someone else at times. I thought perhaps you might always yearn for Ansel as your husband.”

Griffa looked down to catch his eye. “Look at me, please, Talon. He was and is very important to me. I do love Ansel still, but it has nothing to do with what I feel for you. I can tell you for certain I am wishing for no one but you to be by my side today. In the study I can guarantee I was only thinking of you.”

“I know, my love. I do not want you to forget him. I don’t want to forget him. I hope you know how much I cared about him as well. I trust in your love, and I know we will be happy.”

“We will because we have decided it is so. I know hard times will come, but I also know I will always be happy you are by my side.”

Talon pulled her close and kissed her again. After pulling back he said. “Take a few moments and just enjoy where you are, Griffa. After all you have been through, you are here with me in this beautiful place.”

“You are right,” said Griffa as she wrapped her arms around Talon. “And after all that has happened, there is no place I would rather be.”

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