Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 31

Griffa lay in bed on the last night of spring. Tomorrow she would be crowned, and she would have to be up before dawn to prepare for her coronation. She should have been asleep ages ago, but she could not sleep. She had too many thoughts running through her mind. She could call for Kedan to come comfort her, but she didn’t want to push her thoughts aside. She wanted to work through them.

For the hundredth time since the battle of Aurumist, Griffa longed for Ansel. She wished she could speak with him. She wished she could hear him tell her not to worry. He would remind her she was the rightful queen. He would tell her how wonderful she was and to go to sleep. She smiled a little.

For the first few months when she thought of Ansel, she would cry, but lately she found she could smile at memories of him. It was still painful to think of him being gone, but that pain was not as frequent or as sharp. There were days she could be very merry, teasing Addi, and trading barbs with Talon. She could work on potions with Max, and walk through the city, greeting her people. Life went on, and she had to go on with it. She would never be the same after losing Ansel, but she was slowly finding a new way forward.

Griffa had also noticed something else that was happening. She was spending more and more time thinking of Talon. He had been very sweet with her. He had given her space, while also being there for her. He had talked to her of memories of Ansel. He had been careful to not flirt with her too much, though lately she had shamelessly encouraged him. He had only touched her by holding her hand. The last few weeks, she found that she wouldn’t mind being in his arms. She had thoughts of kissing him. At first, she had felt guilty with these feelings, but she found the guilt was fading.

What was more, she found herself thinking of Talon as her future king. It felt right. The gods had told her he was sent to her to be her king, maybe it was fate after all. She never really believed in fate, but everything about being with Talon felt right to her. She had dreamed of him recently. She felt drawn to him. She could even feel some sort of desire coming back to her when she thought of him. She wasn’t ready for too much yet, but she could admit to herself that she did want him.

Griffa tossed and turned in her bed until she knew she would not sleep. She got up from the bed and put on her robe and slippers. She walked out of her rooms, paying no mind to the two guards by her door. She went down the stairs into the entry hall and walked into the dark, cool throne room. She glanced towards the dais to look at the throne, when she realized she was not alone.

Talon sat on the platform with a small flame in his hand. He was shifting it through his fingers before letting it circle around his wrist. He must have heard her footsteps or sensed her presence because he put out the small flame and looked up at Griffa. He hopped off of the dais and walked towards her as she walked towards him. They met in the middle of the throne room.

Talon took both of her hands wordlessly and stared at her. Griffa smiled and took a breath. She found she wasn’t surprised to find him there, and he didn’t seem overly shocked to meet with her either. She slowly moved closer to Talon. She let go of one of his hands to put her hand on his cheek. He leaned into her hand and pulled her even closer.

“Griffa,” he started softly.

Griffa shook her head, cutting him off. She leaned forward and kissed his lips gently. He wrapped his arm around her pulling her against him as he slowly deepened their kiss. She felt herself smile against his lips. He pulled back and looked at her with a large smile on his own face.

“Soon,” she said quietly. “I’ll be ready, soon.”

He seemed to understand her because he smiled even bigger before pulling her into his arms and holding her.

“You should be asleep, dearest,” he said as he held her. “You have a big day starting in a few hours.”

“I couldn’t sleep,” said Griffa feeling very good as she relaxed in his arms. “I had too much on my mind.”

“What can I do to help?” he asked.

“Will you come stay with me until I fall asleep? I know it’s not right of me to ask, but I don’t want to be away from you.”

Talon pulled back and nodded. He offered Griffa his arm, and she took it letting him guide her towards her rooms.

“I will have to make sure I don’t fall asleep in your bed, or I will shock that new assistant of yours,” said Talon as they took the stairs.

“Let her be shocked. She will need to learn what an improper queen she serves at some point. I foresee her being shocked quite often by you in my rooms sometime in the future.”

Talon raised an eyebrow at Griffa as she laughed.

Max stood outside of the temple next to Talon. He glanced at Talon to see him staring at the temple door. Griffa was inside with Kedan, and she had been in there since dawn. She was required to spend the morning praying to the gods. asking for guidance as her protector and the clerics watched over her. At the end of her prayers, the clerics would ask for the gods’ approval. Only the one approved by the gods could wear the crown of Aurumist. The crown would not sit on her head if she was not found worthy.

Max shifted his legs and blew a puff of air in his face. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead, and he swiped at it. He pulled his tunic, which was green with the sun of Adalwen stitched on it, slightly away from him and moved it to create some air against his body. Talon stood straight next to him wearing his own forest green tunic bearing his own family standard of a fox. Talon looked comfortable, as if the hot summer air didn’t bother him at all. Behind them, closer to the palace, people had started gathering to see the queen as she would walk by them. Protector’s guards lined the way waiting for their queen to appear.

Max sighed as a breeze reached them and blew across Max’s sweaty face. Talon looked at him and smiled.

“Are you not uncomfortably hot?” asked Max as he used his forearm to wipe at his brow.

“Not really. As a mage, my body tends to acclimate to the weather around me.” He raised his hand and sent a soft, cool wind at Max, before looking back at the door.

Max smiled at Talon and said, “You will not make her come out any sooner, watching the door, Talon. She will stay until she is ready. You know she takes her faith and her title very seriously.”

Talon nodded. “I am just nervous about her walk to the palace. I am hoping no one tries anything today.”

“She will be with Kedan. He will keep a shield up the whole time. She will be with us and surrounded by guards. You have helped Kedan set up her protections. You know she is as safe as she can be.”

“I know,” said Talon. “It just seems that nothing happens easily for our queen. It’s hard to accept she is safe.”

“That’s because she will never be truly and completely safe,” said Max. “She is going to reign as queen during a difficult time for the kingdom. There are many who are still refusing to accept the new way of things. She will have to make difficult decisions that will make people angry no matter what she decides.”

“You aren’t making me feel any better, Max,” grumbled Talon.

“I’m not trying to make you feel better. I’m being honest. Still, there are many things we can do to keep her safe. We are doing them now. We will continue to seek out those who would hurt her. You know I want to keep her safe as much as you, Talon.”

Talon nodded and turned back to the temple door.

“She will be loved by most of the kingdom.” Max had seen visions staying in the palace. They weren’t very specific, but he had feelings and glimpses of things. He knew there would still be struggles. There would still be hurtful and hard times, but Max was confident Griffa would rule long and well.

“I hope you are right, Max,” said Talon. “I don’t see why you wouldn’t be. Of course, the people don’t know half of what she went through for them.”

“Yes,” answered Max. “She went through much, and lost a great deal for the kingdom to go on.”

Talon turned to look at Max. “I know. I wish I could have spared her that loss. I wish he was here today to see this.”

“He may not be here with us,” said Max quietly. “But I have no doubt he is watching.”

Max heard Talon sigh. He looked over to see Talon staring at the ground.

“You shouldn’t feel guilty, you know. He would want her to be happy, and I believe you can make her happy, Talon.”

“Not like she was with him. She told me she is almost ready, but I don’t know if I can do it, Max. Will she not always be wishing I was him? Will she not always be wanting him instead of me?”

“You know when I lost Issa, I wasn’t sure I would ever love again. She was everything I ever wanted. I still miss her. I still love her, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t love another. You may know that I have recently found myself having feelings for someone. I find that it doesn’t diminish what I had with Issa, but I am also not longing for Issa when I am with Bettina.”

Talon looked up at Max.

“Griffa loved Ansel very much. She always will, but that does not mean she does not love you. I know she loves you, Talon. You know it as well. What she has with you has nothing to do with her feelings for Ansel. If you choose a life with her, I don’t think either of you will be disappointed.”

“If she wants to be with me, I know I wouldn’t be able to resist, even if she wished I was someone else. I just want her to be happy, truly happy.”

“Then trust she knows what she wants, and trust her love for you.”

They both turned as the doors of the temple opened.

Griffa walked out slowly with Kedan at her side. She wore a forest green gown that matched Max and Talon’s tunics perfectly. The sun of Adalwen was stitched over the front of her bodice in gold. Her hair was piled up on her head in a circle of braids. A few of her curls had come loose and dangled on her neck. Max smiled at the sight of her. Talon stood perfectly still, staring at her as Max joined his side, awaiting Griffa.

She walked confidently from the temple to stand before them both. Max could feel the magic and power radiating off of her. Talon and Max bowed before her, and she looked down at them.

“Who comes before me?” she asked.

“Talon Wendell, the second on your Ring, and your loyal friend.”

“Maxwell of the line of Adalwen, the great diviner of the ring, and your kin.”

“Will you walk with me on this path I take as queen of this kingdom?”

“Yes, my queen, we will help you carry this burden. We devote our lives to you and the kingdom,” said the both of them together as they looked up at Griffa.

“Rise, and join me on my path if you are willing,” said Griffa smiling down at them.

They both stood up. Talon and Max joined her at her sides while Kedan walked behind her. They started slowly walking down the path towards the palace. Max saw that Kedan had his hand slightly raised the entire time. Max could feel the shield he had placed around Griffa.

As they walked closer to the castle, Max could see many people crowded together to get a glimpse of Griffa. No one had seen a true king or queen crowned in this lifetime. The ritual hadn’t been used for over five hundred years. People talked quietly as Griffa passed. The magical blooded folk and some non-gifted bowed down as she walked towards the palace. Griffa looked straight ahead towards the palace as all in their small group walk silently.

When they reached the palace, two guards opened the doors. Griffa stopped for a second and closed her eyes. After a moment she took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and looked at Max. He gave her a small nod and grabbed her hand for a moment. She cut her eyes to Talon who openly grinned at her. She then looked straight and walked through the door. Max stayed by her side as they turned to the doors of the throne room. He could hear people talking from within the room. The door was opened by two protector’s guards and the room before them fell silent.

The throne room was filled with people, but they had left a path for Griffa to walk. She stepped into the room and slowly walked the path. As they walked, Max looked at the people to the left and the right. He saw several that he knew.

Desmona Delis and Marcus Quick stood in the crowd. Marcus was smiling, and Desmona looked solemn. Max looked at Oliver Devins as they passed. Oliver seemed to be watching Griffa, but he turned and winked at Max. Addi was towards the front of the room, and she smiled at all of them. Griffa’s Ring was gathered in the front of the dais. Bettina looked at Max and smiled at him as he felt himself color. The whole Ring turned and looked at Griffa as she approached.

They followed her progress as she made up to the dais with Max, Talon, and Kedan still following her. She walked to the middle of the Dais where the High Cleric from Abscon stood. He was an old man dressed in dark robes. Next to him on a stand was the crown of Aurumist. It was a round gold crown with pointed tips all the way around.

Griffa looked at the high cleric and nodded as Max, Kedan, and Talon stood behind. The cleric addressed the crowd.

“Today we come before the people of this kingdom and our gods to crown the one true ruler of Regventus, Gryphon Keene. She is of the full blood of Adalwen. She has spent the morning in prayer and meditation. We have asked for her approval by the gods, and now, we will find if she is worthy.”

The cleric carefully picked up the crown of Aurumist. He held it next to Griffa and looked at her.

“Gryphon Keene do you claim you are the heir to this crown?”

“I am the blood of Adalwen, and the heir to this crown.”

“Do you claim the right to rule the people of this kingdom?”

“As the Queen of Regventus I claim the right rule with mercy and goodness all who dwell in this kingdom.”

“If approved by the gods, will you serve as queen until the time is right for another to take your place?”

“I will serve until it is time for me to step aside,” replied Griffa.

The cleric turned to look at Max and the others. “Do you, who have chosen to walk with her, claim she is the true ruler of this kingdom?”

“Gryphon Keene is the one true ruler of Regventus, there is no doubt,” said Max in unison with the others.

“If she is found worthy, do you devote your lives to serve her?”

“She will be found worthy. We devote our lives in service to our queen.”

The cleric turned back to Griffa.

“Gryphon Keene, kneel before your people and the gods. If you are found worthy by the gods, this crown shall sit upon your head. Once it is there, you agree to rule as the gods see fit.”

Griffa kneeled down, and the cleric held the crown over her head. He bowed his head and closed his eyes. After a moment he opened them and slowly put the crown on Griffa’s head. It sat perfectly there. The cleric took Griffa’s hand and helped her up.

“The gods have approved. They have found Gryphon Keene worthy. She is your queen and the on true ruler of Regventus. She is named today Queen Gryphon of the blood of Adalwen. May she rule long and well.”

The crowd said together, “Our queen has been chosen, may she rule long and well.”

The crowd then kneeled before her. Max and the others on the dais did the same. Max glanced to see Griffa looking out over her people. She then turned to those on the platform with her.

“You who have been with me on this journey, rise and continue on with me as we rule Regventus fairly.”

The all stood. Griffa turned and looked down at the rest of the Ring.

“My Ring, you have chosen to give me council and support. Rise and vow to serve me and the kingdom.”

The members of the Ring rose as Griffa looked out at the crowd. “You are my people. I vow to remember my responsibility to you. May the gods watch over us and guide us all. Please rise and know that as I rule, I also serve you.”

The crowd rose as Max and Talon walked to Griffa’s side. The crowd applauded enthusiastically as Max took Griffa’s hand and kissed it. She grinned at him as he let her hand go. Talon pulled her close. He took her hand but before he could bring it up to his lips, Griffa reached up and kissed him quickly on his lips. He smiled at her before she then turned and walked before the throne. She took a deep breath and turned around and sat down. Talon and Max stood by each side with Kedan standing by Max.

“A long life to our queen,” said the cleric loudly.

“May she reign many years with mercy and goodness,” replied the crowd.

The people started to leave to head to the ballroom. While there would be no ball as the Ring had decided the kingdom was not ready for such an event, many of the people would gather to celebrate and greet the queen. The cleric wished Griffa well, and walked down to join the rest of the people as they left the room. Griffa was left on the dais with Max, Kedan, and Talon.

“This hardly seems real,” she said touching her crown gently.

“It’s very real, my queen,” said Max smiling at Griffa. “It is real, and it is right.”

“I’m not sure I feel any different,” said Griffa. “I hope we have not made some horrible mistake.”

“You have already been our chosen queen for a long time,” said Talon. “Even so, there is no doubt in my eyes looking at you, wearing that crown. I don’t think anyone in this kingdom could have any doubts. Can you not sense your power and magic? Griffa”

“It’s true,” said Max coming to her side.

He could feel the magic coming off of her. He could feel the intense draw she held as his queen. He was almost afraid to touch her, but he carefully took her hand and let their magic mix together. He tried to convey to her how his blood and magic sung in her presence. It called out to her, recognizing its queen.

“Thank you.”. She reached up and kissed Max on his cheek, letting go of his hand.

Talon walked up to her and took her hand gently. Griffa drew her hand back as though something had shocked her. She looked up at Talon with confusion on her face. He looked down at her and smiled. Max watched them as they stared at each other, and he knew. The bond between them he could never quite figure out was very obvious. This is the way it was intended. Talon would be Griffa’s king. He was always meant to be Griffa’s king. Max had already figured it would happen, but now he could sense the true bond between them; what had always drawn them to one another. Talon should have no doubts about Griffa’s love for him now.

Griffa slowly took Talon’s hand and smiled at him. He leaned forward and kissed her gently before pulling back. She whispered something to him that made him smile, before turning to Kedan.

“Kedan, go to the ballroom with me as I meet with the people. I believe you are quite good at this part of ruling.”

“Is this how it’s going to be, Griffa?” asked Talon, laughing. “You will pass me over for your handsome protector for public appearances?”

“My protector should always be by my side. You will have to get used to working the crowds in favor of your queen. You might as well start today.”

Griffa took Kedan’s arm and walked off the dais. They talked happily as they walked towards the exit in the back of the room.

“I always told Ansel he shouldn’t have found her such a good looking protector,” said Talon quietly to Max. “Perhaps this was his way of being able to torture me forever.”

Max only chucked as he and Talon followed Griffa and Kedan to the ballroom.

Talon stood in the protector’s quarters with Kedan, Griffa, and Addi. Five months after Griffa’s coronation, the rooms were finally done and ready for Kedan to live in them with his son. It had taken a while to find them. They had been boarded up with a large bookshelf over them. They were just down the hallway from Griffa’s room. They found the quarters by following the palace map that was in the old book Issa had found when they were trying to rescue Griffa and Max.

After moving the large bookshelf and breaking through the boards, an ornate door with a large tree carved into it was found. They walked in to find a sitting area with fireplace, a small room off of the sitting room, that Kedan said could be used for his son, and a large bedroom and a washroom. Griffa had the rooms redone to fit Kedan’s needs. The room was repaired and cleaned; new furniture was brought in. Talon thought Kedan would be very comfortable there.

“I hope you are happy with your new home, Kedan,” said Griffa walking over to the large fireplace.

“I am very pleased, my queen,” replied Kedan.

Griffa went over to the fireplace and traced her hand over the large tree found there. It was once the sigil for the line of Raya, and now belonged to Kedan and the line of Protectors.

“Are you alright, my queen?” asked Kedan walking over to her. “I imagine this is difficult for you.”

Griffa looked up and smiled at Kedan. “It does make me think of him, but I find that I am not sad. He would be pleased to see you in here, Kedan. He believed in you and your ability to carry on the line. You are the first protector to live here in over five hundred years.”

“I know,” said Kedan. “I respect the line and all that Ansel taught me. I will honor him, Griffa, by serving you well, and teaching Zayden to serve the next king or queen. Ansel or his line will not be forgotten.”

Griffa took Kedan’s. “You are very worthy of your position, Kedan. I want no one but you as my protector. I think you honor him and his line every day.”

Kedan raised Griffa’s hand kissed it and then turned to look at all of them. “Would you all like to have a drink with me? I believe Zayden is sound asleep at the moment.”

Addi smiled at Kedan. “I would be happy to sit with you a moment, Kedan.”

Griffa looked at Talon with a quick wink. She had told Talon she had a feeling Addi and Kedan were growing rather fond of each other.

“Griffa, you seem tired, perhaps I should escort you to your rooms so you can rest,” said Talon walking up to her and returning her wink.

“Yes, I believe that would be for the best,” said Griffa. “I will come visit you and Zayden tomorrow, Kedan. You should take a few days to settle in before we spend a week in the kingdom. There are some people I need to visit with.”

Kedan gave Griffa a small bow as Talon escorted her from the rooms and out into the hall. They walked to Griffa’s door. She nodded at the two guards there who opened the door as Talon brought her inside her suite of rooms. The door closed behind them.

She walked to the sofa in front of the fireplace and sat down. “I find that I am not as tired as I thought I was. Would you share a drink with me, Talon?”

Talon nodded and sat down next to Griffa as she poured two glasses of wine on the small table in front of them. She handed one to Talon as she sat back with her own glass.

“Perhaps we should have a toast,” said Griffa.

“What would you like to toast, my queen?” asked Talon.

“Love, it seems to be blooming all around us in the dead of winter.”

Talon chuckled and nodded. “To love then.” They touched glasses and each took a swig of wine. “Do you really think something will come of Kedan and Addi?”

“I hope it does,” said Griffa before taking another sip of wine. “I think they could be well suited. He needs someone to care for him, and she is the most caring person I know.”

“They are both also very devoted to you, my queen. I think if any woman could understand and deal with his bond with you, it would be our Addi.”

“True, between those two and Max and Bettina, I think we could be in store for at least a couple of weddings soon, maybe more,” said Griffa as she glanced at Talon with a sly smile.

Talon took a swig of his wine and looked at Griffa trying to understand what she meant. It had been just over a year since the battle of Aurumist. The first anniversary of the day had passed quietly in the city. Griffa spent the day in her rooms with Max, Kedan, Addi, and Talon. Talon had sat by her the whole time. When it got late everyone else had left, but she had asked Talon to stay with her. He spent the night with her, holding her in her bed. He had not spent a night in his bed since. Nothing had happened between them except a few kisses, but those kisses had lately become more passionate.

Griffa finished her wine and put the glass on the table in front of her before scooting closer to Talon. Talon finished his own wine, putting his glass down and wrapping his arm around Griffa’s shoulder.

“Talon, do you ever think of the future?” Griffa asked as she snuggled into his side.

“Yes, I have thought of the future a lot lately.”

“What do you see?”

“You,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “I see serving you as you see fit. I see you ruling this kingdom well. I see you building Regventus into what it should be.”

“Is that all you see?” she asked.

“No, but I dare not tell you the rest.”

“Why?” she asked looking up at him.

“I am afraid if I speak it, it will not come true.”

“Can I tell you what I see?” She scooted up closer to him, so they were face to face. She put her arms loosely around his neck as Talon nodded. “I see you by my side, ruling with me. I see you sharing a life with me. I see you and me raising our children to become the leaders they need to be for the kingdom. Does that scare you?”

“No,” said Talon as he licked his lips. “I see the same thing.”

“You said you would serve me as I see fit, correct?”

“Yes,” he answered.

“Will you serve as my king, then?” asked Griffa.

Talon looked at her. He had hoped and dreamed of this for so long; he found for once in his life, he was speechless.

Griffa moved away slightly and looked down. “I am sorry. I have overstepped. I thought perhaps, but…”

Talon grabbed her and pulled her gently to him. He looked at her. “You are sure?”

“Yes,” she said. “I am very sure. I am ready, Talon. I love you.”

He kissed her with no hesitation. After a moment she pulled back. “So, is that a yes?”

“Yes, Griffa. I want to marry you. I will marry you tomorrow if you want. I would marry you right now if I could. You must know I have wanted this for a long time. I told you to tell me when you were ready. I said if you said one word to me about it, I would not hesitate to claim you.”

“I was afraid maybe things had changed. I have made you wait so long. I was afraid you had gotten tired of waiting.”

“I would wait for you all my life, it that is what it took. I know you have lost so much, but I will do everything to make you happy. I don’t deserve someone as good as you, but I will do everything I can to become someone worthy of your love.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Talon. It’s not about who deserves who. I love you, and I want to be with you. I hope you feel the same way.”. She stood up and held out her hand. Talon took it and stood up next to her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

As Talon kissed her, he thought of all the things he wanted to say to her. He wanted to tell her just how much he loved her. He wanted to assure her he wanted her above everything, but he had learned his words were not as important as his actions. He would have years to prove to her how much she meant to him. So instead of telling her how he felt, he worked to show her.

He concentrated on the feel of her lips against his and the elation he felt in having her in his arms. He felt like he was almost in a dream. He held Griffa tightly as he kissed her. He might never truly deserve her, but he would do everything he could to be who she needed.

“I would still like to prove to be worthy of you in some way,” said Talon as he pulled back slightly from her.

Griffa grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her bedroom. “Come, my future king,” she said smiling. “I think there are many ways you can prove yourself worthy, and I am quite eager to experience them all.”

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