Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 3

Max walked down the stairs in the house they were staying in Arialla. It was not an overly large home, but it was suitable to meet their needs. Everyone even had their own room with Griffa and Ansel sharing. They all had spent the day resting and cleaning themselves up for their dinner that night. Max felt more refreshed than he had in a while after a bath. He had put on the only nice shirt and pants he had brought, and he had cleaned up his boots the best he could.

He entered the parlor to find Griffa sitting alone on the sofa. She was dressed in a blue gown with the sun of Adalwen stitched on the bodice. Her hair was half up, and she wore her crown on her forehead. She was sitting with her head laid back on the sofa and her eyes closed. Max approached quietly and sat on a chair next to her as Griffa opened her eyes and sat up. She looked at Max and smiled.

“Oh, I’m glad to see you, Max. I was afraid you were Ansel or Talon.”

Max grinned. “I know they are a bit much at the moment, but they do care about you, Griffa.”

“I have no doubt of it, but when I am around them, I can find no peace,” sighed Griffa as she took Max’s hand and held it.

Max sat quietly and let their magic mingle together through their conjoined hands. It was comforting, feeling the familiar way their magic recognized each other. He looked at Griffa and could feel her anxiousness and worry.

“I’m sorry you are feeling stressed. Are you worried about tonight?” asked Max letting go of Griffa’s hand.

“No, I am sure it will be fine. Bettina is not overly friendly, but I do not think she is unkind. I think she will continue to hear us out and choose wisely.”

“What is worrying you then?” asked Max. “Is it just Ansel and Talon?”

“No, they are certainly not helping, but my main concern is the kingdom. No matter how hard we all work, the illness keeps spreading. I can feel the suffering of my people. I am also worried about Aurumist. I am worried about how many are facing the same fate as Teryn. We haven’t heard from Kedan’s mother in a while. We won’t be able to until we get back to Abscon, and I can take Kedan to the East Village.”

“You are doing everything you can to help the kingdom, Griffa. It does help to take some action, doesn’t it? I don’t know what else you could be doing to fix things.”

“My feelings are certainly more manageable while we are out in the kingdom with the people, but the uneasiness is still there. Golnar was bad enough, but I worry what Philo has planned now that he is probably running the kingdom.”

Max worried about that as well. Golnar certainly had evil plans, but he was a careful man. He was not quick to act, and he didn’t do anything without reason. Though his ideas were wrong, Golnar thought he was doing things to better the kingdom. Philo only cared about himself. Everything he did was for power. Max knew there was no limit to how far Philo would go for power. He had even tried to sacrifice Griffa to steal Adalwen’s right to rule. Max knew Philo would not give up trying to steal that right.

“You aren’t alone, Griffa. I know Talon and Ansel have been annoying lately, but they both care about you so much. Kedan is doing everything he can to be the protector you need him to be. I am always here when you need me. You have others as well. Others who are willing to fight for you.”

“I know,” said Griffa with a smile. “I just don’t want to fail the kingdom. At least I know you are here if I can’t do this. You can take over as king if I do fail.”

“Don’t talk like that, please,” pleaded Max passionately. “I know you are the one who has to save the kingdom. More than that, I need you to survive this. I can’t lose you, Griffa. Especially not after Issa.”

She grabbed Max’s hand again. “I don’t plan on failing, Max. You won’t lose me. I know how much you miss, Issa, and I miss her as well. It feels so long since I have seen her. I miss our late-night talks.”

Max nodded. He felt tears prick the corner of his eyes. He missed Issa every day. As time went on, it was sometimes easier to put his grief away for a while, but it was always there inside of him. “She believed in you, Griffa. She wanted you to sit on the throne of Aurumist.”

“I wish I could have saved her, Max,” said Griffa with tears in her eyes. “I think about that night in Clarton so often. I dream of it. I want you to know I haven’t forgotten her.”

Max smiled slightly and squeezed Griffa’s hand. “I know you loved her. We will remember her together when you are safely on the throne.”

Griffa nodded and let go of his hand. She turned as Ansel walked into the room. She composed herself as he sat next to her on the sofa.

“You look very well,” he said leaning over and kissing Griffa on the cheek.

“It felt good to finally have a proper bath. My dress was a little wrinkled, but I managed to charm most of it away,” remarked Griffa. “You look handsome as always.”

“What have you two been talking about?” asked Ansel.

“Just about tonight. I am hoping it goes well. I would like to be able to convince Bettina as soon as possible, so we can move on to the next village. I know there are so many sick in all areas of the Grasslands.”

“If you do convince her tonight, I think we will need to spend an extra day here in Arialla. We will need to think about how we are going to travel in the kingdom with Philo’s misinformation spreading around.”

“I understand, but you must know I will not go hide away in Abscon or anywhere else. I will take every precaution you think necessary, but I will see to my people.”

Talon and Kedan both walked into the room. They came and sat in chairs close to the sofa. Max could see that Kedan was wearing his protector’s tunic, while Talon was wearing a dark green tunic with his family standard of a fox stitched on the chest.

“You look very nice, Griffa,” said Talon sitting back in his chair. “What is the plan for tonight?”

“We will be honest and open,” answered Griffa as she slightly adjusted her crown. “We are doing what is right. We will tell Bettina the truth and let her decide for herself and her village.”

Griffa stood up and walked to the small fireplace. She turned and looked at Ansel and Talon.

“Above all, we must make sure we are all of one accord. There will be no arguing tonight, especially in front of Bettina or any other guest. I rarely enforce any command as queen, but this one you will follow. Any disagreements you may have will be put on hold until after tonight. Let us all be at peace, at least for a little while.”

“Of course, my queen,” said Talon smiling at Griffa. “I do not wish to fight with anyone here. I only want to serve you well.”

Max saw Ansel give a slightly annoyed looked, but he quickly disguised it. He looked at Griffa and said, “I will do as you wish. Whatever you need from me tonight will be done.”

“Good,” said Griffa nodding. “If we are all ready to go, I think we need to leave. I would like to be on time as I have a feeling Bettina does not take well to tardiness.”

They all put on their cloaks and walked to Bettina Devin’s home. It was much like the others in town, brown with a thatched roof, but it was much bigger. The bright green front lawn had two trees on each side of the stone path that led to the front door. They walked up the pathway to the large front door, and Griffa knocked. The door was opened by a plump middle-aged woman who welcomed them and showed them where to hang their cloaks.

“You can go into the parlor,” said the woman kindly. “Miss Bettina and Master Oliver are in there waiting for you.”

They all followed Griffa to a large parlor, and Max saw that two people rose to meet them. One was an older boy who looked to be around sixteen. He was tall and had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He smiled at Griffa as she entered the room. The woman was about Max’s age. She was a little taller than Griffa. She had the same eyes and hair color as the boy, but her mouth was curved down into a frown. Her bright eyes surveyed the group.

“Good evening,” said Bettina addressing the group. “I am Bettina Devins, the leader of this village, and this is my brother, Oliver. We are both glad you have joined us tonight.”

Griffa curtsied and smiled as she turned to the others. “We are all pleased to be here. Oliver, it is nice to meet you. Let me introduce my group. This is Talon Wendell, the leader of the Valley. You already met him, Bettina. This is Ansel of the line of Raya, he is my betrothed. Kedan Belles is my protector, and Max of the line of Adalwen is my kin and the next great diviner of the Ring.”

Bettina raised her eyebrows as she looked at Ansel. “I thought the line of protectors came from the line of Raya.”

“There has been a change,” said Griffa. “It was done recently and was necessary.”

“Interesting,” said Bettina. “I mean, it’s an interesting time to have a new protector when you are trying to take the throne.”

“It is,” said Griffa, “but as I said it was necessary. Kedan has trained very hard and has done an excellent job. Ansel still helps him. As a member of the Ring and my future consort, he will continue to help Kedan train the protector’s guards.”

“You say it was necessary. Would you mind telling me why?”

“The reasons are our own. You will have to trust they were for a worthy cause and done for the best,” answered Griffa. Max could tell she was becoming annoyed.

“Now, sister,” said Oliver still smiling at Griffa. “It is the queen’s business if she wishes to change protectors. We do not need to pry.”

Bettina cut her eyes to her brother and then looked again at Griffa. “We should eat. Oliver, would you escort the queen to the table?”

“With pleasure,” said Oliver holding out his arm to Griffa. Griffa smiled and took his arm as offered.

Bettina looked at Max. “Young Diviner, would you mind escorting me? I am sure I am breaking rank, but Mr. Wendell will have to excuse me. You are the blood of Adalwen after all.”

Max stalled for a second, as he was surprised. Talon nudged him a little with his arm, and Max approached Bettina and smiled. “It would be my honor.” Max offered Bettina his arm. She took it and gave Max a small smile.

“I’m not sure how much of an honor it is,” she disputed as they walked to the dining room. “I am a leader of a small village, and you are from Abscon. You must attend grand parties regularly.”

“I grew up in a small village in the Great Surrounding. I was a stable boy for most of my life, and I have only lived in Abscon for two years. I assure you it is an honor to visit your home.”

Bettina looked at Max as he walked with her to the head of the table. “I knew you lived with a non-gifted couple for a time. I had no idea it was so long.”

Max walked to the seat beside her. “I was sixteen when Ansel fetched me from my village and told me who I was. He was wrong, as you know. I am not the true king of our kingdom, but I am glad he came and got me. I am happy to serve our true queen.”

Bettina took her place at the head of her table. Griffa was to sit to her right and Max to her left. Ansel would sit down next to Max as Oliver would sit next to Griffa. Kedan and Talon would be sitting across from one another. As Bettina sat, they all took their seats, and she looked at everyone around the table.

“I ask our gods to watch out for all of us. I ask that they keep all of you safe, no matter what decisions are made here tonight. I ask for a safe winter for my village,” said Bettina. She nodded her head, and everyone started filling their plates.

“My queen,” said Oliver looking at Griffa. “How long do you plan to stay in the Grasslands?”

“We have been here a little over a week. The hope is to stay three weeks in full. We heard some information yesterday that might make that difficult.”

“Oh,” remarked Bettina as she placed some potatoes on her plate. “What news is that?”

“The powers in Aurumist have circulated that I am responsible for the sickness in the kingdom. They have offered a reward for anyone who can turn me over to be sent to Aurumist.”

“That will make your time more interesting,” said Bettina. “But surely you aren’t afraid of any non-gifted people. You have a protector and from what I can tell two powerful mages in your group. Max seems quite capable as well.”

“I feel well protected,” agreed Griffa taking a sip of wine. “I am more worried it will impede me from helping the people of the kingdom.”

“Yes, the sickness is very sad,” sighed Bettina. “I do not wish ill on anyone, even non-gifted folk. They have not bothered us in the time we have lived here. Of course, they don’t know we are here for the most part.”

“You do know the powers in Aurumist have plans to release magic in dormant magical users, don’t you?” asked Talon from down the table. “That might affect the secrecy of your village.”

“We have heard rumors,” said Bettina. “It doesn’t seem to be happening in the Grasslands.”

“Not yet,” countered Talon, “but the Grasslands are one of the closest lands to Aurumist. I am sure it will spread here soon.”

“How are they releasing the magic in these dormant magic users?” asked Bettina.

“With blood magic,” said Griffa shaking her head. “Very dangerous blood magic. It is causing problems in the city. I have seen the damage it can do for myself. I am very worried for those who have been affected by this magic.”

Bettina nodded her head. “Blood magic isn’t to be trifled with. It takes someone very talented to do it. Someone with the right intentions as well. You are right to be concerned if this is how they are releasing magic users.”

“It is one of the reasons we must take Aurumist, quickly,” said Ansel looking towards Bettina. “Our queen needs to take the throne to make things right in the kingdom.”

“Does your queen have a plan for the kingdom once she takes the throne?” asked Bettina.

“I plan to stop the sickness, help those who are affected by this blood magic, and listen to the people,” replied Griffa.

“There are many problems in the kingdom. You will have a lot of work to do if you do rule, and I hope you are prepared. Wanting to save the sick is very noble, but poverty, hunger, and violence will still be a problem when the sickness is over.”

“You are right,” declared Griffa, laying down her fork. “There are many problems in the kingdom. I do not have all the answers right now, but I promise to listen to my people and those around me. I will not rule by myself. I will depend on my Ring for advisement, and I will listen to other leaders around the kingdom such as yourself. I will work with others to find solutions for the problems that face Regventus.”

Bettina looked to be in thought. “That is a good answer. Admitting you don’t know all the answers is a good place to start. Being willing to listen to others is even better.”

“I imagine you will be a good queen,” said Oliver looking at Griffa.

“She might if she ever gets the chance,” agreed Bettina picking up her glass. “You must know it will not be easy to take the throne. I hear they are building up the army of Aurumist into a kingdom-wide army. They are accepting magical and non-magical recruits. Soon our lands will be filled with soldiers.”

Griffa glanced at Ansel and then at Talon. She turned her eyes back to Bettina. “All the more reason we need to organize swiftly and plan to take the city soon.”

They finished dinner and walked back into the parlor. Oliver sat next to Griffa as Talon and Ansel sat close by. Kedan stood behind his queen. Oliver asked many questions about Abscon and the Valley while Max stood at the fireplace. Bettina came up to him.

“I understand from your queen, you are quite good at potions,” said Bettina looking at Max.

“I have learned a lot from Griffa. I enjoy making potions,” affirmed Max.

“How are the supplies that you have brought with you?”

“They are a little low,” replied Max. He had to make some potions and balms to help with some minor injuries with the protector’s guard. Griffa had needed a sleeping potion or two as well.

“Come walk with me to my herb garden,” offered Bettina. “It is just out back. We will not be gone long. You can take whatever you might need from there.”

Max looked at Griffa who stared back at him. He smiled at her. “Bettina wishes to show me something. I will be back in a moment.”

Griffa looked surprised but nodded her head. Max followed Bettina to the back of the house. She picked up a small basket and led him out the door. They entered a long room. The walls were made of glass, and all around were plants sitting in long containers. Max had never seen so many different herbs and flowers in one place.

“This is very impressive,” remarked Max looking around.

“My mother loved to garden. She showed me and Oliver how to do it. We have kept up her garden since she died.”

“How long was ago was that?” asked Max as he wondered how Bettina had come to lead her village at such a young age. He wondered what had happened to her parents.

“My parents were both killed in Aurumist about six years ago. They had gone to the city to get supplies for the village, and they were hit by a horse and wagon. At least that is what we were told. I am skeptical. My father was a powerful sorcerer, and my mother was a gifted witch. It seems odd they would die in such a mundane way. I was too young to inquire further, but it has always bothered me.”

“I can see why,” said Max. “My real parents were killed by Aurumist soldiers. I was thought to be the king. I was taken as a baby by Ansel before I could be killed with them.”

“I am sorry you never knew them,” said Bettina. “I miss my parents, but at least I remember them. Poor Mrs. Horn who works here has tried to keep Oliver and me in check since our parents died. I am sure it has not been easy on her.”

“You both seem to be educated and able. I hear you’re a capable leader of your village. I think both your parents and Mrs. Horn have done a fine job,” said Max as he picked a few herbs and put them in the basket.

“Flattery won’t help with your queen, you know,” chided Bettina smiling slightly.

“I don’t need to flatter anyone for Griffa. She is the true queen of this kingdom, and she is worthy.”

“How so?” asked Bettina with her arms crossed. “What makes her worthy besides her bloodline?”

Max thought for a moment about how to answer. “It is hard to say everything Griffa is, but I will try. She is a powerful magic user. Even without her enhanced powers from her protector, she can do amazing things with magic. She is fierce and brave. I have seen her fight many times. She is extremely loyal, and she speaks the truth which you much appreciate. Above all, she is kind, and she is good. She wants what is best for this kingdom and her people. She will put the kingdom above herself every time. She is willing to die for it.”

“You are her kin. Of course, you think she is good,” said Bettina waving her hand to the side.

“I met Griffa two years ago,” said Max as he picked a couple of flowers. “She didn’t know me. She didn’t know we were of the same blood. She took me into her home. She taught me magic and helped me to fit into the new world I was thrust into. I was scared and confused, and she took her time to make sure I was comfortable.

“Whether she was my kin or not, I will tell you she is one of a kind. You could travel this whole kingdom and not find one person who is as good as Griffa. If you decide to support her there is nothing she will not do for you or your village. What’s more, even if you decide against her and your village was in trouble, she would come help you without a second thought.”

“You make quite a case for her, Max,” smiled Bettina.

“All of it is true,” avowed Max standing up after picking a few herbs. “I will do any kind of vow you like to prove it.”

“That won’t be necessary,” assured Bettina. She walked and looked at her garden for a moment and then turned to Max. “Are you really a diviner?”

“I am,” said Max.

“So, you have visions?”

“I do.”

“Do you have visions of your queen?”

“I have had several of our queen and the kingdom.”

“And what do you see?” asked Bettina.

Max looked at Bettina for a moment and something came over him. He wasn’t sure what, but he walked up to her and took her hand. He stared at her, and she stared back, her eyes going wide.

“I have seen many things, but the one thing I know for sure is if Regventus is going to survive, it will be at Griffa’s hand.”

Bettina gripped Max’s hand and nodded. He let go of Bettina’s hand and stepped back.

“We should go back inside. Your queen will want an answer, and you will all want to rest,” said Bettina walking towards the door.

Max followed her into the parlor. He sat down and smiled at Griffa as Bettina moved in front of the fireplace. She turned and looked at the group.

“I have heard your words and your invitation to join your cause,” said Bettina. “You are asking me to send my village to war for you. That is not something that I can take lightly.”

“No,” said Oliver as he stood up and went to stand with his sister. “War is not something to take lightly, but when it is for a just cause, it is necessary.”

“True,” agreed Bettina. “What is your opinion, Oliver?”

“I have no doubt we are in the presence of the true Queen of Regventus. I am ready to swear my allegiance to her, but you are our leader, sister. What matters is what you think.”

“I find that I do like you, Gryphon Keene,” said Bettina. “I think you speak the truth, and I think you do want what is best for this kingdom. I was still leery to join your cause. I do not want my folk to come to harm, but your young diviner has convinced me. I pledge you my support and that of my village. I will do whatever I can to see that you sit on the throne of Aurumist.”

Griffa stood and walked over to Bettina. “I understand the magnitude of this decision. I swear to you my support and protection of this village. I will be a fair ruler of this kingdom, and I will listen to your counsel.”

Bettina took Griffa’s hand and kneeled. “Arialla is yours, my queen.”

Griffa brought Bettina up to stand next to her. “And my support and loyalty are yours.” Griffa turned to Oliver. “I say it to both of you.”

Oliver smiled as he took Griffa’s hand and kissed it. “I will fight for you, my queen.”

They soon left to return to the house they were staying in. Bettina assured them they could stay as long as they needed. Griffa walked arm and arm with Max on the way back.

“Whatever did you say to her to get her to pledge her village to me?” asked Griffa.

“I told her the truth,” replied Max. “I told her only you can save Regventus. I told her you were the true queen, and that you were the finest person I had ever met.”

Griffa laid her head on Max’s shoulder as they walked. “I hope I live up to that truth, Max. I hope one day I am remembered as you see me.”

“You will be, my queen,” said Max, “because my truth is the only real way to see you.”

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