Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 2

Ansel stood in a small room at the village inn watching Griffa work on Talon’s injured shoulder. Talon sat by her on the small bed, bare-chested. Max handed Griffa’s some ointment, and she carefully put it on Talon’s shoulder. He smiled at Griffa as she wrapped his shoulder with some bandages Max had handed her. She finished and sat back.

“I think that will do it,” said Griffa handing Talon his shirt. He slipped it on and then moved his shoulder around.

“It already feels much better,” said Talon, “Thank you, Griffa.”

“Be careful with it for a few days,” said Griffa as she stood up and handed the ointment and bandages back to Max who put them in a small case.

Ansel rubbed his forehead. “So, you walked out of the village without telling your protector. You were ambushed by a group of brothers who inured Talon and tried to take you, Griffa. Then you freely traveled to their home to heal their sick parents. Do I have everything correct?”

“That’s about it,” said Griffa walking over and sitting back down on the bed.

“And you thought this was a good idea, Talon?” asked Ansel angrily. “You let her go with these boys.”

“I did not think it was a good idea,” clarified Talon. “What do you suggest I should have done to stop her?”

“You should never have let her leave the village at all,” said Ansel shaking his head. “You should have walked Addi out yourself if she needed someone to see her off, and told Griffa to stay close to Kedan.”

“You really think it is so easy to tell Griffa what to do?” asked Talon. “It’s not like you have any luck controlling her. Besides, how long did it take for you to notice your queen had disappeared from the village? How much time have you spent with your betrothed lately? You are always helping Kedan with his work. You seemed to be having trouble giving up the protector’s duties.”

Ansel stared at Talon feeling his anger rise. He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. “And you seem to find every chance you can to get Griffa alone by yourself. If you are going to be putting our queen in unnecessary trouble, perhaps it would be better if you found another way to serve.”

Talon narrowed his eyes. “Someone has to keep an eye on her. I am the second chair on her Ring, and this is where I belong. I will not be parted from her side.”

“Stop,” said Griffa loudly. “Both of you, just stop. Neither of you can control my every move. When it comes down to it, neither of you is in charge of my protection.” Griffa stood up and walked to the other side of the room. She stood by Kedan and looked up at him. “Protector, what is your opinion?”

“I would prefer it if you never left my presence, but I understand that is not feasible. There will be times you will need to be away from me for short periods. I think we need to trust that you can see to your own well-being,” replied Kedan as he looked down at her.

Griffa smiled at Kedan and then turned to Ansel. “You see, you are being unreasonable. No one can watch me every second. I am not some small child or helpless woman. I have been in as many fights and battles as any of you.”

“But Griffa,” said Talon rising from the bed. “You are the most targeted person in the kingdom. With what we learned today, we know you are in more danger than ever. We can’t ignore it.”

“No, we cannot,” agreed Ansel. “Perhaps we should go back to Abscon tomorrow. We can find another way to rally forces and help sick people. Griffa can stay safely in Abscon with Kedan and me, while others travel the kingdom for her. It sounds like a good job for her second chair.”

“Perhaps if you are going to be her king, it would better if you traveled the kingdom while I stayed and watched the queen,” said Talon with a small smirk.

“No,” said Griffa, “Absolutely not. I will go help my people wherever they need me. The only way we will rally more people to our side is if they see that I am real and willing to meet with them. I will not hide away.”

“She cannot hide away,” concurred Max. “If the kingdom is suffering, she will be compelled to help her people. You will torture her if you make her sit in Abscon doing nothing.”

“We need to eat dinner,” said Griffa. “We are all tired and hungry. Why don’t we go downstairs and eat so we can go to bed early? We can wake up early and travel to Arialla tomorrow.”

Everyone seemed to agree and started to the door. “Ansel, wait a moment,” said Griffa before he could leave.

When everyone had left, Ansel shut the door and turned to look at Griffa. She walked over to Ansel and took his hands.

“I know you are worried about me, but you have to trust me to know what I can and cannot do. I am not going to go run into trouble,” said Griffa looking up at him.

“What about today?”

“I was hardly in any danger. I did not go into the fields alone. It was bad luck Talon was injured, but he will be fine. I would not have visited that house if I thought there was any real threat. I don’t think four boys and two sick parents would have had any chance against the queen of the kingdom and a powerful mage, do you?”

Ansel sighed and dropped his head. He knew she had a point, but did she not understand how much danger she was really in? Did she not remember all that had happened to her already?

“Griffa, I hope you understand why I am acting this way. It’s not that I don’t trust you. I know you are capable of taking care of yourself, but I am scared to death of losing you. We all are. We need you to save this kingdom, but more than that, I don’t think any of us want to live in Regventus without you. I know I don’t.”

“I know, Ansel,” said Griffa looking up at him. “I know a lot has happened, and I am scared of losing all of you as well, especially you. You have given up so much to be with me, and I will not let it be for nothing. We will make it to Aurumist, we will marry, and we will rule together for many years.”

Ansel nodded. He took one of Griffa’s hands and kissed it tenderly. “I need you to promise you will not take any risks with your life.”

“I’m not sure I can promise it. I will sometimes need to take risks for my kingdom and my people. I can promise I won’t take any unnecessary risks. I will do my best to make sure what I do is for a very good reason.”

“I will take your promise if that is as good as one as I can get. I will try to worry less,” said Ansel as he pulled her closer.

“I doubt you will worry less, but maybe you can be a little more understanding with me and the others, especially Talon. I can’t have you two fighting all the time.”

“I will try, though sometimes I know he is infuriating on purpose.”

“Of course, he is,” said Griffa as she reached up and put her arms around Ansel’s neck. “And the more you rise to the bait, the more he will go on infuriating you on purpose.”

Griffa leaned up and kissed Ansel. He put his arms around her and brought her closer.

“The close quarters on this trip aren’t helping either,” he said as she pulled back.

“I know,” said Griffa, “But to travel back and forth from Abscon every day would take too much energy, and we would all be beyond exhausted. With Addi gone, we do have our own room tonight. The bed is rather small, but I think we could make do.”

“After sleeping on a cot next to Max for three days, I would sleep on a rock if it meant I get to hold you.” Ansel leaned down and kissed Griffa, rubbing his hands along her sides.

“Then, let us go down to dinner so we can come back up, quickly,” said Griffa stepping back from Ansel. She took his hand and led him out the door. Before they walked down the stairs, she turned and looked at Ansel. “Oh, and if you and Talon can’t learn to get along, I shall find a way for you to spend more time together. Perhaps, Max would prefer Kedan for a roommate and you could share with Talon.”

Ansel stared after her as she walked down the stairs. He hoped she was kidding, but he didn’t want to chance it and find out.

The next morning, they traveled together to the Arialla, the largest magical community in the Grasslands. It was a hidden village at the north of the land. They arrived just outside the village and were met by two men wearing black cloaks. Griffa approached the men with Talon and Ansel by her side and Kedan and Max at her back.

“Good morning,” said Griffa brightly. “I am Gryphon Keene the true Queen of Regventus, and I am here to speak with your leader, Bettina Devins. I have written and she has accepted my visit.”

“You are expected, Gryphon Keene,” said the man on the right. “Our leader has agreed to meet with you and the leader of the Valley. The rest of your party can wait inside the village.”

“Why will not my whole party be accepted? I bring my protector, my betrothed, and my kin. I am sure your leader will want to meet with us all,” said Griffa.

“We were told only to bring you and the leader of the Valley,” said the other man. “The others will be quite safe in our village. You need not worry.”

Griffa looked at Ansel. He didn’t like her going to meet with a leader they did not know without her protector or himself, but he knew Griffa would still want to go. He nodded slowly.

“Very well,” said Griffa. “Please show us into your village.”

The men turned and waved their hands. They motioned for the group to follow them, and Ansel walked forward with Griffa by his side. They soon entered the village, and Ansel could see it was not as large as Abscon or the Valley but was still of decent size. There were numerous homes scattered about. They all looked the same with brown walls and thatched roofs. Many homes had personal touches like grasses or wheat growing from the top. Some had bright flowers decorating their windows. The lawns were all charmed green even though it was almost winter.

They walked through the town and came to what seemed to be the town center. They were taken to a building that was obviously a temple as a statue of the gods stood out front.

“Your protector, betrothed, and kin may wait in the temple,” said one of the men to Griffa. “You and the leader of the Valley will come with us.”

Griffa turned and looked at Ansel, Kedan, and Max. “We should not be long.”

“Could I not walk with our queen and wait outside the leader’s home?” asked Kedan turning to the men. “I am her protector and should not be far from my queen.”

“Your queen is in no danger here,” answered one of the men. “You will rest here.”

“It is fine, Kedan. I will be safe. Stay here with Ansel and Max,” reassured Griffa looking at him.

“Are you sure, my queen?” asked Kedan. “With the information we have found out, I do not like you being away from me.”

“We are amongst friends,” said Griffa smiling at the two men. “I will be quite safe.”

“I will be with her, Kedan,” said Talon. “If there is any sign of trouble, we will leave quickly. Griffa will have her shield down so you will know if you are needed.”

Kedan looked at Griffa who smiled at him as he nodded.

Griffa gave one more smile to Ansel and then took Talon’s arm as he offered it to her. Ansel watched as she and Talon followed the men to the left side of town. He watched until he could not see them. He turned to Max and Kedan and motioned that they should go sit inside the temple.

They walked into the temple, and Max and Ansel sat on a back bench as Kedan walked to the front and looked out the window found there. Ansel sat back and drummed his fingers against the wood on the bench.

“She will be fine, Ansel,” said Max, sitting with his arms crossed. “This is an old magical community, and they have long been friends with both Abscon and the Valley. The leader wouldn’t do anything to the leader of either village.”

“I know,” said Ansel as he stilled his hand. “I just wish they hadn’t made us split up. After all we found out yesterday, I don’t like her going alone.”

“She isn’t alone. She is with Talon. You know he would do anything to keep her safe. He cares very much for her.”

Ansel made a noise in his throat. “I am quite aware of how Talon feels about Griffa.”

“So, it does bother you,” said Max.

“What do you mean?” asked Ansel looking at Max.

“Talon having feelings for Griffa. It bothers you,” responded Max.

Ansel sighed. “Of course, I don’t like it when another man has feelings for my future wife, but that’s not what’s bothering me, Max. I trust Griffa, and as much as he irritates me, I trust Talon as well.”

“What is bothering you, then?” asked Max moving his arms to his sides.

Ansel wasn’t sure where to start. He tapped the wooden bench with both his hands and then turned to Max. “Griffa is the queen of the kingdom. Not only that but she is a Keene. Even when she wasn’t the queen, she was one of the most important magical people in Regventus. When I was the protector of the kingdom, I was still very far below her in rank, and now, I have no position.”

“It doesn’t matter to Griffa, Ansel. She loves you, and she wants to be with you. You gave up everything for her. She knows that. You have nothing to worry about.”

“I know, Max, but do you not see how perfect Talon and Griffa would be together? Talon is a Wendell and the leader of the Valley. Can you not understand how he is perfectly positioned to be her king in every way I am not? Griffa even mentioned to me how she believed the kingdom may have wanted her to choose Talon.”

“But she didn’t choose him,” asserted Max. “She could have chosen him. He would have been very willing, but she chose you. You know this, and Talon knows this. You have to trust and respect her choice, just like she respected yours.”

“I know you’re right, but it doesn’t make it any easier to see them together,” said Ansel frowning.

“I think you will have to find a way to get used to it. She has made him her second chair on her Ring, and I don’t think he plans on going anywhere. I can’t see him leaving her now.”

“No, and I wouldn’t ask him to do it. She needs him. Today’s meeting proves it.”

“Does Griffa know you feel this way?” asked Max.

“I’m not sure. She knows Talon irritates me. I’m not sure she knows the real reason, but I will not burden her with my feelings on the matter. It will do no good. She will only try to reassure me,” said Ansel looking at Max. “You do not need to burden her with this, not right now.”

“I think she would like to know how you feel, but I will not betray your confidence. You should consider talking about it to her at some point.”

Ansel made a noncommittal motion with his head. He looked up at Kedan who was still staring out the window. “Kedan, come sit down. You won’t see anything from there to help you stop worrying about her. You know she is fine, or you would feel something. Come sit with Max and me.”

Kedan turned and looked at Ansel. He sighed and walked over to the bench in front of Max and Ansel and sat down.

“The queen is anxious,” said Kedan as he sat down. “I know she is safe, but I don’t like it when she is unsettled.”

“You will have to get used to her being unsettled for a time,” said Max. “Until she finds a way to take Aurumist and set the kingdom to right, she will not have much peace.”

“Is there no way to give her some peace during this time?” asked Kedan. “Is there no spell or potion she could take?”

“Except for your comfort, no,” explained Ansel. “I know it’s not easy being the protector, Kedan. It’s a burden for sure to have to feel what your queen is going through.”

“It’s not a burden,” said Kedan. “I’m not worried for myself. I don’t see how she carries all of this. At least she shields me at times so I can get some rest. She is constantly having to carry the weight of the kingdom’s problems on her shoulders. She must be very strong.”

Ansel suddenly felt very guilty, thinking of his petty concerns. Griffa was dealing with so many things. If Talon or anybody else could help her with her burdens, why should he mind?

“She is strong,” said Max quietly. “She is the strongest person I will ever know, but she is still just a mortal woman. Everyone has a breaking point. I just hope she can save the kingdom before she reaches hers.”

They all three sat in silence for a while. Ansel looked around the temple and prayed. He found he spent much more time praying than he ever had before. He constantly prayed for Griffa’s safety. He prayed for her to have peace. He prayed for the gods’ mercy to cover her. He prayed selfishly that no matter if the kingdom fell or stood, Griffa would be safe with him.

Eventually, the door opened and Talon and Griffa walked in. Ansel, Max, and Kedan stood and met them by the door.

“How did it go?” asked Ansel walking over and taking Griffa’s hand.

“It was interesting,” said Griffa squeezing Ansel’s hand and letting it go. “She wants us all to come to dinner tonight. Until then, she has provided us a place to stay close to her home.”

“She is not what I expected,” said Talon.

“How so?” asked Ansel.

“She is young. I suppose I should have known how young she was, but she has been leading this village for at least six years. I can’t see how that is possible. She can’t be much older than Max,” explained Talon.

“I suppose they have different rules for leadership here,” suggested Griffa. “She must not have had to reach her majority to lead. She seems capable, and she is certainly outspoken.”

Talon rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t sure anyone could be as blunt as you, Griffa, but she surpasses even your candor. Is this worth all this trouble? This isn’t a very large village.”

“Are you ready to give up so easily, Talon?” asked Ansel. “Our queen has deemed it necessary to sway this leader to our side.”

“I am only asking the question, Ansel. Griffa has many villages to visit, and I would hate for her to waste any unnecessary energy if this isn’t worth it. She is already running herself ragged as it is, or have you not noticed how stressed and tired she has become?”

“Are you accusing me of ignoring Griffa’s well-being?” asked Ansel angrily.

“You have been very attentive to all areas of the queen’s protection and well-being as far as taking the kingdom, but do you not see the stress she is under? If we save the kingdom but lose Griffa in the process, what is the point?”

“The kingdom is worthless to me compared to Griffa, but she will have no peace until we save Regventus. Have you forgotten it, Talon?”

“Quiet,” said Griffa putting her hands up at both Talon and Ansel. She turned to Talon

“No, the village isn’t very large” explained Griffa. “But if we can get Bettina Devins on our side, it will help with all the magical folk of the Grasslands. It could help us travel safely throughout the land as well.”

“You are right, of course,” said Talon.

“Ansel, I appreciate you backing me up, but Talon has a right to his opinion. I welcome questions about my plans as long as you all listen to my reasons.”

“Talon, we have to save Regventus. It is our first and only priority. I know you don’t want to hear it, but it comes even before my own safety. You will have to accept it.”

Talon huffed and shook his head, but Griffa ignored him.

“We should go settle into our temporary home. I hope we don’t have to stay too long, but we will see how it goes,” said Griffa.

Talon offered Griffa his arm as Ansel looked at Griffa. Griffa looked between Ansel and Talon and then turned to Kedan. “Protector, come walk with me. We haven’t had a chat in a while, and I would like to spend some time with you.”

Kedan smiled and walked over to Griffa. “I would like that, my queen.” He offered Griffa his arm, and she walked out the door with him.

Ansel looked at Talon who gave him a small smile. “Maybe you shouldn’t have found her such a handsome protector, Ansel.”

“Perhaps not, but looks weren’t something I worried about when I was trying to find someone to protect my future wife,” replied Ansel hoping Talon would take his hint.

Talon chuckled slightly as Max walked between them. “If both of you want to see Griffa safely through all of this, you cannot keep acting like fools. You talk about the stress she has to endure, but you are doing nothing but adding to that stress. Whatever you need to work out between the two of you, I suggest you do it soon.”

Max walked out of the temple. Ansel looked at Talon and then walked out after Max. Maybe Max was right, but he had no desire to spend any time working on his relationship with Talon.

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