Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 22

Kedan looked at Griffa over the small fire in the shelter she had made. They weren’t far from Aurumist. They would be just outside the fifth ring in the forest before nightfall tomorrow if they kept a good pace. Griffa seemed at peace, and Kedan could feel that she seemed settled.

She looked at Kedan and smiled. “What are you thinking of, Kedan?”

“You, of course, my queen,” said Kedan. “I am glad you seem at peace.”

“I am at peace. I know whatever happens, I can face it.”. She pulled her knees up to her chin, adjusting her cloak over her legs.

Kedan couldn’t take his eyes off his queen. She was magnificent in every way. Even in this hour of uncertainty when no one would be blamed for being overwhelmed with fear, she was the picture of calm. He wondered what she had seen while they were traveling the forest together. He had feeling she must have had dreams or visions. His own sleep had been filled with people from his past and present.

“It will be strange for you to be back in the city you grew up in, won’t it?” asked Griffa.

“It will not be like it was before. I am a different person than I was when I lived there.”

“From what I understand from Daracha, many of the people will be happy to see you. They may won’t you to lead them instead of me,” said Griffa smiling slightly.

“People tend to love what they know, and change is hard for anyone. I think after hearing you, maybe even after seeing you, their hearts will change. They will want you as their queen, Griffa. If you think it’s necessary, I will pledge my loyalty and support to you in front of the city.”

“It is enough to privately have your devotion, Kedan. I do not need you to make a display. I will win over the people by earning their trust, and healing the kingdom with their help. I just hope I am given the chance.”

“I will make sure you have that chance, my queen,” said Kedan as he felt pulled towards her.

He moved over to sit by Griffa. He leaned towards her, letting their shoulders touch. He felt the need to be close to his queen. Griffa sighed and leaned further into Kedan. He felt his magic go to her, surrounding her in a comforting circle.

“It will be worth it to take the city just to have a warm bed after this trip,” said Griffa. “I might sleep for a week after this is over.”

“We will be outside Aurumist tomorrow. We will have just two more nights in the forest after this one, and you will spend the next night in the palace. You should take my old room, it has the best bed in the palace.”

Griffa laughed. “I wonder what state the protector’s quarters are in, or what they are being used for now. Do you know?”

“I don’t. I am not even sure where they are. Do you think they could be hidden, perhaps?”

“Maybe, but if that is the case, we will have to find them and refurnish the rooms for you. If the bed hasn’t been used in over five hundred years, it must be rotten by now.”

“Do you ever regret not being able to keep Ansel as your protector?” asked Kedan. “I know it was necessary, but do you ever wish it was different.”

“If I wish it, it is only for Ansel’s sake. It was very hard to let him give up something his family has held since the beginning. I was afraid it would ruin him to lose his purpose, but in any other way, I do not regret it. A protector and sovereign relationship is difficult enough without adding other elements. I believe you and I do well together; don’t you, Kedan?”

“Yes,” said Kedan. “I believe we do very well together. I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life now. I couldn’t imagine not being bonded with you in this way.”

“Besides, perhaps we will find out it was always meant to be this way. We cannot know what the future holds, so we must trust in what we have done. There is no changing the past.”

Kedan smiled down at her. “I am not usually one who believes in fate, but it almost feels like I was meant to serve you in this way. I look back on my life and it seems that the choices that I made lead me to here to this, to you.”

Griffa sighed. “It is a nice thought. I don’t know about fate. I believe you saw the different paths you could take, and you chose wisely. Instead of staying in a place you were unhappy with, you took steps to find what you needed. It led you to here, to me, and I am grateful.”

Kedan put his arm around Griffa and held her close to his side. There had been few people in his life he had really loved. He knew he loved his mother despite her faults. He had loved Teryn even with the deceptions. He had no doubts in his love for Griffa. Perhaps part of it was the magical bond they shared, but much of it was the friendship they had formed over the last year.

He felt tears come to his eyes as he realized he might lose her in two days. She was so much to him. She was his friend, the one who gave him direction, and his queen. He felt his tears fall as he held Griffa close to him.

She looked up at him with concern, and pulled back. “What is it, Kedan?”

“I want you to tell me you will make it through the battle. I want you to tell me I won’t have to watch you die.”

“I can’t predict the future. I don’t know what is going to happen. I won’t lie and tell you there is no chance I won’t die. I have seen things on our journey. I will have to do something to save my kingdom. It may cost me my life, but what worth is my life compared to all the lives in the kingdom?”

“It’s worth everything to me, my queen. I can think of nothing I would put in front of your life.”

“You will have to put the kingdom in front of my life, and you will do it because I am asking you to do it. When it comes down to it, you will let me do what I need to do. If it takes my life to save Regventus, you will let it happen.”

“No,” whispered Kedan.

Griffa took both of his hands in her own, and looked up at him with intensity. “Protector, you will put the welfare of the kingdom ahead of my life. This is my command.”

Kedan blinked his eyes as tears fell down his cheeks. He could not disobey his queen, no matter how much he wanted to.

“Promise me, protector, that you will put the fate of the kingdom first. You will let me do what I need to do.”

Kedan shuddered as he took a breath. “Yes, my queen.”

Griffa smiled sadly as tears fell down her own cheeks. “Good, I hope it won’t come to it. I want to serve my kingdom with you, Kedan. I am very happy you are my protector, and that you are here with me.”

Kedan bent down and kissed Griffa on her forehead. “I love you, my queen. You are the truest friend I have ever had.”

Griffa leaned up and kissed him gently on his lips. “I love you as well. You are my protector and my friend. I hope we will have many years together.”

He nodded and held Griffa’s hands as they both sat quietly for a moment.

“We should both sleep,” said Griffa. “We have two big days ahead of us.”

Kedan laid down and pulled Griffa down next to him. She laid down facing away from him, and he put his arm around her as she laid her hands under her head.

“Good night, Kedan,” said Griffa quietly.

“Good night, my queen,” responded Kedan.

He fell asleep quickly. He dreamed of the forest around Aurumist. He was walking by himself wearing his protector’s tunic and a dark green cloak. He walked quietly by himself, looking for someone, but he wasn’t sure who.

“Are you the protector of the queen?” asked a man who walked towards Kedan.

Kedan stopped and looked at the man. He seemed strangely familiar. His dark hair was pulled back away from his face. His brown eyes looked Kedan up and down.

“Yes, I am the protector of the kingdom and Gryphon Keene, the true Queen of Regventus.”

“You aren’t what I was expecting,” said the man.

“How is that?” asked Kedan.

“You aren’t of my blood. The line of Raya has always held the line of protectors. It has been that way ever since I made the oath to Nathin, sealed by Maxen Keene.”

“You are Etan, the first protector,” said Kedan looking at the man.

“I am, and who are you?”

“I am Kedan Belles. I have taken over the line of protectors from Ansel of the line of Raya.”

Etan looked at Kedan with a raised eyebrow. “The line was transferred? Can you tell me why?”

“The protector, Ansel, fell in love with the queen. To be with her, he gave up the line of protectors.”

“He fell in love with the queen?” asked Etan with skepticism. “That shouldn’t be possible.”

“But it was, and it is. He loves her, and they are betrothed. They will marry after she takes the throne.”

Etan looked as if he was considering this. He walked a circle slowly and then stopped and looked at Kedan.

“Are you angry about the Ansel giving up the line?” asked Kedan.

“I am not angry. I had a wife, and I loved her. I understand wanting to be with the one you love. I am only surprised.”

“Is there a reason you came to me? Do you wish to speak with me?”

“I do, protector. You queen has a daunting task ahead of her. What do you make of it?”

“I only know that I shall protector her the best I can. I will do everything I can to see her safely through the battle,” replied Kedan.

“The battle is only part of it. What will you do to help her save the kingdom and keep her life?”

“Whatever I can,” said Kedan. “I am not sure what she will have to do. Could you tell me?”

“I cannot not. I shouldn’t even be here speaking with you. The gods may not like it, but my king asked me to come to you. He is very worried for the queen, and she is his kin.”

“Is there anything you can tell me? I will do anything to save her. Please, give me something to help her. I will not lose her.”

“You know that protectors can sense when their sovereigns die, correct?”

“I have heard it,” said Kedan. “Can you tell me what it feels like?”

“I don’t have to; you will know if it happens. You will have no doubt if your sovereign permanently leaves the kingdom. It is a sorrow you don’t want me to explain to you.”

Kedan nodded.

“Remember that you would know if the queen has left this kingdom for good. You would know before anyone. Remember it well. You are the one who will know if your queen has passed better than anyone.”

Kedan looked confused. “How will this help me?”

Etan looked at the ground for a moment and then back up at Kedan. “There will be a time when your queen will seem far away from you. You will think she is beyond your protection and your help, but don’t believe it. Listen to what you know, Kedan. Listen to what you really know, and not what others may tell you or what you may see. Have faith in your queen. Only with faith in your queen and yourself, will you save her.”

“I think I understand,” said Kedan. “I will do as you say, and I will not fail her.”

“No, I don’t think you will.” He smiled at Kedan. “We may not be family, but we are still bonded by our line. Serve your queen well, protector. Raise your boy to serve the next king or queen well.”

“I will,” said Kedan. “My only wish is to serve my queen.”

Etan nodded and reached out to put his hand on Kedan’s arm. He pulled back and frowned. He took a few steps back and looked at Kean. “I fear even if you save your queen’s life, you will have a hard task ahead of you. She will experience heartache and pain, and she will need you to get through it all. You should be ready. Rest now, protector, you will need to be alert the next few days.”

Kedan watched as Etan turned and walked away. The forest around him grew dark. Kedan opened his eyes to see Griffa laying front of him in the dim light of the fire in their small shelter. She abruptly turned and looked at Kedan with open eyes.

“I trust you, protector,” she said.

“I trust you, my queen,” said Kedan.

She smiled as she closed her eyes. She scooted close to him as Kedan encircled her in his arms, both falling into a deep sleep.

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