Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 21

Max sat in the cellar staring at the fire. He had packed up everything they needed for the journey to Aurumist. He had including all the vials of elixirs he thought they might use to help with the injured. He never had come up with anyway to help those who were sick in Aurumist. He hoped he could figure out something once he was able to see the sick people for himself.

He watched the fire, thinking he should probably go to bed, but he was not tired. He should be tired. He had not had a full night sleep since they had returned from Clarton. He would lie awake in his bed thinking of Griffa and the battle to come. He wished there was someone he could talk to.

Addi was sweet and was not unintelligent, but Max had not known her very long. He could not talk to her as freely as he would like. He trusted Ansel, but there were some things Max did not want to burden Ansel with. His concerns and visions of Griffa would only make Ansel worry and doubt more. Ansel needed to have hope and a clear mind for the battle. Griffa would need his love and support if she was going to get through what was up ahead.

Max realized how much he missed Issa during these moments. He could talk to her of anything, and she would listen. She would give him sound advice when she could. She would commiserate with him when she could not. With her, he knew he did not have to hold back. He could tell her all his feelings, and she would love him through it. Sometimes in the quiet, Max would talk to her in his head. He would tell her all he felt and feared. He could almost hear her sweet voice tell him all would be well.

It was not fair she was taken from him so young. They should have had a lifetime of conversations to share. All he had now were memories, and the promise he would see her one day when he left this life. He wondered what would happen to him if Griffa did not make it through the coming battle. He had come to depend on Griffa. He had come to care for her in a way different than anyone else.

If Griffa gave her life to save the kingdom, Max would be expected to step in as king. He didn’t know how he would do it. Now that he knew Griffa was queen, he knew he could never be a ruler like her. He could never be what the kingdom needed like she could. How could he rule the kingdom without her supporting him? How would he find the way forward without her? Even those who would support him would be deeply affected by her death. How could Max expect Ansel or Talon to help him when they would be dealing with their own grief and loss? Max was sure both men would be deeply changed if they lost Griffa.

Max continued to watch the fire as he thought of Griffa. He knew no one else like her. Everyone was different in her presence. The manor had been a different place with her gone. It was if the lightness was taken out of it. A heavy air hung around them these past five days, and Max didn’t think it just had to do with the looming battle. He wondered what the kingdom would be like if Griffa was no longer a part of it.

He felt his eyes go heavy, and his vision became unfocused and dim. He continued to concentrate on the fire as he felt himself being pulled somewhere else. Max found himself in the throne room of the palace in Aurumist. The room was well lit, but no one else was around. He walked up to the dais and saw that it was empty. He took the few stairs found there and stood upon the platform. He turned and looked at the throne found there against the wall before walking towards it.

The throne was made of dark wood with gilded edges. Its back was high, and the arms of the throne were rounded off at the ends. The decorative painting looked to have been rubbed off, but Max could tell the end of each arm was once painted to look like suns. The throne was raised slightly by a stone slab. He ran his hand over one of the arms as he heard someone come into the room.

“It may be nice to look at, but it is not very comfortable,” said a man as he walked towards Max. “I believe they have made second one that has been put in the ballroom that is much plusher.”

Max looked at the man as he walked up the stairs of the dais. He came and stood by Max, looking at the throne, and Max knew who he was immediately.

“Has this throne been here since your rule, King Nathin?” asked Max.

“It was made during my reign. It looks well-worn now, and it has probably been repaired a few times since the followers of the false gods took over. The magic seems to be weak it in it now. Perhaps when the proper queen is in her place, it will be made to its former glory.”

“Will she take her place?” asked Max looking at King Nathin.

“I hope she will. My hope is she will find a way to save the kingdom and herself, but it is not up to me.”

“Will the gods not show her a way? Will they not let her live to rule this kingdom she is to save?” asked Max.

“I plan to ask them that myself when I get the chance, Maxwell,” said King Nathin looking at Max kindly. “Of course, Gryphon could choose a different path for herself. She could choose to not give up herself to save the kingdom. She could choose not to suffer for the mistakes of others.”

“Griffa will not let the kingdom suffer. She will give up her life to save her people,” said Max confidently.

“I believe you are right, but it hardly seems fair. She has experienced enough pain for this kingdom. Why should she continue to suffer for it?”

“She would tell you it’s because she believes in the goodness of her people. If she found one person she thought was worthy of saving the kingdom she would do it just for that one person.”

King Nathin nodded. “So how will we save her then? How will we make sure she gets to rule Regventus?”

“I’m not sure. My visions aren’t clear. I know her protector must be involved somehow. I know there is a way to save her, but I can’t figure it out,” replied Max.

King Nathin looked at Max. “Walk with me, Maxwell. I think better when I am walking.”

King Nathin and Max walked off the dais. They walked out of the throne room into the entry hall and out of the castle. Max stayed by King Nathin’s side as they made their way towards the temple.

“Gryphon will have to go to a dark place to save the kingdom. She will have to go somewhere no person has ever been, and I am afraid there may not be a way back for her. She will have a hard time finding the way back to the kingdom,” said Nathin as they approached the temple.

King Nathin opened the door of the temple and motioned for Max to enter. Max walked through the door and looked around the room. It was not as he remembered it. There was no fountain of twelve people. There was no empty circle of light in the middle. Instead, it was as if the room below them had been raised up. The statue of the gods stood in the middle of the room with four pillars around it. The ceiling above was blue with stars and suns.

Max walked up to the statue of the gods and looked at it as King Nathin came and stood at his side.

“Do you think you could show her the way back, Maxwell?” asked Nathin quietly.

Max looked at the gods. He reached out and put his hand on the foot of the brother. He felt a bolt of energy flow through his arm, and Max could feel the blood of Adalwen flow through his veins. He closed his eyes and saw Griffa standing in the darkness. She was still and calm. He reached for her, and she lifted her hand towards Max, a small smile on her face.

Max took his hand off the statue and turned to look at King Nathin. “I can show her the way back. I will not leave her to be alone.”

“Good,” said King Nathin. “You will have to save her for all of us. She is too good to leave in that place. Promise me, you won’t leave her, Maxwell.”

“I will not. I will do anything to bring her back to us,” said Max. “I will do whatever it takes.”

“Find her in Aurumist. No matter what it looks like, you can bring her back. Find her, and do everything you can to save her. Our kingdom and our bloodline depend on it. I know you are capable of many things, but you would not make a very good king.”

“No, I would not,” agreed Max. “She will reign. She will be queen.”

“I look forward to seeing her as queen. I’ve grown rather fond of her. I think she could be a rather magnificent queen. She will have to endure many hardships and heartbreaking loss, Maxwell. She will need you to help. Don’t let her ever give up hope.”

“I won’t. I will do everything I can to see she rules well and long.”

King Nathin nodded. “You will have to guide her king a bit too, I believe. She will need a very strong king to help her, and you will have to see that he understands what he must do. It will not be easy for him.”

“I can’t imagine Ansel not doing everything he can to help Griffa,” said Max with a frown.

King Nathin only gave Max a small, sad smile before he turned and disappeared.

The room grew dim around him, and Max felt himself being pulled away. He found himself on the floor of the cellar in Keene Manor by the fire. He got up and walked up the stairs to the entry hall. Everything was dark, and everyone had gone to bed. There was a knock at the door, and Max answered it to find Madam Sidora staring at him.

“You know how to save her?” asked Sidora as she walked into the entry hall.

“I do,” said Max. “I have to help her find her way back.”

Sidora took his hand. “It could take too much magic from you. Where she will go, will be far away. You could have to sacrifice a lot, Maxwell.”

“I don’t care. I would give up anything for her.”

“I would give up anything for both of you,” said Sidora. “I will travel to Aurumist tomorrow, and I will help you.”

“It’s going to be too dangerous. You should stay safe here.”

Sidora shook her head. “No, I will be in no danger as I know my fate. I will not pass from this kingdom until I see Gryphon crowned as the Queen of Regventus.”

“I will welcome your help, then,” said Max. “We will leave tomorrow mid-morning from the gates of Abscon.”

Sidora nodded and left through the door, leaving Max alone in the dark entry hall. The next morning, they all ate breakfast and gathered in the entry hall. Addi held a case with Griffa’s clothes, and Talon held one with a change of clothes for Kedan. Max had a pack slung over his back with all the elixirs he had packed.

Maybell came to see them off. She kissed them all affectionately on their cheeks. She kissed Ansel last and held on to his arm stopping him from leaving. “Promise me, you will do everything you can to keep her safe.”

“I will. We all will,” said Ansel. “I promise Griffa will come through this, Maybell.”

“Tell her I will be there for her coronation and the wedding. I will come to her before that if she needs me,” said Maybell as tears formed in her eyes.

“I will tell her, Maybell. I know she will look forward to seeing you.” Ansel patted her arm.

Maybell nodded, and they all walked from the house to the gates of Abscon. They exited the gates to find a crowd waiting there. Many of Abscon citizens, young and old, gathered, waiting to travel to Aurumist. They all turned to look at Ansel and Talon as they exited the gates.

Talon turned to Ansel. “You will be their king. You should speak to them before we go.”

Ansel looked at Max for a long moment and then at Talon with a small smile. “I actually feel as if you should speak to them, Talon. You know what you have to say will be better than anything I could manage.”

Talon looked at Ansel with a confused look on his face. “Are you sure, Ansel?”

“I am, Talon, please speak for our queen.

Talon waved his hand to cast a charm and looked all around. “I thank you for joining us today. Our queen should already be waiting for us outside of Aurumist. We will travel there today and prepare. Tomorrow, we will take the city. I know sacrifices will be made, and if you are unsure of going you should back out now. Once we leave the vicinity of Abscon, magical travel may not be possible.

“If you do decide to go with us, make sure you take care of each other. I believe we will take the city and our queen will sit on the throne. The blood of Adalwen will rule once again, healing our kingdom. May the gods watch over all of us and especially our queen.”

“Thank you, Talon,” said Ansel as he clapped him on the shoulder.

“It wasn’t too bad. I might have held back a little. I will want our queen to make the final speech before battle, so probably best I didn’t try to outshine her.”

“As if that were possible,” smiled Ansel. “Come on we need to travel and set up our space. Our queen will be expecting us.”

Max took Addi’s hand, and she smiled at him. “It will all be well, Addi. Have faith in our queen.”

“I have nothing but faith in our queen, Max,” said Addi.

Talon put his hand on Addi’s shoulder as Ansel put his hand on Max’s.

“Are you all ready to save the kingdom?” asked Talon.

As long as we save our queen as well, thought Max. He closed his eyes and felt himself travel.

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