Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 14

Kedan hurried into the entry hall of Keene Manor. He took off his cloak and haphazardly hung it on a hook, as he continued on to the parlor. He needed to find his queen. He had been out with Ansel sending the next group of guards out into the kingdom, when he felt dread hit his stomach. He knew immediately something was wrong with Griffa. He had left quickly, without even telling Ansel. He knew he should have talked to Ansel first, but all Kedan could think was to get to his queen.

He entered the parlor and looked around. Addi, Talon, and Max were sitting in chairs by the fire. Kedan looked at all three of them.

“Kedan,” said Talon standing up. “What is wrong?”

Kedan didn’t answer he turned from the group, and walked back to the entry hall. He ran up the stairs and walked to Griffa’s room. He knocked, but there was no answer. He tried the door, and it swung open. He walked into the dim room to find Griffa in her bed. She seemed to be asleep, but was tossing and turning, mumbling something.

Kedan walked over to the bed and sat down next to Griffa. He took her hand to find it was warm and moist. He held it and squeezed as Griffa’s eyes flew open. She looked at Kedan, breathing heavily.

“It’s awful,” she said quietly. “I must do something.” She sat up as if to get out of bed, when Kedan stopped her.

“What is it, Griffa?” he asked. “What is wrong?”

Griffa shook her head and looked at him. He immediately took her into his arms and held her. He let his magic wash over her as she shuddered against him. He held her as she shook, trying to comfort her. Eventually she settled and collapsed against him. Kedan pulled back a little to see Griffa had her eyes closed.

“Griffa,” he said quietly. “Can you tell me what is wrong?”

“There is so much wrong with Regventus,” she whispered. “I don’t know if it can be saved.”

Kedan didn’t know what to say so he pulled her back into him and held her. A few moments later the door opened, and Ansel walked into the room. He came and sat down on the bed, close to them.

Kedan looked at Ansel and shook his head, hoping Ansel would know not to talk. Ansel sat there silently as Kedan held Griffa. Eventually, he felt Griffa go limp in his arms, and he pulled back to find her asleep. He gently laid her down in the bed. She rolled over and continued to sleep.

Kedan stood up off the bed as Ansel stood as well. He walked closer to Griffa and looked at her before following Kedan out of the room. When they got out the door, they found Talon standing there, waiting.

“What is the matter?” asked Talon as soon as Kedan shut the door.

Kedan shook his head. “I’m not sure. She is sleeping now. Let’s go down to the parlor to talk about it.”

He walked towards the stairs, stopping into his son’s room to see Zayden was down for his afternoon nap. He decide to come back to see him before dinner. He walked on to the parlor as Ansel and Talon sat down close to Max and Addi.

“What happened?” asked Ansel. “I was talking to the guards. I turned, and you were gone.”

“I am sorry. I should have let you know I was leaving, but I knew something was wrong with Griffa. I left without even thinking. I had to get to her.”

“What is wrong with her?” asked Talon. “She said she was tired and would take a quick nap. She hadn’t been in her room very long.”

“I’m not sure what was wrong. It seemed she was having a nightmare. I walked in and she was asleep, but she was moving around and mumbling. When I sat down and took her hand, she said something was wrong and she had to do something. She said she thinks maybe Regventus can’t be saved.”

Ansel and Talon looked at one another, while Addi looked concerned.

Max looked up at Kedan and nodded. “There is so much wrong with the kingdom. There is illness in the non-gifted, and the city has many with their magic corrupted. I wonder what else is happening. I wonder if Philo is planning something else.”

“We know he won’t be satisfied with just defeating us,” said Talon. “He wants the right to rule Regventus, and he won’t be satisfied without it. He will have to sacrifice Griffa to make it happen.”

“Devland is in the city. He is supposed to be sending us messages,” said Addi. “Has Griffa received any yet?”

“No,” said Talon. “He has sent no word.”

Ansel looked at Talon. “Perhaps he has not had anything to report.”

Kedan studied Talon. He could almost see the wheels turning in Talon’s mind. Everyone was quiet for a few moments before Talon looked at Kedan. “Kedan, do you think your mother could get a message to Devland?”

Kedan considered it for a moment. “I suppose it’s possible. She seems to be very busy, but if I told her it was urgent, I believe she could do it.”

“I will go compose a message to Devland, and I need you to write one to your mother. We will meet in the entry hall in one hour. I will take you to the East Village so you can send this message to your mother and check for any others.”

Kedan shook his head. “I would hate to leave my queen. She might need me again.”

“We will not be gone long,” assured Talon. “Ansel, Max, and Addi will be here with her. If all goes well, we might even learn something soon that will help Griffa.”

Kedan sighed considering what he should do. He looked at Ansel.

“Go, Kedan,” said Ansel. “If Talon thinks he can help Griffa, you should go. I will stay with her until you come back.”

Kedan nodded as Talon stood. Talon went in the study to write, as Kedan went over to the small desk in the corner, and they soon were on their way to the East Village. Kedan checked for messages to find there were none. He sent his message with Talon’s tucked inside it to his mother. He traveled with Talon, and they were back in Keene Manor in less than an hour.

They both walked in the parlor to find Griffa sitting on the sofa with Addi by her side. Ansel and Max were sitting by the fireplace in chairs close together. Griffa smiled at Talon and Kedan as they approached her.

“Are you feeling better, my queen?” asked Kedan as Talon sat down next to her.

“I am. I understand you went to the East Village. Were there any messages from your mother?”

“No, I am sure she hasn’t had time to write. It sounds like she is very busy at the moment.”

Griffa nodded and turned to Talon. “There are several letters that have arrived from leaders throughout the kingdom. I was waiting until you come back to check them. Do you have time to read over them with me?”

“Of course, Griffa,” said Talon standing up. “I always have time to do whatever you need.”

He held his hand up and Griffa took it, standing up. They walked towards the study together as Griffa stopped and turned to look at Ansel.

“Ansel, would you like to join us? I believe we could use the help.”

Ansel stood and nodded, following Griffa and Talon into the study. Addi stood and said she would go check on the potion brewing in the cellar. Kedan smiled at her before he walked over and sat down next to Max. Max looked at him and gave him a weak smile.

“Are you alright, Max?” asked Kedan. “I haven’t heard you talk much in the past few days. I haven’t seen you much either.”

“I am fine, Kedan. I have had a lot on my mind I’ve been trying to figure out,” replied Max as he stared at the fire.

Kedan sat in silence by Max. After a while, he thought he would go check on his son. Kedan stood up and turned to go when Max’s hand caught Kedan’s arm. He looked at Max who was staring into the fire.

“Protector, your actions will decide your queen’s fate, and you must not leave her. You must not give up on her. Even when things seem hopeless, you must listen to what your magic tells you. Others will tell you it’s over. Others will tell you there is no hope, but you must only listen to your magic and your queen’s. You will know what is right. Follow only what you know is right.”

Kedan looked at Max who had not stopped staring at the fire. Max’s hand felt warm on his arm, and Kedan felt his magic swirl inside of him. He could almost hear it talking to him. “Yes, Max,” I will do what I know is right. I will not fail her.”

Max dropped his hand and nodded, still staring into the fire.

“Are you well, Max?” asked Kedan.

“No, I am not, but I trust that everything will be well in the end.”

Kedan stood there unsure if he should leave. Max continued to stare at the fire, but otherwise he seemed fine. He turned to leave. He walked a few paces and turned back to Max.

“It will all be well in the end, Max. Griffa will be safe and rule,” said Kedan.

Max turned slightly in his chair and looked at Kedan. “I know, Kedan. The only way we will all be well is if she is safe. If you fail, all will be lost.”

He looked at Max for a long moment before he walked from the room. He spent the rest of the afternoon with his son, trying not to dwell on his encounter with Max. After dinner, they all sat in the parlor talking and drinking glasses of wine. Kedan held is son is his lap and watched Griffa. She sat between Ansel and Talon and seemed well if a little tired. She leaned slightly on Ansel as she drank her wine. A knock at the front door, made them all stop talking and turn. Maybell showed in a frantic looking Desmona Delis followed by her father.

“Desmona?” asked Griffa standing up. “What is wrong?”

“I need to speak with you, my queen. I am sorry to come so late, but it is urgent.”

“Would you like to go in my study?” asked Griffa.

“No, I have nothing to hide. We can talk here,” responded Desmona looking at her father.

“Very well,” said Griffa. “Please have a seat, both of you.”

Desmona sat in chair near the sofa. Kedan stood up with Zayden so Hector could sit next to his daughter. He walked to the fireplace with his son as Maybell came and offered to take Zayden up to the nursery. He thanked her and handed Zayden to her.

“Something terrible has happen,” said Desmona clearly upset. “I believe Marcus has been taken by his father.”

“Why do you believe that has happened?” asked Ansel after looking at Griffa.

Desmona looked at her father, and he nodded at her encouragingly. “My mother came to me about two weeks or so ago. She talked to me of Philo and Aurumist. She said that Philo was ruling the kingdom. She said Marcus needed to be with his father, and she encouraged me to get him to agree.”

“She said this to you two weeks ago?” asked Griffa.

“Yes,” said Desmona looking down.

Griffa shook her head. “You didn’t think to come tell me your mother was encouraging you to charm your betrothed in going to his evil father? She was probably in contact with Philo, you do realize it, don’t you?”

“She was. I know she was,” said Desmona with tears in her eyes.

“You swore to serve me, Desmona. You said if you had any information you would come to me,” said Griffa angrily.

“I know, but she is my mother. You don’t know how long I have listened to her and learned under her. She said there was a way Marcus could be the King of Regventus someday.”

“You considered listening to her, didn’t you?” asked Talon harshly.

“Yes,” whispered Desmona.

“You do know you mother was telling you to commit treason against our queen,” said Talon. “For Marcus ever to be the king of Regventus, Griffa would have to die.”

“I know. It was wrong of me to even consider it, but in the end, I could not do it. I would not agree.”

“Hector, did you know about this?” asked Griffa looking at Hector.

“No, Desmona told me tonight. I hadn’t seen Cassia in a few days, but to be honest that isn’t unusual. I told Desmona we had to come to you immediately.”

“I will have to banish your wife from Abscon, Hector. She cannot re-enter. We can’t have her bringing Philo and his forces into the village.”

“I understand,” nodded Hector. “I don’t know what to say. I always knew she had her secrets. I knew she did as she wanted, but I never dreamed she would go this far.”

“She has charmed you since you met her, Hector,” said Ansel. “You must know that. She has never been faithful or truthful to you.”

“I know it. I have always known it. Renweard tried to warn me from the beginning, but I was so in love with Cassia, and I was willing to let her have some freedom. I knew what she was, but I was happy to just have her when I could. I didn’t ever think she would turn against her people in this way.”

“What about Marcus?” sniffled Desmona. “He is in Aurumist with his father. We can’t just leave him there.”

Kedan watched Griffa, and he could tell she was thinking over something. He hoped she didn’t think she would go in and try to save Marcus. Somebody would have to stop her.

“Your betrothed will be fine in Aurumist. His father won’t hurt him,” said Talon. “He will want Marcus to carry on the family line.”

“Marcus won’t go along with him,” said Desmona. “He is very loyal to our people and to Gryphon. He would never agree to what his father wants, no matter how much my mother charms him.”

“What do you expect us to do, Desma?” snapped Ansel. “You can’t expect Griffa or any of us to run to Aurumist now.”

Kedan looked at Griffa as she looked at Ansel and Talon before turning to Desmona. She opened her mouth to speak.

“Griffa,” warned Talon. “You do realize you can’t go save Marcus, don’t you? You cannot put yourself in danger.”

Griffa smiled sadly and looked at Desmona. “I am sorry, but Talon is right. We cannot chance a rescue attempt at the moment. I understand the anguish you must feel, but I believe Philo will not hurt Marcus. Marcus’ mother is also in Aurumist, and she loves her son. He will be safe for some time. Soon, I will move to take the city. Marcus will not be there long.”

Desmona shook her head as tears fell down her face. Hector took her hand and looked at Griffa.

“We understand, my queen,” said Hector. “We should be going, Desmona.”

Hector stood up and pulled his daughter up with him as Griffa stood as well.

“I do feel for both of you. I don’t like Marcus being in Aurumist, but the truth is Philo will not hurt him, at least for some time. We have some informants in the city. I will try to get information on Marcus and let you know what we find out.”

“Thank you, Gryphon,” said Hector.

“If you hear from your wife or Marcus, you will let us know,” said Talon looking at Hector. “We need no secrets from either of you.”

“I will tell you if I hear anything,” agreed Hector. “I will make sure my daughter does as well.”

Hector bowed and dragged his daughter out of the parlor. They all heard the front door open and close.

Griffa sighed and moved to stand by Kedan and the fire, shaking her head. “Poor Marcus.”

“He will be fine,” said Talon. “It’s Desmona’s fault he was taken. She should have come to us as soon as her mother approached her. We will have to watch her closely. You know Hector can’t be trusted. I’m sure his daughter can charm him almost as well as his wife.”

“You will have to let Malchom know,” said Ansel. “He would want to know, and he can help Hector keep watch over Desmona.”

“I will speak to him tomorrow,” said Griffa. “I am going to bed. It’s been a trying day.”

“I will go up with you.” Ansel stood up, and they both said goodnights, leaving the room.

Kedan walked and sat down in a chair close to the sofa. Talon leaned forward and seemed to be thinking.

“It would be helpful if we knew exactly what was happening in Aurumist,” observed Max quietly. “If Philo has taken Marcus, he must think he really can take the right to rule from the line of Adalwen. He must think he will need to do it soon.”

“The only way he takes the right to rule is if he kills Griffa,” said Talon. “He must believe he has a way to get to her. We can’t have something happened like her disappearing again.”

Max looked closely at Talon. “You are planning something, aren’t you?”

Talon grinned. “I hope to hear something within the next three days. I have sent a couple of messages today, and if all goes to plan, I can get us some information about what is going on in Aurumist.”

“Would Griffa approve of what you are going to do?” asked Max.

“I’m not sure,” shrugged Talon, “but I’m not going to ask and find out.”

“If it’s not something our queen would approve of, perhaps you shouldn’t do it,” said Kedan.

“If there is a chance, I can help Griffa, there isn’t much I wouldn’t do, Kedan,” said Talon with an edge to his voice. “Are you going to run and tattle to our queen?”

“I should.” Kedan huffed “How do I know what you have planned is really in her best interest?”

“You should know by now that most things I do are only done in Griffa’s best interest,” said Talon as he sat back and looked at Kedan.

“Tell me what you have planned then.” Kedan crossed his arms. “Let me decide if our queen should know.”

Talon sighed. “You know I have written Devland Clarke. I asked him to meet with me and two Valley council members just outside Aurumist at dawn in three days. I told him I wish to discuss ways he could repay the debt he owes to his people, his queen, and his village.”

“You are going to go close to Aurumist?” asked Max. “Do you think that is safe?”

“It should be fine. We won’t stay long. If there is any sign of trouble, we will leave quickly.”

“Who will you take with you?” asked Max.

“Addi, if she will go,” said Talon turning to Addi. “I have also asked Cillian.”

Max’s eyebrows raised, and he let out a breath of air. “You know Griffa won’t approve of this.” She will not want any of you in harm’s way.”

“We need information in the city. Devland is perfectly positioned to give us that information. I think he just needs an encouraging chat to do what is right,” said Talon.

“And what if he won’t do as you want? What if he doesn’t appreciate your encouragement?” asked Kedan.

“I think I can be very persuasive,” smiled Talon. “If he doesn’t see things my way, we will see where it goes from there.”

“Our queen has granted him mercy until after the war,” said Kedan fiercely. “You should not override her decision.”

“I don’t plan on harming him. I plan on being very friendly. I plan on offering him incentive to do as I want.”

“You may not plan on harming him, but I know you Talon. What happens when he says the wrong thing and you curse him without thinking?”

“If you are so worried about it, come with us Kedan,” answered Talon. “Come and see to your queen’s interest.”

“I shouldn’t leave Griffa,” mumbled Kedan. “She might need me.”

“We will leave before sunrise. We will be back before breakfast. You will not be gone long, and she will be asleep and with Ansel,” said Talon.

Max looked at Kedan. “You should go. Go and represent your queen.”

“She will not like this,” said Kedan.

“No, she won’t, but if we can find out what is happening in the city, it could help save Griffa,” said Max. “That is your only duty, to save your queen.”

Kedan closed his eyes. “I will go with you, Talon, but you will keep your head. You will not go against your queen’s wishes in regard to Devland.”

Talon smiled and looked at Addi. “What about you, Addi? Will you go?”

“I will,” answered Addi. “If nothing else, I will support Kedan and see that our queen’s commands are respected.”

Kedan nodded at Addi giving her a small smile which she returned.

“Cillian will go, I have no doubt of it. I have told him to meet us at the gates of Abscon in three days. “No one should mention this to Griffa. She has enough to worry about at the moment.”

“What about, Ansel?” asked Kedan. “Do you plan on keeping this from him?”

“No,” said Talon. “He already knows my plan.”

“You’ve told him already?” asked Kedan

“Yes, as soon as I could before dinner. He will not tell Griffa. He knows this needs to be done,” said Talon.

Three days later, Kedan walked with Talon and Addi through the gates of Abscon. They found Cillian waiting close by. Talon greeted him as all four gathered close together.

“We will travel just outside the fifth circle of Aurumist in the forest. I have explained it to you all, and I think you have all been at least close to the city except Addi. Cillian will take you, Addi, so you just need to trust him. Kedan you will come with me.”

Kedan grabbed onto Talon’s shoulder. They watched as Addi and Cillian disappeared before Kedan nodded at Talon, and he felt himself travel. Landing on his feet, Kedan looked around to see tall trees and leaves on the ground that were lightly covered in fresh snow. Addi and Cillian were near, and Talon lead them to a small circle of trees that offered some cover from anyone who might pass by.

The dark forest around them slowly transformed as the sun started to rise. Kedan rubbed his hands together and then pulled his cloak tighter. Addi had her hands in her cloak pockets and seemed to be shivering. Cillian moved slightly as though trying to warm himself. Talon stood straight and still, taking deep breaths that Kedan could see in the cold morning air. There was a slight disturbance, and then they all heard footsteps. Talon turned towards the noise with his hand raised, as Devland came into view. He stood a good ways back and stared at Talon.

“Devland,” said Talon smiling slightly. “Do not stand so far away from your fellow Valley folk. It has been a while.”

Devland looked at Talon and moved closer. He blinked several times, looking at both Cillian and Addi. “You sent me a message, Talon, asking me to come. I have come.”

“So, you have,” said Talon. Kedan could see Talon flexing his hand as though he was itching to throw a curse at Devland.

“You said there were things you wanted to discuss,” said Devland. “You said there might be a way I could make amends to our village.”

“Yes.” Talon moved a few steps towards Devland. “I heard you are very sorry for all that you did the Valley and our queen. I heard you were very eager to serve our queen.”

“I am,” agreed Devland. “I did wrong by Gryphon and my village. I know that. I want to make things right.”

“And yet, we have received no messages for you. Griffa let you come back to Aurumist to serve her. How have you served her?” asked Talon.

“There has been nothing to tell. I am not a trusted advisor of Philo. I can only report what I observe.”

“Where do you go to observe things, Devland? Do you visit people in the city, or do you hide away in the fancy house you received for turning Griffa and Max over to Philo and destroying our village?”

Devland only stared at Talon.

“He’s a coward, Talon,” snarled Cillian. “He always has been. He likes to talk, but when it comes down to it, he will only protect himself. I doubt he has any intentions of actually serving our queen.”

“What should we do with him, do you think?” asked Talon. “Cillian, what is your opinion?”

“He should pay for the crimes he committed against the Valley and our queen,” answered Cillian. “You are our leader, Talon. His punishment should be decided by you.”

“Addi, what do you think?” Talon stared at Devland.

“Our queen has granted him temporary mercy. I would say we should stand by our queen’s wishes, but Devland promised he would serve our queen. He has not kept that promise,” answered Addi quietly. “therefore, I agree with Cillian, his punishment should come from you.”

“Kedan, you are the queen’s protector. You represent her here today. Do you have an opinion on the matter?”

Kedan gave a harsh, short laugh, knowing what Talon was doing. “Devland has not lived up to the promise he made our queen. I say be done with him now. If he is not useful, he should pay for his crimes.”

Talon smiled menacingly at Devland. “The council and the queen’s protector have spoken. Do you have anything to say for yourself before I administer your punishment.”

Devland looked at Addi who was staring with her arms crossed. He looked at Cillian who looked disgusted by Devland. He glanced at Kedan, and then looked back at Talon.

“I do wish to serve our queen,” he said dropping his head. “Cillian is right. I am a coward, but I do want to make things right.”

Talon walked up so he was so close to Devland he could reach out and touch him. “Then find a way to get us information on what Philo is planning. You may not have Philo’s ear, but you know Helmer. Go to him, offer to help him with the city. If he does not open up to you, go to Helmer’s son. Take a walk close to the palace. Get us good information that will help our queen.”

Devland nodded. “I will do better. I must do better. I do want to atone for my crimes.”

“Good. Talon stepped back. “I will expect a message within a week and then every week after that until we take the city. You will find something useful to report in every letter. If you do this, and the information you give us helps us to save our queen, I will rethink your punishment.”

Devland looked up at Talon. “You would grant me mercy for my crimes?”

“If you provide information that helps to keep our queen alive, I will grant you some sort of mercy. You will still have to pay in some way, but it won’t be as permanent of punishment as you stand to face now.”

“I will send you a message in one week. It will contain information that will be useful for our queen.”

Talon nodded. “You will fight for our queen as well. She will come to take the city soon, and you will aid in her fight.”

“Yes,” nodded Devland. “I will be prepared to do all I can to help her.”

“We will see,” scoffed Talon. “We need to get back to our queen. I expect to see that message in one week, Devland.”

Talon turned and walked away as Addi and Cillian followed. Kedan looked at Devland one more time, before he followed as well. They traveled back to the gates of Abscon. After saying goodbye to Cillian, the three walked together through the village.

“Will you really grant him mercy, Talon?” asked Addi as they walked.

“Yes, if he provides information that will help us keep Griffa safe. I am a man of my word.”

“He caused the destruction of our village,” said Addi. “Several people lost their lives.”

“Killing Devland, as good as it may feel, will not bring back those lives,” said Talon. “We cannot save those who died, but we can still save Griffa.”

“You care for her very much, don’t you?” questioned Addi quietly.

“I love her above anyone else in the kingdom. She means more to me than anything, including our village.”

“You love her even though she has chosen another?” asked Addi

“I do. I have loved her for longer than I think I even know. You know I have not made wise choices in my life. I did everything I could to ignore the love I felt for her and have my own way, and I paid for it. She is better off now with Ansel, but I will not stop loving her.”

“I think that might make me like and respect you a little bit more,” said Addi. “If you can recognize someone as worthy to love as our queen, you must be wise. You love her without hope of being with her, with gaining nothing in return. That love could turn to remorse and spite, but you have not let it be so.”

“I will take your respect and friendship, Addi, but do not have any pity for me. I don’t deserve her love, and yet she does love me. It may not be how I have always wanted, but it is real. I gain much by loving her. I am allowed to be at her side. I have her friendship and her loyalty. Once we get her through this war safely, I will have the privilege of serving her as she rules. I will get to see her happy and well-loved by her husband. I will experience a lifetime of being close to her.”

Kedan smiled slightly as Addi put her hand on Talon’s arm and squeezed. She fell back and walked by Kedan as Talon walked faster away from them.

“I believe he is a good man, Addi,” said Kedan as he looked down at her. “He has made mistakes like all of us, but I believe people can change.”

“You mean like you changed?” Addi grabbed Kedan’s hand. “Griffa told me some of your story, Kedan. I want you to know I do not hold any of your past against you.”

“I thank you, Addi, and I hope you will extend the same courtesy towards Talon. I believe he only wants good things for our queen.”

She nodded as she squeezed Kedan’s hand. “I just hope Talon gets to actually experience a lifetime of friendship with Griffa. I hope we all do.”

Kedan pulled Addi a little closer to his side, hoping the exact same thing.

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