Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 13

Max sat by the fire in the cellar. He had a large kettle of the cure brewing next to him as he looked over a book in his lap. It included the elixir Golnar had used to release magic users in the city. Max needed to find a way to help the folk who were sick. He would usually be engrossed in figuring out the puzzle of finding a way to help, but his mind was preoccupied with something else.

Ever since Max had traveled to Nemar, he had several visions every day. They were all versions of the same vision. The vision haunted Max constantly and barely allowed him to sleep. For a while now, he had a bad feeling that for Griffa to save Regventus, she would have to sacrifice herself. Now it seemed to be confirmed.

As Max watched the fire, he felt his sight go hazy and the room grow dim. He prepared to be immersed in another vision.

Max walked into the throne room of the palace in Aurumist. Griffa was laying in the middle of the dais by herself, and she was still. He walked up to the dais and climbed the stairs, keeling by Griffa’s side. She was pale. Her arms laid at her side, covered in blood. Her dress had a hole over her chest, and Max could see it was stained red.

He grabbed her hand, and it was cold. He could not feel her magic mix with his. It was gone as was her life. Max kissed her hand gently and let her it go, watching it fall by her side. Tears came to his eyes, and he felt as if he could not go on. He knew he would be king, but he could not do it. Max broke down and cried over Griffa’s body as the room became dark around him.

He looked up, and he was again in the throne room. He stood by the dais and saw Kedan holding Griffa. Max walked up the stairs quickly, and went to Kedan and Griffa. He knelt down besides Griffa and looked at her. Her arms were unblemished, and her dress was not torn over the chest. Griffa looked unharmed, but she was not moving or breathing as she lay in Kedan’s arms.

“She’s not dead. I know she’s not,” said Kedan as he held Griffa gently.

Max nodded. For some reason he believed Kedan. He could see Griffa wasn’t breathing or moving, but Max knew Kedan was right. He took Griffa’s hand, and felt it was warm. He felt her magic reach out to this. As her magic met Max’s, he felt a jolt of energy hit him.

He awoke on the floor of the cellar. He sat up and flexed his hand as it tingled from the jolt of energy that had come from Griffa. He had seen Griffa dead on the dais many times, but he had never seen anything like what he just saw. It gave him hope. There was a way to save her, Max just had to figure out how to do it.

He got up and sat on his stool. He looked at the potion before him and saw it was bubbling high. Max adjusted the fire and grabbed large wooden paddle. He stirred the potion and thought over what he had seen. He needed to figure out what it meant. He needed to understand, and he knew one person who could help him.

The door opened and Addi walked into the room. She smiled at Max, coming to sit on a stool next to him. He looked up at her, and Addi’s eyes looked concerned.

“Max, are you alright?” She leaned over and looking at Max closely.

Max nodded. “I’m just trying to figure something out.”

“Can I help you in some way?” asked Addi.

“I don’t think so. I’ve been having a lot of visions, lately. They have been disturbing, but today I had a new one.”

“What are these visions about?” asked Addi.

“The kingdom and Griffa.”

“She’s going to die, isn’t she?” asked Addi sadly.

“Why do you say that?”

“I’m no diviner, but I’ve had bad feelings. Griffa has as well. She talks to me at night before bed. She says she will do anything to save her kingdom, and she has asked me to watch over all of you if something happens to her. She asked me to make sure you took your place as king.”

“She could die, Addi. Saving the kingdom could kill her, or Philo could kill her before she has a chance to save the kingdom.”

Addi shook her head with tears in her eyes. “How could any of us go on without her? She talks as if we will all just live on after she dies, but I don’t see how we can.”

“You’ve become very close to her,” said Max.

“I have,” replied Addi. “I have known her almost all my life, but she barely knew me until recently. She probably doesn’t remember when we were younger, but she was always so kind to me. I was a very quiet child, and the other children in the Valley would ignore me. They would seem to forget I was there. Talon was the leader of course, and they would all follow him in games and adventures. They would not invite me, and I was too timid to speak up. You know how Talon is. No one could tell him what to do, except for Griffa.

“When she would visit, everything would be different. She would drag Talon around to do her own plans. She would make sure no one was left out, even me. When she came to visit, I would get to play with the other children. The first time I explored the mountain pass was because she pulled me along with the other children. She encouraged me to swim in the lake one late spring day. The other girls scoffed at her, but she just laughed and jumped in. She gave me the courage to do so as well.

“I’ve always thought she was the bravest and boldest person I had ever met. Since I’ve gotten to know her better, I realize she is also the kindest. I know it seems silly since I haven’t really been close to her long, but I have come to love her as I have never loved anyone. I never had any siblings, but to me Griffa feels like a beloved sister. Besides my mother, I can think of no one I love as much as her.”

Max smiled slightly. “It doesn’t seem silly. I have only known Griffa for two years, and she has become very important to me. Besides Nora, She is my only family now. I do not want to live in this kingdom without her. If she is gone, I will be expected to be king, but I don’t know how I could do it without her by my side.”

“What can we do, Max?”

Max looked at Addi. “Do you think you could sit here with this potion for a while? You will have to stir it and watch it. I can see if Talon can help if you would like, but I need to go talk to someone about Griffa.”

“I can stay here with it. I have nowhere to be, and don’t bother Talon. I believe he is in the study with Griffa. They are working on some correspondence. I don’t think he would appreciate you trying to drag him from her side.”

“No, he is very devoted to his queen,” said Max standing up.

“He seems to be though I don’t understand it,” said Addi. “Go do what you need to do, Max. I will wait here.”

“Thank you, I will try to be back soon.”

Addi waved him away, and Max turned. He left the room and walked up the stairs into the entry hall to be met by Ansel and Kedan coming into the house. Max grabbed his cloak and put it on.

“Where are you going?” asked Ansel as Kedan walked into the parlor.

“I need to go speak with someone about something.” Max fastened his cloak around his neck.

“Are you being vague for a reason?” asked Ansel

“Yes,” said Max. “I don’t think I will be gone to long, and it is very important.”

Ansel looked closely at Max. “I’ve noticed you have been quiet for some time. I’ve seen you avoiding the rest of us when you can. Something is bothering you, and I want you to know you can talk to me.”

“I can’t talk to you about this, not yet. It will do no good for you to hear it.”

Ansel stepped back. “It’s about Griffa isn’t it? I guess it isn’t good news.”

Max looked away towards the door. “Visions are rarely perfectly clear. Whatever I have seen, I am not seeing the full picture. It will do you no good to hear the portion I have seen and jump to conclusions.”

“You are going to Madam Sidora to speak of this, aren’t you?” asked Ansel

“Yes,” answered Max. “I need her help to hopefully make some things clear.”

“Could it help save Griffa?” asked Ansel.

“I believe so,”

Ansel nodded. “I would like if you told me what you find out, but if you can’t I will try to understand.”

“Thank you, Ansel. I will be back soon.” Max put his hand on the door handle. “Please don’t tell Griffa where I am going, or what I may have seen. She will need to move forward and control her own destiny without second guessing herself.”

Max turned and walked from the house to the center of the village. He took a left towards a small group of trees. In the middle of the trees was a small, pretty cottage. He waked up to the front door and knocked. He waited for a few moments and the door opened on its own allowing Max to walk into the small entryway.

The entryway was dark with only a few candles burning on a low table. Max turned to the left and entered a small, sparse parlor. He walked towards the fireplace to find Sidora sitting in a chair, staring at the fire.

“Young diviner, I thought I would see you soon,” said Sidora as she kept staring at the fire. “Come sit by me.”

Max sat carefully in the chair next to Sidora. He sunk it to the old cushion as he leaned back into the chair.

“You have seen many visions. I have as well. They are all very interesting.” Sidora turned slightly to glance at Max.

“I’m not sure interesting is how I would put it. I am concerned. I care very much for our queen.”

“I know, and I am fond of her as well. I always have been, but the visions are what they are.” She turned fully to look at Max.

“So, you think there is no hope for Griffa?”

“I wouldn’t say that. I believe there is always hope. Visions aren’t set in stone, and you know this. Our choices can’t always be predicted. We don’t know how we will react in certain situations. Our queen’s decisions will affect everything. The decisions her protector and friends make will change things. Don’t even get me started on the gods. How can we predict their mercy and plans?”

“Is there anything we can do to prepare beforehand that will help Griffa? I know as a diviner I am supposed to look at things from an outside perspective. My feelings aren’t supposed to get in the way, but I cannot do it in this situation. Griffa means so much to me. I have to do everything I can to save her.”

Sidora smiled. “It is not easy to separate ourselves from the visions when it is about someone we love. I understand as I have had experience. I feel it now.”

Max looked at Sidora. “What do you do? How do you separate yourself?”

“Who says that I always do? Maxwell, you must understand that I am a regular person just like you. I have feelings and love for my family and friends.”

Max looked hard at Sidora. She had never used his name before.

She held out her hand. Max took it, and he felt her magic join his. It felt familiar and comforting. It felt vaguely like Griffa’s, but not as strong. He opened his mouth slightly.

“Yes, Maxwell, you are my family. Your mother was my granddaughter. I saw the vision of her being hunted and killed. I tried to hide her and her husband in the forest, but the visions still plagued me. I realized all I could do was save you. I told Renweard how to do it. I wanted to keep you safe. I told him and the protector where to take you. I should have had you brought here, but I wanted you to be safe and loved.

“I knew here you would grow up as the king. I knew the Ring members would fight over you and try to manipulate you. I knew you would be a wise, kind, and gentle boy who liked the quiet. I couldn’t understand how you would be king. You have many gifts, but ruling is not one of them. I didn’t realize Renweard had tricked me to try to save his own daughter.”

Max shook his head . Sidora was his family. She was his great grandmother. For some reason it didn’t shock him. He took a breath and looked down at the ground. “Griffa is meant to rule, and she is good at it. She is kind and wise as well, but she is able to inspire where I could not.”

“I agree. Gryphon will be a good queen if she is given the chance.”

“How do we give her that chance?” asked Max. “Please help me, help her. You are my family, but so is she. I cannot lose her. I don’t think the kingdom can afford to lose her. I cannot be king.”

“I will help you as I can, Maxwell. In a way, she is my family as well. I can try to help, but it is not just up to you and me. I believe we have a part to play, but so do others. Remember there are always other consequences that will come into trying to change the future. If we find a way to save Gryphon, I am afraid other sacrifices will have to be made.”

“What can I do?” asked Max. “I’ll do whatever I can to save her.”

Sidora stared at Max for a moment and then nodded.

“Let me brew some tea first,” said Sidora as she stood up. “We could have a long afternoon ahead of us.”

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