Talent Hall

Chapter 22

I pick up my beeping phone and smile at a text from Caleb.


Big night tonight, huh?


Just the red carpet for a movie

premier. We have an interview before

and after, and then in a couple

of days, the talent show begins.

It’s exciting, but also nerve wracking.


I can imagine it would be. This is all very new to you. You have the right to feel anxious,afraid excited... Whatever it is you’re feeling, but just know Lisa, Blake, and I are very proud of you. Danielle would be too. I’m glad you decided to do this though. Especially since dancing is something you’ve loved since you learned to walk.


Me too. I thought about backing out,

but Lia was there to encourage me not to.


I’m sure she was. Lia reminds me of

your mother. I think we both know

what would happen if you gave up

on something you really love.

Ah, yes. Angelia and Mother. The only two women who would force me to do any ridiculous thing until I go back to doing something I love. They are both the type to want me to do whatever makes me happy as long as it isn’t linked to drugs or alcohol.


Oh, no need to remind me, Caleb.

How’s work?


Pretty easy. Our jobs slow down

because of the awards happening.

Now what happened last week with

this Dante guy? Who is he or do you



Supposedly he’s the nephew the

woman who raped me. Said Maura

has said nicethings about me like I

was quiet and well behaved.


Did he provide proof?


No. He was only there to warn me

that they don’t like what I’m doing and

I need to stop.


Be careful. You might not be

worried, but they can be incredibly



I promise I’ll be careful.


Good. Now on to a positive topic. I

hear you’re in love with a young

lady Angelia has known for a while.

Is that true?


I might be crushing on a certain girl.


That kissed you last night?


Perhaps. Did Blake tell you?


Blake and Lisa did and I’m happy

for you! Shewas crying because her

baby’s growing up.


Women. So emotional at times.


As you get older, you’ll get used to that and their multiple personalities. That’s the best part. They have like fifteen.You can always pick a personality you like.


Like Mom?



A character’s duty of battling a dragon in a totally fictional world is interrupted by Kayiah hopping on my bed, her legs crossed, her face beholding a bright smile. I place a bookmark in my place and close the book. She touches the cover gentle and whispers the title. “Wow. For once you aren’t reading about The Elimination. I mean, no one reads about them for pure enjoyment, but usually, you’re researching them,” Kayiah says.

“It’s starting to depress me. I’d rather read about dragons and live in a castle in the forest,” I tease and gasp. “Notice anything?”

After a long pause, Kayiah nods. “It’s quiet?”

“Too quiet. It’s kind of scary. Usually, you can hear Emily and Marybeth fighting or riots outside.”

“Yeah. Ever since the story leaked on YouTube and the news about you and Liam becoming closer and him being adopted by your mentor, the kids have calmed down and given the authorities of the UK a chance.”

“News?” I ask in shock. Kayiah starts to reach for the laptop and does, but stares at me when I sigh. “You know what? The less I know, the less I can say at the red carpet tonight.”

“You have to understand you’re the only hope these kids have had in a long, long, long... time.”

“They’re between the ages of five and eighteen, not fifty and five hundred,” I say.

“Did you have your coffee?” she smirks and pokes my cheek. I place a hand over my chest, pretending to be offended by her question. How dare she!

“Of course I did. I’m probably just crabby because it’s so quiet and I’m used to adventure that I didn’t ask for.”

It has been a week since I’ve last heard anything crazy. Aside from meeting Maura’s nephew and listening to him threaten me or whatever you wish to call it. A week since I’ve been back to the Child Juvenile Center. The kids were doing much better. I don’t think it’s because of me. I think Liam played a huge part in it, but they didn’t try to kill me so that’s a plus. The authorities over the children in the center had good things to say and thanked me for trying my best. I guess some people are coming from all over the world to adopt them, most of them involved with the SR Anti Elimination buildings from their country.

A lot can happen in a week. Just like a lot’s going to happen within the next week. Tonight is the red carpet. Tomorrow’s our final day of Dance practice. Kind of a rest day too since nothing big is happening.

Monday, we have the show. First up, art. Angelia and the other artists will have an hour to paint a blank canvas. They’ll describe the paintings. Then they are done for the night. We take breaks in between each talent section.

The gymnastic girls are on stage for not even an hour. The singers are on stage for God knows how long. The Dancers are on stage. We’ll definitely be onstage for at least an hour. All of us are hip hop dancers except for one girl who stays in the Misc building. Her mentor is her mother and she’s doing ballet this year. The only one who is obsessed with ballet. I think her name is Gabby Cook and she’s seventeen. Sweet girl. Only talked to her once, but she isn’t rude and is involved with the animal rights movement.

“It is strange, but it’s good to have time for yourself too. You need it. You’ve been busy since you got here. Accept the lovely gift of silence and use it to relax a little bit.”

“At least you don’t have to take on a million tasks. Like practice, schooling, sleep, and take care of everyone else like you always do.” I’m not denying everyone else matters to me more than I do. “Please, you need to take better care of yourself. That includes sleeping. Did you get enough of that?”

I nod and lightly touch the cover of my book. She smiles and opens it back up to my page. Is it me or is there an awkward silence?

“Give me my dress!” Emily shouts over a screaming Marybeth from down the hall. I sigh. Now I regret not appreciating the silence enough.

Kayiah shakes her head. “Girls. Aren’t you glad I’m not like that?” I snicker. “Hey, I could be worse.”

“I doubt that. You’re too sweet and innocent for that behavior.”

She gasps. “Guess I’ll have to show you.”

“When you’re ready to prove it, you know where to find me,” I smirk. “If you’ll ever be able to prove it that is.”

“Just wait, buddy.” She leans over and kisses me. Pulling away and smirking, I smile and look down at my book, blushing into a deep shade of red.

Emily and Marybeth practice their lines and prepare to pretend they like each other since Evie took the dress and told them to wear something else. The moon shines over the camera flashes ever perfectly. The limo stops at the red carpet next to a man in a black tux. He opens the door and stands tall and smiling, his black hat tilted slightly. Marybeth is the first to get out. Then an Emily and I. The first person I see is Kayiah holding a necklace piece in her hand and talking to a reporter. As I smile at her zeal, Emily nudges me and smirks.

I guess it’s not a huge secret that Kayiah and I aren’t totally opposed to each other. Well, that’s the right word to use. I’ve had a few kids ask about how we feel and it’s awkward at first because they were like twelve, but I’m fifteen and am crushing on a Kayiah. Either age doesn’t matter or I’m a hypocrite because fifteen isn’t much better than twelve.

“Well, your mood changed quickly,” I say. “Happy about something?”

Emily laughs. “I get happy whenever I see something cute.”

“And what’s so cute that makes you forget about Marybeth and the important dress?”

“The way you and Kayiah look at each other.” I look down at the floor and then at the car. “Face her, but don’t make it too obvious.”

As I do so, I see what she means. Kayiah’s staring back at me with admiration or happiness.

Over the years, I’ve noticed the many ways Caleb would look at mom. Love in his eyes. Kindness and the gentleness in his touch. The way he would hold her. That’s the way I want to love someone. I find romance stories like theirs so romantic and would consider it a fairytale if I hadn’t witnessed a couple of their arguments.

“I’m adopted. I’m not sure if you knew that, but my adoptive parents are deeply in love. I can see the admiration they have for each other your eyes. And Kayiah’s too. The way you both talk, stare, and laugh remind me of my parents and is quite adorable too. I just love seeing two people who are crushing on each other, but don’t have the guts to make an official announcement. You and Kayiah. In case you don’t know.”

“Got it,” I mumble.

“And another positive side. Neither one of you are Marybeth or trying to steal my dress.”

“Why do you guys fight all the time? I swear, you fight more than Liam and Marybeth do. Aren’t they together?”

“You could say that,” she shrugs. That tells me they aren’t officially together, whatever official is supposed to mean. “We’re cousins. Well, by adoption. We’ve hated each other since my parents brought me home. We’ll fight for any possible reason.”

“Have you thought of talking it out in a civil manner?”

The way Emily slaps her thigh and laughs out loud, you’d think I’m a famous comedian or something. Her laughter grabs attention of Kayiah and some other guests at the red carpet. “You’re hilarious, Danny. How are you not making millions as comedian already? I think you could do stand up comedy and win the crown. The queen loves to laugh.”

I cross my arms. “I’m serious.”

“So am I. Danny, if you actually knew how she is. She’s not the type to open up or to have a civil and understanding conversation with. It’s nearly impossible.”

“Nearly. Meaning not totally impossible. Trust me, I know a thing or two about not opening up. No one knows what that’s like more than I do, Emily, but not doing so hurts you and the people who love you.”

“But we hate each other.”

I sigh. “Can I help you guys?” She gasps as if she’s opposed to my question. Maybe she is. Maybe I should ask so she doesn’t think I’m against her too. “Is that alright or are you offended?”

“No! Not at all. I’m touched you care this much, but this is our battle. Our dirty laundry. And you need to focus on your life. On practicing and resting. You’ve had a long month helping anyone else. How do you have a second to breathe with all you’ve done for the king, queen, and the kids in the juvenile center?”

“Helping people makes me feel better about myself.” As I continue on, Kayiah runs to me and hugs me. I wrap an arm around her and ignore the shouts of the cameramen. “Sometimes I’m insecure. That takes away my insecure feelings.”

“Please. You have nothing to be insecure about. I know that won’t take it away, but it’s the truth, and everyone sees it. You’re sweet, you care about people, you’re in shape.” That makes my heart skip a beat. She doesn’t know about my issues I’ve had with eating, but it reminds me of the things Ana used to say. “You help everyone. You’re a great dancer and comedian, as we’ve seen already. Adorable. Kayiah adores you. I think we all know that,” Emily says with a smirk.

Kayiah nods her head. “We all have our insecurities. I’m no different, Danny. It’s just how we are.”

I nod and smile. “So you won’t let me help?”

Emily shakes her head. “It would drive you nuts.” That depends on your definition of nuts. “But thanks anyways.”

She walks away to talk to a respectful reporter. Kayiah kisses my cheek and beams with excitement. Before I can blink, Lia’s standing next to me with Jayla and Kamron behind her. Lia makes a heart with her fingers. I glare, but then smile because Kayiah’s standing here. I’m surprised Lia isn’t threatening to kill meIf I were to ever hurt her best friend. I’m sure it’s coming.

“We need to talk,” Lia says to Kayiah and I.” Spoke too soon. Here it comes. “Now I love your relationship, but if something happens, I can be the devil.” I snicker. “Don’t let my angelic appearance and name fool you. If you-”

“Hurt Kayiah, you will kill me?” I finish for her. “I’ve heard plenty of conversations between overprotective dads and boyfriends in my lifetime. I know the drill, Angelia Ryan.” I smile. “Trust me, I won’t hurt Kayiah.” Kayiah looks down and giggles softly.

“I hope not because it will be easy to hide a body as skinny as yours.”

I’m tempted to ask about how she can possibly hide a body without crying or relapsing, but It will work out in my favor if I don’t ask questions.“I understand, Angelia.”

She smiles and hugs me. “Good boy.”

Kayiah rolls her eyes. “Are you done?” Lia nods and hugs her too. Kayiah chuckles and mouths an apology to me. I shake my head and smile.

Kristian and Ashley are smiling for the cameras, but I can see how Ashley truly feels. At the way she’s whispering gives a subtle hint that she’s angry with him for what he’s done and the way he’s treated her. I’m sure if Kristian confessed everything to me then he must have some type of love for Ashley. She might not be able to forgive him though. I’m surprised he’s just accepting her anger, but there isn’t much he can do. Even if he felt no remorse, he couldn’t hit her, threaten her back, and females can be crazy. Kayiah and Lia are sweet, but no exception. Either Ashley would kill him using superwoman leveled strength or the guards would take him to the dungeon and the king would have him hanged for Eliminating a human being. That’s against a strict law. That’s only if he didn’t feel bad for what he’s been doing.

We pick a place to stand and end up right next to them. From left to right, it’s Kristian, Ashley, I, Kayiah, Jayla, Lia, and Kamron, who is still giggling from Lia’s threats. We stand and let people take a few pictures. Kristian wraps his arm around her, but Ashley groans and looks down at her shoe as she tries to move. Gum stretches from her heel to the red carpet. That’s so gross. We just got here and people are polluting a beautiful carpet that’s minding it’s own business.

Ashley panics and tries to pulls her shoe back and around to get loose from the gum. “Are you kidding me?” The more she pulls, the more the gum stretches. Kristian tells her to take her shoe off. “No! I don’t need your help.”

Jayla looks around and then picks up a stick and hands it to me, gagging at the blue gum stuck to her shoe.

“I can’t do this. You do it. You’re a guy.”

“How sexist of you,” I say.

She rolls her eyes. “I meant you guys have a higher tolerance ofgunk, slime, and anything gross.”

I hold the end of the stick against the gum stuck to the carpet and move it around, hoping to free Ashley’s heel from the gum. I actually have to break the stick in half and once I do that, it’s easier to free her. She mumbles a thank you and then goes inside the building. Kristian pats my back, squeezes my shoulder and then walks away, following her. The rest of us stare at each other until we decide to calm the cameramen and do some interviews. Luckily, the lady I promised an interview with is talking to Queen Alice and asks for me to follow her.

“Your Majesty,” I say with a slight bow. She smiles and tells me it’s unnecessary. That she views me as a close friend. Practically family and she won’t allow me to bow to her anymore.

“It’s so rare to find respectful kids these days,” the reporter Chai Chang says.

“Isn’t it? But I like it. It’s nice to be respected. That’s all my dear husband, beautiful daughter and I ask for. Respect and for my kingdom to listen when I give clear and easy directions. I don’t ask for golden statues or baby sacrifices. I think my requests for fair and in the best interests of the kingdom. I’m glad these kids listen to me. Makes things go smooth and painless.”

“I agree, Your Majesty. You and your husband gave your lives for the kingdom. The least your people can do is listen.”

“Exactly. Enjoy your interview, Danny. I must go find my husband and little girl. Lord knows those two could eat all the chocolate in the world, and then where would we be?”

The guards follow Queen Alice as she walks away and smiling at me. Chai’s cameraman points the camera at me and gives me the signal. I smile and prepare myself for the questions. She clears her throat and starts the interview. We both agreed it would benefit everyone to just have a completely honest interview.

“How are you enjoying your first red carpet night?”

“It’s like a combination of anxiety and excitement. Just because it’s so new to me. My other school was nothing like Talent Hall.”

“What school did you go to, Danny?”

“I went to Seattle High in Washington. Home of the Satellites.” I get chills down my spine just thinking about the memories of my last school.

“What was it like, for our viewers that have never been there?”

I have to think for a minute. I was picked on for every possible reason. The kids hated me because of my black hairand icy blue eyes. I was considered a loner. Emo. Weird. I was different there and judged for it. At that point, I realized everyone will judge you no matter what.

How can I say that it was the two weeks I spent at school were worst two weeks of my life in a positive way?“It’s your average school. Stress. Homework. Judgmental buttheads who love to make your life miserable. Those are my experiences. Someone might have a different experience and it’s fine. That’s how it was for me.”

“I’m sure there are plenty of kids who feels the same way.”

In the background, I see King Henry in a hat nibbling on some chocolate. He looks like he’s satisfied enough. He and Sydney both. She looks like she could leap in happiness in her heels. Females who can jump and run in heels are to be feared.

I turn back to Chai. “You are adorable. A lot of people love you, but people also hate you. What do you think about what The Elimination are saying about you?”

Don’t answer that, Danny. “I can’t say that in front of younger viewers.”

She laughs and nods her head. “I completely understand. Something everyone wants to know. Are you and Jared best friends now? Earlier this year, you guys had a dispute. And now you guys seem so close. What’s the deal there?”

“We had some issues, but agreed to put them aside for the greater good. It will benefit everyone. Know what I mean?”

“Absolutely. I wish it was that easy with my sister. You know, you set such a great example for kids everywhere. It’s no wonder everyone wants to be you or know you at least. How do you do it? I could never have so much pressure on my shoulder all the time. You’ve done this for two to three weeks. How did you manage it? I’m dying to know as well as the world, Danny. It’s all everyone has been talking about. And not just in London either.”

I answer honestly. “I’m passionate about helping those in need, you know? Those kids actually remind me of myself. I went through a lot of what they went through. I think just knowing about it makes me hate the pain they’ve had to endure and wish I could stop it. I am powerless to stop it completely, but I can assure them I know what it’s like and that I’m always for them if they ever need me.”

“So when you say you’ve been through what they have, when do you mean by that?”

“My dad wasn’t an ideal father and he was one of them. He was cruel, emotionally and physically. Let’s just put it that way.”

She nods and pats my back. “Got it. Thanks for sharing that. I’m sure children everywhere appreciate you telling your story, no matter how hard it is to think about.” I nod. “Well, I want to wish you luck on the awards. I’m sure you’ll do fantastic. And thank you for your time.”

“No, thank you.”

As soon we’re done talking after the cameras are shut off, Kayiah meets me by the door and hugs me. Aiken stands behind her right next to a security guard and they smirk to each other. I don’t even want to know what threats Aiken could have in mind for me. Lia threatened me already, but that doesn’t mean Aiken won’t. I just hope he can do it when we’re alone and not in front of cameras.

Or Kayiah.

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