Talent Hall

Chapter 21

It took a lot of begging and promises to get the king to let Liam leave the juvenile center to come and hang out with Grace, but I made it happen. I don’t think it was anything I did though. It could have more about me having the king’s favor, if such is true. If it is, then that’s why it happened. I just thought separating them is a bad idea and I’m sticking to that. At first, we couldn’t have him here in the mansion with us as potential targets, but last week was better than the first time he talked to me. He trusts me a little more now.

When he first found out he was allowed to play with Grace over here, he was excited. He even hugged me, but then pulled away, afraid of how it would look. I remember seeing how happy Grace and Liam both were. Of course, they weren’t together and didn’t speak to each other about it all, but they both love each other so much, they don’t have to say anything to each other.

I knew this was coming, but King Henry demanded that I have at least three guards with me. Liam does have a temper, but I think he’s asweet kid. What I think doesn’t matter. I’m still a minor and although Blake and Lisa signed a contract for consent to this, if something bad happens to me, it’s on the king for approving it, the guards present for allowing it to happen, and Evie because it’s her mansion we’re in. I won’t be able to do this anymore. Lisa and Blake love kids to death, but I guess I’m their priority right now.

My request for some clothing for the girls came in this morning. I’m so excited to present them to the girls. I already gave a few outfits to Grace and Evie just went shopping for her last night. Grace may have a little more than most kids, but if they find loving homes, then they’ll have what Grace has.

Evie and Logan must have an abundance of faith in me showing Liam we care and making him less hostile because they hired a team of people to design two bedrooms for Grace and Liam. The decision to adopt Gracewas made the minute they saw her in my arms. They knew they wanted her and Liam, but with how bitter and venomous Liam was, it was impossible to take in Grace without Liam praying for nuclear bombs. I haven’t talked to them about why they know for a fact I’ll do this right, but I saw Liam’s room last night.

A few nights ago, Grace told me she and Liam used to live by the ocean in Florida, so Liam’s bedroom is ocean designed. Light blue, sea animals and shells around the room and sea animal stickers on the walls. They say you can hear the sound of the ocean in the shell. It’ll calm Liam down. I’ve listened to shells before and they helped with my anxiety at the time.

Grace is in love with fairytales and happy endings, so her room has Cinderella’s carriage with a mattress inside. Pink and purple paint on the walls.Her window is somewhat designed like Rapunzel’s window. Her ceiling has a chandelier hanging from it, fairy lights surrounding the ceiling and the carriage bed. The minute I walked in her room, I thought I fell into fairytale land inside my book, but I realized I didn’t have the book and the room isn’t finished yet. Grace sleeps in a guest bedroom in the Ladies Hall, so she has no idea about this. It’s easier to work on Liam’s because he doesn’t live here.

I watch Liam and Grace paint with their fingers and put my pencil down, rubbing my eyes. Guess who’s sleep deprived again. Yep. Me. I swear, trying to get enough sleep during Award Month is quite the struggle. I have to get some more sleep when they go to bed. This three hours of sleep thing isn’t working for me. If I get less than six hours of sleep the night before the contest, I’m in trouble. When I’m tired, I tend to be crabby, swingy, and lose my balance, so if I trip on stage, I’ll probably try to move to a secluded island.

The only reason I didn’t sleep all day is because Grace, King Henry, and I planned for this to happen for a while and canceling at the very last minute isn’t going to make things any better. It could make Grace sad. Maybe if hadn’t promised, it’d be a different story, but I did promise, and I’m a person of my word.

I rub my eyes and smile at them playing the game. Grace is losing, but she doesn’t care. She’s just happy to be able to play with her brother. Last round, Liam lost, and like Grace, he didn’t care. It’s just a game. A competitive and easy-to-lose-friends game of Uno with a Wii.

They pause the game and wave at me. I smile and wave back.Though I already know the answer, I’m about to ask them if they’re having fun, but Evie whistles and calls my name from the carpet pathways in the main hall. Where the bedroom pathways are located. She probably wants me to see more of the progress they’re making.

I put a finger up and walk back to Evie by the girls’ section doorway. She pulls me to Grace’s room. The door is opened by the time we get there. Grace’s room has some finishing touches like the necessities she’ll need. A dresser, a pink, fuzzy carpet, the closet door is painted. I’m sure there’s more I’m not noticing.

Evie squeals. “Think she’ll like it?”

“I’m sure of it,” I whisper.

“Don’t you sound so enthusiastic?” Logan sighs. “Kid, you have to get some more sleep. If you don’t get enough or any at all, you could hallucinate.”

“I roll my eyes. “I’ll be fine, Logan.”

“Why don’t you go take a nap and we’ll look after Grace and Liam? You’ve worked hard all week. With the kids, with your schooling, and with your dance practice. You deserve a nap.”

“I… don’t think… Li-”

“Don’t worry about Liam, honey,” Evie says. “If we’re going to adopt him, we need to get to know him too. Besides, doesn’t a nice, long, beautiful, juicy nap sound lovely? I mean, just think about it. Dreaming. Doing things, but not having to move a finger. To me, it sounds perfect. It’s better if you’re really tired. And you, my friend, are tired. Like you could pass out in an instant.”

At this point, I’m just blinking and breathing, trying not to snap. “You had to go there, didn’t you?”

She pats my head. “Have a nice nap, Danny. And if you’re awake in an hour, I will strap you down to your bed and shove sleeping pills down your throat.”

“If you’re taking lessons on how to deal with me from my aunt, you’re passing,” I say. She raises an eyebrow. “You’ll look after them?”

“I assure you, Danny, we have everything under control. Have a nice nap.”

“If you say so,” I mumble sleepily and slowly head to my room.

When I wake up the next morning, the sun blinding me, I’m forced to to close the curtains and lay back down for a few minutes and figure out what year it is.

I spend a couple of minutes on my phone and then go downstairs to the kitchen when I find the motivation to get up. As soon as I enter, a confetti canon is blown, sending panic through my heart, lungs, and bombing my eardrums. I turn to the right and it’s Emily, Grace, and Evie. Logan’s holding Liam in his arms as Liam eats a cookie and smiles at me.

“About time you came down. I thought about calling your aunt,” Evie laughs. “I don’t think I’ve met anyone who could sleep that long. Except you. Angelia tells me you’re fully capable of it and make it look like a sport.”

“Aw, she said that?” I say, light sarcasm in my voice, placing a hand over my heart. “I slept great. Best sleep I’ve gotten in a long time.”

“I’m glad. And let’s hope you sleep for at least seven each night. As you grow older, you won’t be able to last very long on two hours of sleep without losing it.” I nod and look down until she speaks again. “If it makes you feel better, I have to take sleeping pills an hour before I’m ready for bed to relax my nerves enough to sleep.”

I smile.

“Do I have to go back?” Liam whispers, staring at his cookie. We know who he’s talking to.

My heart starts to speed beat.

“Actually, there’s something we want to ask,” Logan says before I have the chance to speak and puts Liam on his feet.

“What is it?” he asks curiously.

“How would you like a real home? Here with us And your sister?” he asks. Liam stares at him. The news is a huge shock for him. For years, he and Grace have lived in misery, suffering and pain. To hear that someone wants to give him a nice and loving home is probably a surprise to them both, but Grace seems to be handling it better than he is.

“Y-You want to help us?”

“Adopt you. Love you… Protect you,” Evie says. “You two are wonderful children and we want better for you. Better than you had in that… terrible place. Only if you want to stay with us of course.” Evie and Logan hold hands and smile back at the kids. “It’s your decisions. Both of your decisions.”

I’m not worried about Grace saying yes because I’m here because we had a talk a few nights ago. She knows Evie and Logan want to adopt her. Something I really stressed out to her was that she can’t say yes because I’m here. I’ll be gone in a couple of weeks. I told her I would come visit, but I won’t be around physically and she’ll always be in my heart and mind. Same goes for Liam. They need to make a choice based on if they want real parents or not. Evie and Logan. Not me.

I excuse myself from Evie and Logan to make my coffee. While it’s brewing, Logan clears his throat and screams. I turn around frantically and see him hugging Logan. Logan kisses his forehead and holds him. I take that as a yes and smile. Evie makes eye contact and I wink. She at me the minute Grace hugs her. I shrug and finish making my coffee. That doesn’t stop her from hugging me and kissing my cheek.

“Even barren women can have children,” I whisper.

“How can I make this up to you?” she whispers back.

“You don’t have to thank me for this,” I say. “They need this too, but if you’re up for it, tonight I’m want to make cookies with the kids and you guys.”

“Aren’t the girls dragging you to the fair?”

My mind goes blank. “Girls?”

“Kayiah, Angelia, Holly, and Kamron. They blew your phone while you were sleeping. I’m surprised you didn’t hear it and wake up. It sounded like bombs going off every five minutes. If you didn’t wake up by noon, I was going to text them back and say you’re practically dead.”

And it comes back to me. The fair, the girls. The food. They all want to hang out, but not inside like a normal person would. And I can’t back out because we promised to take Holly so Blake and Lisa can have a night together with no kids. They didn’t ask, but Angelia offered and mentioned my name, and I never objected so that was basically a “Yes, I’ll take your kid to the fair”.

“Crap,” I mumble. “Yeah, that’s right. I promised I would be social outside of the magical portal I’m most comfortable in.”

“I didn’t know I payed for a portal when I paid construction workers to build your room.”

“It’s a secret, shh.”

She messes up my hair and hugs me. “You’re amusing, Danny.”

It’s unbelievably crowded at the fair. Young children and people up in age, all crowding together to either watch the people have fun at the fair or to have fun themselves. The king, queen, and princess are here as well, but are completely protected by guards and police officers in the area. The talent hall contestants are specially invited.

Princess Sydney isn’t wearing any of her regular traditional dresses or party gowns. It actually looks like she had a Tumblr girl photoshoot and didn’t want to change. I didn’t know she owned anything like that. All I’ve ever seen her in a dress, whether it’s fancy or not, she’s always worn a dress. The king and queen are wearing their traditional clothing unlike their daughter. They aren’t planning on doing anything, but watching. Princess Sydney still isn’t sure and she doesn’t want her title to overlook what she’s there for. Evie and Logan did too. Since every child came, all the teachers have a while to relax and have the choice to come or stay home. They wanted to bring Grace and Liam so they could have some fun and they’re extroverted, meaning unlike me, they prefer talking to people instead of staying behind a locked door all day.

Kayiah squeals and shakes my arm, nearly ripping it off and over a roller coaster. My throat drops to my stomach. I’m scared of riding a roller coaster Kamron and Kayiah get excited, but feel bad because Angelia’s watching Holly and Holly probably isn’t tall enough for it.

“Danny, you’re coming with me,” Kayiah says as she pulls me towards the line. Kamron offers to watch Holly after she goes so Lia can enjoy the ride. Lia refuses and tells us all to have fun before winking at me. Evie whistles. As soon as I turn, she waves and winks too. I really hope Kayiah isn’t seeing this.

The line goes by surprisingly fast and soon enough it’s our turn. We pick a seat at the very back and Kamron chooses one right in front of us and smiles, holding onto the bars that fall onto our laps. Employees walk around and test the bars before they whistle. It must be their cue to start the ride.”

As soon as a woman in a red uniform presses a button, the first place we go is the top of the roller coaster. As I’m focusing on the London Eye,the coaster goes off in loops faster than we can take a deep breath. Now I can’t even breath. I’m smiling because coasters are fun, but it’s hard to breath when air is pressing against your chest.

Screams of excitement fill the air. We go around the roller coaster once and then it goes slows down the second time through. Kamron grumbles and crosses her arms when the coaster stops. The bars raise up by the push of a button.

“Thanks for riding with us!” the lady controlling the buttons says.

We all stand up and move around each other, trying to find the exit stairs and watch the newcomers find seats on the ride.

When we walk around to find Lia and Holly, we find them on the teacups, and I have to admit, I’m a little jealous that Lia isn’t embarrassed to ride a kiddie ride with a little girl at the age of fifteen and I am. I wouldn’t be caught dead riding the teacups these days.

Holly smiles and hops in her arms when the ride is over. Kayiah pats her flat stomach and smells the pizza. Ugh. Holly skips over to me with Lia behind her.

“I’m hungry,” Holly says, hugging me, her arms wrapped around my stomach.

“Me too, girlfriend,” Kayiah says. “How does Pizza sound?”


“Ugh,” I say.

Kayiah pinches my cheek. “Don’t worry. I’m sure they have some vegetarian options. The princess is here. They should.”

“She’s vegan.”

“Right. My mistake. There’s a huge difference between who would eat an egg and who wouldn’t,” she giggles.”

I smile and follow them to the pizza booth and the first thing I see is a cheese pizza option with a soda. That’s exactly what I get. Holly wants a small slice of taco pizza with salsa and a juice box. That girl can eat some tacos.

She eats happily while moving her arms and legs to the music. I smile and check my phone only to receive emails and YouTube recommendations. Kayiah leans against my shoulder, but looks straight ahead and takes a deep breath. I can feel her pulse and frantic heartbeats. I look up and see a man standing tall in black and dark blue. A sword hooked to his belt. Big black boots. An evil facial expression. Darkness in his soul. You can tell from his eyes, who are staring right at me with a grin and is walking toward me very slowly. Like he’s in a photoshoot.

Another one?

Holly looks up at the man and stares at him, not happy nor sad, but confused as to who he is. He stops right in front of Angelia on the other side of the table. I stand up and tell Holly to stay behind me. She takes her pizza pie and stands behind me, her breathing shaky. He stops, smirks, and circles around until he gets to the back of me. Lia picks Holly up and stands a few feet away. Then he just laughs. Kids and their parents run around to get out of the area, crying about The Elimination invading and attacking. Lia calls Blake and tells him he’s bringing Holly home right now and that we need some backup, but the whispers the last part. I send Kayiah a look, telling her to leave, but she’s loyal meaning she’s not going anywhere without me.

“I don’t get it. You are my competition? You are the what have The Elimination so worried. You’re like, what, thirteen?”

“Fifteen!” comes out my mouth as a shout. Didn’t mean to, but I’m not about to take it back now.

“Well, I see why they’re afraid. A fifteen year old with the temper of a thirty year old alcoholic.”

“You don’t know what a temper is, whatever your name is,” I say, not interested.

“How rude of me. Please, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dante, child of one of the most high noble member of the Savadonian kingdom. You might know my aunt. She met you when you were really young. Four, I think. She said you were a sweet kid.”

Wake up, Danny. This isn’t happening. Who am I kidding? Of course it is! Anything bad always happens to me. He’s the nephew of Jack’s partner in crime, the woman who raped me.

Kayiah squeezes my hand and leans against me.

“Of course, I was sweet. I was scared.”

“That’s when children behave best,” he says with a flashy smile. “You might think we’re evil, but we’re teaching children something. Something no one else will.”

“And what is that?”

He hesitates, but does answer. “Nothing comes easy in life. You have to fight hard and long to survive, and if you can’t, you won’t survive. These kids are going to do very well in life because of us.”

I can feel my mind fantasizing about the events that would happen if my hands just accidentally massaged his neck for a few minutes and then started squeezing.

“You mean like their natural born right to live their lives without being beaten and starved everyday because they aren’t eighteen or because they make mistakes like any other human?”

“It sounds bad, but getting rid of children would solve a lot of issues in the world. Poverty. Embarrassment. Economy issues. I could go on.”

Wouldn’t it make more sense to just blame the state for being broke and the economy for being horribly bad. Maybe some politicians with good intentions, but bad ways of carrying them out. What good is punishing a harmless child who didn’t do anything wrong? What is that going to solve? Someone enlighten me. I mean, Sure eighty-five percent of the population live in severe poverty with close to no money and have children, but it’s not because the kids are demons who cause suffering. It’s more that people are broke, the economy stinks and some guys just can’t control themselves around girls.

Growing up, Mom always told me stories about how broke other countries were and are to this day, and that a meal wasted in America would be worshiped by starving people in places like India and Africa. Eventually, when Ana came around, I started to throw her the “They can have my food” card, which didn’t really work out in my favor.

Mom always tried to donate money and supplies to other countries when she could and it’s always made me feel bad that I was raised in a family that didn’t have to struggle as hard as other families do across the globe. Sure, we were broke when I was growing up, but I never went a night without dinner unless I did it to myself.

I shake my head at his insanity. I know a normally functioning brain doesn’t run in the family, but I didn’t realize it could spread to people I’ve never talked to before. Although if he is close to Jack and Maura, It’s no wonder.

“You don’t realize how insane you sound right now, do you?” I ask.

I don’t know if I should hate him for what he does or feel sorry for him and offer him a medical card so he can get his head checked out. That’s it, isn’t it? He isn’t a monster. He was an innocent child. He had his life stripped away from him and he’s forced into this. He’s still young enough. There’s time to change his mind and save him. If he wants. Something tells me he doesn’t though.

“We only sound insane to those who don’t understand.”

Kayiah nudges me. I turn around enough and see a few shadows of people standing behind a booth. Then I face Dante again.

“You’re right. We don’t understand why you want to torture kids.”

“You make it sound worse than it actually is, Daniel. Anyways, Jack also tells me you plan to stop us.”

“You make me sound brave,” I say. “And I wasn’t even trying before, but now that I feel the pain of those you’ve hurt, yes, I do plan to stop it. Do you or Jack plan to kill me before I stop it or can I continue in peace?”

He smiles and chuckles, slapping his thigh. Same laugh Jack had the day I saw him. The first time we’ve seen each other since the last incident. At the palace party. He must find it funny that I’m calling him by his actual first name. Not Dad. Not Daddy or Papa, but Jack. As in, he isn’t my father anymore.

“Is he not your dad anymore?”

“You know, I’m not sure he ever was. I’m glad he was such a great... Father figure or uncle to you. That means you have him to all to yourself. I want no part of him anymore. He lost me years ago.”

“Sounds like you blame him instead of my Mom. Why?”

“Because people will hurt you. Something I didn’t know at that age was that pain can be caused by those you thought would love and protect you. A lesson I learned the hard way.”

He looks around and whispers. “My mom will never tell you this, but you’re going to be like us. You might as well embrace it.”

“I’d rather die,” I growl.

“Well, if you keep this up, that might be arranged.”

“I’m shaking,” I scoff.

He starts to back up and smiles at Kayiah. His eyes are on me, but a few inches away from my eyes. My arm around her tightens, my jaw clenches. “She’s quiet. I like her.”

“So do I,” I growl.

He rolls his eyes and continues to walk away. Kayiah takes a deep breath and places a hand over her chest. There’s no doubt in my mind she was scared. I was scared, but only of him doing something to Kayiah, my family or the kids in the Juvenile Center.

I pat her back and hold in her in my arms, pulling her away from the scene. As soon as we pass the hiding cops, they stand back, ready for answers. Lisa hugs me and Blake hugs Kayiah, kissing her forehead, asking if she’s was hurt. They must have just gotten here because Lisa asks me the same thing. Kayiah pulls away from Blake.

“He didn’t hurt us,” I say.

“He didn’t touch you? At all?” the female officer asks with a gentle voice. “You can tell us if he did.”

“But he didn’t. He just curious about me and why The Elimination are afraid of me.”

Lisa sighs. “Did you get his name, Danny?”

“Dante. Dad’s friend’s nephew.”

She nods. The male police officer clears his throat and takes out a pad of paper and a pen from his pocket. “What is your mentor’s name, Daniel?”

“Evie Baker, House of Dancers.”

“Oh, Evie… Um, if she hears about what happens, and trust me, we can’t keep this from her, she’ll want you to be checked out to be on the safe side.” That does sound a lot like Evie. “Meanwhile, we’ll do our very best to track him. You guys should be careful.”

The nurse of the mansion nods her head in approval and tells Evie the man at the park didn’t harm me in the least. Maybe with words, but not physical abuse. I’m perfectly fine. Just like Kayiah and I told the cops and my family. Evie nods and thanks the nurse before dismissing her to her break and sits next to me, patting my back. Of course the king and queen know now.

“I told you I was fine.”

“I know. I just worry. They can be… unpredictable. I want all of you to be safe. You and my children.” I can tell she loves using those words. My children. The kids she could never have without adoption. The reaction she and Logan share about Grace and Liam- it’s beautiful.

I watch Kayiah sit on the ledge of the pool from the kitchen window and can’t help but go sit with her, and Evie doesn’t stop me. She smiles and moves over.

“That was kind of scary, wasn’t it?” she whispers.

“Why didn’t you go when I asked you to?”

“Because I’m not leaving you. I’m on your side no matter what. Your dad, your rapist, Dante whoever... They aren’t scaring me away, Daniel Alexander.”

She kisses me softly to prove she means her words. Electricity surges through me. My heart stops for a minute, but continues beating. This time frantically. Or it feels like it’s stopped. My fingers hold her chin, a lock of her hair getting tangled up. She moved her hand to my cheek. Her lips are soft and taste of honey. Just thinking about it makes my body weak.

As soon as break away, we’re both breathless. She smiles and leans into my chest. I rub soothing circles on her back and kiss the top of her head. Her phone beeps, grabbing her attention. I don’t look at her phone, but I’m expecting her to say her adoptive father wants her home. And she does. Well, she says he’s in the front. We both stand, say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

As soon as I make it to thedoor, Lia smiles at me.

“Hey,” I say. “Have fun with Holly?”

“Not as much fun as you and Kayiah seem to have.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I choke out and walk past Lia quickly. Doesn’t do any good. Blake smiles from the kitchen table and gives Holly some frozen strawberries. Logan just rinses a plate and Evie smiles at me like Lia was. Lisa, she’s almost crying. That’s how I know she saw the kiss. Not this again.

“I’m not going to say anything. I’m pretty you’ll get enough from Angelia,” Blake chuckles. “I’m actually more interested in this Dante dude and your relationship with him.”

“There is no relationship,” I say.

“But why would he show up now? Why not earlier?”

I smile politely. “In all honesty, I don’t care for him or his reasoning behind showing up in London.”

“But you aren’t curious at all?”

“Not really. Sorry, but that doesn’t mean you guys can’t be. I hope you have fun with it.”

He nods.

I feel like I should be curious as to why he’s here, but I’m not. Like Princess Sydney said, it’s sad when a child says he no longer cares for his biological father and the same goes for Dante. I care not about who he is or what business this is of his. When someone pushes you to your breaking point, the point of not caring anymore, this happens. I’m actually happy I don’t care anymore. I spent my entire life caring about Jack, but not that I don’t anymore, it feels better.

I’m not afraid anymore.

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