Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter thirty-five


Evadiene looked like she was going to scream but instead just threw her hands up. “And I know I’m not privy to the conversation, nor am I allowed anywhere alone, but luckily you had thick ass, unbreakable windows installed and super lockable solid doors.” She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me. “But I installed the doors.” She laughed an evil laugh. “So I guess you’ll have to trust that I know what I’m doing, at least in that.”

I rolled my eyes behind closed lids as I tried to control myself. “Daley and Ellion are on the way. Just stay in the room. They’ll walk with you to dinner and I’ll meet you there.”

She rolled her eyes outwardly. “Yes master, anything you want master, will there be anything else master?”

“I’ll lock the door behind me, so you’ll have to open it when they get here. I won’t be far behind you.”

I didn’t say anything more, pushing Spencer out of the room ahead of me. I locked the door and checked that it was secure before turning and rubbing the bridge of my nose. Spencer stood silently waiting for me to direct us and I sighed at him.

“I know it wasn’t sexual, I could feel her emotions and she was excited, but not like that. You must have been talking about something very important.” I looked over at him and signalled for him to follow me.

“Yes Alpha, please just…”

“Not another word. She’ll tell me when she’s ready, for now I’m glad she was able to tell someone.” I sighed again and switched to rubbing my temples.

“But Alpha..”

“Don’t tell me,” I interrupted. “That’s enough Beta.”

He flinched and looked at me. “Beta? Does that mean?”

“Yes,” I said coldly. “Your request to be her personal guard has been denied. I need a soldier with her, who will do as told and report to me. You are too casual with her.”

“I can do better by you,” he insisted.

“No, it’s been decided. While it’s true she may need two to amount to your skill, this is for the best.” My tone was firm and he stopped arguing.


Dinner would be soon, putting Evadiene in a room surrounded by wolven- and safe. This was the best time for Garret Wright to be picked up and I wanted Spencer there to assess the situation and aid where needed. I ran down the plan with Spencer along the way, they were pulling in now and we would greet them up front, then I would stay with the Alpha while he went with their guards to gather their people and bring them up from the cells.

Spencer was instantly more irritated at the task he was being assigned, but still greeted them with me with the presence of being calm.

“Welcome Alpha Stone,” I greeted when he got out of one of their five cars.

“Thank you. Hello to you, Alpha Durem, I’m sorry we are meeting under such circumstances,” he greeted, approaching me to shake my hand.

He was a proud looking man, holding his head high, and his shoulders naturally sat broadly.

I couldn’t help the lower tone that entered my voice. “Agreed. My Beta will take your guards to retrieve your Beta’s son and pack members.”

He nodded to his guards to follow Spencer and they went off to the cells. “I hope your Luna is alright, and I can tell you that I do not condone such behaviour in my pack. Those involved will be dealt with appropriately.” He sneered at my house in the direction his men had gone. “With how long we have fought to change gender standards in our pack and bring women into important positions within our pack house… that someone I treated no differently than my own son would forget what he was taught…”

Spencer came out with the men a few moments later, after some more fluffy words about punishing Garrett and his friends. My men, that had escorted them, went to load their bags into the trunks of their cars when one of their men stopped them.

“Not that car,” Alpha Stone muttered coldly. “That brings up a matter I had wished to discuss with you... Along the way from our pack there was an incident and one of men didn’t make it. We would like to bury him on our land, but the drive back but is quite a long trip…”

I understood immediately. “Would you like to bury him with our people here?”

A small smile moved over his face. “I would appreciate it and consider it an honour.”

One of his men got in the car and the rest of us walked around the property to the graveyard with a change in the demeanour of the group. I didn’t take my eyes off Garrett as he walked ahead of me, my eyes a mix between my own colour and the dark depth of my wolf. When we arrived I was about to command my men to shift and dig the plot but Alpha Stone held up his hand.

“It is tradition in our pack that the leaders dig the plot, our last act in leading them to a peaceful rest.” His eyes looked wearily at me and I nodded shortly.

Both him and Garrett shifted and began to dig, Spencer eyeing them as carefully as I did. Suddenly Garrett’s wolf perked up, his ear craning to listen and his nose moving to sniff the air. We did the same but our sense of smell was much greater as wolves. His Alpha was pulling the body gently from the back of the car, not noticing what he was doing in the process.

A moment later Garrett was taking off around the house, Spencer shifting to chase after him, and I heard Alpha Stone yelp. The body he was placing in the hole began to move and shift, bringing my attention there instead of after Garrett. It’s form grew larger like the corpse was shifting and we all backed up in shock and surprise.

I was shifting alongside Stone and growling loudly. ‘Stone,’ I mind-linked with him, ‘what is this?’

‘I don’t know,’ he assured. ‘He was very much dead I promise you. The rogue attack came out of no where and caught us off guard. His death was the only one but it was instant.’

A snarl came from me but was reciprocated by the dead or not dead wolven. His eyes were a blood red and he snarled at everyone equally.

‘That is not Micheal,’ Stone confirmed, growling at his own man. ‘Necromancy?’

All of our men had shifted now and began growling with us. Whatever he was, he was out matched and would soon be twelve feet under and twice as dead.



I started getting ready for dinner after Covyn left, mostly to avoid trashing the room and making some poor cleaning staff member have to clean it up. I cleaned my face, brushed out my hair… but there wasn’t much to change into so I was ready and waiting.

I relocated to the deck for the air. The night was cool on my skin that wasn’t covered but welcome over the tension of my muscles. My whole body felt like it was in a vice, every inch of me was holding onto the rage and frustration I was feeling. Every day I felt like Covyn understood me less, and I wished I could go back and never meet him in that club.

The quiet of the night brought nothing to distract me from everything going on, but I took a deep breath in, let it ride, and blew it out. Spencer had asked the right questions, and I knew he wouldn’t forget that. Tomorrow I would ask if I could go for a walk, and when he accompanied me outside.. I hoped he would ask. Covyn overpowered everyone else so strongly that I only saw or heard what they really thought when he was far away.

I perched myself up on the railing to sit. This deck was clearly a place to watch training or to go and come from. With no patio furniture it wasn’t a comfy place to sit down and relax in.

Sitting, I could see my reflection in the wall of windows and it made me wish I could break the glass. I looked exactly the same as I had a few weeks ago, but I had never felt more like a stranger in my body. Before living here I had never felt so… caged. Passed my reflection I could see Sequoia sleeping in the bed, after trying and failing to cheer me up already.

I heard the sudden sounds of panting and footfalls, but not much light pierced the darkness on the ground. With all the lights that were out, I’m sure most people were at dinner already and I wondered what was taking Ellion and Daley so long. The sounds got louder and I figured one of the patrolling wolves was circling the pack house.

I saw them a few seconds later, the outline anyway, a dark coloured wolf bounding along with their tongue hanging out. They were coming towards me and I worried why that could be.

Did something happen? Was everyone okay?

They didn’t look like they were slowing down at all when they collided with the building. I felt the shake run up through the frame, the banister, and me, toppling me backwards toward the wolven. I tried to catch the banister as I fell but some point of maybe a screw stuck into my hand as my fingers wrappe around a piece. It dug in, cutting my hand painfully and I couldn’t hold on for more than a second. The wind rushed by me and then, for a brief moment, I felt fur before passing out.

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