Taken By A Sinner (The Sinners Series)

Taken By A Sinner: Chapter 35

Since the attack, Nikolas has been so attentive it leaves my mind blown half the time.

I’ve realized something significant. Where Nikolas was merciless when we first met, he’s now loving and gentle. Once Nikolas loves, he becomes a different person.

And he loves me. It’s clear as day in every affectionate look, every tender touch, every soulful kiss.

There’s no doubt in my mind I’m the most important thing to him, and it helps build my confidence back up. I might be chubby or even fat to some, but to Nikolas, I’m perfect. I feel desired when his eyes burn on me. I feel like I’m enough – woman enough – for him.

Without even trying, he’s undoing the damage done by Irene, and it’s only been three days.

Nikolas makes me stronger.

So much stronger.

Even though the attack was horrible and traumatizing, I feel closer to Nikolas since it happened. Silver linings.

God, who would’ve thought the man who terrified me would become the one to save me from my demons, to love me like I’ve never been loved before.

I’m falling for him. My husband. He might’ve once been my enemy, but now he’s my lover.

Wow. Like I said, mind blown.

Wanting to look the part of a mafia queen, I’m wearing a sleek tailored jacket and pants suit, with a silk camisole and black heels to complete the look. I have my hair in a soft braid, still careful with the cuts after the bandage was removed this morning.

My makeup gives me a fresh and healthy glow, which I need because my nerves are shot to hell from what lies ahead for today. Nikolas will kill Irene, and I’ll have a front-row seat.

Part of me wants to hide from the dark side of the mafia, but I know that’s not possible. I need to take my place by Nikolas’ side and be the queen he needs.

Still, I’ve never seen anyone die before. I’m not sure I’m ready or if I’ll ever be prepared for something like that.

It’s Irene. She’s made your life a living hell.

Like Nikolas pointed out, she could’ve killed you.

She wouldn’t hesitate if the tables were turned.

Our enemies don’t deserve second chances.

“Ready?” Nikolas asks as he comes to stand behind me. Just like before we left for the party that turned into a nightmare, he places his hands on my hips, and leaning in, presses a kiss to the side of my neck.

“No, but it has to be done,” I answer honestly. I’m done hiding things from Nikolas. He’s proven to me that my secrets and feelings are safe with him.

I turn around, and his hands instantly move to my bottom. The man really has a thing for my butt.

His eyes drift lovingly over my face, giving me the courage I need to get through today, then he whispers, “Talk to me.”

“I’ve never seen anyone die before,” I admit. “I’m not sure… whether I can handle it.”

He nods, understanding warming his dark brown irises. “The first time isn’t easy. But with the life we live, it’s necessary. If we’re under attack, I need to know you won’t freeze or become hysterical, but stand your ground next to me.”

I nod. “I understand.”

This is the life I chose when I married Nikolas. I knew what it entailed, and trying to back out now is not an option.

Especially now that I’m falling in love with him.

“I know it will be hard for you to face Irene, but I’ll be by your side every step of the way. Nothing can touch you.” It sounds like a vow.

Needing to be closer to him, I lean into him, resting my cheek against his chest and wrapping my arms around his waist.

Nikolas presses a kiss to my hair. “You’re so fucking strong, Theresa. I know you have it in you to face her. Make her pay for what she’s done.”

I nod, then tilt my head back. Looking up at the head of the Greek mafia, I know I’ll have to become as merciless as he is to survive our enemies.

“You’ll teach me?” My tongue darts out to nervously wet my lips. “How to become the queen you need me to be.”

The corner of Nikolas’ mouth lifts, his fingers lovingly tucking some loose strands behind my ear. “You’re already the queen I need, kardiá mou.”

His head lowers, and he claims my mouth in the way only he can – hot, consuming, and with a hunger so profound, I feel it in my bones.

This man who rules the Greek mafia, who’s feared by all, loves me. Me. God, I don’t know what I did to make him fall for me, but I’m so damn thankful.

When Nikolas ends the kiss, we’re both breathless, intense desire darkening his gaze. “Christ, you need to heal faster,” he mutters as he pulls away from me. Taking my hand, he links our fingers and leads me out of the walk-in closet.

Time to face my enemy.


Be strong, Tess.

Just like every other time we go out, Nikolas stays by my side. I keep glancing at him, noticing how his gaze scans every shadow and person, fully on guard.

His features settle into the grim lines I used to fear as his role of husband takes a back seat to him being the head of the mafia.

Once we’re in the SUV, Nikolas straps me in, the action now warming my heart. He holds my hand, his thumb brushing softly over my skin, and again I fall a little deeper in love.

When we stop at the front of an impressive skyscraper, I frown. I expected a warehouse or building in the rough part of town.

“This is where you work?” I ask, my eyes dancing over all the steel and glass.


I’m helped out of the car even though I can manage on my own. I’ve given up telling Nikolas otherwise. The man never listens and does only what he wants.

As we walk into the office building, I feel power radiating from Nikolas, his steps confident and fearless.

Borrowing some of his strength, I lift my chin, forcing my face to become expressionless.

You can do this.

You’re Nikolas Stathoulis’ wife.

You have to do this.

We ride the elevator up to the sixth floor, and I’m led down a hallway. Two men guard a door, and just the sight of them makes my heartbeat speed up, and my mouth dries out.

Nikolas tugs me to a stop, and turning me to face him, his hands frame the sides of my head. His expression doesn’t soften as he looks down at me. I see the rage, his craving for blood, the ruthless devil.

“She’s nothing,” he growls, his voice laced with vengeance and brutality. When I nod in his hold, he continues, “You’re my queen, Theresa. Those who are against us die.”

I nod again.

“No mercy.”

“Okay,” I whisper, my hands fisting at my sides.

Nikolas stares me down until there’s an echo of the fear I used to feel for him, but instead of cowering, I lift my chin higher. My tone is unforgiving when I say, “I’m ready.”

The corner of his mouth twitches, then we’re moving again. One of the guards opens the door, and nothing could prepare me for what I find inside.

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