Taken By A Sinner (The Sinners Series)

Taken By A Sinner: Chapter 34

Tess had to spend two fucking long days in the hospital, but I finally get to take her home.

With how vulnerable Tess has been since the attack, I’ve been reduced to a protective and possessive fucking pitbull. I can’t stop hovering around her and bark at anyone who dares to come near her.

Ushering her into the penthouse, I keep an arm around her as I lead her up the stairs and straight to bed. I throw the covers back, then order, “Shoes off and get in.”

“I’m tired of lying down,” she complains.

“Tolerate me for one more day,” I say. Once she’s comfortably leaning back against the pillows, I set the overnight bag down.

I’ve been putting off dealing with Irene, needing to first take care of Tess. But now that she’s home, we have to talk about what will happen.

Sitting down on the side of the bed, I lift a hand and tuck some of her hair behind her ear, then admit, “I’m glad you’re home.”

Tess’ mouth curves up. “Me too.” Reaching for my hand, she links our fingers. “You probably have to get back to work.”

“Yes.” I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I have to deal with Irene.”

Her eyes widen. “By deal, you mean…?”

Our eyes lock. “I’m going to kill her.”

Tess’ lips part, her face going slack with shock. “W-what?”

“It’s the way of the mafia, Theresa. I can’t let someone get away with hurting you,” I spell it out for her. “You’re my only weakness, and if I don’t protect you…” I shake my head hard. “If someone touches you, they die. It doesn’t matter who they are.”

“But… but,” Tess struggles to process what I’m saying. “She’s a woman.”

“So?” I frown, not understanding what she’s getting at.

“You can’t kill a woman.”

My frown darkens. “Yes, I can, and I will.” Needing Tess to understand, I explain, “The sex of our enemies doesn’t matter. If someone attacks us, there’s only death as repayment. It’s how things are done.” I pull my hand free from hers, then frame her face. “No one fucking hurts my wife and lives. No one. Do you understand?”

Tess nods in my hands.

“That woman hurt you, baby. She could’ve killed you.” I shake my head again. “I can’t let her live.”

Tess nods again, then the strength that’s been missing since the attack begins to shine in her eyes. “I understand.”

“I’d expect you to do the same for me,” I tell her. “If I’m taken out, it’s up to you to make the person pay.”

Her lips part, and heartache bleeds over her beautiful face. “Don’t say that. Nothing’s going to happen to you.”

It doesn’t escape my attention that Tess isn’t opposed to avenging my death. However, it hurts her to think of losing me.

That’s good.


Leaning forward, I take her mouth. I kiss her with every ounce of my love, my wild passion – my heart and fucking soul. I claim the emotions she’s starting to feel for me, wanting them to grow until they’re as overpowering as mine are for her.

Only when she moans, and I get to breathe the sound in, do I break the kiss. Pressing my forehead to hers, I’m breathless as I say, “It’s you and me from here on out. Together we’ll rule, and together we’ll fall.”

Her eyes brim with tears. “We’ll have to make sure we never fall.”

“That’s my girl.” I brush the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip then lock eyes with her. “I have to deal with Irene, and you need to be there.”

“Why?” I can see she doesn’t like the idea one bit.

“Because you’re a mafia queen, Theresa. Someone fucked with you. You need to take a stand of power and show our enemies you’re not to be fucked with.” Wanting to offer her some comfort, I add, “You won’t be the one pulling the trigger, but you need to be there. My men have to see you take your rightful place beside me so they’ll respect you.”

Her shoulders sag. “Okay.”

“And you need to learn how to fight and handle a gun.” Getting up from the bed, I add, “If I weren’t so busy, I’d take you to St. Monarch’s in Switzerland. That’s the best place for you to learn.”

Tess scrunches her nose, but interest flickers in her eyes. “There’s an actual place where you learn how to fight and shoot guns?”

At some point, I need to tell Tess that if anything bad happens, she needs to go to St. Monarch’s. It’s the only patch of earth on the goddamn planet that’s neutral ground for people like us. But not today. I’ll tell her once she’s healed.

“Amongst other things,” I answer vaguely because St. Monarch’s offers everything from training to the best safety money can buy. Leaning down, I give my wife another kiss. “Get some rest while I fix you something to eat.”

Her eyebrows dart up. “You’re going to make food… for me?”

Letting out a chuckle, I walk to the doorway. “Sleep, kardiá mou. I’ll wake you when it’s time to eat.”

Heading downstairs, I roll my sleeves up, determined to feed my wife. While throwing a Greek salad together, I put my phone on speaker as I dial Andreas’ number.

“You back home?” he asks the instant he answers.

“Yes. Tess is in bed. Update me with what’s happening.”

“We’ve identified one of the people going in and out of the house as Manno’s nephew. I have men tailing him. If we can get him, Manno might crawl out of the hole.”

“That’s good,” I mutter as I toss a couple of black olives into the bowl.

“What are we going to do about Irene?”

“Nothing yet. I’ll be in tomorrow to deal with her.”

“Still only on a water diet?”

“Yes, I just need her alive enough to know she’s going to die when I put a gun to her head.”

What else goes in a salad?

“The other men coming from Athens will land tomorrow.”

“How many?” Shit, where’s the feta cheese? I dig around in the fridge, then sigh when I can’t find any.

“Ten. What’s the sigh for?”

“I’m trying to make a salad. We’re out of feta,” I inform my friend.

Instantly laughter bursts over the line. “You’re making a salad? Are you shitting me right now?”

“Fuck off,” I grumble. “Bring me some feta and fresh bread.”

“Now I’m doing your grocery shopping?”

“Unless you want to lose your job, you are.”

Again Andreas chuckles. “Only if I can stay for lunch. It’s not every day I’ll get to see you in the kitchen.”

“Do you want to die?” I ask, and letting out a huff, I shut the fridge’s door.

“No, but food poisoning is worth the risk.” The fucker ends the call before I can say another word.

While waiting for Andreas, I get busy slicing up a tomato.

I’m worried the salad’s going to wilt by the time Andreas finally waltzes into the penthouse. He sets the paper bag down, and removing the french loaf from it, he side-eyes the salad. “Wow, miracles do happen.”

I grab the knife and wave it in front of his face. “Keep talking shit.”

I take the feta cheese out of the bag and add some to the salad. When I’m done, I inspect my handy work. “That’s everything, right?”

“Fuck if I know.” Andreas comes to stand next to me, already chewing on a slice of bread. “Yeah, looks right.”

When I turn to the stairs, it’s to see Tess sitting on the bottom one, a happy smile on her face from watching us.

Christ, I’ve missed that smile.

“Are you spying on us?” I ask as I walk closer.

“Yep, and I have to admit, that’s the best entertainment I’ve had in a long time.” She grins at me until I try to pick her up. Swatting my hands away, she scowls, “I can walk. Stop carrying me everywhere.”

“Oooh, the boss has spoken. You better listen, Nikolas,” Andreas taunts me.

While Tess walks to the dining room table, I point at her. “She can get away with murder,” I point at my friend, “but you’re on thin ice. Keep pushing your luck.”

He holds his hands up in the universal gesture for surrender.

Taking the butter from the fridge, I set it on the counter and quickly cut a couple of slices off the french loaf. Placing everything on a serving tray, walk around the counter.

Andreas lets out a snort which has me grabbing a slice and throwing it at him. The fucker catches it and proceeds to take a huge bite.

“Make yourself useful and bring three glasses of water to the table,” I grumble, even though there’s no threat in my tone. I’m too fucking happy Tess is home to really get upset.

I carry the salad and bread to the table, then wonder what’s missing.

“The oil, salt, and oregano,” Tess reminds me, her eyes sparkling with life.

“You heard Tess,” I tell Andreas while I take a seat at the head of the table.

Once Andreas places the condiments and glasses of water down, he takes a seat to my left.

 I load Tess’ plate with salad, then butter two slices of bread for her. As thanks, she gives me a grin. “I could get used to this.”

Nodding to her plate, I say, “Eat. Everything.”

Since Tess told me about her self-esteem issues, I’ve been trying to figure out how I’m going to reverse the damage Irene has done.

I want my wife comfortable in the skin I love so much. Also, I’d lose my fucking shit if she suddenly decides she wants to lose weight.

I’ll just have to make sure she eats and keep working to build up her confidence again.

“Let’s pray he doesn’t give us food poisoning.” Andreas winks at Tess.

I slap him upside the head, then give him a glare.

Gesturing to me, Andreas looks at Tess with wide eyes. “You see this? The abuse I have to deal with?”

My blood turns to ice in my veins, and my eyes snap to Tess. Instead of Andreas’ stupid comment triggering her, she smiles as she nods at him, then she catches me staring and quickly start shaking her head. “Nope. Sorry. Didn’t see a thing.”

You okay?

Tess reaches for my arm, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Can’t wait to dig in. Thank you for making lunch for us.”

“For you.” I scowl at Andreas, who has a mouth full of salad and bread. “He invited himself.”

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