Take Me To The Lake: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 3)

Take Me To The Lake: Chapter 9

the rare days where we are inside taking time off and relaxing. Axel wanted to do some research, so he’s reading books, which allows me to lie on the couch with my head in his lap and read one of my books as well. Though my books have absolutely nothing to do with research and more to do with a happily ever after.

I love that my giant will run his hands through my hair while he’s reading unless he has to turn the page. It’s not enough that my head is in his lap, he has to be constantly touching me.

Debating about putting my book down, I want to curl up and take a nap when there’s a knock on the door. By now I know better than to even get off the couch, but I do sit up as Axel goes to the door and grabs his rifle on the way. From across the room, I can see how tense he is as we don’t get surprise visitors out here.

Every once in a great while, one of the other guys on the mountain will stop by in need of something. But they usually call first via the radio. The last time we had a completely unexpected guest, it was my ex-boyfriend who showed up trying to win me back. Let’s just say he was greeted with the rifle in his face like every visitor since then. Axel wasn’t a fan of my ex showing up at all.

As Axel opens the door, I tried to get a glimpse of who it is but can’t see anything. But only a second later, he drops the rifle and takes a step back and lets in Cash.

‘I’m sorry I didn’t call. I just came from town, and I really need to speak to Emelie about something.’ Cash says though he’s looking at Axel when he says it.

Axel looks back at me and I nod before Axel gives his approval and sets his rifle back down. He walks into the kitchen, I’m guessing to start on dinner. If that man can beat me to the kitchen in any way shape or form to cook me dinner and take care of me, he will. So most days, It’s a game who will get to the kitchen first to start dinner for the other and it looks like today he’s going to be the winner and I am perfectly all right with that.

Cash sits down on the opposite end of the couch from me, looking nervous. He’s had a lot of changes in his life lately and he’s rolled with them very well. Better than I would have expected, so I’m always happy to help him out if he needs it.

‘You remember Hope, right?’ he starts off with and I nod.

‘We’ve been hanging out and earlier this week I asked her to officially be my girlfriend and she agreed.’

‘Oh, Cash, that’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you!’

I’m excited for him. Hope seems like a really great girl and if it makes him happy, that’s all that matters. But he frowns, and I know that there’s something more.

‘Well, we were having lunch today in town and she got up to use the restroom. While she was gone, this woman came up and asked for directions. Hope got back from the bathroom and was upset because she said that the woman was flirting with me. Then she canceled our plans for tomorrow. I have no idea if that woman was flirting or even what to do because I think Hope is mad at me,” he admits. And then that shy little boy who peeks out every now and then shows his face.

“Okay, well, if someone flirting with you, there’s going to be lots of smiling and eye contact. They’re going to laugh at the littlest things and they’re going to try to reach out. Maybe touch your arm or your shoulder. Probably, they’ll be leaning towards you and have their shirt unbuttoned with their breasts on full display. Not always, but a lot of the time, anyway. Most definitely the other stuff.’

As he listens to what I have to say, there’s a thoughtful look on his face and I’m guessing he’s thinking back to the café.

‘She was definitely doing all of that stuff.’

‘Then she was definitely flirting with you. What did you do?’ I ask.

‘Since I didn’t know she was flirting with me, and she asked for directions, so I gave her directions. But I had no sooner finished than Hope walked back out and demanded to go home. So that’s what I did. Then she canceled our plans for tomorrow.’

‘Well, she was probably upset that you didn’t stop the flirting or push the woman away. Think about it if the situation had been reversed, and you walked in to find some guy flirting with Hope. How would you have wanted her to react?’

He sits there and really gives it some thought like he’s picturing the scene in his head before he nods and looks back at me.

‘I would have wanted her to put an end to it. Maybe tell him that she already has a boyfriend.’

‘Exactly. That’s what she wanted of you to do. If you don’t clearly let the girl that was flirting know she has no chance, then she’ll try again. In the long run, it’s just going to cause problems.’

‘She’s really mad at me. I don’t know what to do now,’ he admits.

‘The best thing you can do is apologize. Be honest with her and tell her that you didn’t know that she was flirting. But now you know and the next time you won’t allow it. Just be truthful and open with her. It’s the best thing you can do. I’m sure she knows you don’t have a lot of experience with this and the right girl will take it slow and understand.’

I wish I had something more to say to him that would help cheer him up, but I don’t want to give him false hope, either.

‘Would you like to stay for dinner?’ I ask him trying to find a way to cheer him up.

‘I appreciate it, but no, I think I’m going to head home. Before I talk to her again, I need to do some thinking.’

‘Okay, I’m here anytime you want to talk or if you have any questions.’

‘Thank you. I really appreciate it more than you know.’

Then he stands, thanks Axel and he’s out the door almost as fast as he came.

‘That boy is falling hard. I recognize that look because it’s the same one I had with you, little one.’

Returning his smile because I know I recognized the look too. Though, I Hope is the girl for him. Not just because I want to add another girl to our social circle as small as it is, but because it would make me feel a lot better that he wasn’t out there all by himself. To know that he had someone to help take care of him, but someone for him to take care of as well.

‘Maybe we should think about taking a trip into town soon,’ I say, thinking out loud.

‘Little One, you know you should stay out of this. Let them work it out. They’re two adults.’

Even though I know what I should do, it can’t hurt to give her a little push to get them both moving in the right direction.

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