Take Me To The Lake: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 3)

Take Me To The Lake: Chapter 10

Tipton’s house, I basically sat around eating junk food and watching TV. Not the most productive way to spend my time, but it was definitely needed. I went to bed early and cried because I knew in my gut that I handled it all wrong. And now I don’t know if I’ll get a chance to make it up to him or even how to go about it.

When I finally dragged my butt out of bed today, the first thing I do is make myself a cup of coffee and grab a book to read. Getting lost in someone else’s problems will allow me to help clear my mind so I can decide what to do without making any rash decisions.

I’m only a few chapters into my book when someone knocks on my door. When I open my door, I find Cash standing there. It’s as if he read my mind about wanting to talk today.

‘What are you doing here?’ I ask needing to be sure.

‘I don’t know much about flirting. After all, you were my first kiss. After thinking about it, I went and talked to Emelie and then did some research. You were right. She was flirting with me. I didn’t know that and I’m sorry. But I know what to look for now.’

Even if I didn’t know that he was apologizing, I can see the remorse all over his face. It’s refreshing to have someone so open with their emotions.

‘You researched flirting?’ I ask, now thoroughly amused.

He shoves his hands into his pockets and nods his head before looking at his feet. I love how shy he is, and I know the more he’s around me, the more it’ll go away. So I want to enjoy it while I can. There’s something about him not being overconfident, which makes me relax around him a lot more.

Taking a step towards him, I place a hand on his arm, wanting and needing that connection more than I realized.

‘What else did you research?’

‘How to be a good boyfriend. I don’t want to mess this up again.’

It’s then I see some movement in like the corner of my eye. Looking over, I find Mrs. Tipton peeking out from behind her curtains. Smiling, I take Cash’s hand and pull him into the house out of view of all the neighbors.

The moment the door closes, his hands are on my hips, pulling me in for a kiss. His heated mouth captures mine and steals my breath. I missed him much more than I want to admit to even myself.

Though I swear I don’t know how it’s possible, but in just twenty-four hours it seems like he’s gotten to be an even better kisser. Maybe I just missed him that much. Now with his lips on mine, everything feels right my world. We’re back on track and I feel like I could tackle anything.

When he begins to pull away from me, I’m not ready for this moment to end. So I pull him back to me, kissing him again. His grip on my hips tightens as he pushes me harder into the door. That’s when I really feel how much he enjoys this kiss. There’s something extremely powerful knowing that I can turn on this big, powerful mountain man. Just little old me.

When he pulls away this time, I let him, but he doesn’t go far.

‘Do you still want to come over today?’ he whispers against my lips.

‘If you still want me to.’

‘Yes, very much so.’

With that, I grab my book, but decide to leave my computer. Today is all about me. I’m taking the day to relax and enjoy being with him. As we go outside, I glance over and find Mrs. Tipton still watching. I wave at her, smiling, and she winks at me before closing the blinds and letting us be.

The entire drive up the mountain, he holds my hand tighter than normal like he was afraid I was going to leap out of the track while it was in motion and change my mind. But I don’t mind because I’m happy to have the connection and the reminder that he’s really here, and it’s not just my imagination.

‘You could have brought your computer. I know you have work to do,’ he says as we step out of the truck.

‘Yeah, I know, but I wanted to spend time with you and relax. My head wasn’t in the game today.’ That shy look that I love so much comes over him again.

‘I’m sorry about that, I really am,’ he says.

‘And I’m sorry too. I promise to try to talk and vocalize my thoughts. This is all new for you and I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did.’

‘You had every right. If I had seen a guy acting like that with you, I would have been just as upset. It’s going to be a bumpy road as we learn and figure things out, but I’m willing to learn if you are.’

Who could say no to that? Then I give him a quick kiss on his cheek before following him inside. I settle on the couch and watch him gather the things he needs to start working on one of the furs that he has sitting in the room. As he does different things, it makes me feel even closer to him. I wonder if this is how Emelie and Axle feel when they are together. Making a mental note to myself, I need toask her about it sometime.

After a few hours, he gets up without a word. I figure he’s got to get something that he needs. But the next thing I know, a plate appears in front of me. Apparently, he had gotten up to make us lunch. While it’s nothing fancy, I have to say, the BLT sandwiches are delicious and hit the spot.

‘Oh, you didn’t have to do that,’ I say without really thinking, and he brushes it off.

‘It’s my job to take care of you, and I take that very seriously.’

‘Well, so long as you know that’s my job to take care of you, too. “At my words, he nods and a smile creeps onto his face. I’m glad he likes that idea because I like it too.

We eat lunch and I get back to reading and he gets back to the work he’s doing. A few more hours pass by, and I finally finish my book. Making my way over to him, I sit on his lap. There’s no complaining or whining about it. Instead, he puts his stuff aside, wrapping his arms around me and sitting back in his chair.

‘Done reading?’ he asks, and I nod.

‘Feel free to read any of the books on the shelf in there,” he says.

I grin, watching him. ‘That’s not exactly what I had in mind,” I whisper in his ear. With me sitting here on his lap, I can already feel his cock getting hard, which is perfect because the book I just finished reading has left me so damn turned on.

‘Oh yeah, what did you have in mind?’ he asks.

‘A little of this,’ I lean in and kiss him.

His grip on my hips tightens and I can feel a ghost of a smile on his lips as he continues to kiss me.

‘I defiantly like this,’ he whispers, and keeps kissing me.

I use this time to run my hand over the muscles on his arms. Then moving up to his hair, I pull him closer to me. It’s like we can’t get close enough to each other and keep trying to get even nearer.

Wanting more, I get up and move so I’m straddling him, one knee on either side of his hips and finally we are so close our fronts are pressed together.

Shifting my hips, I rub against his reaction and he groans. His fingers dig into my hips so hard I’ll be shocked if there aren’t bruises there in the morning. But what makes me even hotter is that I want those bruises on me. I want him to mark me.

Then he kisses down my neck, gliding over my skin, and ghosting his lips over my body ever so gently. I shiver at the touch. His hot breath races across my skin before his forehead rests on my shoulder as he pulls my hips across his cock.

It feels so good against my core that I whimper. How does it feel this wonderful even over all our clothes? Then raising his head, looking into my eyes and without a word, he slides my hips back just a little bit and pulls them forward again. This time, we both moan in pleasure.

He watches me as if unsure of my reaction, so I brace my hands on his shoulders and move my hips on my own. This seems to assure him that I want this, I want us, and his restraint snaps.

Setting a steady pace, he drags my hips up and down on his hard cock. With my breasts rubbing against his chest, my nipples are rock hard and scraping along my bra with every moment. The stimulation all over my body is short-circuiting my brain.

I feel him on every inch of me. When I’m close to the strongest climax I’ve ever felt, he pulls back, and his eyes run over my face.

‘I want to watch you.’ He whispers without missing a beat.

Because I can’t speak, I nod. All I think about is the pressure between my legs, and how it feels so close to something much bigger. Sitting up, my head drops back, and I thrust my chest out. I’m so lost in the sensation of his cock hitting my clit that I don’t realize one of his hands has left my hip until he’s gently cupping my breast.

When he sees I’m not going to stop him, he runs his thumb over my hardened nipples which you can clearly see through my bra and shirt. But when he pinches my nipple, the sharp sensation makes my core pulse. Then I come so hard, I can barely breathe. My body locks as I dig my nails into his shoulders, and I collapse onto him. He moves my hips a few more times before his straggled cry of what I think is supposed to be my name fills the room.

Everything goes quiet and neither of us moves. We are both trying to catch our breath. When I finally have the strength to sit up and look at him, his eyes are hooded with a look of pure awe on his face.

Then he presses the gentlest, most heartbreaking kiss to my lips before running his hands up my back and smoothing out my hair.

‘Can I see you tomorrow? Maybe we can go horseback riding and I can show you some of my land?’ he asks. That shy version of him is back.

‘I would really like that,’ I say honestly, which earns me one of his blinding smiles.

Once again, he gives me another gentle kiss. Unfortunately, it is way too short, and he ends it too soon.

‘Let me get cleaned up and then I’ll take you home.’

Nodding, I move to the side of the couch so he can stand up. It’s only then that I realize the sun is starting to set. I had no idea that it had gotten so late or that we had been on the couch kissing for so long. He’s so easy to get lost in and right now, my brain is trying to tell my heart to be careful. But my heart just wants to get lost in him.

During the entire way down the mountain, he holds my hand and is constantly touching me. Without letting go of my hand, his thumb trails up and down my leg. Even though I just came harder than I ever thought possible, especially with clothes on, he’s slowly getting me all riled up again.

When we get to my house, he walks me to my door and gifts me with another achingly sweet kiss. I’m already hoping for a repeat of this afternoon, and can’t wait for tomorrow.

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