Take Me To The Cabin: A Billionaire, Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 2)

Take Me To The Cabin: Chapter 19

    get to the store today to see Jenna. I have a plan, and I’m not sure how Axel will take it, so I haven’t shared it with him. He’s less likely to say no in front of the guys.

‘What’s wrong, Little One? You’re bouncing in your seat worse than a kid at Christmas.’

It’s funny that he’s picking up on some of the phrases I say all the time and, for a moment, I almost forget why I’m nervous.

‘I’m excited to see Jenna. Just like you need your time with the guys, I need my time with other girls.’ I lean over and kiss his cheek, and he wraps an arm over my shoulder, holding me to his side the rest of the way there.

We’re the first ones at the store, so I focus my energy on bringing in our deer jerky and helping Jack organize and label it. When Bennett shows up, I help with his stuff while they talk.

When I’m done, I walk to Axel’s side, and he pulls me to him as he talks with the guys. Finally, Phoenix and Jenna show up.

Jenna’s eyes go right to me, and I know there’s something she wants to talk to me about.

I beeline right to her and hug her. ‘I need to talk to you, but not around the guys.’

‘The cafe down the street?’ she whispers.

‘We can try.’

Taking a deep breath, I turn back to the guys. ‘Jenna and I are going to walk down to the cafe so that we can talk about you without you hearing us. We’re going to get a couple of snacks, and then we’ll be back.’

My voice doesn’t even shake, but Axel’s eyes never leave me.

‘Little One,’ Axel growls.

‘What? It’s only four buildings down. You can look out the front door and see us. Don’t worry, we’ll be right back.’ I try to look serious as Axel’s eyes zero in on me. Though I can tell he’s at war with himself about letting me have freedom and keeping me safe.

Axel gives me a small nod, and I take Jenna’s hand and pull her out of the store before he has a chance to change his mind.

Once outside, I take a deep breath of fresh mountain air and loop my arm through Jenna’s. ‘I love walking Main Street,’ I tell her as we stroll past a few stores to get to the Cafe.

Walking this way, we’re facing the mountains as they loom over the town. The view is nothing short of breathtaking.

‘This view caused me to fall in love with this town,’ Jenna says.

‘Yeah, it sealed the deal for me, too. I was already in love with Axel by the time I saw this view the first time, but that’s when I knew there was nowhere else I’d rather be.’

When we get to the cafe, we take our time looking over the display case at all the sweet treats inside. It’s hard having to choose because I want to eat all of it. There are a few small birthday cakes, which remind me. ‘Phoenix’s birthday is tomorrow, but he hates to celebrate it. I’m not sure why, so maybe don’t make a huge deal about it.’ I tell Jenna.

Her eyes go dark. I’m guessing Phoenix has shared with her why he doesn’t like birthdays. I’m glad he’s opening up to someone.

‘I’ll get him a cupcake and do something small at the cabin,’ she says as we place our order for some fudge and her cupcake.

We grab a seat outside, sitting on the same side to take in the views as we eat fudge.

‘He told you why he hates his birthdays, didn’t he?’ I ask hesitantly.

‘Yes, he told me what happened.’

‘Good. He needs to talk to someone. I’m glad he has you. Things are going well?’

‘Yeah. He just had me pick up some clothes to take to his place. It’s like he doesn’t want me to leave. Might have something to do with this time of year, too.’ She shrugs and while I want to know more, I don’t think it’s my place to pry.

‘So, I looked into having a baby out here, and then Axel caught me. He thought I was pregnant, and the hope in his eyes…” I trail off, remembering that moment just a few days ago.

Jenna wraps her arm around me.

‘But I’m not pregnant, and telling him was like watching his heart break right in front of me. We started talking, and he wants a home birth in our cabin. Everything I’m reading about it is super scary.’ I whisper the last part.

‘I haven’t thought about kids out here. But now that I am, it is a bit scary,” Jenna says.

‘Especially when you have no idea what to expect,’ I admit. ‘Axel made it clear he wants kids as soon as possible. We’ve been married for a year now, so I’m shocked he hasn’t managed to knock me up yet. But I want to hold off and give us time together, just us.’

‘Then you have to tell him. But wrap it in love. Tell him how much you love him and want a little more time before you have to share him. That man will give you anything you want,’ Jenna says.

‘So will yours.’ I giggle as we stand up.

Jenna grabs her bag with the cupcake and we go back to the store. We walk slowly, not wanting our girl time to end. Yet when we walk back into the store, I hurry right to Axel. All of a sudden, it’s like I can’t stand to be away from him a moment longer.

The moment his arms are around me, he relaxes, and so do I.

‘Take me home, My Giant.’ I nuzzle into him.

It’s time we talk, and maybe keep practicing this baby-making thing.

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