Tainted roots

Chapter 20

I typed out a message to Ari, briefly telling her about the blackouts we had witnessed. I’d wait to tell her about the woman, that was more of an in-person kind of conversation.

My thoughts couldn’t stay on one topic for long, switching from thinking about Koa to dissecting the woman’s words. Half of what she said made no fucking sense and it was driving me crazy.

Who the fuck was Gabsrielle, and what tunnels was she talking about? Did she mean the ones in the Earth court? I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check them out and see if there—

Firmly shaking my head, I shoved that thought aside. I didn’t know who this bitch was. For all I knew this could be a trap. The woman’s words about being careful who I trusted, bounced around in my head. Why would she warn me to be wary, when that very warning would make me trust her even less? What kind of game was she playing?

What kind of elemental had the power to bend metal to their will, the ability to disappear, and could screech loud enough to rupture eardrums? Were there more out there like her? Was she stronger than the deities?

I didn’t look up from the river when I heard near-silent footsteps, already knowing who it was. Koa rested his forearms on the railing, the corded muscles of his arms flexing as he laced his fingers together. It was unreal how just looking at his forearms had me wanting to pick up where we left off in the woods.

We stared out at the scenery in comfortable silence. For once, I didn’t feel the need to fill the silence and was okay with just being near him. Heat raced down my body from just standing next to him.

“Is everything alright with your brother?”

“He’s good. Now Reed on the other hand.” The last part was muttered under my breath.

Koa’s sharp gaze trailed over my face as his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. “Star didn’t mention anything happening to him.” His confusion grew at my mirthless laugh.

“Oh he’s fine for now, but he won’t be when I get through with him.”

He let out a surprised chuckle, tipping his head back as it deepened. All I could do was watch in stunned amazement. Warmth spread throughout my body as flutters took root in my stomach and chest.

I could listen to that sound forever, and it still wouldn’t be enough.

My wristband flashed and beeped with an incoming message, interrupting Koa’s rich laughter and breaking me out of my revere. The message from Ari was short and cryptic, my least favorite.

Capital city of the Lunar Eclipse court; half hour.

* * * * * * * *

I followed Koa out of the portal to the outskirts of the capital city. Thigh-high grass and wildflowers tickled my legs as we neared the city. The twinkling stars and constellations were the only lights since the illusion of a small and abandoned town gave off no light.

It felt strange being here again, especially now that we weren’t sprinting and worrying we were too late. It was crazy how in one month, our focus had shifted from the necromancer’s creatures to the tainted. Of course that could easily change once the creatures decided to make their next move while we were distracted.

The barrier protecting the city sent tingles over my skin as we passed through, revealing the capital city. The sight of the glass city still took my breath away. If I hadn’t been here when the creatures attacked and seen the damage for myself, I would’ve never known the pristine city had been in ruins only a month ago.

Balls of colorful lights floated between the buildings, reflecting off the pastel glass, and onto their mosaic walkways. The front doors sat open, allowing us a chance to peek into the buildings.

Unlike last time, the residents weren’t running, fighting for their lives, or lying dead on the ground. The paths were full of Mythics laughing, chatting, and enjoying the night. An emotion that felt suspiciously like jealousy burned in my stomach. I wished I could be like them and be with my friends, getting ready for a night out. I also wouldn't mind having a laid back evening where we stay at home and just enjoy each other's company.

As we walked between the shops, I looked around for my sister, realizing she hadn’t specified where to meet her.

After reading Ari’s vague message, I had chosen to come here alone, unsure whether or not this had anything to do with the tainted or it was something personal. Obviously, that hasn’t gone over too well. Koa was a stubborn bastard and insisted on coming with me, and Harmony agreed with him. Stating that now was not the time to be traveling alone. Traitorous bitch, I knew what she was doing. Forcing me to be around Koa so I could talk with him and figure this shit out. She was right, as always.

Koa’s hand was pressed against my lower back, guiding me through the bustling pathways and making sure we didn’t get separated. As before, the silence between us wasn’t tense or awkward, but comfortable. My body was equal parts relaxed and filled with buzzing energy.

Since I wasn’t in the mood to wander aimlessly through the city like a dumbass, we stopped between two shops off to the side. I sent Ari a message asking where we were supposed to meet her.

Koa was leaning back against a pastel green building, his foot resting against the wall as he crossed his arms over his chest. For once he wasn’t looking at me. Instead, he was carefully watching the Mythics wandering around, almost like he expected trouble to rear its head at any moment.

I took this moment to watch him without getting captivated by his hypnotizing eyes. Watch how his straight and white teeth sank into his lush bottom lip. In the soft glow of the lights, the angles of his square jaw and high cheekbones looked even sharper and more defined. Just in the looks department alone, no other man could ever hope to compare to him. And that was without his sarcastic humor that made its appearance when I least expected it. Or how when I was around him, he made me feel safe.

“You’re staring,” Koa murmured, not looking away from the pathways. I jolted having been broken out of my trance. A half smile played on his lips and I wasn’t sure if it wanted to smack him or kiss him.

My wristband flashed and beeped, saving me from having to respond. “She wants us to keep going down the path we’re on until we reach her.” I sighed as I powered down my wristband and shut my eyes, I was nowhere near being in the mood for this shit right now.

The only outward sign that Koa was more amused than annoyed, was the slight curve of his lips. I knew the amusement was there, just as I knew he could feel my irritation. His emotions no longer sat in my chest, they radiated throughout my body, warming me to my core.

Trying my best not to let my frustration take hold of me, I led the way as Koa remained close behind me. Glancing into the buildings, I caught sight of crystal shops, as well as potions, spells, clothes, jewelry, and even weapons. Each place had its own themes and vibes, and I wished I had the time to aimlessly wander through.

The mosaic designs on the walkway changed from interlocking moons weaved in the runed pattern, to silhouettes of the sorceress and sorcerer deities. I was unable to tell which deties were depicted with their shadowed faces. Beams of moonlight backlit their figures as streams of silver, gold, and bronze lit up their hands, forming into runes.

I came to a halt when the path split off. Well, this was just fucking great. This time I couldn’t hold in my anger, and stomped my foot in frustration as I looked down both paths.

“Don’t you dare,” I growled, pointing at Koa as he came to stand beside me.

“I wasn’t going to say anything.”

“I can feel how funny you think this all is,” I said without looking at him.

Ahead of us, between the split paths, was a modest-sized building built from varying shades of blue. The roof was almost navy, making the building stand out among the others. Not just because of the dark color, but with how the navy glass was formed into shingles, making it the only building I’d seen so far with it. Teal glass made up the side walls, while the front was a light pastel blue. The door—the only closed door we'd seen so far—was an ocean blue.

The combination of the closed door and the fact that this was at the end of the path we were on, had me glancing at Koa and inclining my head toward the building. He considered it for a few moments, pressing his lips together and resting his hands on his hips. After nearly a minute, he nodded, before stepping ahead of me and opening the door.

The shop was one big open room. Long and tall tables lined the entirety of the two side wall, with several stools spaced in front of them. Filling up the rest of the room was over twenty shelves filled with books.

Lanterns hung from the ceiling, giving off a soft, almost romantic glow. I wouldn’t have expected a bookshop to be so dimly lit, but it somehow worked. A table with several tea kettles—that heated water almost instantly when you pressed the rune on the handle—was to the right of the door. Shelves sat above the table, containing mugs and a whole array of tea flavors. It was probably for the best that there weren’t any cushy armchairs, otherwise I'd probably never want to leave.

Longing, that was what I felt looking around. The desire to forget all of my problems as I buried myself in a fictional world. While I was more a human tv show and movie kind of woman, I sometimes dabbled with reading, with both human and Mythic written fictional books.

I found Ari’s scent and it couldn’t have been more than a couple of hours old, but she was nowhere to be seen. Despite the number of Mythics outside, the shop was empty. It wasn’t a complete shock since sitting around and reading wasn’t as exciting as going out. Still, I was surprised to see no one else in here, not everyone wanted to go out and get crazy. Even when I used all of my senses, the only ones I could hear were us.

Where was the Mythic in charge of this place?

I followed Ari’s scent until I came across a metal spiral staircase in the back corner of the room. Shooting a glance back at Koa, I found him several paces behind me, his focus shifting around the room. My focus drifted back to the staircase, and I knew at some point Ari had gone up those stairs.

I also knew I shouldn’t go up those steps, that I should call Ari, and this time get a definitive answer on where we should meet her. But I couldn’t help my curiosity. Why had Ari gone up these stairs?“

Don’t you dare,” Koa warned, his voice dropping to a deeper rumble.

In a split-second decision, I lunged toward the stairs, and Koa’s growled swears followed me as I ran up them. I could now add running up spiral staircases to my list of shit I hate. Yes, I had been on them many times before, but there was something about sprinting up them as you ran in circles, that just made it a miserable experience.

Koa’s heavy footsteps followed me up the steps, gaining on me. His emotions were more on the angry side, spurring me to run faster. It wasn’t that I was afraid he’d hurt me, but he’d definitely drag me down the stairs, and would probably insist on carrying the rest of the time or some shit.

I suspected there was a spell placed on the staircase, because it felt like I ran up those damn stairs with Koa hot on my heels for several fucking minutes. He caught up to me as soon as I made it to the second-floor landing, his arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me back against his chest.

“Why must you insist on testing me?” He growled into my ear, his arms tightening around me. Heat seeped into my back as his chest rose and fell faster than usual.

“Because I can,” I said, my voice breathless as I looked around, trying not to allow myself to be distracted by him. It was small and barely big enough for the two of us, with wood-paneled walls. A door sat in front of me, with runes carved into the wood. The door’s bronze handle had the sun, earth, and moon etched into the handle. My hand drifted toward it, only to be yanked back by Koa.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Saying he was beyond passed was a vast understatement. But rather than be scared or nervous, I felt the exact opposite. Desire heated my blood as a deep throb settled between my legs. Buzzing anticipation filled my body, making it near impossible to stand still.

Leaning my head back against his chest, I looked up at his clenched jaw and burning golden eyes as he stared down at me. I trailed my free hand along his jaw, feeling a light trace of stubble, as well as the muscles working in his jaw. A growl shook his chest, vibrating against my back as I threaded my fingers through the silky strands of his hair.

He dropped his face into my neck and inhaled deeply. My grip on his hair tightened as he nipped at my neck. “You’d better be careful unless you want me to fuck you right here and now.”

His growled words had me squeezing my legs together, trying to alleviate the intense throb in my pussy. I tipped my head to the side, giving him more access to my neck, biting back a moan and he left small stinging bites down my neck, before licking and kissing away the sting.

Using his free hand, he kept his touch light as he reached up my shirt, my skin tingling at the contact. He expertly kneaded my breast and pinched my nipple. If I hadn’t been ready to beg him to fuck before, I was now.

The hand that still held my wrist, trailed down until my hand was engulfed by his. He pressed my hand against my other breast and had me squeeze my breast in time with his other hand, before trailing our joined hands down my stomach, keeping our touch light.

My breath hitched when our hands dipped into the waistband of my shorts in a slow teasing touch, meeting bare skin. My pussy was soaked, to go along with the insistent throbbing that was begging for his touch, his cock. At this point, I was too far gone to be embarrassed by my whimpers and pleas, begging him to fuck me.

His restraint was barely hanging on by a thread. Not only did I know this because of our emotions flowing freely back and forth between the bond, but by his hard cock pressed against my lower back. Somehow, he held onto what little restraint he had left and kept our touch light as he slid them into my panties.

In a teasing motion, he had my fingers rub my clit in light circles. Matching those he did on my breast. I tried pressing down harder, but he just ended up pulling my hand away. Same for when I tried moving my hips. “Please,” I whimpered breathlessly as I practically rubbed against him. Removing my left hand from his hair, I grabbed his wrist and tried to move our joined hands back.

“Nice try.” His chuckle was rough as he nipped at my neck, and removed the hand still kneading my breast. With almost no effort on his part, he pulled my left hand from his wrist and placed it against the wall.

He trailed our hands down further, making it so my fingers grazed my clit on the way down. After adjusting our fingers so that two of his cradled one of mine, he plunged them into my dripping pussy. Releasing a sharp gasp, I spread my legs, giving us better access as he pumped our fingers in and out of my pussy in a slow rhythm. My blood heated as he curled our fingers, and coiling tension built up in my stomach, growing as our fingers sped up. The wet sounds of our fingers plunging in and out of me, as well as my breathless moans, filled the small space.

I tried to pull my hand from the wall when the intense pressure building in my core became almost too much, but his hand kept mine firmly in place. He sped up our rhythm even more, curling our fingers again and again. The coiling tension had my legs shaking, my arm against the wall was the only thing keeping me standing.

As I came, I turned my head to the side and bit down on his outstretched arm. My legs basically became jello as I came down from my orgasm. I hadn’t bitten down hard enough to draw blood, but I was able to see my teeth marks as I kissed and licked away the pain.

Removing our fingers from my panties, Koa brought them up to his mouth and swirled his tongue around our fingers, licking up all of my juices. Even though I was unsure whether or not I could stand on my own, I was more than ready for round two.

“Is now a good time to mention that we can hear you?” Ari’s voice came from the other side of the door, cooling down my heated blood as shock stole my breath. Not only because I hadn’t considered someone could be on the other side of the door, but that Ari had been here the whole time and hadn’t said anything until now.

I dropped my forehead against the door, feeling both annoyed at my sister and embarrassed that she and a stranger had heard us. Clearly, the runes had somehow blocked out sounds and scents coming from their side of the door, because I hadn’t heard a single sound until now. It seemed it didn’t work both ways which was unfortunate, but made sense.

Koa wasn’t feeling either of these emotions. The bastard somehow found this hilarious. His body shook as he laughed and buried his face in my neck. I jabbed my elbow into his side, but that just made him laugh even harder. He grabbed my hips and spun me around to face him. Clenching his shirt, I dropped my face against his chest, which was still vibrating with his fading chuckles. “I’m so glad you find this funny,” I mumbled against his chest.

His fingers gently gripped my chin and tipped my head back to meet his gaze. Amusement still lit his eyes and flowed down the bond, but there was something beneath it. Something I wasn’t sure I was ready to study further. “You’re mine, and I want everyone who lays eyes on you to know it. I want them to hear how much you enjoy my fingers and cock, and know that only I can get you to make those sounds. Have them hear you screaming my name, so they know who will kill them if they touch you.”

It was near impossible for me to find my words after that. My mouth hung open as I stared at him in complete and utter shock, while my body heated at his words. “I haven’t decided—”

“You’re mine,” he growled before capturing my lips in a hard kiss.

“We’re still here,” Ari called out, breaking up our kiss after only a few seconds.

Koa chuckled lightly, pressing his forehead against mine. “Sisters.”

“I heard that!”

Shaking his head, Koa stepped around me and opened the door. On the other side was another open room, at least twice the size of the shop downstairs. To my left was a kitchen, with wooden cabinets and tile countertops. In the left corner was another door, presumably a bedroom or bathroom. Hanging along the wood-paneled wall were countless pieces of art; canvas paintings, colorful macrame, and a couple of small tapestries.

Taking up the right side of the room was a living room with a large and fuzzy area rug. The walls to my right and left were the same opaque teal as the outside. A large coffee table was seated in front of an L-shaped blue sofa, where Ari lounged, a smile lighting up her face.

Sitting on an armchair of the same coloring as the sofa, was a sorceress. Her caramel-colored hair was pulled back in a messy bun and complimented her tawny skin tone. Humor lit her hazel eyes, matching the smile lifting her heart-shaped lips. She was dressed casually in a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater. Her bare feet rested on the coffee table as she watched us approach.

Koa kept his body partially in front of mine as he observed the sorceress. His body remained loose but was no doubt ready to spring into action if need be. I met Ari’s gaze and lifted a brow as I crossed my arms.

“Jade, Koa, this is Gemini. Gemini, this is Koa, and my sister Jade,” Ari said waving her hand at us.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I tried to remember if I’d ever heard Ari mention that name before or even a nickname of it, but came up blank. It wasn’t uncommon not to know Mythics from other courts, but it did add to my confusion as to why Ari was here.

I nodded at Gemini, unsure what to say. Would it be rude to start questioning Ari, and asking what was up with her weird messages? More than anything, I wanted to tell her to go fuck herself for giving unclear directions.

“Please have a seat, and make yourselves comfortable,” Gemini said, gesturing at the sofa and the other armchair beside hers. Before I could try and figure out where to sit, Koa placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the sofa. Where I sat between Ari and Koa. Despite the size of the sofa, his thigh was firmly pressed against mine. He leaned back against the cushions, his legs spread in the class man-spread as he rested his arm along the back of the sofa behind me. His fingers toying with the ends of my braid.

“I was wondering how long it'd be before Koa showed up,” Ari said lightly. I scanned her face for any traces of anger or disappointment, but I found neither. Only open curiosity as she watched us.

“Not even an hour after you left.”

Ari hummed as she nodded. “I’m surprised Ander isn’t here. He’s gone soft in his old age.”

“He wasn’t with us, we separated into teams earlier today,” I said, glancing over at Gemini to find her watching us. I really wanted to ask her what she had to do with...whatever we were here to find out, but I held back not wanting to come across as rude.

Ari let out a short laugh. “I’m sure he loved that.”

“He’s also on the same team as Starling.”

Ari threw her head back as her laughter deepened to the point she had to wipe the tears from her face.

“They ran into Aidan, and he helped fight off one of the…infected,” I added, just barely stopping myself from saying tainted. I’d get to explaining everything later, but right now I was more curious about what Ari had to say.

Ari’s laughter ceased as she sat up. “Is he alright?” At my nod, she sighed and fell back against the cushions.

“Ari, what are we doing here? This morning you said you were checking up on a theory,” I said before she could ask any more questions. I couldn’t handle getting the run-around any longer.

Instead of answering my question, Ari shifted around on the sofa until she was facing us. Her focus was pinned on Koa. “Is there anything about the attack here last month that you’ve forgotten to tell us about?

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