Symphony of Death

Chapter 8

Anastasia’s POV

I was startled out of my thoughts by Nia. She was looking at me oddly.

“What?” I asked in irritation when she kept staring at me silently.

“You are done ages ago.” Nia pointed to the photocopy machine. I cursed inwardly and hurriedly gathered all the papers. “What is wrong with you these days?” Nia followed me back to our cabin. “You weren’t paying attention to the meeting as well.”

“Tell Audrey to review these designs.” I dropped files on Chris’s table. “Right now.” I went to our cabin. “What?” I faced Nia once we were in our space.

“You know the location of the shoot?” Nia questioned. I sat down in my chair and opened my laptop. “Ana?”

“Yes, Rhine Falls and black forest. I wasn’t sleeping, Nia.” I was getting a headache from her constant pestering. “We need to finish a lot before the shoot.”

Nia raised her hands and went back to her table. I was finally able to breathe freely.

“Ana!” I looked up at Sean. “Hannah is calling you.”

“Are you sure it’s only Hannah in her office?” Sean raised a questioning brow at my question. “Never mind.” I dismissed him and slumped in my chair when he left. “I hope she is alone” I muttered under my breath and got up and went to her office.

I rapped on her door and waited until she commanded me to come inside.

“You called?” I looked around cautiously and breathed in relief when there was no extra presence.

“Yes,” Hannah fussed around with a few files. “These are the catalogs for the upcoming shoot.” I took them from her. “Get them signed by Cain.”

“What?” I almost yelled. “What is the nonsense, Hannah? I am a designer, not a god damned PR.” I put the catalogs back on the table. “Why do you keep asking me to run bizarre errands for you?”

“Anastasia!” Hannah said sternly. “Careful with your tone.” Her eyes narrowed. “I am not sending you. Cain asked specifically for you.”

I looked at her in bewilderment.

“I warned you to not mess with him but you have to be stubborn.” Hannah rubbed her temples. “Just get these signed quietly.”

“Is he in his office upstairs or at the head office?” I picked the catalogs unwillingly.

“At his home,” Hannah replied calmly. I tilted my head to the side and looked at her for reaffirmation and confirmation but her expressions didn’t change. “I will send you the address-”

“Excuse me!” I said incredulously. “Did you say his home?” I repeated the question. “Is this some joke?”

“Ana!” Hannah pressed. “Please!” I bit my tongue at her silent plea. “Take my-”

“No,” I cut her again. “Just share the address.”

I left her office and came back to my cabin. I dumped the catalogs on the table and slumped in my chair again. My head was hurting. I grabbed it with both hands and groaned.

“I will be dead by the end of it.” My phone pinged and I stood up after checking the address. It was not even in the city. “Great!” I muttered sarcastically and grabbed my bag.

“Everything okay with you?” Nia asked.

“What could be wrong with me?” She cocked one brow at my cold remark. “Just what I wanted.”

I left the office unwillingly.

I was so happy about not coming across Cain these past days. It was almost normal and I was grateful for it. I didn’t want to cross paths with him, not after knowing his truth and the ugly reasons behind the mark on my wrist.

But my happiness was out of its token now. As much as I hated reality, I couldn’t deny it.

Laurel was not keen on leaving me alone. But I knew she couldn’t stay with me. She had to go back and I had to move on with my life. I was not going to let his fear stop me.

But that didn’t mean I was not afraid of running into him or facing him.

Cain was not human.

In fact, he was not something I could understand by reading any book or searching history.

He was someone that didn’t exist between heaven and hell or any other form of life.

I was still unable to fully understand his identity even though Laurel told me everything. I didn’t try to dig any deeper and I was not going to.

I didn’t want to know any more about him.


His residence was outside the city in complete isolation and among thick forestry. I didn’t even know such a place existed. Not until I found myself standing outside the huge iron gates that led to his humongous property.

I looked around and rubbed my arm. Even the sunlight couldn’t penetrate the tall and thick trees that enclosed the entire area.

It was so dark and gloomy.

His residence was a mix of modern and contemporary. The structure was old and modern installations were done inside and out.

I pressed the bell on the digital plate and waited for someone to answer.

“I should have taken Hannah’s car,” I was fidgeting nonstop. “Who takes this long to-” The gates opened slowly. “They didn’t even ask.” I surveyed the area once again for surveillance cameras. “Not that he needs it.”

I hurried along the snakelike pathway that ended at the main entrance of his place. It was a long way and I regretted getting off outside.

“Huge!” I gawked at the building.

It was humongous and beautiful surrounded by lawns and gardens on either side but the whole place gave an eerie vibe.

“Let’s just get done and leave already.” I went to the main door and rang the bell again.

I clutched the files tightly when my heartbeat rose suddenly. My lips parted and I drew in a shallow breath.

I was aware of his presence more than ever.

My eyes moved up slowly when the door opened. And I looked away immediately when they landed on Cain.

“For goodness sake!” I tried to fight the embarrassment. “At least wear clothes before opening the door.”

“I am wearing clothes,” Cain said plainly. I glared his way through my periphery when he pointed to his pants. “Come inside.” He went back and I followed him unwillingly.

“You opened the doors yourself. You don’t have servants?”

“Not right now,” Cain replied coldly. “Why? Are you scared to be alone with me?” He asked mockingly.

“Not really.” I tried not to look at his back. It was hard not to stare at those muscles.

Those ripped muscles.

“God damn it,” My embarrassment rose to another level when Cain turned to look at me.

He caught me being a jester behind his back.

“Here are the catalogs.” I extended the folder toward him. “Sign.”

“Are you always this uncouth?” I frowned when he smirked. “What am I even asking?” Cain went inside his grand living area and sat leisurely on the couch.

I followed after him with confusion all over my face.

I extended the catalogs toward him once again. I tried not to let my discomfort show when Cain kept looking at me with unblinking eyes. His gaze was not friendly.

Not at all.

“I don’t have all day,” I said desperately.

“How is your friend?” I was startled by his question. Cain took the catalogs from me at last and rummaged through them. “Is it that hard to answer, Anastasia?”

“She is,” I cleared my throat, “fine.” I kept a straight face when Cain looked at me. “What?”

“Cain!” I heard a female voice from behind me. “There you are.” I looked at the beauty from head to toe when she made her appearance in his grand living. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

I was surprised a little when she planted herself in Cain’s lap without any hesitation or warning.

Well, she was only wearing a robe and his condition didn’t leave much to my imagination.

“Who is she?” She looked at me while asking Cain. “I thought you took off from work for a while?” Cain showed no response to her sexual advances. “Who are you?” She asked me suddenly.

“She doesn’t concern you, Serra,” Cain replied coldly before I could answer.

So, this ginger-haired beauty’s name is Serra.

I remembered her now. She was at the club with him that night. The one who kissed him so openly.

“I told you to leave.” Cain spat bitterly.

“I was about to,” Serra rolled her eyes at his cold shoulder and got out of his lap. “I’m your fiancee. The least you can do is be a little affectionate toward me.”

“Leave,” Cain said singularly and without looking up from the catalogs.

“Whatever,” Serra scoffed and looked at me. “He is not in the best of moods for the past few days.” Her hazel orbs bore into mine as she made her way to me. “It will be in your best interests to leave quickly.” She winked at me and turned to Cain again.

“Try to be a little warmer next time, love.” Serra blew Cain a kiss when he looked up and glided out of the living area.

I stared after her for a whole minute before facing Cain again.

His hostile expressions said everything.

Serra came back exactly after a minute, all dressed. I was surprised by her speed. She looked like she took a shower and changed into fresh clothes and prepped herself while I was blinking.

So, she was not human as well.

“I’m off” Cain turned his face to the side when she bent to kiss him. Her mood was not spoiled in the least and she kissed him on the cheek. “How long are you going to act this way towards me?” Serra stood up straight with a wicked smile on her face.

“You shouldn’t let just anyone look at you like this. Employee or not, she is a young woman.” My cheeks burnt in embarrassment and I looked away from them. “Later, Cain.” She chuckled on her way out.

“Can you please sign these already?” I said urgently. I didn’t want to be alone with him anymore. “I have a lot to do for the upcoming-” I stepped back on reflex when Cain stood up.

“What did I tell you last time?” I couldn’t even gasp when I found myself sandwiched between his body and the wall. “You should not mess with the wrong ends,” Cain whispered darkly while pressing himself against me.

“No!” I tilted my face to the side when he raised his hand to touch me. “You cannot-”

“Behave like this?” Cain mused. “Why?” I closed my eyes when his knuckles caressed my cheeks slowly. “Give me one good reason.”

“Because you can’t” I looked back at him. “Because it’s not right and because you have a fiancee.”

“She is not.” Cain chuckled at my puzzled expressions. “I haven’t made up my mind about marrying her yet. I am sure I am not going to.”

“I didn’t ask you.” I pushed myself back when he moved further close to me. “Please, get away from me.”

“Is it hurting?” Cain raised my left wrist. “Am I hurting you, Anastasia?” My hand shook in his hold. “Your fear is telling me everything.” I gasped when he kissed my wrist.


“I know you know my truth.” His eyes bore into mine as he kept his lips connected to my left wrist.

“Let go,” I pulled at my hand in his hold. “Let me go. Please! I want to leave.”

“Sshh!” My breath hitched when Cain put his finger on my lips. “Don’t provoke me, Anastasia.” I closed my eyes when he palmed my cheek. “You won’t want to end in unfavorable conditions.”

“I don’t care. I don’t want anything to do with you.” I yelled at him. “I just want you to ignore me and stay away from me.”

I winced slightly when his palm moved from my face to my hair and he gripped a fistful. I held my breath when his nose collided with mine and his burning gaze bore into my frightened one again.

Cain angled my head back and loomed over me like a shadow.

“Didn’t Laurel tell you to not anger me?” Cain whispered against my lips. “You cannot lie to me, Anastasia.” I fisted my hand on his chest. “You cannot hide from me as well.” I parted my lips to speak but nothing came out. “I have no intention of hurting you.” His gaze changed a little. “But I have no intention of leaving you alone as well.”

“What is my fault?” My voice shook. “I didn’t do anything. I am not responsible for having your wing. I never wanted it.” His eyes narrowed dangerously. “Leave me alone, okay?” I pushed at his chest but he didn’t budge. “Just leave me alone.”

I cried out in pain when Cain grabbed my wrists and pinned my hands on either side of my head.

“Shut up, you-” His glare turned to a scowl when I whimpered in pain.

My left wrist began to burn in his hold. My heart hurt and I found it difficult to focus on him and my surroundings.

Laurel told me about the spell and its effects. They were not in my favor in any way. If he was near, I would feel pain and if he was about to harm me, I would die.

It was unfair.

“Anastasia!” Cain let go of my hands and held me against him. I couldn’t breathe normally. “What-”

“This is not fair” I mumbled in his chest. My eyes closed and I went limp in his hold.


I bolted up like a jolt of electricity passed through me. I was out of breath and drenched in sweat. My eyes swept around my surroundings wildly and my heart finally slowed down when I realized I was in my room. I looked out the window and frowned.

How late was it?

“Ana?” I looked toward my door when I heard Nat. “Are you up?” I looked down at myself. I was still in the clothes I wore for the day.

How did I end up here?

The last thing I remembered was fainting. I thought I was going to die. That’s how excruciating Laurel’s spell was. I held my head with both hands.

“She wants to protect me from him or kill me herself?” I looked up when the door opened and Nat walked in.

“Hey!” Nat looked at me worriedly. “Are you okay? How are you feeling now?” I smiled tiredly in response to her question. “Is everything okay, Ana?”

“Yes, it’s just work stress.” I rubbed my temples and Nat sat next to me.

“Take it slow, Ana,” Nat patted my hand. “You were sleeping like a dead person when I came home.”

“What?” I asked and Nat nodded. “Oh, lord!” I buried my face in my lap. “I am going to die one day.”

“You won’t be the only one, girl.” Nat patted my head. “You won’t be the only one.”

I didn’t want to argue with Nat over who was more miserable at the present.

Laurel asked me not to share anything for the sake of their lives and it was better this way too.

“Angie said she has a meeting and will have dinner with clients.” I nodded and got out of bed when Nat stood up. “I’ll cook tonight. You freshen up and come, okay?”

“Thanks” I was genuinely grateful.

Nat just smiled and left me to my privacy. I sat down for a minute before rushing to the bathroom. I showered, changed into my sleeping shorts, and came out into the room while drying my hair.

I went to the window and looked down. My heart skipped a beat in fear when a shadow stepped out under the streetlight. I kept looking at it even after knowing what it was.

“Why did it have to be me?” I stepped back from the window slowly when he looked at me with his hollow eyes. I rubbed my left wrist softly. It still hurt a little and the skin was sensitive to touch. “This is not fair.”

I felt a slight shift in the air and I turned on the reflex.

“You won’t want to attract attention,” his large hand muffled my scream. “Anastasia!” Cain smirked at me devilishly. “I see you are awake and fine.” I shook my head in his hold. “Try to make a scene and your friend won’t even know how she ended up in Acreoterra.”

My eyes widened in fear.

“I see Laurel told you about my homeland as well.” Cain backpaddled me toward my bed. “Then you should how that place is unsuitable for a living being in every possible way.” I nodded at him. “Good girl.”

He removed his hand from my mouth and I gasped when he pushed me down on the bed.

“What are you-” I heard a faint click when Cain raised his hand toward my door. “Why are you locking it?” I crawled back in fear.

“Just because.” I frowned at his offhanded reply. “Your friend is in a vegetative state right now. She won’t wake up unless I want her to but if you did anything to displease me.” I held my breath when he climbed on top of me. “She won’t ever wake up.”

“But!” Cain put his finger on my lips to silence me.

“I don’t intend to harm you, Anastasia” I shuddered involuntarily when his finger brushed my lips slowly. “If you know me, you know my history as well. You know who I am and what I am capable of doing.” I looked to my side when he lowered further on me. “It would be in your best interests to not anger me.”

“What do you want?” I asked meekly. “Why do I have to suffer this? What was my fault in your enmity?” I frowned when he chuckled. “It’s not funny.”

“I’m not the one who placed the curse on you.” His gaze was full of contempt. “I don’t have answers to your questions.”

I was horrified by his glowing blue eyes with red slits.

“I don’t intend to harm you. You have my wing, Anastasia and I would rather suffer you to keep it safe.”

“You want your wing back?” I asked bravely. “Is it that hard to answer?” The muscle in his jaw locked angrily.

“Fear me, Anastasia” My heart thundered in my chest when Cain grabbed my left hand and held it by my side. “Just because I won’t do anything to you doesn’t mean I can’t.” His gaze bore into mine. “You won’t want to mess with someone like me.”

“I have seen enough monstrosities in my life,” I scoffed bitterly. “I’m sure you won’t surprise me enough.” I tried to be brave. “If you know that Laurel told me everything then you should also know that you can’t threaten me with anything.”

His expression became cold and hostile.

“I am not going to be your puppet and be afraid of you.”

“You will regret saying this, Anastasia,” Cain pressed down on me. “You might have seen enough monstrosities but you don’t know what it actually looks like.”

I looked to my left wrist in his hold.

Strangely, it didn’t hurt at all.

“Do you want to test something?” Cain whispered in my ear. “Do you want to see how I affect life and death with my existence?” Cain pinched my chin and forced my eyes back on his face. “Do you want to see how life fades away at my touch?”

I turned to stone in his hold when he kissed me without my consent.

My heartbeat rose and my breathing turned uneven. My body turned stone cold with fear when his grip tightened around my left wrist and he deepened the kiss. My hand that was pushing at his chest fisted and I closed my eyes against my will.

What was happening?

“Don’t provoke me, Anastasia,” Cain murmured against my lips.

I crawled back when he got off me and hugged my knees. I couldn’t control the shaking of my body.

His presence and gaze were unbearable for me. I couldn’t look at him, that’s how much I was afraid of him right now.

Cain didn’t just kiss me right now.

It was not a kiss.

I felt every bit of it. The essence of death in his very being.

And it chilled me to my core.

The visions he showed me just now. Those mutilated and screaming souls chained to the pits of fire worse than hell.

I felt their resentment and evilness to my last bone and now I know what Laurel meant.

“I’m going to show you something very interesting,” His cold voice cut through my being.

The rift opened behind him and I looked at him reluctantly when he stepped further away from me.

“You will now learn that true monstrosities show no mercy.”

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