Symphony of Death

Chapter 7

Anastasia’s POV

“No,” I bolted up. “No. Don’t!” I pushed violently against the person trying to hold me down.

“Ana!” I looked at Laurel in bewilderment. “It’s me.”

Laurel aged over the years. Her ash-blonde hair turned gray and her young face lost its glow in the race against time.

But she was still beautiful.

“Oh, Ana,” Laurel hugged me.

I buried my face in her shoulder and breathed deeply.

She was my home after all.

“I’m sorry.” I mumbled.

“I know, Ana.” She pulled away. “You don’t need to apologize for anything. If any, I am sorry. It’s because of my carelessness that you suffered everything.”

I looked around my room and another realization dawned upon me.

“Oh, my god! Nat–”

“She is fine.” Laurel palmed my cheek. “Angela is with her. Natalie doesn’t remember anything.” I looked toward my door. “They are not here. I asked them to give us some privacy. Angela took Natalie to her home.”

“Nat doesn’t remember anything?” I asked. “She doesn’t remember anything from last night?”

“Her memory is-” Laurel paused. “Altered. She thinks she ran into an accident. She doesn’t remember a thing about Harold.” I blinked in surprise. “I asked Angela to not mention anything about him to her as well.”

“You know who Harold is?” Laurel pursed her lips at my question. “You know?”

“Cain too.” I fisted my hands at her answer. “I will tell you everything, Ana.” Laurel helped me out of the bed. “Freshen up and come outside, okay?” She patted my cheek and left my room.

I rushed to the bathroom to freshen up and went out of my room after changing. Laurel looked at me and smiled after setting the breakfast on the table.

“Come,” I nodded at her and sat down.

I swear I had never eaten this fast in my life before. I finished my breakfast and took my plate to the sink.

I’ll wash it later.

I followed Laurel to our living and we settled side by side on the couch. She looked at my face and smiled.

“You look so much like your mother now.” She caressed my cheek. “So beautiful.”

“How did you know my mother?” I asked. “You never told me anything.”

“Aisling was my best friend. We grew up and did everything together. She was a lovely person, kind and sweet.” Laurel smiled at the memory.

“She married Cyrus, your father, and had you. Cyrus was a great man. He loved Aisling dearly. You don’t know how happy he was when he learned Aisling was pregnant with you.”

“I still remember them as if it was just yesterday.” Her smile turned sorrowful. “Nothing was left of your home, Ana. The fire burnt everything. Your survival was nothing short of a miracle.”

“You told me before.” I whispered. “I wish I had just one picture to know the people who brought me into this world.”

Her story never sat well with me.

Laurel never told me the cause of the supposed fire.

“Your mother was not human, Ana.” My head shot up. “She was not entirely a human.” Laurel paused and breathed deeply. “You are not from an ordinary lineage.”

“Lineage?” I repeated.

“Your mother had Blue Blood from her maternal side,” Laurel explained. “But she didn’t inherit the powers.”

I was confused.

“Your great grandmother, Delyth, married a human. It was against the rule of Istrigus, the land of Blue Bloods. She was stripped off her powers and cast out with her family. Their generations were born as humans with Blue Blood but no power.”

Laurel let me digest everything.

“My father?” I asked after some time.

“Cyrus was a human. He knew everything about Aisling.” Laurel breathed deeply. “Blue Bloods are a special kind of supernatural beings, Ana. They appear just like humans but they are far more than being mere humans. They are very powerful and they are the ones maintaining order in the world of the dead”

Blue Bloods, Istrigus–what is all this? I can’t understand. I don’t know what you are talking about.” My head began to hurt. “What is this, Laurel?”

“Ana!” Laurel held my shoulders. “Listen to me. Look at me” She locked her eyes with mine. “Ana!” Her grip became firm. “Please!”

“Control the dead? That’s what grim reapers do, right?” I questioned. “Reapers are death angels, right? You want to say that my family is a bunch of angels of death?”

“Reapers and the death angel are not the same things, Ana.” Laurel leaned back in her seat. “They are associated with death but they are different.” Laurel looked at me somberly. “Reapers guide souls to the afterlife. It’s the angel of death who takes life.”

“Azrael?” Laurel nodded at me. “You said Blue Blood.” I rubbed my temples. “What does it mean?”

Laurel looked away and closed her eyes. Her expressions contorted as if she was reliving something painful and horrible.

“There came a time when chaos ruled the world. Evil prevailed and darkness took over everything, alive or dead. Things got so out of hand that the divinity was forced to take drastic measures to save the world.” Laurel looked at me.

“A clan was created to put the world back in order. A bloodline by merging the blood of Azrael and grim reapers. The Unseen.” Laurel’s voice dropped a notch. “The Blue Bloods.

I never heard anything of the sort.

“It was precluded, Ana.” Laurel’s expressions turned ghostly. “It ended the chaos but gave rise to a new terror. Something that was neither human nor divine but pure evil.”

My heart started beating furiously.

“Cain.” Laurel looked me dead in the eye. “Cain is the outcome of a greater evil, Ana. He wasn’t supposed to exist. His life means the death of everything and destruction of the entire universe.”

“What are you-”

“He is the firstborn of a greater demon, Erlik, and goddess of death, Efah.” Laurel continued. “Their union was a sin and it didn’t stop there. They didn’t stop there.” Laurel paled with every word.

“When Efah conceived Cain, they performed one of the three greater cursed spells, Incentius Immorelia. This spell binds death with every living force and gives the bearer immense power and control over life and death. A taboo.” Laurel paused.

“Cain was extracted from Efah’s body and fused with the corpse of an unhatched offspring through that spell. That corpse was then impregnated in the womb of a dead woman inside a grave for a hundred days. The corpse of a Blue Blood.” Laurel drew in a sharp breath.

“The spell was performed for a hundred days by strong sorcerers. Their magic combined with Azrael, Erlik, and Efah’s blood was fed to the grave until it turned red and the first cry of the baby was heard.” Laurel buried her face in her palms.

“No one could find out how they got hold of Azrael’s blood. There were so many who were part of that heinous act from behind the curtains.”

I couldn’t believe it.

“Cain was then put back in Efah’s womb and was born after a year. He was stronger and powerful than any divine and demonic being even before birth. It resulted in a bloody war. Countless lives were lost but it was too late.”

“So,” I gulped, “Cain is-”

“There is a name for him in our world,” Laurel whispered darkly. “Dalazar Daemonne. The black flame of doom.”

My heart thundered at her words.

“Efah and Erlik lost their lives fighting the Blue Bloods and the uprising of the underworld along with many others. They would have never imagined the outcome of their greed.”

“Cain paved the way to a never-ending enmity between heaven and the underworld. His existence shook the afterlife and death off its balance.”

“What does it have to do with me?” I was confused. “Why do I feel pain when I see Cain? Why does my wrist hurt, Laurel?” She was quiet. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“Cain doesn’t only have demonic and Blue Blood. He also has Efah’s and Azrael’s blood.” Laurel began again hesitantly. “A goddess and an angel’s blood, Ana.” She held my left hand and raised it between us. “He is someone who exists between the realm of good and evil.”

“What is my link to him, Laurel?” I pressed.

“You have his wing. The symbol on your wrist is no ordinary symbol, Ana. It’s a cursed mark that binds his left wing to your soul.” She left my hand and it fell in my lap.

“The blessing of Azrael’s blood with death and demonic ones. His gigantic black wings have eternal flames in them. The symbol of true power in our world.”

Laurel’s expressions turned dark again.

“It’s because of his wing that you can see the dead. A side effect of the cursed spell.”

“Why?” I heard myself asking. “Why do I have his wing? Why–I–It doesn’t make sense. Why do I have it, Laurel?” I stood up and moved away from her. “Take it out. Take it out right now.”


“No” I stepped away from Laurel, “I don’t want to hear anymore. I don’t want this. This thing destroyed my whole life.” I scratched my wrist violently. “It ruined everything for me. You ruined everything.” I yelled angrily. “Take it out.”

“You will die,” Laurel yelled back at me. “You will die if this wing is taken out.” I blinked at her. “It’s bound to your soul, Ana. It will kill you.” She hugged me. “I’m sorry, child. I’m so sorry.”

“My parents didn’t die in the fire, did they?” I mumbled. “It was them, wasn’t it?”

“No” Laurel cupped my face. “They gave their lives to save you.” I looked at her in bewilderment. “They didn’t know about the curse. They were mere humans, Ana. They were living their ordinary lives until everything was destroyed.” Her voice shook.

“They knew Cain would come after you along with many others. They were powerless.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Every last one of them was killed, Ana. Even when they didn’t do anything.”

“Did Cain-” Laurel held me when I fell back. “He killed them?” Laurel just hugged me. “Laurel!”

“I promised Aisling and Cyrus that I will protect you,” Laurel whispered against my hair. “I never thought you would run into Cain like this. I know I should have told you everything from the beginning but-”

“He knows?” She nodded reluctantly. “He is coming after me, isn’t he?” Laurel helped me sit on the couch. “I saw the hate in his eyes. He abhors my existence.” Laurel looked away from me. “Now I know why.”

“His hate is not justified, Ana. But nothing can make him see the truth.” I looked at my wrist. “I never thought the spell would wear off.” Laurel touched my pendant. “It was not supposed to weaken. It has black phoenix’s ashes. The only thing that can weaken Cain.”

I looked at the moon crest as well.

“The pain you felt whenever Cain was near, it was because of this spell to mask the wing’s presence.” My head was pounding now. “But you don’t have to fear, Ana. Cain can’t harm you.”

My brows furrowed at this.

“You have the power over him as long as you hold on to his left wing.”


“He cannot take it from you by force. He cannot do anything unless you return his wing to him willingly.”

“Why?” I was befuddled.

“Listen to me, Ana” Laurel held my hands. “I promised your mother to protect you and I will do it with my life.” My lips trembled when Laurel palmed my cheek. “Don’t be afraid, okay? Cain won’t be able to harm you as long as I am alive.”

“You are not human, are you?” Laurel smiled. “What are you?”

“Enchantress.” She answered. “But I will always remain Laurel for you.” She patted my cheek affectionately.

“What are those things, Laurel?” I held her hand on my cheek. I never felt this grateful before for having her in my life. “The things that appear in the dark.”

“Anima,” Laurel replied. “They are not spirits of the dead. They are what remains of them after they stray from the path to the afterlife.”

“It’s either heaven or hell once you are put in the grave but they enter another realm once they fall victim to the darkness. Especially if their lives before death were full of resentment, unfulfilled wishes, dark desires and everything that could be labeled as evil and sinful.”

I could have never known.

“The more time they wander around, the more inimical they become. And once they are completely consumed by the darkness, they go after humans tainted with evil.” Laurel’s eyes hardened. “They feed on their negativity and malicious thoughts and feelings. They suck out their life to survive.”

“Why aren’t they captured by grim reapers and Blue Bloods?” I asked.

“They can’t interfere once the soul turns to Anima,” Laurel held my trembling hands. “They fall out of the realms of the divine forces. There is a special place for them. A place far worse than hell and a castigator far worse than the devil himself.”

“What is this place?” I questioned again.

“Acreoterra. A realm between heaven and the underworld.” Laurel gripped my hands firmly. “Cain’s world.”

“Why do they come after me?” I asked even when I didn’t want to know the answer.

“Because of your eyes,” Laurel whispered grimly. “It’s because of Cain’s wing and the spell. I don’t exactly know why. I tried looking into it but I couldn’t find anything.”

A heavy silence fell between us.


“I’m fine” I rubbed my temples again. “It’s just so unrealistic.”

“I’m sorry” I looked at her tiredly. “I wanted to keep you away but-”

“Life is not full of smiles and comforts, Laurel. Sooner or later, I was going to stumble upon this ugly truth.” She stayed quiet. “Did you come to Rose Raven? I fainted so I don’t know much.”

“Yes.” She smiled at me. “I knew the moment the spell broke.” I looked at her in confusion. “I am an enchantress, Ana.” Laurel chuckled. “I can open rifts to different times and spaces.”

“You can time travel?” I asked incredulously. She just shrugged. “Wow!” I gave out a humorless laugh.

I remembered something.

“Laurel? They were taking some weird names. That Harold specifically. Are they like Cain? His brothers and Harold I mean.”

“They are demons. Greater demons so they are extremely powerful as well. Cain is like a king to them.”

“I thought it was the devil.” Laurel chuckled at my expressions. “Is Cain superior to the devil?”

“And angels, yes.” Laurel nodded. “That’s why he was tried to kill.” I blinked in astonishment. “One of the Blue Bloods engaged in direct combat with him and injured him with a dagger coated with black phoenix’s ashes. It was not easy. She wasn’t able to kill him but she injured him enough.”

“She?” Laurel looked like she realized something. “It was a woman?” Laurel didn’t answer. “Did she–”

“Ana!” Laurel interrupted me. “Promise me,” she held my hands again, “You will stay away from Cain at every cost.”

I couldn’t understand why she was asking this. It was obvious that I was going to stay away from him.


“You don’t need to ask, Laurel.”


Cain’s POV

My eyes opened when I sensed the presence of very familiar uncalled guests.

So, she came!

I couldn’t decide what I should make of her decision at this point.

Courage or folly?

The doors opened and she walked inside carefully. Her eyes darted around the darkness as she made her way toward me. I counted her steps and breaths until she was standing before me.

“Lyra!” I greeted mockingly. “What a pleasant surprise.”

“Laurel” My brow cocked at her cold response. “It’s Laurel Grace.”

“You are one wicked woman.” I glared at her balefully. “You played so fucking well, Lyra.”


“I finally found you, you fucking Blue Blood.” The dagger appeared in my hand. “You are going to die-”

“Cain!” I looked to my left when another portal opened.

“Don’t!” Aeron and Xic looked at me when I stopped them from attacking. “It’s not them.”

The intruder stepped out of the rift.

“Lyra?” I chuckled darkly. “What an unpleasant surprise. I thought you were burnt in that fire as well. You were alive all this time?” I sneered at her. “You have aged. I thought the enchantress couldn’t age.”

“Every action bears a price, Cain,” Lyra replied calmly. “Let the girls go” She looked at Xic. “Let Ana go.” I raised one brow in response. “You cannot kill her.”

“Would you like to watch?” I raised the dagger for her to see. It was the same dagger Omisha used to sever my wing. “I’ll be more than delighted to humor you. The curse won’t be lifted until she is killed with the same blade.”

“Cain!” Lyra stepped toward me and Aeron appeared in front of her. “It’s not this simple. Please!” I turned to face her fully. “You cannot have your wing unless the spell is intact.”

“Are you the caster?” Her lips pressed in a thin line at my question. “Lift it.”

“I’m not talking about my spell.” She shook her head. “The one Omisha cast-” My eyes narrowed into slits. “Do you even know the nature of the curse Omisha used? It cannot be undone by killing Anastasia. You won’t get your wing.” I snarled at her when she tried to approach me again. “Please! Hand over Anastasia to me.”

“You wish!” I scoffed bitterly.

“She will die before you even think of extracting your wing out of her body. Please! I am not lying.”

I looked at Anastasia. I tried stirring her consciousness but it didn’t work.

“She won’t wake up. She will die if she stays with you against her will.”

“Don’t try to play tricks,” I warned her. “I won’t hesitate to slit your throat.”

“I am ready for whatever but I am telling the truth,” Lyra responded calmly. “Let her go for now.” She reached for Anastasia cautiously. “You know now, Cain. You can find us if I try to run.”

“Count on it, Lyra” I let her take Anastasia from my arms. “You can count on it that I will be coming after you if you don’t come to me with the solution by the end of tomorrow.”

End of Flashback

“I am here as I promised.” Laurel looked at me head-on. “I will tell you what you want to know but I just want one thing in return. Leave my child alone.”

“I can’t” I stood up and descended toward her. “She has my wing, Laurel. She stole something precious to me.”

“She didn’t do anything.” Laurel yelled quietly. “You are wrong about so many things.”

“Enlighten me” I halted right in front of her. “She is the fucking reincarnation of Omisha. What more could be wrong than this?” I growled at her. “I’m not going to let her fuck me up once again.”

“She is not Omisha,” Laurel tried again.

I scoffed at her lame attempt. She wasn’t getting tired of lying to my face.

“You can’t take your wing out of Anastasia’s body. Not until she hands it over to you herself, Cain. This dagger” she pointed to my waist, “is useless until she willingly comes to you. The wing is bound to her soul, Cain. If you took it by force, she wouldn’t only lose her life. You are going to lose your wing forever.”

“You are lying,” I said bitterly.

“I am not.” She countered calmly. “I won’t waste my breath on you, Cain. You are incapable of understanding things that make anyone humane.” I snorted in response. “But know one thing that you won’t win.”

“I am not weak, Lyra” I got in her face. “I don’t need any wings to exact my power and control. You know that already, don’t you?” I smirked at her expressions. “It’s betrayal that I cannot ignore. The conceit of those fucking Blue Bloods and their sense of superiority. I am going to crush every last one of them.”

“Anastasia has nothing to do with this.”

“Oh, she has everything to do with this.” I hissed back. “Cast thousands of spells but you cannot erase her reality. Her ugly truth.” I snarled. “She will pay the price for her sins.”


“She will come to me.” I stepped back from her. “I know the conditions, Lyra. She will fall for me. She will love me unconditionally.” I sneered at her. “She will give herself to me. Her mind, her heart, her soul, and her body, she will give her everything to me.”

I sat back on my throne and eyed her wickedly.

“She will do it willingly, Lyra. I will make sure of it.”

“Please!” Laurel tried desperately “You know it’s not only you who wants your wing back. The Blue Bloods will come after her as well. I beg you.” She fell to her knees before me. “She is innocent, Cain. She is already suffering.”

“How can you expect mercy from me, Lyra?” I eyed her scornfully. “Don’t you know what kind of being I am? You just dictated my very nature moments ago.” I mocked.


“I don’t care who is out there to hunt or harm her.” I cut her sharply. “Her fate is sealed. She did this to herself when she took my wing and betrayed me.”

My fists balled in anger.

“You can do nothing to change the future and her fate, Lyra.” I raised my palm and the dagger appeared there. “I will kill her.”

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