Symphony of Death

Chapter 28

Cain’s POV

I watched her sleeping beside me peacefully. I knew her taste would be heavenly but I never knew it would be this addictive. I bedded many virgins but they weren’t even close to the heaven Anastasia was.

It was so fucking hard for me to stop once I touched her. I wanted more and I wanted this rhapsody endlessly.

Anastasia wasn’t repelled by my touch. She didn’t flinch or run away when I tried kissing her in my other form. That’s what drove me to the edge and I was consumed by her presence before I knew it.

How could I feel so drawn to her?

I never touched Omisha intimately but I knew she wouldn’t have felt the same. Anastasia was not the same. I fucking knew it and it aggravated me.

It was supposed to be part of my plan but I felt much more than I desired.

The dagger appeared in my hand and I twirled it in my palm while looking at her. I crossed the second milestone.

Anastasia gave her body to me.

It wouldn’t be long that she will be mine; heart, and soul.

Anastasia turned toward me and extended her left arm while resting her head on her right hand. I looked at her wrist and the symbol that glowed over her skin.

“Soon,” the dagger disappeared. I got out of bed and went to the terrace.

As always, it was raining. The raindrops drummed against the glass softly.

I felt fully recovered after soaking in Olacor. It was an amalgam of the most wretched anima and an immense boost to my powers.

I told Anastasia only half of the truth about Hannah’s death. It was true that Catsya got to her. But what I didn’t tell Anastasia were the names Hannah told me in her last breath.

“Aisling and Cyrus,” I palmed the glass door above my head. “Where have I heard these names before?”

The same was the case with Lyra. She wanted to tell me something as well. But she was attacked right before I got to her.

I looked at the key in my hand. I didn’t find it by chance. Lyra gave it to me herself. She placed a condition that if I succeeded in finding and opening the door to the astral realm, she would tell me everything.

But how could a dead person tell me anything?

“You should sleep.” I put the key back into my pocket and went inside the room. Anastasia adjusted the blanket around her body and came to me on small wobbly steps.

“It’s not funny” she scowled when I smirked. I gave her my hand and pulled her next to me. “This is something else,” she gazed at the vast spread of darkness drowned in rain and thunder. “I wish you slept for once.” Anastasia sighed and looked at me. “I would have been able to sleep peacefully then.”

“Why?” I pulled her to my front and secured my arms around her waist to keep her steady. I could tell she had no strength left in her legs. It made me ecstatic. “You think I will disappear or something?” I murmured in her hair.

“Yes,” Anastasia threw her head back on my chest and looked up at me. “I’m afraid of waking up alone in another unknown place, Cain. I don’t want to go through that feeling all over again.”

“You won’t,” I cupped her jaw and kissed her forehead. “I’m not going anywhere.”

I closed my eyes and let myself bask in her purity.

“Cain?” I hummed in response. “Nothing,” I opened my eyes and stared into hers. Her cheeks were flushed and she was turning warm in my hold.

“What is it?” I turned her in my arms. Anastasia kept fidgeting while avoiding looking at me. I pinched her chin and pulled her face up. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s” she stammered. “What-” I cocked one brow at her nervousness. “What are we now?”

“What do you mean?” I mused over her question.

“You know people like me don’t go around sleeping with anybody,” Anastasia said smugly. “I don’t plan on making a habit out of it.”

“Your point is?” I teased her more and she reacted the same way I was expecting. It was going to be so much fun. “You want to entitle us to something?” She stayed quiet. “Things don’t change overnight, Ana.”

“So you still think I am Omisha?” Anastasia fumed when I didn’t respond. “Well,” she pushed at my chest to break free. “I think we have reached a conclusion.”

“And that is?” I urged.

“That this is never going to happen again.” Anastasia squirmed when I pushed her further into me. “You don’t hold your enemies so intimately like this.”

“Well, maybe I’m slightly convinced that you are not Omisha,” I said with a straight face. Anastasia stopped and looked at me with wide eyes. I took advantage of it and kissed her. “Why don’t we try and explore more of the reasons to convince me?”

“You–” I grabbed her head and kissed her again, more deeply and passionately. “Cain!” Anastasia cried out in frustration when I released her lips. “Can you listen to me?”

“Of course,” she yelped cutely when I lifted her in my arms and carried her back to the bed. “I can listen to you screaming my name for eternity.”

I couldn’t stop myself from taking her over and again. Anastasia was a drug I could get addicted to without any remorse.

She was such a sinful delight.

Her responsiveness only aroused me more. But I restrained myself. Her body was fragile and needed rest.

Anastasia fell asleep in my arms once again.

She was completely exhausted.

I got out of bed and left the room to arrange her meal. When I came back, Anastasia was wide awake and eyed me murderously. She clutched the blanket tightly to her chest and looked at me warily when I sat next to her.

“What?” I mused over her anger. “I didn’t leave you alone. I just went to bring you something to eat.” I set the tray between us. “You need to replenish your stamina. Here,” I raised the plate of healthy red strawberries toward her. “Your favorite, freshly picked planets.”

“Ha-ha,” I chuckled at her bitter expressions. “Very funny.”

“It was,” I laughed at her flustered face. “I don’t think I can ever forget such a sight.” I cocked one brow when she kept looking at me weirdly. “I’m joking, Ana.” She looked away immediately. “You should eat.”

“Can you get me something to wear first?” She asked timidly. “I’m not feeling comfortable like this.”

“Sure,” I flicked my fingers and a black robe appeared in my hand. “Here you go,” I gave it to her and stood up and faced the other way.

“I’m done.” I turned around. “Thank you,” Anastasia smiled at me in gratitude and looked at the tray. “Are you going to eat with me?” She frowned when I shook my head in denial. “Then why did you bring so much?” She began devouring her food.

“Your body is starved right now,” I sat next to her again. “You haven’t noticed but you didn’t eat for four days.”

“What?” Anastasia choked on her bite. “Four?” Her eyes widened in dread. “You mean we-” her cheeks burnt with her blush. “Oh, God!” She hid her face in her palms. “This is so embarrassing.”

“Ana,” I tried lowering her hands but she refused to listen. “Loosen up.” She glared at me through the gaps between her fingers. “What’s the big deal? You are a grown-up.”

“Go away,” she whisper-yelled at me. “I don’t want to see your face.”

My eyes narrowed at this. I placed the tray on the table and scooted closer and tugged at the knot.

“Cain, please. No more.”

“You want me to leave you alone?” I asked and she nodded. “So you are not going to lower your hands?” She shook her head furiously. “Fine then.”

“What?” I pushed her back and climbed on top of her. “What!” Ana screamed when I poked her sides. “Not this please,” she giggled. “Okay, I’m sorry.” I stopped when she yielded. “I’m sorry.” She laughed breathlessly. “God, you are so evil.” Anastasia punched my chest playfully when I lowered on her.

“Yeah?” I kissed her nose. “You want to tour around the Thunder Dominion?”

“I can?” I nodded in response. “I’d love to take a look around.” I pulled back and helped her up.

“Get ready and come downstairs.” I guided her around the room and left. As much as I wanted to watch her, I knew giving her privacy would be best.

I gave Anastasia a tour around my castle. She looked at everything like an excited child. I was amused by how she wasn’t in the least bit bothered by being in such a dark and gloomy place.

“Wow,” Anastasia palmed the window and looked at the four moons in awe. “You were right. Those illustrations don’t do this place justice.” She looked around the throne room in wonderment. “Your palace is beautiful, Cain. The gardens too.” She smiled at me. “It’s too bad that we couldn’t go outside because of the rain.”

“You wouldn’t have survived the temperature.” I stood next to her and looked outside as well.

Another round of blush coated her cheeks again. Anastasia couldn’t stop gawking at me in my royal attire.

“There was no one when we came and now I see guards and maids at every corner.”

“You couldn’t see them before because they were in their true forms,” I smirked at her expressions. “Yes, they are all demons.”

“What?” She whispered and looked behind me. “All of them?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“I didn’t see Aeron or anyone,” Anastasia asked. “Where are they?”

“They have gone back to the surface,” I informed her. “They left the same night I woke up.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Anastasia frowned at me.

“I showed you why,” I chuckled at her chagrin. “Let’s go.”

“Oh,” I looked back at her. Anastasia bent down and picked up something. “You dropped this.” I looked at her extended hand and what she was holding in it.

Lyra’s key.

“What-” Anastasia looked around in confusion. “What is this?”

“What?” I grabbed the key on her palm and froze. “What the fuck is this?”

I looked at Anastasia at the same time she looked at me. I could see the reflection of my questions in her eyes.

And the answer in her form.

“What is happening?” Anastasia asked fearfully when the dimensions began to shift around us. “Cain?”

“Don’t let go of my hand,” I said firmly and entwined our fingers around the key.

The glow subsided and we found ourselves standing in front of a lone door in the middle of nowhere.

Anastasia was the key all along.

“Why didn’t I think of it before?” I muttered under my breath.

Aether Estuary, the astral realm.

Anastasia opened the path to it.


Anastasia’s POV

We stood before a golden-red or something, a huge door like an iron gate. It was in the middle of nowhere and with no support from either side or behind it.

The entire place around this lone gate was a ball of light. Everything was blindingly glowing.

“Cain?” I gripped his arm with my free hand. “What is this place?” I saw how his expressions shifted when he grabbed the key in my hand. “I’m scared.”

“Don’t be afraid. I’m here with you. Nothing is going to happen.” Cain squeezed my hand holding his arm. “Don’t let go of my hand and the key.”

“Are we going to enter?” I paled when he nodded. “But we don’t even know what it is? I don’t want to end up on the wrong side.”

“If any, we are going to end up on the right side.” I opened my mouth to protest. “Trust me,” Cain said confidently. “Don’t let go, okay?” I nodded.

Cain pushed the key out a little so we could use it to unlock the mystery door. I couldn’t put my nerves to rest. My heart came into my mouth when the door morphed into an entrance upon turning the lock and unrolled to a wide long, snake-like pathway.

The blinding glow softened when we crossed the gates. My mouth fell open and I looked around in bewilderment.

Everything was gliding in what looked like a magenta candy floss. I could see stars and planets and every celestial and stellar body and object around us. The sky shifted colors every second and the air sparkled. Every rock along our path was so beautiful and mystical.

“What is this place, Cain?” I hugged his arm tightly when everything began to turn upside down around us. The path was never ending.

“Aether Estuary,” Cain murmured in my ear. “It’s the realm of Astras.”

“Astras?” I repeated. “What are they?” The answer came floating towards us in the most beautiful and exotic forms.

Cosmic entities.

Laurel once told me about them when I was little. She used to tell me tales of this realm no one could find unless called by their guardians. She said it was land beyond time and space where nothing exists in everything.

“Anastasia,” one of the females flew toward me. She was beautiful beyond words. Every last one of them was. “The great Dalazar Daemmone,” she addressed Cain in her soft voice. “We awaited your arrival.”

I looked at Cain questioningly.

“Follow us,” they flew away and we followed after them quietly.

The scenery veered around us once again and we found ourselves standing in the middle of an open rainbow grassland under an indigo-violet sky with giant planets and stars.

There was an emerald lake a few meters away from us with a strange-looking hollow stone monument on its side.

“Are you okay?” Cain held my shoulders when I slumped in his side.

“My head is spinning because of all the axis shifts.” I rubbed my forehead tiredly. “What is going on, Cain?”


Cain let go of my hand and stepped back so I could turn and face the owner of that hauntingly familiar voice.


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