Symphony of Death

Chapter 18

Cain’s POV

“Sorry” Xic cracked up again. “But it was hilarious. Anastasia swung the IV at your head the moment she saw you, Cain.”

I closed my eyes and tried tuning out his buffoonery. I was already enraged. I didn’t need any more reasons to slaughter and obliterate everything around me.

Things weren’t taking place as I was anticipating. Disclosing Omisha’s truth to Anastasia stemmed into undesirable lapses.

She slipped further from my grasp.

“You revealed your true form.” Xic doubled over. “But Anastasia didn’t seem frightened even a bit. Omisha didn’t come near you for a week, that’s how stunned she got.” He sobered from his madman’s fit. “Maybe, she is right. Maybe she is not Omisha.”

“There he goes again,” Aeron shook his head. “When will he learn to read between the lines?” Aeron looked at me. “I can’t figure out what you are thinking, Cain.”

“Were we ever able to do that before?” Xic snickered. “You are worried about your doll, aren’t you?”

Anastasia didn’t recall a thing from her past life even after meeting Larc. Her response was sour on his approach. It was clear that he unnerved her.

Things were in disarray because she couldn’t recall a single fragment.

Anastasia was crushed but she was not groveling. She kept denying the truth strongly until she couldn’t stand it anymore.

All I saw in her eyes was the hatred toward her past self when she smashed the portrait.

Is she really unaware of her existence? Or is she acting like she used to?

“It’s all because of your imbecility, Clary,” Aeron reprimanded her.

I glared at her when she scoffed arrogantly. I wanted to rip open her throat and tear her to pieces for what she did. She ruined everything.

“Stop this madness now, Clarissa.” Aeron warned her.

“Don’t preach, Aeron.”

“Shut up,” I boomed at them. “Not another word out of your fucking mouth, Clarissa.”

I couldn’t control my fury when she looked away arrogantly.

“I won’t care if you are my sister.” I grabbed her throat and pummeled her into the pillar. “I will fucking kill you if you hindered me again.” The marble and her bones cracked under my force.

“I hindered you?” She choked. “You kept that wench by your side when you should have cut her open and–”

“Cain!” Aeron and Xic stepped in when I threw Clarissa across the room. “Cool it.” They stood before me defensively when I tried to go after her. “She is our sister.”

“Now, now. Don’t start again, you two.” Einar came. “We have better things to worry about.” He closed the door and came toward us. “You knew it could damage her soul then why? Why did you decide to add fuel to the fire?”

“Ask your wife,” I pushed past him and went to the bar. “I highly doubt the greatest warlock’s magic will be enough to piece her back if I spilled her insides on the floor next time.” I poured myself a drink and gulped it down.

“You will kill me for her?” Einar caged Clarissa in his arms before she could have lunged at me. “I cannot believe you, Cain.”

“Calm down, love.” Einar tried to pacify her. “This is why half-truths are lethal than full lies.” I glared at him through my periphery. “There is nothing wrong in admitting that you acted out of your emotions.”

I hated him for his two-way sarcasm.

“So, everything became my fault now?” She said incredulously.

“Yes,” Xic retorted smugly. “What would you have done if Cain didn’t reach her in time? Don’t you know how dangerous Xoran is?”

“It’s better not to incite things for the worse,” Einar said to Xic. “Her soul was already in tatters. Anastasia suffered massively by the sudden revelation, that’s why the burn marks didn’t disappear right away and she is not healing.”

The glass cracked in my hold.

“Every blow on her body, mind, or heart,” Einar grimaced, “psychological, emotional or physical, is going to affect your wing as well, Cain. I told you this countless times.”

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

“My magic can heal her physically. It cannot fix the holes in her soul.”

“What do you want me to do?” I smashed the glass on the floor. “I gave her everything she wanted. I even let her go back.” I gritted lowly. “This fucking curse don’t let me do shit and now she knows the truth of that fucking Larc as well. Who do you think she is going to choose?”

“She called your name,” Einar answered back calmly. “You cannot extricate your wing from her soul by procuring a few sublunary aspects. You are not even close to reckoning what that poor soul wants.”

“More like he doesn’t want to know purposely.” I glared at Aeron. “Don’t blame Clary entirely. You are equally accountable.”

“Serra and Amon have gotten the wind of things because of Harold.” Xic informed us. “They are shadowing those girls all the time. Serra is more of a threat to Anastasia than Clarissa, Cain.”

“You don’t have to worry about her safety.” I poured myself another drink.

“You are more of a hazard to her the way I see things now.” Einar retorted. “You want your wing, you need to heal her soul. The nature of the curse is more complicated than you can imagine.”

“What?” Aeron and Xic asked simultaneously. “What complications now?” Xic raked his hair wildly.

“The wing has coalesced with her soul completely.” I faced Einar fully when he said this. “There is a huge difference between forced and willed. You were intimidating her into perceiving things. The consequence rests before your eyes.”

I gritted my teeth at this.

“She is a human but she is from the Blue Bloods lineage. It makes her more or less like us in twisted ways. And you know how the union of two beings is in our world.” Einar smirked at my silence.

“Unless you rule her heart and mind.” He faced them. “If Cain doesn’t become part of her soul, the wing will perish the moment he severs it.” He looked back at me. “You hate the thought of her near you? It is working vice versa.”

The marble cracked when I gripped the counter with both hands. My wrath was seeping out and affecting everything around me.

The windows blew up and everything began to shake and shatter.

I closed my eyes and tried to constrain my powers from going berserk. It wouldn’t take long for the world to turn upside down if it didn’t stop here.


I grabbed the arrow between my index and middle finger.

“That’s–” Aeron spat venomously. “How dare they?”

I smirked when it morphed into a blue parchment.

“Hehh!” I turned towards them. Their apparel switched and they got in defensive stances when I stood up. “The great Sorush is seeking me out?”

My attire switched when the dimension around us shifted. I stood at the edge of the mountain and confronted my archenemies across the river on the opposite one.

This place was Nihility between our realms.

This was where I engaged in a fight with Omisha for the first and the last time.

My blood thumped with malice when I recognized a few faces among many. I remembered them all too well and I saved them for the end.

They will endure a doom worse than death in due time.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Sax and Larc stepped back to let Sorush pass. He didn’t change one bit. His aura still stunk of his so-called supremacy.

“Judging by their numbers and ensemble, you didn’t come here to talk.” I taunted him.

“Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, Dalazar Daemonne.” Sorush stopped on the precipice. “You haven’t changed one bit.”

“You haven’t changed as well, Sorush.” I retorted. Except for his long hair tied back in a ponytail, nothing changed about him and his kind. “Your dogs still shadow you?”

“Larc!” Sorush raised a hand to stop him.

Xic and Clarissa stepped back as well when I tilted my head in warning.

“They are nothing but a bunch of abominations.” He spat in disgust. “No need to stoop to their level and soil your hands.”

“Well, I didn’t infect someone’s dwelling and slit their throats in my sleep,” I taunted. “Talking about principles when you envy my power.” I laughed. “So much that you even used your daughter–”

“CAIN!” The clouds collided in the sky when my Ashrune clashed with his scythe midair. “I am not the monster” Our weapons pulsed with our powers. “And I will show you in due time.”

I flipped over his head when he swiveled his scythe at me.

“What hurts your ego the most?” Sorush curtailed the attack and our blades immersed in another macabre. “That I have angel blood like you?” I grinned viciously when his eyes narrowed into slits. “Or that my creation involved the most powerful spell of the forbidden curses?”

We pushed against each other and landed on our respective sides.

My eyes switched and the air stimulated and changed its course when my powers surged to the surface.

The sky turned dark and lightning struck the river, cutting it open in two halves. The earth cracked beneath my feet when I swung my blade in the air.

They jumped in the air in different directions when the mountain tore under their feet and turned to dust.

“And I am not even at full throttle yet” I extended my sword to the left and it disappeared. “Even if you get my wings, you won’t even stand equivalent to a grain of my vehemence.”

“You bastard,” Aeron and Xic came on either side, and Clarissa and Einar got in stance behind us when Larc charged forward. “I will kill you right now.”

His scythe was blocked by Sorush. Sax pulled him back when he tried to break free.

“Sorush,” He yelled in frustration when he was encircled by his compatriots.

“She is still my daughter, Cain,” Sorush said arrogantly. “Even if she is not born the same. She will heed my call and follow my command when the time comes. That’s how much she loves me.”

“How adorable!” I mocked. “It will make everything all the more thrilling when I will cut you open and tear you to pieces right before her eyes.” I laughed evilly. “Her agonized screams will be music to my ears.”

“Only time will tell who will cry blood and dance on this symphony of death.”

They disappeared like the cowards they were.

“Get me to the astral realm as soon as possible.” I hissed through gritted teeth. “Every answer lies there.” I faced them. “And you, Clary” I glared at her in a warning. “Stay away from Anastasia if you don’t want to lose your fucking life.”

“They won’t sit now,” Aeron asked. “They are going to take Anastasia one way or another.”

“I will deal with those mutts,” I muttered spitefully. “You take care of the Underworld. Make sure no more pests step out of their craters. We have enough demons lurking around.”

He nodded in response.

“And Xic,” I looked at him. “Keep a close eye on Harold. It’s time to put an end to his chapter.”

“You want me to seize him or just track him for now?” He asked.

“Keep your eyes on him.” I walked past them and the dimension veered around us once more. We were back in my study and our human clothes. “Leave now. All of you.” I went straight to the bar. “I meant everyone, Clarissa.”

“This is my home too.”

“And I am Dalazar Daemonne” Their eyes bowed instantly. “Don’t push me, little sister.”

“Come on, love.” Einar ushered her to the door. “You have plenty of properties so no need to act stingy.” He looked at me. “I’m going back to Acreoterra tonight. The Wenix bear knowledge about the forbidden curses. I am not entirely positive but we might find something through Erlking.”

They left and I went to the study table. I took out Omisha’s locket from the drawer. I gave her this locket as a symbol of our love.

I held onto it all this time. It wasn’t out of lingering feelings but pure spite. I needed one memento of the error that cost me everything.

The flames engulfed the locket in my palm.

“You hold no place in my memories anymore.”


Anastasia’s POV

I sat on the settee and exhaled tiredly. I cleaned the apartment, did the laundry and I just finished washing dishes after dinner. My order was complete and I was waiting for it to be dispatched.

I had nothing more to do now.

I was alone and was going to be for a couple of days. Nat and Angie went back home for a few days. It felt terrible this time, being alone when I lived like this all my life. But I was glad that they were not here for the time being.

Things were chaotic and it would be better if they didn’t return until things cooled down.

“It’s so quiet here without them,” Shae made herself comfortable on the couch beside me. “What are you thinking, Ana?”

“Nothing,” I smiled at her. “Would you like some chocolate milk, Shae? I know you love it.” I laughed when she meowed. “Wait here.”

I went to the kitchen to get her milk. I took out the bottle from the refrigerator and poured it into her favorite bowl.

“Would you like me to warm it for you?”

“Yes, please,” Shae replied cheerfully.

I took the bowl to the oven and looked back at Shae. Her eyes were closed and she didn’t seem to be paying attention to me.

Sorry, Shae.

I added the sleeping pills in her milk and made sure they were mixed properly before placing the bowl in the microwave to heat up. I knew Shae wouldn’t let me step out alone otherwise. Not after what happened last time.

Her surveillance turned strict after my encounter with Xoran.

This shit was turning severe and it wasn’t about me anymore. It was a big mistake to come back here. I should have thought rationally before asking Cain to let me go.

Now my pride was being a pain.

I knew I couldn’t drag Angie and Nat into anything because of my carelessness. They were already in enough trouble.

So, I needed to step out and clear my head before making further decisions.

“Here you go,” I set the bowl on the table. I smiled when Shae drank her milk merrily. “I’m going to sleep in a bit. You too should sleep, okay? Don’t stay up all night for my sake.”

I waited for her to finish and took the bowl to the kitchen to wash. When I came back, Shae was fast asleep. I breathed out in relief when it worked.

“I’m sorry, Shae.” I carried her to her bed and tucked her in. “But I need to sort my mess on my own.” I felt guilty for doing this to her but I was left with no choice.

I grabbed the beer bottles from the fridge and left the apartment. I had no destination in mind when I came out of the building and hailed the cab.

I just wanted to go somewhere quiet and remote. I wanted to be alone and away from any human contact.

“Take me to Fairthon,” I told the driver. I sighed while watching the night lights blurred by.

Why is life doing this to me?

“Miss?” I was startled out of my thoughts. “We are here.” I paid the driver and got out.

I went inside and took the elevator to the rooftop.

The whole building was a conservatory with different plant nurseries on each floor. There was a restaurant, few eco-friendly stores along with small offices, and green workshops. It stayed open round the clock and was accessible to everyone.

This place was a masterpiece in itself.

“Wow!” My breath was taken away when I stepped out in the open garden. The air was cool and saturated with the smell of flowers.

I took off my shoes before climbing the mezzanine floor. I plopped down on the cool grass and opened the first bottle.

It was a bad idea but I needed to drink to give myself enough boost to get things off my chest.

I was half wasted by the time I was down to the sixth bottle.

“Why did you have to be this cruel to me?” I pointed to the sky. “As if I was not aching enough that you had to associate me with someone like her.” I fell on my back. “You could have at least given a solution to the problem you grandiosely created.”

I chuckled humorlessly.

“No one believes me and everyone hates me. I have put the only two people I have in difficulty because of this. Just because I exist.”

“I refuse to believe it. I refuse everything,” I screamed at the sky. “Go on and do whatever you want to do, I don’t care. I won’t take the blame for someone else. I won’t let anyone treat me like shit. I won’t let Cain–”

My heart thudded painfully.

“I’m Anastasia, do you hear me? I am Ana and not some sick bitch who kills others for power. I am not that selfish.”

I fished out my phone from my pocket and called Cain. I was not going to drop the call unless he talked to me. He will have to listen to me.

All this time, he did what he wanted, he behaved how he pleased and blamed me for things I didn’t do.

Not anymore. I won’t let him do this to me anymore.

He wasn’t the only one suffering. I was in pain too.


“Hello!” I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision. Everything started spinning suddenly. “May I speak to Mr. Cain Black?”

“You can’t even recognize my voice?”

I pulled the phone away from my ear and focused on the screen. After much struggle, I finally managed to read his name.

“Hello, Cain” I giggled, “I am Anastasia Grace. Pleased to meet you.”

“What are you doing?” I couldn’t stop laughing. “Are you drunk?”

“It’s so dark here, Cain. I won’t be eaten by Anima, right?” I looked around fearfully. “That man won’t come for me again, will he? I didn’t like what he did. It was so scary.”

“I can’t get through to my friends.” I hugged myself. “I don’t know how to get back home. My head is hurting so much.”

“Where is Shae?” He sounded angry. It broke my heart for no reason.

Why was he always angry at me? Couldn’t he just not care about the stupid curse and that woman once? Couldn’t he just look at me for once?


“Yes?” I replied meekly.

“You are wearing my ring?” I looked at my left hand and hummed. “Don’t take it off. Nothing will harm you then.”

“Cain?” I mumbled. “Why am I alone?” He didn’t answer. “Why did I have to go through this?” My voice wavered. “I never hurt a fly in my life. I always ate my vegetables too because Laurel cooked them for me.”

“Don’t move an inch, do you hear me?”

“You are not going to come but send someone to fetch me, right?” I sniffed. “You don’t want to deal with me because you hate me, Cain.”

The phone fell out of my hand. I grabbed my head and breathed shakily. It always happened on impulse.

Was I being desperate just because I was scared?

Was it because he was the only one who knew and was with me in this plight?

I wanted to cry but tears were not coming. I wanted to scream but my throat locked itself and choked me on my suppressed sobs.

“This is so unfair.” I was keeping everything inside all this time.

I didn’t voice a word after that terrible night when Cain slapped that ugly truth in my face.

I wanted to scream and cry but I didn’t.

I was scared shitless when Xoran attacked me but I didn’t let anyone know. I suffered alone in silence and by myself.

But all these bottled-up emotions were killing me now. It was so painful that I wanted to die rather than endure another second of it.

“Why me?” I hiccupped. “Why me? Why me?” I pulled at my hair. “What was my fault?” I hid my face in my palms. “I can’t even cry.”

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