Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. Two: Beneath the Hawthorn Tree: Verse Forty-Seven

Life had suddenly changed drastically for Cypher now that he was going to be a student at Guardian Hall Academy. Despite that, there were still many things that tugged at his mind since Eiden’s emotional outburst. Only a few moments had passed since he was escorted out against his will and Cypher’s body still ached from the battle.

As excited as he was to begin his days at the Academy there were still many matters to consider. He worried about what Galex might do once he discovered what had happened. He worried about what fate might befall Molly given that they had been so close, and he even worried about whether or not he could cut it as a Conductor now that the moment had arrived.

Still, he pushed forward all the same. There was no turning back now that things had been set into motion. Molly, he was sure, would be safe enough. It was no secret that they were close, but it was no fault of hers that Cypher had usurped Eiden’s place at the academy and he had won their duel fair and square. Galex might be a man of great anger when prompted, but he was also somewhat reasonable and fair when it came to anyone other than Cypher. Molly should be safe for the most part.

Besides, knowing Eiden, his mind would be set against Cypher and Cypher alone. There was little need to consider him retaliating against Molly. Eiden would spin his twisted version of events but Galex was a man of great introspection. He would get to the true details of what happened one way or another.

Beyond that, Alvin had assured him that details of what had happened would be sent directly to Galex. That helped to calm Cypher down a bit while Alvin healed his wounds with Magick. It was a stunning display of yellow and white light and Cypher was left awestruck. As those rays danced around his body, he felt all of his aches and pains wash away almost instantly.

As Alvin was healing him, Cypher took the chance to ask several questions of Alvin about the nature of his former servitude to the Galvan family. Before the duel, Eiden had claimed him as property. Cypher wasn’t very well versed in the laws of the Kingdom of Dellorim, but as he understood it, slavery had been abolished several hundred years ago. If that were true, what claim had Eiden had on him?

Alvin had spent a great deal of time going into the finer points of Dellorim law but it had essentially boiled down to the fact that while Cypher was not a slave, he was still underage. Given the nature of his parentage Galex and Tyrina were legally his guardians. As such, it fell to them to manage his education, protection, care, and discipline. However, they were also nobles and lords of the region he had grown up in. Just as it was with any commoner, that placed him under their direct command.

Despite that, Eiden had been completely wrong about his claims. Cypher was not property and both Alvin and Elder Fergus knew that. Even more damning was the fact that Cypher was no longer within the bounds of their rule here on Academy property. It was more than a matter of school rules.

Guardian Hall Academy was essentially its own domain within the kingdom. It had its own set of laws and regulations that those who dwelled here were expected to follow. Eiden had simply allowed his ego to get the better of him and vastly overstepped his bounds. According to Alvin, Eiden truly had no chance of securing a spot here at the Academy, and even less so after his outrageous declaration of a duel.

As for why Elder Fergus had allowed such a mockery to unfold in the first place, it was really quite simple. Cypher was indeed being accepted into the Academy due to his rare affinity and latent potential. But even still, there were regulations and rules to be followed. He had already passed under the divining arch, but he had not undergone the combat portion of the exam nor had he been quizzed on his knowledge concerning the magickal arts.

The latter was something that was obviously beyond him, but the former was something he clearly had experience in. As Cypher had suspected, he had been undergoing a test. A test to see what he could do in a controlled environment. Elder Fergus was not just another Conductor. He was a seasoned warrior who had tasted combat many times. It was not hard for him to see that Cypher possessed abilities a regular servant simply wouldn’t have had.

His body and muscular structure, the way he held himself, and even the callouses on his hands told an intricate story of years spent training himself to his limits. None of this had gone unnoticed by Elder Fergus and to that end, he had allowed Cypher to duel against Eiden without worry that the boy would be completely outclassed.

It was a simple observation, but one that was not lost on Elder Fergus.

Cypher was left once again marveling at the skills Conductors possessed.

After the healing was finished, and with Cypher’s concerns addressed, they returned to their conversation before the heir’s not-so-noble departure. Alvin explained many things to him at that time and Cypher did his best to understand what he could.

The paperwork for enrollment had been simple. Cypher had signed his name after reading the terms of his sponsorship and the rules of the academy. All in all, it had gone smoothly and none of the restrictions were as harsh as those he had lived by in the Galvan manor. His life here would be one of hard work and study, but at least it would be a fair one.

Going through the list, he found that his sponsorship covered all the basic costs of staying at the academy. Everything from his room and classes, to his food and clothes, and even his weaponry and books were covered by Alvin’s generosity and sponsorship.

Anything else he would have to pay for himself, however, there were several jobs one could undertake around the grounds that paid decently well. After all, not all of the students were of the noble class. Indeed, some were commoners who had paid their way or were sponsored by one of the teachers just as Cypher was.

The list of available jobs was quite varied. It existed not only to give the students a chance to pay their own way but also to teach them about what life as a Conductor would be like after they graduated.

There were of course more details to his sponsorship that had not been outlined, but Alvin had assured him that everything of immediate importance was included in the initial contract and only those things were set in stone. Everything else would be explained in time all he needed to do was ask.

On the matter of rules, students were free to explore their powers within the confines of the academy as much as they wished. This was, of course, only as long as no permanent damage was done to the grounds of course, and human experimentation was strictly off-limits. Several areas of the academy were forbidden as well to all but staff and certain senior students.

As it turned out, the courtyard Cypher had found himself in was part of the dormitories. In fact, this entire mountaintop was considered part of the living area but primarily served as a testing ground for new applicants. The academy in full was scattered about the tops of the Elthanor mountain range at the center of the country of Dellorim. They were each connected by a series of portals not unlike the Slingates and one simply had to walk through to reach a new area.

The main building of course, and the crown jewel of the entire establishment, was a castle located atop the peak of the mountain behind these dormitories that he had yet to see. It was in this castle that all of these off-limits areas were located. Combat between students was strictly forbidden unless a formal challenge was issued, observed by a teacher, and carried out in the appropriate areas of which there were two.

One was a small battleground specifically for such challenges known as Rydwin’s hall. It was located inside the main castle and was protected by powerful spells that prevented any damage to the interior. The other was on a training field located in another part of the academy which all students had access to. The latter would only be used if the former was currently in use.

Challengers were not allowed to kill or permanently disfigure each other, but beyond that anything was allowed. Combat would end when one of the combatants could no longer continue, or if the observing teacher determined that the battle had gone far enough. Teachers themselves were considered to be at the top of the chain of command. All students were required to obey their requests or orders without question unless said requests were dubious, immoral, or otherwise questionable in nature.

All these things and more were outlined in the scrolls Alvin had handed him. After reading through enough of the documents, Cypher had decided to simply sign and worry about the details at a later date.

He was much too excited to bother with them just now. Better still, once he had finished signing his name, Alvin had told him copies of these documents would be sent to his room and that those would also need to be signed in order for any of it to be official so it didn’t matter if he simply skimmed over them now.

“Good, now that these tedious matters are out of the way we can move on to other things. I’m sure you’re eager to get settled in and have yourself a proper meal. A lot has happened and I’m sure you have much to think about. However, if I could have your attention for just a bit longer, there is a crucial bit of information you need to know.”

Alvin reached over and held up the clear amulet he had pulled from within his chest earlier. It sparkled in the light as it spun on the chain clenched firmly in Alvin’s hand. Cypher had been curious about it since he had first laid eyes on it.

“This is an Ark. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that it is not much different from the one I possess. As I explained before, the Orrium is the source of our power. Within it lies the energy we use to cast our spells and work our wonders. But how are they filled? It is true that they absorb Zight passively from the environment until they are filled, but you will soon discover that it takes an astonishing amount of time for that to happen naturally.”

“During your time here, you will be pushed to your limits and your Orrium will likely be emptied daily as you learn to hone your craft. Furthermore, once you graduate and assume an active role in the kingdom as a proper Conductor, the capacity of your Orrium will be pushed even further.”

“It is not uncommon for them to run dry long before a mission or task is completed. How then is any Conductor expected to work under these conditions? The answer is with one of these.”

“The Ark is a curious invention that came about millennia ago. I won’t bore you with those details just now, but since then, Conductors have had a dire need for them. They are not easy to acquire and even harder to construct, but through them, you can refill your Orrium several times a day if you need to. This one will be yours. Treasure it as you treasure your life, it might one day be the deciding factor between living and dying.”

Alvin carefully handed him the Ark, and the item glittered in his hands as Cypher examined it closely. The silver chain was cool against his skin, yet the amulet itself was warm. The clear hexagonal gem was cut flawlessly, its edges smooth as glass. It sat securely in a gold setting the shape of a downward pointing arrow, exactly like Alvin’s. It was not a large amulet, only about an inch thick at all points but it felt shockingly sturdy.

Cypher somehow knew that if he dropped it by accident, it would not break easily. He turned it over in his hands and noticed no difference from the front. “How does it work?” Cypher asked, looking up from the beautiful gem.

“Once you put it on, it will link itself with your Orrium. Only you will be able to use it from that moment on. Once linked, with a little bit of focus you can make it passively absorb Zight just as your Orrium does, only at a significantly higher rate. Best of all, the absorbed Zight will correspond to your element. In your case, that would be Null, and that specific element will be nourishing to the growth of the organ.”

Cypher looked at it with a renewed sense of wonder. That such a small pendant could do so much only served to increase his desire to start learning all he could. He placed the Ark around his neck and shuddered as the gem and the cold metal of the setting touched his chest.

A bright light filled the core of the gem then and it flashed through the various colors of the elements. After a moment it settled on a grey hue and pulsed softly. Cypher focused on it and felt a sudden jolt down near his Orrium. A moment later and he could feel it filling with energy at a rapid rate until after only a minute it was full.

Alvin had not been exaggerating when he said that the absorption rate was much higher than normal. Cypher couldn’t be sure since he had just learned of the existence of his Orrium, but it seemed like what would normally take hours was completed in moments.

Furthermore, since Cypher hadn’t used much of the Zight within his Orrium, it was almost full already which only served to show how long it would take to fill itself at a normal speed.

“It feels… strange,” Cypher said, rubbing the area softly. Alvin smiled as he gathered up his things and placed them within his chest. He sealed it again and pushed the chest aside to stand back up.

“You might notice a bit of an odd feeling for a few days which is perfectly normal. Strangely enough, we remain mostly unaware of our Orriums until we learn that they’re there. No one is quite sure why, although there are plenty of theories on the subject.”

“Now that you are aware of it though, you will feel some strange sensations until you get used to how it sits inside you. Normally you would have been told of it as soon as it finished developing at the age of ten. Of course thanks to those thoughtless Galvans, your education has been spotty and lacking, a fact I aim to change in the coming years.”

Alvin muttered a spell under his breath and his chest rose from the ground, trailing a few feet behind him to hover in the air. It was at this time that Velruud returned holding Cypher’s pack in his hands.

“For now, I have to get these scrolls you signed to the registration office. I have my own share of paperwork to handle now that I’m sponsoring you. So, forgive me for taking my leave so soon. If you’d please follow Velruud here, he will lead you to your room and you can get settled in.”

“The entrance ceremony will be starting in about thirty minutes, and Velruud will make sure you arrive on time. He will show you the way and answer any questions you might have. I would also ask that you keep your affinity a secret for now. Null is extremely rare. I can’t even think of the last time a Conductor of that element appeared in the world. It might not be an issue, but I’d rather be cautious with this information, who knows what might happen if it becomes common knowledge.”

Cypher thought about it for a moment but didn’t see the harm in keeping it a secret and so he agreed, tucking his Ark into his shirt to hide it from view. Alvin smiled and turned to leave before snapping his fingers and smacking his forehead with his palm.

“I almost forgot, when you arrive in your room, you will find that a new wardrobe is waiting for you. From now on I will make sure you have everything you need including suitable things to wear. Can’t have my disciple running around in rags can I?”

Alvin smiled again and then inclined his head slightly to Cypher and Velruud, before quickly turning on his heels and rushing away, leaving through the door to the exam hall. Velruud held out Cypher’s pack and he took it, slinging it over his shoulders and sliding his arms through the loops.

“Thank you,” Cypher said as he looked up at Velruud.

“If you would follow me,” Velruud said, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Velruud led Cypher through a door and back into the main hall. From there they traveled down a corridor and through a side entrance that led outside.

A smaller version of a Slingate stood before him surrounded by flowers. The shimmering portal was active despite the lack of a Conductor and Velruud led him through it. A moment later they emerged, and as Cypher’s eyes adjusted to his new surroundings his breath caught in his chest.

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