Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. Two: Beneath the Hawthorn Tree: Verse Forty-Eight

The main castle of the Guardian Hall Academy rose high above the land of Dellorim, resting majestically upon its hidden plateau on the highest peak of the Elthanor mountain range.

The castle had been carved into the very mountain it sat upon. Its four looming towers rose from the rock itself, two in the front and two in the back. The sides of the academy bulged outward from the mountainside and an arch of stonework connected the two front towers giving the double-door entrance and slanted staircase an added flair.

A rather large and much more impressive courtyard than the one in the dormitories spanned the grounds just before the stairs. It was decorated with a large fountain, blooming flowers of all types some of which were out of season, a small pond off to the left, and an ancient oak tree to the right.

The two back towers rose just high enough from the roof of the castle to afford one a fairly decent view of the courtyard, as well as a fantastic view of the lands to the north. Cypher couldn’t help but wonder what it might look like from up there but kept his curiosity in check.

They headed inside through the double doors and once again he was left speechless. Once inside, he looked up to see several staircases that allowed travel to the upper floors and lower levels of the castle. Beautifully embroidered tapestries of red and gold hung upon the walls here and there, each bearing a different standard.

Suits of armor stood every thirty feet, each holding a different weapon of long-forgotten importance. A massive stained glass window spanned the outer curve of the mountain where only cold stone should be.

When Cypher asked about it, Velruud had said that it was enchanted to allow the sunlight to enter the inner workings of the castle while also affording students a grand view of the sky above. The design on the glass seemed to depict an ancient battle from long ago.

Seven Conductors, weapons in hand, were facing down a wall of shadow with gleaming eyes. Flames burned all around them, and claws from the shadows could be seen reaching for the Conductors. Each of their faces was hidden by their flowing robes, but their weapons were highly detailed, each seeming to carry a pressure that left Cypher feeling short of breath. It was quite stunning to be sure, however, any deeper meaning was lost on him but he simply couldn’t take his eyes off of it.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” began Velruud and Cypher could only nod. “It is a piece known as ‘The last stand of the Seven.’ I take it you don’t know much about the history of this esteemed Academy, correct?”

Cypher nodded his head again and Velruud continued, “During the first age, these seven all-powerful Conductors fought against a great evil. Their battle was world-spanning and was so cataclysmic that it changed the very shape of the land itself. These seven nameless Conductors fought with all their might to bring an end to that era of chaos and bloodshed.”

“There are many different versions of the story that one might hear depending on where you are in the world, but they all agree on one thing: These brave Conductors gave their lives to end the conflict and set the standard for the level of power most Conductors strive to achieve. They represent the pinnacle of the art of Conduction and are universally revered by those who choose to follow in their footsteps. Through their efforts, they returned peace to the land and became known as the Guardians.”

“This particular piece of art was crafted by the founder and first headmaster of Guardian Hall Academy, Sandalphon Dardallus. As you can likely guess, the academy was also named in honor of those seven mighty beings and has nurtured thousands of Conductors since the end of the second age.”

Cypher was mesmerized by Velruud’s tale. When it came to his knowledge of the world it was pitifully limited. Most of what he knew about the past was idealized in stories that he had read back at Galvan manor. It was somewhat accurate but obviously embellished to make the tales more interesting. Having the chance now to learn an actual piece of the history of the world was something he relished.

It also reminded him that now, he could seek knowledge openly and without worrying about being scolded or locked in his room. Reading had always been one of his favorite hobbies and now he could do so without restraint. Little things like this would take some getting used to now that he was free to do as he wished. Velruud seemed pleased at Cypher’s eagerness to learn more but reminded him that they were on a tight schedule, and so they continued walking.

Velruud went on to explain that the top four stories contained the many classrooms where the dedicated staff taught. The lower levels consisted of another four basement floors and contained several areas such as the dungeons and a place ironically known as the Orrium; a massive library of lore and magickal knowledge from all across Dellorim.

The castle was amazing, and Velruud gave him a quick tour of the areas that would be most important to a student like him. He was shown many classrooms and several different study halls. Velruud would also enthusiastically offer small tidbits of information about the castle’s history whenever a chance arose.

Cypher ate it up with equal enthusiasm and, much to Velruud’s satisfaction, always asked more about each topic. Eventually, they returned to the main entrance of the castle and Velruud led him down a hall to the right, past several suits of armor, and around a corner to a large wooden door.

To Cypher’s surprise, the room he found inside was massive, much more so than should be possible given the outer dimensions of the castle around it. Several hundred people could easily fit inside and indeed many were already there. Velruud happily explained that many parts of the castle had been manipulated through the use of Magick, and their local reality shifted to suit various needs.

This auditorium was one such area and served as both a gathering hall for announcements as well as feasts and celebrations for various occasions. Hundreds of students sat in neat rows of chairs talking amongst themselves. Their voices were strangely muted until Cypher drew close to them. This too was another quirk of the reality-warping effect of this room. Some gave him strange looks, while others began whispering in hushed voices and pointed in his direction.

It was quite unsettling, but after Alvin’s intense conversation with Eiden, he could understand why he would be the object of curiosity. He had been standing only a few feet away and Eiden had whispered something to him before he left. Had he been the one watching from a window, he too would have had a few questions to ask.

A large stage stood at the end of the room upon which sat seven high-backed, ornately carved wooden chairs. In them were grey-haired men and women who Cypher could only assume were the Elders of the academy that Alvin had mentioned earlier since he could see that Elder Fergus sat among them. However, the largest chair in the middle and the most decorated of them sat empty.

Just below the stage, another row of less impressive, but still luxurious chairs sat. Alvin could be seen laughing with a woman wearing a rather large hat and Cypher was happy to see at least one person he knew among this rabble. Cypher quickly found an empty seat and Velruud bade him farewell, promising to return once the Ceremony was over to lead him to his room.

A few more minutes passed as Cypher stared down at his hands, too embarrassed to meet the gazes of the many people around him. He didn’t have to wait long however because soon, a crystal bell let out a chime that radiated its way through the entire hall. At that, the students promptly stopped talking and faced the stage.

From behind one of the drawn curtains, a tall man who appeared to be in his mid-forties walked out and stood before them all. He had long black hair with faint signs of grey streaking through it. His eyes were a deep red color and seemed to carry in them a wisdom Cypher had never seen before. It was as if the secrets of the universe dwelled behind them eager to come pouring out, however great strength also resided there, strength to protect such knowledge.

He wore a silver robe, adorned in an ancient-looking shoulder and chest armor that gave off the same kind of pressure the stained glass designs had in the main hall. Upon his arms, he wore a similar set of vambraces made of silvery steel. A few gems were set within the metal and glimmered when he moved.

Even from several hundred feet away, Cypher could feel his heavy aura. It was deep, intricate, and beyond anything, Cypher could hope to overcome.

It was the supreme aura of a powerful Conductor, one who was not to be trifled with. Neither Alvin nor the Conductor at the Slingate had even come close to this level of pressure.

Cypher’s thoughts were interrupted however when he spoke. The man’s rich, deep voice sounded as smooth as if he was standing right next to Cypher and it sent chills down his spine.

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