Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. Three: Dark Sarcophagus: Verse One-Hundred and Fifty-Six

“What?” asked Cypher. His face held a look of confusion mixed with disbelief.

“You heard me. I assume that you’re here to apologize for standing me up five years ago.” Melodi replied, setting down her bag and walking closer to the tree where Cypher stood. She placed a hand on the trunk and looked up smiling.

“I’m happy that you remember this place. Looking back, I was surprised to find someone lurking around the hawthorn trees. One can find these trees all over Seven City, but hardly anyone takes the time to stop and admire them. They take them for granted and don’t realize their true importance. Do you know why so many of these trees exist throughout the city?”

Cypher was even more confused now. First, she had somehow guessed his intentions. But if he was being honest, that would have been obvious if one gave it a little bit of thought. He hadn’t had a chance to properly apologize back in the ruins.

Secondly, she was suddenly talking about the origin of these trees and Cypher wondered where she was going with this. Not wanting to be rude, he shook his head and motioned for her to continue. She smiled at him and looked back up into the branches before continuing.

“As the story goes, when this city was first built, it was during a time of great conflict. In fact, the country of Dellorim had only just been founded about a decade earlier. The royal family had just succeeded in usurping the previous rulers of a country called Losbachoir. However, that battle resulted in the complete destruction of the old capital.

“The newly crowned first king of Dellorim, Arneau Dells, decided that he wanted his new capital to be the crowning achievement of his rule. It would be both a symbol of triumph against the tyrannical government of Losbachoir, as well as a monument to future generations who would come to govern this land.

“He hired the finest architects and the strongest Conductors he could find to design and build the city. It couldn’t simply be just another capital city like many others in history had been. King Arneau wanted it to represent the gods given right for all to pursue the path of the Conductor.

“You see, the previous rulers had closed the many pathways to becoming a Conductor. No one was allowed to learn the arcane arts or cultivate their own strength, except for those who would swear debilitating and often binding oaths to the royal family. Anyone who tried to rebel or spread dissent against these methods was executed.

“This might not have been a problem in a perfect world. However, during those days, Zightbeasts roamed the land en masse, and countries were constantly falling and rising, squabbling over the little bits of power they could grasp ahold of. It was quite a chaotic time, and the people back then finally reached a boiling point and overthrew the Losbachoir empire.”

Cypher sat down and leaned his back against the tree trunk, and Melodi sat down with him as she continued her story. “King Arneau wanted his people to have more stability than that, and what better way than for everyone to be able to defend themselves, to grow in power. He was no fool, of course, he knew that the power Conductors wielded needed to be restricted, at least in part.

“It was difficult setting up a new government. Many had died in the clashes against Losbachoir, and what few remained were struggling to survive in a land destroyed by constant war. With the new capital nearing completion, and his goal of providing his subjects with the power to protect themselves unfulfilled, King Arneau turned to the only beings who could help him restore peace and order to the land. The Fae.”

“Legends tell us that they had guided humanity since our early days, and had shown us how to become Conductors in the first place. The king knew that somewhere in the great wide world, there existed a forest where they dwelled, and so he sought them out.

“Unfortunately, his search lasted for much longer than he had expected. The Fae had long since hidden themselves from the rest of the world. Still, he refused to give up. By then, his son had taken over the crown, for he had grown old and frail. In all his many years of searching, he had abandoned his own path to power in order to build a good foundation for his kingdom.

“His efforts were finally rewarded during the last days of his life. A lone Fae came to him in a dream one foggy night, and the two soon brokered a deal. Within a single year, the kingdom grew and prospered like never before.

“Humans all throughout the kingdom gained the resources and knowledge necessary to become powerful Conductors. Balanced systems were created and everyone who wanted to grow stronger was given the opportunity to do so. After decades of searching and a sacrifice of his own potential, the first King of Dellorim secured his country a place as a long-standing power in the world.

“The details of that ancient deal with the Fae have long since been a guarded secret among the royal family. However, one thing is certain, ever since that pact was sealed, Hawthorn trees have flourished here like nowhere else in the entire world.”

Melodi closed her eyes and smiled as her story came to a close. She leaned her head back and let out a sigh. “So, in other words, I forgive you Cypher,” Now he was even more confused, and it clearly showed on his face.

“What?” he said again, and this time Melodi giggled and stood back up, dusting herself off.

“Were you paying any attention to my story just now? Geez, you really are quite dense you know.” She cleared her throat and continued, “Much like the King gave up his path to power for the greater good, I know that you wouldn’t have stood me up if you didn’t have a good reason to.”

“Ohhh,” said Cypher as he finally understood.

Melodi giggled again as the look of understanding spread across his face. “You just don’t seem like the kind of person who would turn his back on people for no reason. Given what we learned in that ruin I can understand why you felt you had to leave and go into hiding. I might not like it, but it is what it is. Besides, we had only just met and truth be told you didn’t really owe me anything. A promise made in passing is hardly contractually binding. So yeah, I forgive you or whatever,” she said. Cypher took notice of a faint pink in her cheeks as she brushed her long light blue hair out of her face.

“Now,” she continued as she stretched, and picked up her bag before turning to face him again, “is there anything else I can help you with? I really need to get back home. Mother requested these books a few hours ago and I should really be getting back.”

“Well, actually, there is something else,” Cypher said, his nervousness rising quickly as he prepared to extend his offer.

“Oh?” she replied, a look of curiosity flashing behind her hazel eyes.

“Well, er, yeah. Look, I know I promised you a tour of the Academy back then, and I know that I can’t make that up to you now. After all, I’m sure you saw every inch of that place that you could while you were there. But, I mean, if you wanted to, I could give you a tour of my house instead. It was actually what I was looking for all those years ago, and without your help, I might not have found it. I figure I owe you that much at least. It’s quite the incredible place if I’m being honest.”

Melodi smiled and nodded, “I would love to!” she exclaimed. She had been perhaps a little too eager in her response, and her eyes widened as she caught herself. She started again, this time more quietly, “Unfortunately, today I’m a little busy. Would you mind coming to my place tomorrow around noon? I’ll make sure my guards know to let you in.”

Cypher nodded with a smile, and she bowed slightly before hurrying off into the distance. She stopped and turned to wave at him, and he returned the gesture before she vanished around a corner, and disappeared out of sight.

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