Symphonic Odyssey

Chapter : Vol. Three: Dark Sarcophagus: Verse One-Hundred and Fifty-Five

Cypher took his time as he walked through the streets of Seven City. He was on his way to the Royal district, where Melodi lived. His attempt to find and speak to Elaine was dead in the water, as he still had no idea where she lived or spent most of her time, aside from the Academy of course. However, going there right now was out of the question.

He had other things to do, and a chance would appear soon enough for him to speak with Elaine. He didn’t bother even trying to find Alvin either. It wasn’t like he was still upset with him—quite the opposite. In fact, there would be time for that in the coming days.

His grudge against his godfather was all but forgiven at this point. His encounter with the Minus, Louis Balistane, had changed his perspective on life. It was too short to hold a grudge like that against his only remaining family.

Besides, Alvin had good reasons for keeping his secrets, and Cypher found that deep down, he still trusted Alvin with his life. Cypher was a bit of a peculiar case, but he couldn’t just waltz into the Academy and speak to the Elder Council or the Headmaster. However, Alvin was different, and if he were going to warn people in places of power, he would need Alvin’s help.

Besides, after recent events, he wanted to steer clear of the Academy for the time being. The last thing he needed was for someone to assume he was trying to get back into Sanctum. That investigation was still in full swing and with the events of the ruins of the Zenith culture still fresh in the minds of those investigators, he figured it best to avoid that place for now.

Cypher was in a much better mood today than he had been in quite a while. As it was, the sun was shining brightly in the blue sky. The fluffy white clouds were calm, and moving slowly as the breeze carried them along to places unknown. Birds were chirping, and even a few children played in the bustling streets of Seven City.

This was a peaceful place when one really thought about it. Sure, there were a few instances of trouble on occasion. Some gambling debts to be settled here, and a bar fight there, but all in all it was usually a calm place to live. Where other cities would have problems with gangs or actual criminals, Seven City was practically devoid of that kind of occurrence.

There were likely spies and members of the other various crime organizations running about without a doubt, but none of them would dare to misbehave here in the city. It wasn’t like anyone would seek out the criminals. Conductors didn’t have time for that kind of nonsense, and wouldn’t bother.

However, if a crime occurred right in front of them and threatened to ruin the balance that had been achieved here, they would not hesitate to act. Tons of business occurred here, and lots of it had to do with the path most Conductors found themselves on. Without a city like this, their advancement would likely be slowed or halted altogether.

Besides, there were other ways to make illegitimate money here. In any event, none of that really concerned Cypher at this moment in time. He had just arrived at the front gate of the Cilan Estate. Finding out where Melodi lived had been much more straightforward than finding Alex’s house.

Despite its name, the Royal district didn’t actually house any of the Royal family. It was simply named so because it was where the most wealthy and affluent of Seven City’s residents lived. As it happened, Melodi was the daughter of a wealthy businessman turned nobleman. Their family was well renowned for having goods and offering services that simply couldn’t be found elsewhere. They owned a large part of the Market district and several warehouses at a nearby pier.

They were lower in status than the eight low noble families of Dellorim, but they were nobility all the same. Because of that, finding records of where they lived had been a cakewalk. The hard part would be getting inside to meet with Melodi, of course. She was undoubtedly well-guarded, and Cypher’s suspicions were proven correct as he looked around the estate.

While there were no guards directly in front of the gates, two stood just out of sight around the sides, just beyond the iron bars. More guards wandered around the property, silent sentinels keeping a vigilant eye for anything out of the ordinary.

They quickly took notice of Cypher and eyed him carefully. They could tell he was a Conductor, and even that he was quite skilled. He could see the same in them. Most of them were peak Rank-Two Complete Conductors, but several of them were also at the base of the third rank.

It was no surprise that Toby Cilan’s Daughter would be guarded by the best money could buy. “State your business, and I shall pass the message along. Master Cilan isn’t here at present, and unless you have business with the madam, you would do well to speak quickly and leave,” said one of the gruff Rank-Two guards.

Cypher smiled and replied, “I’m here to have an audience with Melodi Cilan. I know it is sudden, but if you could check after her for me, I would really appreciate it,” Cypher nodded, pleased with his delivery. He was somewhat used to asking after people belonging to noble families. After all, he had been raised within one for his whole childhood. He knew how to compose himself.

The guard looked at him suspiciously and seemed not to approve of what he saw. “Your name?” asked the guard, and Cypher gave it formally. The guard soon vanished into the estate’s main building, and when he returned, he carried a frown upon his face. Miss Cilan is, unfortunately, not here at the moment. May I leave a message for her upon her return?” Cypher thought for a moment and sighed.

He was worried that this might happen. However, he had hoped that he would be able to meet with her today. The guard seemed to look satisfied as Cypher thought of a decent response, but after a moment, Cypher had nothing more to say other than, “Please tell her that Cypher stopped by to see her. I’ll be at the place where we parted ways five years ago. She’ll understand what that means.”

The guard nodded and took his message down on a piece of parchment. Cypher then turned to leave and headed back to his home. He was upset that the meeting hadn’t gone as smoothly as he had hoped, but there was always tomorrow.

However, on his way back, he stopped and took notice of the tree where he had first met Melodi. It wasn’t difficult for his powerful mind to recall the exact details of the area, so he was sure this was the place. He walked forward and placed a hand on the tree, smiling. He was so surprised when he had thought that this old thing had been talking to him.

Melodi’s soft giggle upon revealing herself had embarrassed him completely at that time. In fact, he had felt like running away and hiding in an attempt to ignore how stupid he had been. However, now, he remembered it fondly.

“So, I guess I’m not the only one who comes here to think am I?” Cypher was a bit startled, and he quickly turned to see Melodi leaning against the trunk of another nearby tree. She smiled softly and adjusted a small satchel of books slung over her shoulder.

“Heh, I guess not,” replied Cypher. “You know, I was actually looking for you. I was hoping we could talk.”

“Well, you’ve found me, and we’re talking now, aren’t we?” Melodi said a faint smile on her lips. “So, should I pretend to be a tree again? Or are you going to apologize to me directly?”

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