Swipe Me: A Friends-to-Lovers College Football Romance (Covey U Book 1)

Swipe Me: Chapter 24

‘Where’s Adam?’ I asked Matty while I munched on some chips and watched the game. I’m surprised he’s not here. The Carolina Jaguars are playing and he rarely misses a game. Especially when they’re winning. 

Matty barely heard me, too focused on the drive.  ‘Didn’t you hear?’ Aiden snickered at my side. ‘He’s out with Reign.’ He paused, letting that sink in. ‘On. A. Date.’ He enunciated every single word as though I needed clarification. Dick.


My teeth were grinding against the salty chips as I tried to keep my cool. I wanted to blow out a breath to save me from blowing out a wall, knowing that would draw too much attention in this room.

‘Something wrong D?’ Aiden asked, a smirk playing across his face. When I looked up, all the guys were watching me concerned. In all of my attempts to calm down, I had apparently destroyed the bag of chips, crunching them into nothing but a ball.

Screwing it up further, I leaned back against the sofa. ‘I’m fine,’ I said with a clenched jaw. I know I didn’t look or sound fine. I was pissed and everyone knew it. Here I was thinking that Reign and I were making progress. You can forgive a guy for thinking that yesterday might have meant something to her.

I’d just come back from seeing Chloe, in one of the best moods I’d been in a long time and I was ready to knock on Reign’s door and force her to talk to me. That didn’t happen though, because when I pulled the car up, all I saw was Reign’s petite figure standing on the edge of the driveway, her face red and eyes puffed. My stomach dropped. I didn’t know why exactly she was upset, but I could guess.

After my class yesterday morning, I noticed some flyers around campus with her bunny-clad face on them. I took down the ones I could find but had to stop otherwise I would have been late for Chloe’s visiting hours. I planned to come back and take down the rest later, but I was too late. She’d already been to campus and seen them. They weren’t bad photos. Not in the slightest. Her cute ass took up most of the photo and you couldn’t see much because my hands covered most of the sides. Either way, I know she’s not the kind of girl who would be into that kind of attention.

I watched her as she stood at the side of the road just tapping her foot, breathing slowly, I knew then that I couldn’t leave her alone. I noticed she always on her own. Even when everyone was around her, she seemed to be in her own world, doing her own thing. Today, I could tell she needed someone by her side for once and that I wanted to be that person. Did I get a shock when I realized she was going to see her parents? Sure, but I didn’t let it show. I just so desperately wanted to be there for her because it felt right. I thought the fact that she let me stay with her the entire time she visited her parents meant as much to her as it did to me. Hell, by the time we came back, she was smiling enough that I thought I could make a joke about rabbits with nice asses. I didn’t though, I kept that gem to myself.

But once again I was wrong. I’m always wrong with her. Maybe it’s the universe telling me to let her go. I’ve got less than a couple of months of classes left and I managed to avoid getting involved with any girl for the last three years. Now suddenly when I have to leave, there’s something here that makes me want to stay. Except, it’s not like she’s giving me anything to stay for. I need to focus on my end goal. For me. For Chloe. For Mom.

Can’t say I’m even angry with Adam. I never told him how I felt about Reign. He mentioned countless times to me and the guys that he was interested. He’s just doing what I should have done in the first place. I should have been honest with her and asked her on an actual date instead of getting naked with her. Especially that second time. She’s just so tempting.

I shook my head, trying to dispel some of the anger coursing through my veins. This is not how I envisaged my night ending. ‘Are you upset that your bunny found a new mate? You do know where the phrase fucking like rabbits comes from don’t you? I guess she’s just doing what comes naturally.’ Aiden cackled and if we were alone, I would punch the living shit out of him for disrespecting Reign. I can’t now because there are too many witnesses. Any drama could get back to potential scouts and punching your teams quarterback is a sure-fire way to ruin your career before it’s started. I need to remain calm. I clicked my knuckles, glancing at Jackson and Matty who both looked apologetic. Do they know about Reign and me?

‘Lyss told me and Jackson that Reign was the bunny.’ Matty clarified with his ears turning pink. That’s one of his tells. He knows something, but he’s not going to outright confront me about it. He hates getting into drama and that piece of knowledge put him firmly in it. Did Adam know she was the bunny? Is that why he finally decided to ask her out? If I wasn’t already interested, I know I would be after seeing her pert little ass in that thing.

‘She was?’ I played dumb, not in the mood to explain my relationship with Reign to these guys.

Jackson nodded. ‘Yeah, Lyss asked us to help take down the posters across campus. Apparently, Reign was upset.’ No shit Sherlock. I know. I was the one who comforted her. Not Adam.

‘How long have they been gone?’ I asked, staring at my shoes because if I looked at anyone else, I knew I would blow a gasket. Most likely at Aiden.

Jackson shrugged. ‘A couple of hours.’

‘Reign looked hot,’ Aiden interjected. He knew what he was doing. He’s known there’s something between me and Reign since the first day, choosing to taunt me over it instead of confronting me. That’s Aiden. He likes to play with his food before eating. Sick fuck.

‘I’m sure she did.’ I quietly ground out. Reign always looks hot. That was never a question. The only question I had was why Adam had to pick the same girl to be interested in as me? He’s only shown interest in one night stands the whole time I’ve known him. When he finally wants someone, why did it have to be her? The only girl I’ve wanted to date since Freshman year.

‘Oh, look who’s just arrived home.’ Aiden laughed as his ring door notification went chimed. I’m out. There is no way I’m sitting in the room, torturing myself while Adam gushes about his night with Reign.

‘I’ve gotta call my mom,’ I muttered, more spite coming out than intended. No one said anything. I left an air of thick tension as I walked out of the room. I couldn’t hide my feelings if I tried. My best friend is dating my girl.

When I got to my room, I couldn’t help myself, my fingers were twitching and the only way to satisfy the itch was to look out the window. My jaw clenched when I saw Adam help Reign out of the car, her face beaming, wearing this hot little gold dress. A definite date night dress intended to impress. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him. Her dress rode up her thighs and she looked like she didn’t have a care in the world. She looked happy. Did I ever make her look that happy? Her little giggles echoed from here and Reign shut the door, leaning her back against the car, giving him the same smile she gave me yesterday. He placed a hand on the door above her, grinning down at her. She laughed at something he said again.

And I’m done.

I shut the curtain before I could watch them making out. I was a tortured soul, but I had to draw the line somewhere. I lied on my bed, staring at the ceiling for all of two seconds before I got my phone out and switching on the campus dating app. I don’t know why, but I needed a distraction, and this felt like the perfect one. I didn’t bother looking at the messages Reign and I had exchanged, instead, I went straight for the meet new people section, hoping that someone else could get my mind off her.

My thumb swiped left again and again.

No, Reign’s hair is glossier. 
    Left swipe. 
    Nope, Reign’s smile is more genuine.
    Left swipe. 
    She’s going to be a nurse? The only nurse I want is Reign. 
    Left swipe.
    Just not for me. 
    Left swipe. 

No girl was going to match up to her. I already knew that, but something needed to take the pain away.

A knock at my door startled me into sitting up. ‘What?’ I grumbled, annoyed that someone would disturb me while I wallowed in my own misery. I thought they all got the hint when they choked on the tension I left in that room?

‘D, it’s me. Can we talk?’ I cracked my knuckles again because it’s better to do that than cracking his pretty-boy face. The only thing that makes me feel less like I want to throw him out the window and watch his body twitch on the ground is the fact that if he’s behind my door, then he’s not with Reign.

He jiggled the handle and knocked again when I didn’t respond. ‘D, please.’ I could hear the strain in his voice, but it made me no less willing to open up. He probably wants to come in here, gush about his date with her and how much he likes her to his best friend. Ex-best friend. Thank god I’m leaving this place soon. I couldn’t handle hanging around here and watching them being blissfully in love for the rest of the year. I inwardly groaned when he fiddled with the handle again. I wonder if Reign told him something happened between us. She’s too sweet not to. He’s probably desperate to get in here because he wants to ask permission to date her. Well, screw that. I’m not going to open the door and let my heart get decimated until it slithers through the floorboards, dripping onto Aiden’s marble countertop. Let them feel guilty about this shit. Because that’s exactly what it is. A big steaming hot pile of shit. Horse shit mixed with cow pat to be precise.

‘I’m busy.’ I husked out, balling the sheets in my hand.

‘It will only take a second. Let me in.’ The door jiggled again, and I wondered if the rest of the guys were out there, watching Adam as he pleaded against my door. I bet Aiden was there, the sadistic fuck.

‘I’m jacking off.’ I ground out, hoping that would get him to go away.

‘No, you’re not.’ He chortled. Chortled! I am in no mood to laugh with him. ‘Come on, it’s about Reign.’ That was all the confirmation I needed. That door is not opening for him. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not until I’ve boxed up my room and am leaving for my new team whoever it is. Hell, I’d be happy to play for the New Jersey Lions if it means I’m out of this room. 

‘Not in the mood. I just got back from seeing Chloe.’ It’s my trump card. The only thing I know will make him go away because he’s a sensitive guy and he knows handling her has been hard. I’m beginning to regret opening up to him the first day I came back with Chloe. He had donuts and it’s not like Reign was talking to me at the time, so I told him more than I’ve told anyone else. ‘I need to call my mom.’

He audibly sighed on the other side of the door. ‘Fine.’ He grumbled, his steps getting further and further away. My shoulders relaxed; I didn’t know I was so tense.

It was midnight before I calmed myself enough to walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth shedding all my clothes. I have no right to be as angry as I am. If Reign and Adam make each other happy, I should be happy for them, right? In another 60 days, I’ll be gone, and they can act like I never existed. Three years of friendship with Adam and a couple of hot sessions with Reign mean nothing to me. I can get over it…

As I lied in my bed, I spent another 15 minutes on that stupid dating app, forcing myself to get Adam and Reign off my mind. I swear by the time I was done; I’d swiped left on every single girl on campus. I don’t know what I was hoping for, or what I was expecting to see. The only girl sitting in my matches section is the only one I want. But she wants my best friend.

I dropped my phone to the floor, closing my eyes and letting myself drift off. I did my best not to think about how hot she looked in that bunny costume, but that plan failed miserably.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.