Swipe Me: A Friends-to-Lovers College Football Romance (Covey U Book 1)

Swipe Me: Chapter 23

When I got home from studying the next day, all I wanted to do was talk to Devin. I spent the whole day thinking about everything that happened between us and maybe I was too hasty refusing to talk to him every time he asked to talk. Maybe he wasn’t trying to brush me off and wanted to clear the air. After yesterday, we needed to talk and I was ready to lay my feelings on the line. I had so many questions for him and I couldn’t wait for a straight answer. My head whipped to the side when I opened my bedroom door, hoping I’d see him sitting at his desk or lying on his bed in that sexy way he does. He wasn’t there though. Just his dark empty room and my heart dropped knowing I’d have to wait longer.

I plopped down on my bed with a sigh as I planned to snuggle into my pink fluffy blanket and forget the world until I heard Devin come in. As my head hit the soft pillow, I closed my eyes and felt something cool roll across my lids. I jumped with curiosity when I realized it was a rose skimming across my face. I studied the perfect red petals; it reminded me of the ones on The Bachelor. An ivory note was resting on my pillow with my name scrawled across it in messy man writing.

I plucked the envelope, running my hands across the back to reveal a handwritten note inside.


I feel like along the road, we somehow got off track.
    Let me take you to dinner tonight.
    I’ll be at your house at 8.

There’s no signature. It doesn’t need one because I know exactly who it’s from. I feel like my face is going to crack with happiness. Devin wants to take me out. I jumped out of my bed and then on the spot with excitement. My very own Bachelor wants to take me out. I ran the rose across my face, holding back a squeal. What a good choice, and maybe it’s his way of acknowledging when things started getting messed up between us.

I wonder if that’s why he’s not in his room. He jumped over to leave this note and is going to surprise me later. I couldn’t hold it back, I squealed loudly. I’ve never been this excited to go on a date with anyone before. It’s the first time I could be described as having butterflies in my stomach.

I checked the time. It was already 6:45 and I wanted to make sure I made a good impression. After all, if I’m lucky I might invite him to the fantasy suite, aka my bedroom, later. When I finished my shower, I styled my hair with perfect wavy tendrils at the bottom and added some smokey eye make-up. I knew exactly what I wanted to wear before I even looked in my closet. My short gold sequined long-sleeved dress hung on the back of my chair. I smiled, knowing the low back would surprise Devin. This is what I’d wear if I were on The Bachelor going to one of those cocktail parties. I grabbed my pair of gold strappy Jimmy Choos. Ones I bought on eBay because they matched this dress perfectly and put them on. As I checked myself in the mirror, I swear I started trembling. I’m actually going to go on a date with Devin. A real date. 

I glanced over to his window one last time. It was out of habit more than anything at this point and he still wasn’t there. That’s got to mean…. Ding Dong. I jumped as the doorbell went and my breath hitched with excitement. He’s treating this like an actual date, coming to the door and everything. I grabbed my purse and walked over to the landing. 

Laura already opened the door and I giggled with excitement when I saw a dozen roses in his hands. They covered his face, but I could tell he was wearing a suit. Laura laughs at something Devin said and I hurry down the stairs, watching my step on the way. When I finally made it to the bottom, I stopped dead in my tracks. Keep smiling. Don’t falter. My mouth started to hurt with the strain I was putting on it, trying to look natural even though my heart was withering into nothing. It’s not Devin holding the roses that match the one sitting in my room. It’s Adam. He looks gorgeous in his suit with a baby blue button-down underneath. It’s just. I was expecting Devin.

‘Reign.’ He smiled as he took me in, handing over the roses hesitantly. ‘I’m so glad you could make it.’ I clutched the roses like they were my lifeline and the only thing holding me back from having a full-on meltdown. Yet again, I somehow convinced myself that Devin might be into me. How many times does he have to make it clear that we’re just friends before I take the hint? I want to cry and stomp up to my room like a child, but I’ve got to hold myself together. I’ve got a gorgeous guy in front of me that wants to take me out and there’s no way I’m going to embarrass him in front of Laura. No more thinking about Devin.

‘Thank you, Adam. They’re beautiful.’ I said, giving him a tight embrace. If I couldn’t clutch onto the roses all night, I was going to need something to help me stand. As I pulled away from him, he kissed me gently on the cheek and I immediately felt terrible. Should I go through with this?

He followed me into the kitchen as I filled a vase with water. ‘These are beautiful,’ I complimented as I put the flowers in the glass. He leaned against the counter, smiling at me. ‘How did you know roses were my favorites?’ I asked, smelling the sweet scent.

‘Well, they’re timeless, beautiful, strong, and elegant.’ He listed off, pausing after each word, watching my face. ‘All things that remind me of you.’ His eyes are hard, laced with sincerity. Why do I feel like a Pitbull just chewed my heart out?

‘Oh Adam, I didn’t know you were such a cornball.’ I joked, hoping I could ease the tension between us.

He laughed with me, chucking his own chin as he looked me up and down. ‘You look gorgeous.’ He got up from the counter and sauntered over to me, putting his hand on my hip and gently placing another kiss on my cheek. Shivers ran down my spine, but it wasn’t the good kind. It was the kind that made me nervous and guilty. This whole time, I’ve been thinking about Devin, I forgot Adam asked me on a date before. I kind of thought we had just moved into this nice friend zone.

He gives me a lopsided smile as he backs away. ‘Now, are you ready to let me take you on this date?’ He asked. My stomach pitted out; I can’t believe I’m in this position. I’ve got a gorgeous guy standing in front of me who wants to take me on a date, trying his best to make me feel special and all I’m doing is thinking about someone else. Someone else who has made it clear countless times he’s not interested in me except for sex. Oh, and also just so happens to be his roommate.

‘Sure.’ I say with a small smile. I should go because he’s made all this effort and we’re friends. That’s not something I’m willing to lose and I can talk about things with him at the restaurant when it’s just the two of us. I accepted his awaiting arm, letting him lead me to his car, and feeling sick to my stomach all the while.

I adjusted myself in the wooden seat, looking around at all the couples. Their adoring stares are a reminder that I’m here with the wrong guy. The restaurant is fancy and sitting here, in the outdoor patio, under the twinkling lights, I can’t help but think how hopelessly romantic this whole thing is. I’ve never been on a date like this, Clay preferred to take me to the local pizza joint, and then we’d make out in his car. Devin is the only other person to take me out and that most definitely wasn’t for a date as much as I tried to convince myself otherwise.

I glanced over at my date for the evening, he is dashingly gorgeous. ‘This place is beautiful,’ I whispered. He mumbled out a soft thank you as he followed my gaze, looking around at the other couples too I wondered what he was thinking. ‘How did you find it?’ I asked, trying my best to make small talk.

‘I googled it.’ He said, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair. He fiddled with the menu nervously until he met my gaze, deep blue eyes boring into mine. I was surprised at how nervous he was considering we’ve hung out countless times before this. I placed my hand on top of the one he was resting on the table. ‘Are you okay?’ I asked with an encouraging smile.

He smiled hesitantly back, squinting a little. I wondered if my dress was too shimmery and therefore making me hard to look at. A possibility I should have thought about before entertaining the idea of wearing it. ‘Yeah, sorry. It’s stupid.’ He waved off my hand, leaning back on his chair. There’s something on his mind and I’m going to get it out of him. ‘I haven’t actually been on a date in a long time.’ He gave me a half-smile as his eyes watched his fingers tapping on the wood of the table.

There’s definitely something there. I don’t press him just yet. ‘Neither have I.’ I smiled reassuringly. ‘I was with my ex-boyfriend for so many years, I almost forgot what it was like to date again,’ I said, ignoring my most recent heartbreak.

‘The guy from Louisiana?’ He asked. The more Adam and I have hung out, the more we’ve talked, and I may have mentioned Clay in passing a couple of times. ‘How long were you with him for?’

‘About four years.’ I snorted. ‘What a waste.’ Shaking my head, I still can’t believe it took me so long to see his true colors. ‘What about you? How long were you with yours?’

His head snapped up at the question. In all this time Adam and I have hung out, he’s only talked about his personal life once, and that was to tell me about the girl that broke his heart when he went to college. ‘Um, we kind of dated on and off for the last couple of years of high school.’ His lip thinned as he recalled the memory. ‘She broke it of almost immediately after senior prom.” His hand tapped the table as he silently recalled the memory.

I did the math in my head. Adam’s a Junior which means it’s been three years since he broke up with her and he hasn’t been on a date since. He must be fighting the girls off. He also still has a framed picture of her on his desk. Relief courses through my veins. He was never in love with me. He couldn’t be because he’s still hopelessly in love with her. ‘Well, she clearly doesn’t know how much you love her if she’d let you go so easily.’ I offered. Adam’s a catch.  Who knows, if I hadn’t met Devin that night, maybe our story would have been different.

It took him a minute to register what I said. When he did, he lifted his head, furrowed brows. ‘I’m not still in love with her.’ He said. It sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than me. ‘She’s been dating some guy for years now anyway.’ And there it is. The real reason he asked me out in the first place. He needs a rebound. Someone to make him forget about the girl he’s really in love with.

‘Did you ever tell her how you felt?’ I asked, holding his hand in encouragement.

He snorted out and shook his head, ‘Ohm she knew how I felt about her. She didn’t care. I was never her end game.’ He told me, slumping in his chair, and completely forgetting we were supposed to be on a date. I’m thankful though, it means I don’t have to turn him down. His eyes widened as he looked back at me with a smirk on his face. I’m sure the same thought just ran through his mind too. We’re just friends. He chuckled lightly. ‘I’m sorry. We’re supposed to be on a date and here I am getting wistful about some other girl.’

I waved it off, laughing myself. ‘No Adam, don’t worry about it. That girl doesn’t realize how lucky she is to have a guy like you so invested in her. Even after all this time.” He didn’t look convinced by my answer, but he did offer me a small smile. We’re good. I’ve got to admit, I was surprised when it was you who’d asked me on a date. I thought we kind of moved past all that.’

‘Yeah, maybe we had.’ He shrugged, ‘I don’t know.” He pointed between us. “I thought this might help. The first thing I thought when I saw you was how beautiful you were and how much you didn’t look like Hayden. That was a first for me. I haven’t been able to look at other girls since her. Not that I haven’t tried. Just didn’t click with anyone. When we started hanging out, I liked you. I thought you were cool. Granted, I didn’t get the same feelings I did with her, but I thought maybe something could grow between us.’

I grimaced. ‘When you have to rationalize it like that, don’t you think that’s a little too much work?’ I grabbed his hand back in mine, bringing him closer to me. ‘I like you a lot Adam, but how about we keep it plutonic? Maybe I could help you with Hayden or find a way to help you get over her.’

‘Friends sounds pretty good to me.’ He smiled back.

‘Sorry to interrupt, but have you guys decided what you’d like to order?’ The waitress interrupted, spoiling the moment. We took our time over dinner and I let Adam monopolize the conversation, telling me all about Hayden. He was like a dam. The minute his walls broke he couldn’t stop talking. A lot of crap went down with them in high school. And I could tell it affected his confidence. But it was the way he wouldn’t stop smiling when he spoke that made my heart burst. The love he had for her made me hopeful that one day I’d find someone who loved me just as much. If I hadn’t found it already.

By the end of the night, we’d agreed on a plan for Adam to try and win his ex back. It was not the way I thought our dinner would go but I wouldn’t change it for the world. ‘Can I ask you something?’ Adam said as we were putting our jackets on. I nodded. ‘Who did you think was coming to take you on a date if it wasn’t me?’

‘Who said I didn’t think it was you?’ How did he know?

‘You.’ He laughed. ‘Earlier you said you were surprised it was me when you came down the stairs. You were definitely expecting someone. You wouldn’t dress like that for no one and your smile was so genuine.’ He cocked an eyebrow, and I could feel my face reddening. I’ve been caught and I can’t think of a way to get out of this. ‘Come on. You’ve just listened to me talk about my long-lost love for over an hour. Give me something.’

I pursed my lips. ‘Just a guy,’ I said, brushing it off. ‘We met on the campus dating app, but I think he has a girlfriend.’ Even though I don’t want to lie to Adam, I equally don’t want to admit to sleeping with his roommate.

Adam draped his arm over me as we walked out to the parking lot together. The awkward tension completely gone between us now. ‘Sounds like Devin.’ My eyes widen and back stiffens as I immediately try to think of something. ‘He met some chick on that app. He’s been obsessed with her ever since.” He laughed, shaking his head. “That app is cursed I swear. I’m still getting angry messages on there from girls I didn’t respond to after Aiden made us play that stupid game.’ He said flippantly.

‘Oh yeah?’

‘Yeah, they’re obsessive. But I think Devin found a gem. He’s not told me much, that’s how I know he cares about her. He likes to keep his cards close to his chest.’ Or he’s just keeping my promise. ‘I think it’s ended now though. Every time I’ve asked him about her, he just grunts like a caveman in response. I see him looking at his phone every now and again though, and I wonder if he’s talking to her.”

Adam opened his car door for me and shut it as I sat down. While he walked around the car, I considered how many questions about Devin I could get away with before he’d get suspicious. He’s the one who mentioned him. Not me. ‘Doesn’t Devin have a girlfriend though? I could have sworn I saw a girl in his room the other day.’ I asked the second he opened his door, trying to sound more nonchalant than I felt. Although the eagerness of asking that question may have blown my cover.

He tilted his head, squinting as he looked over at me. ‘Devin hasn’t had a girl in his room for months. They’re repelled by the smell.’ He laughed. He’s wrong. I’ve been in there a few times, so maybe he doesn’t know as much as I think he does. ‘Oh wait. Are you talking about Chloe?’ He said, looking to me for confirmation. I shrugged but felt a pain in my stomach. She had a name, and it was a nice normal one. Chloe. I bet she didn’t have dead parents and took him to the movies instead of graveyards. ‘Was she tall with dark hair? Kind of a gothic vibe to her?’ I nodded. ‘That’s Devin’s sister.’ He explained and it took a few seconds to sink in. His sister?

‘The one in Texas? What’s she doing here?’

Unease took over Adam’s face and he started to squirm in his seat. ‘I, uh, don’t think that’s something I should be talking about. Maybe you should ask Dev for the details if you want to know.’ He explained and he’s right. ‘Why does it matter?’

‘Huh?’ A smile spread across his face as he took in mine.

‘Why does it matter if Devin has a girlfriend?’ He spelled out the question for me with a hint of humor in his voice. This time, I was the one squirming.

‘It doesn’t.’ I shook my head aggressively.

‘Oh, it totally does.” He teased, pointing at my face. “You’re going red. Is there something going on between you guys? Is that why Devin would clam up every time one of the guys would ask me about you?’

‘He clammed up?’

Then it hit him, he gasped with realization. ‘Are you the girl from the app?’ With my body slumped, I dropped my gaze to my hands, toying with my fingers as I nodded. There’s no point hiding it now. ‘No wonder Dev’s been weird with me.’ He shook his head and looked to the roof. ‘If he had told me you were her, I’d have backed off immediately.’ He turned the engine on and as he started to drive away, ‘I’m an idiot for not seeing this sooner. Of course it was you. The weird, dazed stares, the groping of the bunny, the disgruntled noises he’d make when he walked up the stairs. It’s because it was you.” He laughed. “I’m an idiot.”

‘I told Devin not to say anything.’ I replied sheepishly.

He just laughed it off. ‘Come on. We’ve got to get you home before Devin catches wind of this. I need to be explicit and tell him it wasn’t a date. Then apologize. Have you seen the size of that guy’s arms? He could do some damage to the walls… or my face.’

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