Sweet Caroline

Chapter 16

The effect was immediate. The pain left as the blood went through her and her light sucking aroused Andrew to full steam ahead. He softly groaned, shifting in his seat as his jeans tightened around his crotch. Biting his lip, he tried to ignore how his body now begged for her mouth somewhere else.

Inside, his wolf shifted agreeing they should take their mate soon.

Breathing heavily, Andrew pulled his thumb from Caroline’s mouth. Then, he moved her around slightly so he could kiss her. He didn’t want to awaken her, but he desperately needed a kiss.

Caroline moaned softly and her eyelashes fluttered. As woke up slightly, her mouth opening,

Andrew took advantage and slipped his tongue inside. He barely stopped the grunt of pleasure at the taste of her. Turning her even more, he ran his hand up under her shirt and cupped her breast in his hand.

Caroline broke away and took a deep breath before whispering, “Andrew.”

“Yes, baby doll.”

“What are you doing?” Caroline asked. “We’re in a bus full of people.”

Andrew chuckled as he kissed down her neck. “They aren’t paying us any attention and you’re just too tempting.”

“Some of them are… well, like you and so they can hear, and see better,” she whispers yelled at him.

This caused Andrew to pull away from her and laugh harder.

Caroline poked her lip out in a pout.

“Ah, don’t do that, doll,” Andrew said with a whimper as he poked her lip back in. “I’m trying to stop but that lip is so tempting.”

Caroline gave in and allowed him to kiss her again.

“Alright you two, break it up now. We’re almost to the school,” Kyle muttered from the seat next to them.

Andrew raised his head to glare at his packmate and Caroline buried her face in his chest.

“Are you alright Caroline? Reva didn’t hurt you too badly, did she?” Kyle quietly asked.

Caroline raised her head and gave him a bit of a smile. “I’m good. She kicked me a couple of times, but I feel alright now.”

“I gave her a bit of my blood,” Andrew mentioned when Kyle looked surprised. “It helped her to heal faster.”

Kyle nodded just as the bus stopped. “Okay. Well, I’ll see you two later. I and a couple of the guys are going to hunt—um, go for a run…?”

“The game wired you up, did it?” Andrew commented.

“Yeah. I know I’ll never sleep,” Kyle agreed and quickly left.

“He’s going to hunt, in the middle of the night. Isn’t that a bit dangerous?” Caroline asked.

Andrew leaned in as they waited for the bus to clear out and whispered, “In wolf form, doll, he’s hunting in wolf form.”

“Oh,” Caroline said, her eyes wide.

Standing up, Andrew grabbed his bag from the overhead. He then took her hand and lead her off the bus toward his truck.

Everyone was in bed by the time Andrew arrived back at his house with Caroline, so he took them straight to his room.

Caroline yawned as she took a seat on his bed and commented, “I know I slept, but I’m still sleepy.”

“Well, it is late, almost midnight,” Andrew reminded her after glancing at the clock. “I’m gonna take a quick shower, to help me relax so I can sleep. While I’m in there you can change into the clothes you brought.”

Caroline nodded and opened her bag.

Andrew grabbed a pair of shorts from his dresser and headed toward his bathroom. In less than twenty minutes he was finished and stepping back out.

Caroline had changed her clothes and then fallen asleep in the middle of the bed. Andrew smiled at the sight of her because she looked so right in his bed. It was where he wanted her from this day forward.

The memory of his conversation with his dad, telling him about speaking with Caroline’s dad rushed to the forefront of his mind. His dad had said he would help Andrew if he were serious about moving into the house his pops had left him. Dad had gone on to tell him that it was okay for them to stay here if Caroline didn’t mind living with the in-laws.

Andrew said thanks but no thanks, he wanted his privacy. Then he’d felt awkward because he wasn’t really ready to leave home yet.

Dad had seemed to know because he’d laughed and given Andrew a hug as he mentioned that unless Caroline could cook, they’d starve.

Andrew had agreed with him because it was partially true. He could cook a few things, well, as long as it was microwavable.

Laying down next to Caroline, Andrew breathed deeply of her sweet scent. That was a mistake because his body instantly awakened at her scent and so did his wolf.

His wolf began to whine, wanting her. Andrew reminded him that she wasn’t ready, that’s why they had been pushing that need aside. This seemed to remind his wolf that he would never have Caroline in that way, never be as close to her because she was human, and he whined with sadness.

It really hit him then what his wolf would miss out on because she was human. He would never be able to run with her or chase her in play or passion. He would never mount her and love her in his body.

He whimpered again at Andrew’s thoughts. As he continued to lay, gazing down at his mate, an option of how his wolf could enjoy their mate filled his mind. So, closing his eyes, Andrew took a deep breath, letting the wolf inside rise.

Andrew felt his canines lengthen and knew that his face shape would have changed slightly. He felt his body put on more bulk because his wolf was more muscular than he was and as he opened his eyes and looked down, he realized his nails had lengthened also. Now they looked more like his wolf’s claws than his human fingernails.

He glanced at his mate, seeing her for the first time through his wolf’s eyes. His wolf let out a soft growl of appreciation at how beautiful Caroline is.

“Our mate is so beautiful,” Wolf whispered in Andrew’s mind.

“I agree, very beautiful.”

Wolf huffed softly as he reached out and placed a hand on her cheek, careful not to scratch her with his lengthened nails.

“I want to kiss her, awaken her so we might take what is ours,” Wolf whispered.

Leaning in he gently kissed her, sliding one hand up under her gown. Her skin was so soft, and Andrew moaned even as his wolf growled at the feel of it.

Caroline whined softly in her sleep, her mouth opening.

Andrew slipped his tongue in for a taste of her as his hand found her breast.

Caroline whimpered again as her eyes fluttered open to gaze up at him. Her eyes widened, probably because he was so close and she whispered, “Andrew?”

“Wolf,” he corrected in a slightly growly voice, unnatural for him.

Her hand reached up and cupped his cheek, rubbing at it. “You look—um… different.”

“How? Tell me, sweet Caroline, for I have no idea how I look in this form.”

Caroline giggled. “You look wolfish.”

He tilted his head, confused. “I am a wolf.”

“Yes but… okay, well, your teeth are sharper, as are your cheekbones. Your eyes are more gold and slanted,” Caroline told him as her eyes roamed his face and shoulders. “If I’m not mistaken, your shoulders are slightly wider also.”

“I like to run, it gives my shoulders a workout,” Wolf confirmed.

“You are very cute, wolfie Andrew,” Caroline stated before she pulled his head down and kissed him.

It felt so good, and it made both wolf and man happy that she felts enough to take initiative. He began a gentle massage of her breast as his desire to see it grew. He pulled back and pushed her gown up over her breasts as he glanced down. Her breasts were plump and pink, her nipples slightly darker and because of her arousal, they were pebble hard.

The sight of them had him almost salivating for a taste. So, leaning down, he sucked one into his mouth and suckled hard.

Caroline whined, her hands moving into his hair and giving it a tug.

When he pulled away, Caroline moved his head toward the other breast and he licked it before sucking on it also. When he finally let it go, he growled against her skin, “I want you, sweet Caroline, we both do.”

“I know, but I thought we were going to wait.”

He swallowed hard as he looked up to find Caroline’s face flushed and her lips pink and swollen from their kisses. She had never looked more beautiful and his craving for her grew. “But why should we wait? Why should we deny each other what we long for? We are mates, it is the most natural thing for us to be doing. If you were a wolf shifter, we would have already mated in this form and as wolves.”

Caroline bit her lip, hesitating. “I know, but…”

“Please, baby doll. I need you almost as fiercely as I need to breathe. At least let me—” He stopped.

“Let you what?”

Andrew sighed and pushed his wolf back down. He knew his wolf was ready to take Caroline, one way or the other, and Andrew wanted her in full agreement before they mated her. So, although his wolf fought because he didn’t want to leave her, in the end, Andrew won.

“Let me give us both pleasure. We don’t have to go all the way, but I need more than kisses tonight,” Andrew admitted as he buried his face in her bared breasts. “When I found you with Reva, it scared me how I could have lost you. You’re human and she’s wolf she could have easily killed you.”

“But I’m okay now.”

“I know, but still… please let me,” Andrew all but begged.

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