Sweet Caroline

Chapter 15

Since Caroline thought Andrew had already told his friends about finding his mate, she was a bit confused as to why this guy didn’t seem to know. She was positive by his and Andrew’s interaction he was part of the pack.

Suddenly, Caroline realized that everyone around them was waiting for an answer. It dawned on then how ‘dense’ she was being. Since the other guys didn’t know, Kyle couldn’t let on that he knew either.

“Um… I guess it’s been about three weeks since he asked me on a date. It’s only been official for a few days though,” Caroline nervously answered.

Kyle nodded. “I heard somewhere that you two have known each other a long time.”

Caroline smiled as she shuffled through her memories of Andrew. “Yeah, since fourth grade.”

“That the reason you were so quick to get a tattoo with his initials on it. Most girls let the guy wear the mark,” Joe mentioned as he pointed at her neck.

Caroline knew she was blushing but couldn’t stop it. “Yeah, well, sometimes you just know when it’s real.”

“When what’s real?”

Caroline cringed back in her seat with a quiet whimper. Reva, why did she have to show up now while Andrew was away? While Caroline knew Andrew was hers and hers only it didn’t change the fact that Reva had made her life miserable for a long time.

“Why Drew and Caroline of course!” Joe almost yelled. “Haven’t you heard? The two of them official now.”

Reva narrowed her gaze and stared at Caroline. Her lip curled up in a silent snarl before she said, “Oh, they are, are they.”

“If you know what’s good for you Reva, you’re gonna leave it alone,” Kyle told her.

Reva snickered. “Now why would I do that? Andrew is going to be mine one way or another because I deserve to be his ma—girlfriend.” She pointed at Caroline, adding, “That nasty looking thing on the other hand needs to realize she isn’t what he needs and go away. Why is she on this bus anyway?”

“Because I told her she could be. Now move it Reva and know this, your attitude will be reported,” Andrew said as he bodily moved her out of his way. He then stood in front of her, his body tense.

Reva gave a soundless snarl as she flounced off.

Kyle quickly moved to the seat across from Caroline.

Andrew sat down and as he took her hand in his, he softly asked, “You alright, doll?”

Caroline nodded and leaned into his shoulder. “I am, now that you’re back.”

“Kyle wouldn’t have let her near you, promise,” Andrew murmured as he gave her a quick kiss. “Now relax, it’s going to be a long ride.”

Caroline yawned. “Then I’ll probably be sleeping because I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Oh, and why was that?”

Caroline muffled her laugher with her hand. “I didn’t have anything to cuddle up to, my teddy bear seemed to be missing.”

Andrew poked out his lip. “You mean I forced myself to stay away for nothing?”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I needed time to think about things, but that doesn’t mean it was easy on me either.”

Wrapping his arms around her as the bus pulled out, he whispered, “I’ll make it up to you tonight, baby doll.”

Caroline nodded before she snuggled her face into his chest and fell into oblivion.

“Good game boys,” Coach said as they walked across the basketball court. “Andrew?”


“That was a great winning shot,” Coach said, patting Andrew’s shoulder as he passed him.

Andrew grinned and continued toward the locker room. The game had been a tough one and the team had been hard pressed to score. Somehow though in the last few minutes, they’d buckled down and managed to win by four points.

Andrew was exhausted and couldn’t wait to get home, shower, and snuggle with Caroline. Just the thought of it had him moving faster to shuck his uniform and dress.

Ten minutes later he walked out of the locker room with some of the other guys who were still riding the wave of victory. Andrew glanced around, frowning when he saw Caroline wasn’t waiting for him.

“Maybe she’s already on the bus,” he muttered as he headed out the exit doors. Seeing Kyle standing in front of the bus talking to Coach, he yelled, “Kyle!”

Kyle turned. “Sir?”

“Have you seen Caroline?” Andrew asked even as he continued to glance around hoping to spot her in the crowd.

“No, not since you ran off the court to swing her around when we won,” Kyle replied.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his ribs. Grabbing at them, he grunted. He knew what the pain meant and breathing through it, he growled, “Where are the cheerleaders?”

Kyle’s eyes widened and so did Coach’s.

“Probably in the girl’s locker room or restroom. You know how they are about reworking their make-up after a game. But why would Caroline go with them?” Kyle asked.

“She wouldn’t,” Andrew stated as he took off in a run.

Making it back inside and to the girl’s locker room, Andrew heard a grunt and a scream as he felt another pain go through his ribs. The air left his lungs at the brutality of it, and he feared that one might have cracked a rib when the scream sounded long and pain-filled.

Reva must not realize I’ve marked Caroline and can feel her pain, or she’d never have tried this. Or maybe she did and doesn’t care. With that thought in his head, Andrew busted in the door just as Reva reared back to kick Caroline again.

Two girls held his mate on her knees. Andrew noticed they hadn’t touched her face, probably planning to threaten her if she told me anything.

With a loud snarl, Andrew shouted, “Everyone leave!”

The other girls quickly scattered, and Andrew stared Reva down as he stalked toward her, breathing heavily with pain and anger. His sweet Caroline sat leaning up against the wall and he left her there for just a moment as he stood nose to nose with Reva.

Andrew snarled his canines in full view. “You have messed with me for the last time Reva. You will run home this night, and, in the morning, you are to report to the Alpha for your punishment.”

“You can’t do that! It will take me all night to get home!” Reva shouted.

Andrew snarled at her as he grabbed her by the neck. “I don’t care! You were told to leave Caroline alone. She is my marked mate, meaning I felt her pain and for that, you will pay dearly.”

Reva’s face paled.

Andrew let her go with one last snarl before heading for his mate. Gently, he took her hand and helped her stand. When Caroline was on her feet, he turned back to Reva and asked, “Do you see this mark? This is my mark. You dared to touch a soon-to-be beta’s mate. Now, do as I say.”

Turning with a sharp cry, Reva raced out the door.

Andrew calmed himself by breathing in the sweet scent of his mate. Then he carefully picked Caroline up and carried her toward the bus and home. Finding an empty seat in the back he sat down with Caroline in his lap.

Silently they sat, hugging, as the guys around them whispered and Andrew ignored them all.

Although Andrew did hear Kyle telling them what had happened. Most of the guys seemed really upset and made sounds of disgust while sneaking peeks at the two of them.

Caroline, at one time or another, had spoken to most of them at the Tasty Treat. Tonight, however, they’d gotten to know her for who she was instead of Reva’s version of her.

Most of them seemed to really like her.

Andrew glanced up and noticed the cheerleaders upfront. They all sat quietly, not saying anything to anyone.

One of the guys in the pack, Matt, came and sat in front of Andrew, asking, “Is she asleep?”

“I think so. But I can feel her pain through our bond, and she keeps whimpering,” Andrew mentioned in a whisper.

Matt nodded knowingly. “Give her a bit of your blood, it’ll heal her faster and take the pain away.”

“Are you sure it won’t hurt her?” Andrew inquired.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Matt replied. “I’ve done it for my human mate before.”

Andrew gazed down at Caroline as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. “She’s sleeping now though.”

Matt chuckled as he stood. He then leaned in close to Andrew’s ear to say, “Just slice your thumb and shove it in her mouth. Just a bit of blood on her tongue is really all she needs. Go on, do it, it will make her, and you, feel better within moments.”

Andrew grumbled under his breath about Matt being a smart aleck and Matt just laughed before he returned to his seat. As he contemplated Matt’s words, Andrew gazed down at Caroline. It seemed like a simple enough thing to give Caroline a bit of blood. So, with a bit of a huff, he allowed his canines to lengthen and used one to cut his thumb.

Then, he gently rubbed at her cheek, which caused her to sigh and her lips to part. When they did, Andrew slipped his thumb between them and scrapped it softly against her teeth, making the blood run. As his blood hit her tongue, Caroline swallowed, making a small mewing sound as she sucked it for a bit.

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