STRIPTEASED: A Standalone Reverse Harem Romance (Roommates Book 1)


My heart pounded as Denver led me down the stairs and then to the basement. It was colder down here, and I was just wearing a t-shirt. However, I had a feeling that if I wanted it, the twins would be more than happy to warm me up. And… I guess I did want that, or else why would we be here? It still felt wrong, but I wanted it anyway.

We arrived at Austin’s door. Denver knocked on it and then waited.

“Do you think he’s asleep?”

“No.” Denver pointed at the faint light coming from under the door. “Just give him a moment. If he’s not with a woman, the only thing he’d be doing at this time of the night is jerking off or reading. Unlike a normal person, he wouldn’t be embarrassed to be caught masturbating, but he can’t stand to let women see him with his reading glasses on.”

That made me laugh even though I was sure my cheeks were red.

“Come in,” came Austin’s voice.

Denver opened the door wide enough for Austin to see me. “Care for some company?”

“Absolutely.” Austin was sitting up in his king-size bed, the covers piled around his waist. Was he wearing anything under there?

“Our little Emma is interested in experiencing some new things,” Denver said as we walked in.

Austin’s eyes gleamed. “What kind of new things?”

“That’s up to her.”

Austin pulled the covers back from the empty side of the bed and patted the mattress next to him.

I gulped, even though I’d shared his bed just a few nights ago. But this felt different because, well, I knew it wasn’t just to sleep. Gingerly, I climbed into the huge bed, crawling over to sit down next to him. A bit belatedly, I realized that I’d probably just exposed my pale pink panties to Denver. Sure enough, when I looked over at him, he was grinning.

He climbed in next to me, and suddenly there was a hot-as-hell man on either side of me. Denver was only wearing boxers, and Austin, I suspected, wasn’t wearing anything. Their ripped physiques were mesmerizing. The sculpted biceps. The hard pecs. The flat stomachs with the contours between their abs. How the hell did I end up sandwiched between two perfect male specimens?

As if on cue, we lay back, Denver pushing a pillow under my head and arranging one for himself as well. I could feel the heat from their bodies, and it matched the heat radiating from my cheeks. Now that I was here, what was I supposed to do?

Austin gave me a hint when he leaned toward me, his face close to mine. Instinct took over and I tilted my head toward him, sighing and closing my eyes as his face neared. Then his lips met mine and it was like heaven. All thoughts receded and the tension left my body as his lips teased mine. He caught my bottom lip in his teeth and tugged, his tongue playful. My mouth curved upward in a smile as he claimed my mouth. The kiss deepened, and it felt every bit as good as his brother’s had.

His brother.


My eyes flew open as I broke away from Austin. What the hell was I doing, kissing another man right after kissing his twin?

But Denver was smiling. “It’s okay, Emma. We know how to share.”

While my brain was still reeling from that pronouncement, he leaned in and kissed me again. The two of them pressed against me as Denver ravished my mouth. Austin’s hand rubbed against my stomach, and Denver had his hand buried in my hair.

Wow, a woman could get used to this. Every part of me felt so damn good—except my mind. Was I hurting one of them? Were they really okay with me liking both of them?

Austin’s hand moved lower, onto my bare thigh, and I groaned, the sound swallowed by Denver’s kiss. Then Austin was tugging on my hair, and I turned my head, his mouth replacing his brother’s without missing a beat.

As my blood raced, my hands were wandering, rubbing against their smooth, hard chests, feeling the outlines of their abs, and marveling at the way their hard muscles felt. They were so hard, and hot, and identical.

When Austin let me come up for air, I had to work to put together a coherent thought. “Your bodies feel so good. And so… identical.”

Denver chuckled. “That’s usually how it works with identical twins.”

It was hard to think when Austin was still rubbing my thigh, and Denver’s hand was stealing across my stomach. “I know, but you do more dancing, Denver. Shouldn’t that change your body a little?”

“Maybe, but you said yourself that we feel similar.”

“Of course, she’s only explored a few body parts,” Austin said with a smirk. “Maybe we’re different elsewhere.”

My breath caught in my throat. Did he mean… down there? But on the stage at my bachelorette party, when they’d both been wearing those tiny pouches, they’d looked equally… endowed.

“Not there,” Denver said with a chuckle, apparently having easily read my mind. “But there are some differences. For example, one of us is ticklish… and one of us isn’t.”

“Who’s ticklish?” I asked breathlessly.

“Why don’t you find out?” Austin offered, his grin challenging.

“You mean… you want me to…?”

Austin took over. “I tell you what. If you can figure out which one of us is ticklish in the next sixty seconds, we’ll do the dishes for the next three nights.”

“Hey,” Denver protested, and I suspected his complaint was more about the dishes part than about the thought of my hands all over his body. “Thirty seconds.”

“Forty-five,” I countered. Wait, what was I getting myself into?

“Deal,” Austin said. He reached for his phone and quickly started the timer. “Go!”

“Wait, I’m not ready,” I squealed, flipping over and getting to my knees.

“That’s four seconds gone.”

I surveyed them both in the dim light and then dove in, my hands scrambling along their flat stomachs. This time I wasn’t caressing the taut muscles, but digging my fingers in, trying to elicit a response. When that didn’t work, I reached out, teasing their waists at the side where I was always ticklish, but they stared, their mouths still and silent.

Desperately, I reached higher, wiggling my fingers in their armpits, which were shaved for their show. No response.

“Twenty seconds left,” Austin said with no hint of laughter in his voice.

Without hesitation, I plunged my hands under the covers, pressing along Denver’s boxer shorts and Austin’s bare skin. He was naked, as I suspected, but I didn’t have time to think about that right now. I glided my finger up and down the crease where their torsos met their legs, a very ticklish spot on me.

“You’re running out of time, Emma,” Denver said, his voice as smug as his brother’s sometimes was.

“Yeah, you are. Looks like we won’t be doing the dishes,” Austin added. “And did I tell you what happens if you can’t find out in time?”

“No,” I said absently as I lowered my head and let my hair dance along first Austin’s chest and then Denver’s. “Wait, what?”

“Five, four, three, two, one,” Austin said. “You lose, and that means… we get to tickle you back.”

I barely had time to process that before they pounced. A half second later, I was on my back and their hands were digging into my sides, making me squeal with laughter. My t-shirt rose up as I thrashed on the bed, four hands taunting and teasing me.

“Stop,” I shrieked through the laughter and after another moment, they did, their tantalizing touch turning into long, slow strokes up and down my sides. “Oh my God,” I moaned. Their touch didn’t tickle anymore. Instead, it felt incredible.

My sleep shirt had ridden up while I was thrashing around, and my stomach was bare—and definitely not as flat as theirs were. I started to pull my shirt down, but Denver laced his fingers through my own.

“Don’t you like the way we’re touching you?” His voice was a soft whisper in my ear, and then he kissed my temple.

“Yes,” I breathed back.

“Then why don’t you leave your shirt up so that we can touch you better?” He resumed stroking my side, up and down, mesmerizing me. His fingers reached under me on a downward stroke, squeezing my ass before trailing back up again. A moment later, Austin did the same.

This time, it was Austin who whispered in my ear. “There’s something we need to talk to you about.”

“What is it?” The way they were gilding their fingers along my skin was almost hypnotizing.

“Your reaction the other day before we knew about your writing. You were mortified that we all thought you’d been masturbating.”

I cringed at the thought, my muscles tensing.

“Just relax,” Denver said softly. “You’re safe here.”

Austin planted a kiss on my cheek. His skin smelled nice and clean like Denver’s, only with a faintly different scent. Different bodywash or aftershave? As I relaxed again, Austin spoke to me again. “It’s okay to touch yourself. It’s your body… you can do whatever you want with it. You don’t have to be embarrassed.”

“I can’t help it,” I said automatically.

“We know,” Denver said. “You’ve had a lot of people in your life who shamed you for very natural desires. But that’s not us. You’ve seen our stage act. Do you think we feel embarrassment and shame when we’re dancing nearly naked in front of a crowd?”

“Austin doesn’t,” I said, and they both laughed.

“I don’t, either,” Denver said. “It’s my body, I can do what I want with it. I can do what feels good.”

“And we want you to feel good,” Austin said.

“I do.” The words almost came out as a moan.

“But I bet you can feel even better,” Austin said. “Can you touch your breast for me?”

Oh God. I really didn’t want to—did I? The way they were touching me was so good. It wouldn’t feel as good if it were my hand.

“Don’t do it for us, actually,” Denver contradicted his brother. “Do it for yourself. But perhaps you can trust us that it’ll feel good?”

Trust them? I did trust them. All four of them. But about this? Well… I was pretty sure that Austin knew what he was talking about. Both of them probably did.

Slowly, I snaked my hand along my waistline, slipping it under my shirt. When I cupped my breast, I wasn’t surprised to find my nipple rock hard. Tentatively, I squeezed my heated flesh, and then rolled the nipple with my thumb.

Austin and Denver still stroked my hips, occasionally squeezing my ass or rubbing my thighs. It made every inch of my skin tingle. They were staring at my shirt and at my hand under the fabric. Even in the dim light, I could see the look of longing in their faces. Longing to see me.

Could I do that? The twins showed a lot more every night at the club, but they were gorgeous. I was just… me. But maybe they liked what they saw anyway.

With my other hand, I slowly eased my shirt up, baring my stomach. Then I took a deep breath and lifted it over my breasts. Then other hands joined mine, and the shirt rose over my head and was gone.

“God, you’re beautiful, Emma.” Before I could register which side that had come from, they were both kissing my neck and my jaw, almost as if they’d choreographed it. Austin grabbed my free hand and put it on my other breast, and I couldn’t help squeezing my nipples as their talented mouths tantalized my sensitive skin.

Then Denver’s mouth was near my ear. “Can I give you a hand with that?”

I nodded, and then his strong hand replaced mine. When he grasped my breast, squeezing lightly, it made my pulse pound between my legs, and that doubled when Austin’s hand caressed my other breast. My breath quickened as their skillful fingers went to work.

My moans got louder and my breathing heavier, but I still heard Austin say, “Why don’t you touch yourself between your legs?”

God, could I? My hips were already gyrating on the bed, just from their touch and their nearness. Hard, shredded masculine bodies were on either side of me, and it felt like I could almost come from that alone. Orgasms had always been a difficult thing for me to achieve, and I’d never had one during sex… but Austin and Denver had me most of the way there and I still had my panties on.

Tentatively, I reached down. I pushed down the waistband of my panties, and like with my shirt, Austin and Denver made quick work of it. I couldn’t believe it. I was naked on a bed between two naked men. Well, mostly naked. I didn’t know if Denver still had his boxers on, and I didn’t really care. All I could think about was how amazing it felt to have their hands on my breasts.

I ran my finger along my slit and wasn’t surprised to feel how wet I was. Probably wetter than I’d ever been.

“That’s it,” Denver said as I stroked along my folds, teasing myself. He hooked his leg around mine, and Austin did the same on the other side. They spread my legs apart, giving my fingers more access.

The embarrassment I expected to feel didn’t come. It couldn’t because all I could feel was pleasure. From Austin, from Denver, and even from myself. I spread some moisture over my clit, and it felt so good that I gasped.

“Come on, baby, make yourself feel good,” Austin said.

I did feel good. I felt amazing, in fact.

“Work your clit,” Denver said. “You don’t have to rely on a man to bring you pleasure.”

My finger flicked faster over my clit as I moaned.

“But it can be fun if you do,” Austin said. Then he dipped his head and suddenly my nipple was encased by his warm lips. Denver did the same and my legs started shaking as the pressure mounted inside me. The twins kept their legs hooked around mine, not allowing me to close my legs and brace myself against the coming onslaught.

“Come on, Emma,” Denver said before recapturing my nipple between his teeth. My body was now trembling so much that my hips kept bucking off the mattress.

“Don’t hold back,” Austin commanded.

My breath caught in my throat, and then an explosion rocked through me. My mouth opened in a silent scream as my limbs froze and muscles deep inside me contracted. For the longest moment, the waves of electricity inside me felt like too much, but I didn’t want them to stop.

When I finally breathed again, I became aware of both twins flicking their tongues over my nipples, their hands stroking my inner thighs as I jolted all over the bed. I panted as the pleasure subsided but didn’t go entirely away. Aftershocks, one after another, coursed through me.

“Good girl,” Denver crooned as I lay limply on the bed, all the tension gone from my body.

“I knew you could do it.”

My hands were resting uselessly at my sides, but I reached over and cupped the back of Austin’s head and pulled him toward me for a long kiss. Then I did the same to Denver.

My body tingled pleasantly, but sleep beckoned. Like a warm bubble bath I could slip into so easily…

My eyes closed, but I forced them back open as I realized that I was the only one feeling this bliss… and that there were two very hard cocks pressed against my sides. Slowly, I reached down, but Austin caught my hand. On the other side, Denver did the same thing.

“This night is just about you, sweetheart.”

Austin nodded. “And teaching you that it’s okay to do what feels good.”

It did feel good. So good. And I wanted them to feel good, too, but the waves of sleepiness were overwhelming.

“It’s okay,” one of them whispered, stroking my hair softly… and then I wasn’t aware of anything else.

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