STRIPTEASED: A Standalone Reverse Harem Romance (Roommates Book 1)


“Are you ready?”

Emma looked at me with panic in her eyes. “No. Can we please go over the routine a few more times? Or a few thousand more times?”

I wasn’t sure whether to sigh or shake my head, but I did neither. As her teacher, it was my job to calm her nerves and build her up. That was part of what I was hoping would show through in the video we were making.

Taking her arm, I led her over to a pair of folding chairs by the door of the workout room at my gym. “You don’t have to do this, you know.”

She looked at me with her big hazel eyes. “I want to. For you. So that everyone can see what a wonderfully patient teacher you are and hire you to teach dance lessons.”

Acting on impulse, I kissed her on her forehead. “You’re a really special woman to do this for me. Tell me what’s making you scared.”

Her face pinked with pleasure at the compliment before her brow furrowed. “Everything.”

“Like maybe you won’t look good on the video?” It was just a hunch, but that seemed like a concern most women might have.

Emma shrugged, and then said, “That’s part of it.”

“Well then, good news—you don’t have to worry about that. You look adorable.” It was true. She had her strawberry blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, and her face looked fresh and bright. Her sports bra showcased the tantalizing curves that I had to admit distracted me from time to time. Her leggings hugged her hips the way I wished I could. It was incredible that she didn’t know how attractive she was.

“And if you’re worried about how you’ll look doing the dance steps,” I continued, “don’t. It’s my job to lead you through them. If I can’t, then that’s a failing on my part as a teacher. You’re the student. You’re not supposed to be perfect.”

She nodded, staring down to where her hands were clasped on her lap. “It’s just hard, because you and Austin always seem so perfect when you dance.”

I reached and took one of her hands in mine, trying to ignore the way her soft thigh felt. “It’s our job. That’s why we practice so much—it’s supposed to be perfect when we do it.” Time to get her mind on another subject. “Speaking of jobs, how’s yours going?”

“I haven’t found one y—” She broke off as she realized what I meant. “Oh, the writing. Um… it’s going okay.”

“Are you going to make your deadline?”

“I—I think so.” She didn’t sound very confident.

“You’ve still got four days left, but maybe it was wrong of me to ask you to come help me with this video today.”

“No, it’s fine. I can only write for an hour or two before my focus is shot. It’s good to get out and do other things. Usually, after a change of pace, I can dive into the writing again when I’m home.”

I grinned. “I hope that our dance will give you some inspiration.”

She returned my smile. “I’m sure it will.”

“Still, it can’t be easy, trying to write when you’re a nomad.”

Emma looked puzzled. “What?”

“Every morning you wake up in a different bed. It must be hard to establish a writing routine when every day is different.”

She frowned. “Maybe a little. But I really don’t want to stop doing it. I love sleeping with you guys.” Predictably, she flushed. “I mean, sleeping next to you. It feels so warm and safe… I swear, before this, I was always cold at night. Now I have you guys to keep me warm.”

I chuckled. “I bet sleeping with Knox is like sleeping next to a furnace.”

“Definitely.” Her grin faded. “Will you promise me something?”

“Of course.” My answer was instantaneous. I couldn’t think of anything she might ask that I wouldn’t do for her.

“If the video doesn’t turn out well—you know, because of me—promise me you won’t feel obligated to use it anyway. And… and that you won’t get mad at me.”

It was funny how her words could be touching and frustrating at the same time. “Emma McColm, there’s no way I’d ever get mad at you for doing your best. Hell, I can’t think of anything you could do that would make me mad unless you tied me up and made me sleep next to the Knox-furnace all night.” That got a small smile from her, and I continued. “And as for the video, I’m sure I’ll be happy with it, but we’ll look at it together and make sure we’re both happy with it before I upload it.”

She nodded, but I wasn’t sure she was convinced. “Okay, but… I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

Reaching over, I placed a long finger under her chin and tilted her head up. “Trust me, disappointment is the last thing I’d ever feel about you. I don’t think you realize how amazing you are. After what you’ve been through, the breakup and being abandoned in a new town, it’s amazing you’re functioning at all, let alone thriving.” She started to interrupt, but I wouldn’t let her. “Yes, thriving. You’re helping us out, doing the shopping and keeping things neat so that we can focus on our jobs and not come home to a hellhole. And more importantly, you’re writing and following your dreams. Some people would’ve spent the last few weeks in bed with a tub of ice cream, but not you. You’re living your life, and it’s impressive. I’m not the only one who thinks so.”

Moisture lined Emma’s pale lashes, and she blinked rapidly, but she didn’t look away. The silence grew until she finally said, “Thank you for saying all that.”

“I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.” I rose to my feet and held out my hand to her in a courtly manner. “Will you dance with me?”

Emma placed her hand in mine and rose to her feet. “It would be my pleasure.”

“Where is she?” Austin asked.

“Shh!” several voices said at once, mine included.

“She’s working on her laptop at the kitchen table,” Tonio said. “Want me to go get her?”

“I’ll do it,” I said. Tonio had just gone down to get some coffee, so it might be suspicious if he went down again.

“Don’t let her—” Austin began.

I rolled my eyes. Did my twin think I had no brains at all? “I know just what to tell her.”

Tonio looked concerned, and Austin looked skeptical. Only Knox, standing silently in the corner of the small room, appeared to have confidence in me. Or at least I thought he did. Sometimes his silences were difficult to interpret.

A moment later, I walked into the kitchen as nonchalantly as possible. “How’s it going?”

Emma was frowning at her screen, biting her lip in a way that made me want to bite it, too. “I can’t quite get the end of this scene right.”

That was too good of an opening to pass up. “Is it a kissing scene? Need any practice?” I moved in on her, my lips in an exaggerated pucker.

As I’d hoped, she laughed, shoving me away. “If I need any practice, you’ll be the first to know.”

“I’d better be,” I growled, and then I went to the fridge and got something to drink. “Why don’t you take a break for a few minutes? Might be easier if you do. Besides, I’ve got something to show you upstairs.”

Her eyes lit with interest. “Is it what I think it is?”

It most certainly wasn’t, but I played along. “Yeah, I edited the first dance video.

Emma jumped to her feet, causing certain body parts I’d spent a lot of time thinking about recently to give an enticing little bounce. “How does it look? Am I too much of a klutz? You can be honest and tell me.”

“How about I just show you?” I was already heading for the stairs.

“Sure.” She followed in my wake.

At the top of the stairs, I turned toward my room, but then I stopped.

“What?” Emma said, almost running into me.

“That’s odd,” I mused. “That door is never open.”

Emma brushed against my arm as she peered past me to the door at the end of the hallway that was open an inch or two.

“What’s the big deal? Isn’t that a closet?”

“No, it’s actually a really small room. I think it used to be a den at one point in time. It’s barely bigger than a walk-in closet, and in the last few years, we’ve mostly just piled stuff in there that we didn’t have anywhere else to put. I can’t imagine why it’s open.”

“Maybe you guys put too much stuff in there and the door won’t close.”

Except for the fact that the door opened inward, that might’ve happened, at least up until a few days ago. “Possibly. Why don’t you see if you can get it to shut again while I set up the video?”

She nodded and moved toward the door. I stayed where I was, a grin on my face. Emma grasped the doorknob and tried to pull it shut. She gasped when the door opened, yanking the knob right out of her grasp.

“Surprise!” four voices called out, three from inside the room.

Emma gasped, her hand to her chest. “You scared me. What are you doing in there?”

“See for yourself,” Tonio said with a grin.

With the three of them in there, there was barely room for her, but she squeezed in, looking around. I followed, trying to see the little room the way she might. Though small, the floors were clear of clutter, and the bookcases along the back wall had been dusted and organized. Bright light shone in from the recently cleaned window, and a crimson rug lined the polished floor.

Emma zoomed in on the most important feature: the two matching desks next to each other.

Surprised, Emma turned to me. “You said this was for storage.”

“It was. Now it’s a study.”

“For me?”

“For you. You’re trying to finish a book. That’s hard to do when you keep moving from room to room, trying to find a quiet place to concentrate. Now you have one.”

Emma’s smile was slow to form but stunning when it was complete. “You did all this for me?”

“Of course,” Knox said.

“But—but there are two desks.”

“You’re not the only one who could use a quiet place to concentrate,” Tonio said.

“You’re going to study in here?”

“If it doesn’t bother you.”

“Of course it won’t. This is so nice.” Emma spun around slowly, taking it in. The desk lamps. The power strips at the edges of the desks. Someone, Tonio I think, had even provided a mug full of pencils and pens plus some legal pads. “This was so nice of you all.”

One by one, she hugged us all. When it was Austin’s turn, he said, “Glad we finally got in on the hugging. I was beginning to think that was only for Knox.”

“This is a one-time only thing,” Knox said, and we laughed.

“Which desk do you want?” Tonio asked.

“You pick first,” she said.

“No, you,” he insisted. “We did this for you.”

She blinked back a stray tear, a smile still on her face. “I’d like the one by the bookcases. For inspiration.”

There weren’t that many books on the shelves, but if she wanted it, she got it. “Go get your laptop and see if this helps you get your scene right.”

Emma beamed. “I really think it will.”

“Hey there,” Emma whispered as I climbed into bed next to her that night. It was nearly three, and I was surprised she was awake. Usually, she murmured and snuggled next to me when I slid in beside her, but didn’t fully waken.

“Can’t sleep?”

“I was waiting for you.”

She pulled the cover back from my side of the bed and I lay down next to her. She turned toward me and put a hand on my bare chest, laying her head on my arm. God, it felt good to have her warm little body snuggled next to mine. She had on a t-shirt, and I had on boxer shorts, but still, a lot of her smooth, bare skin was pressed up next to mine.

“You smell good,” she said, inhaling deeply.

“After a night at the club, a shower is definitely a requirement.”

Her hand rubbed along my stomach, making my blood stir. Her leg wrapped around mine, and I almost moaned. She had no idea how good it felt to have her pressed up against me. “What’s with you tonight?”

“I don’t know.” Her voice was quiet in the dark room. “I’m just feeling…”

Please let her say horny. I sent up a little prayer before realizing that wasn’t the kind of thing people should ask a higher power for.

“Grateful,” she concluded. “I’m really grateful for the room you set up.”

Part of me was happy to take the praise, but I didn’t deserve all of it. “That was from all of us.”

“But it was your idea, right? I mean, you said the other day that it was a shame I had to keep seeking out places to write and that I couldn’t get into a routine.”

“It was my idea, yes. But Tonio found the desks and Knox and Austin cleared out all the crap in there.”

“I never even noticed. When did you guys do that?”

“When you were at the grocery store. And that one day you went to the library. Did you get much writing done there?”

“Some, but I think I’ll do better in the study you set up. I can’t thank you enough.” Her voice was quiet and sweet, so close to my ear. “And for encouraging me to finish my book.” She laughed. “Well, forcing me to.”

I chuckled too. “Never underestimate the power of Truth or Dare.”

“I won’t. Not anymore.” Suddenly, she smacked my abs with the back of her hand. “I can’t believe you all thought I was dashing up here to… to… play with myself!”

“Wishful thinking perhaps,” I teased. “But you have to admit, it did look that way. Your face would flush and your breathing sped up. It was a logical conclusion.”

The heat from her face radiated across my chest. To my disappointment, she changed topics. “I’m really scared about showing my story to Tonio’s sister. What if she doesn’t like it?”

“Ronnie’s cool.” I glanced down and saw confusion on Emma’s face. “That’s what she goes by. Only Tonio calls her Veronica, and she in turn calls him Antonio.”

Emma giggled. “That seems like something Tonio would do.”

“But seriously, his sister isn’t going to judge. She’s just going to help. She’s published some things, and she’s got a lot of connections. She can help you out more than we can.”

“You guys have helped a lot.”

I nodded. “Too bad we didn’t think about clearing out that room earlier.”

“Not just with that. With… inspiration.”

I grinned. She was so damn cute when she was embarrassed. “Am I in your story?”

She hesitated. “Not exactly.”

“Tonio? Knox? Please don’t tell me Austin is.”

“The, um, hero has some traits from all of you. I mean, I haven’t copied you. It’s just… you guys do sometimes get me a bit, well, excited, and then when I write, I try to capture the way you all make me feel. I want the heroine of my story to feel the same way about her man.”

Leaning toward her, I ran my free hand lightly across her hip and down to her thigh. “How am I making you feel right now?”

“Warm,” she said after a moment.

“Anything else?” my voice was a husky whisper in her ear.

“Um… turned on,” she admitted.

For a moment we were silent as she snuggled against my chest, my hand still idly stroking her leg. “Do you want me to turn you on more?”

Emma was silent for so long that I half wondered if she’d fallen asleep. And then, “Yes.”

My hand stilled as that one syllable echoed inside my mind. Was she choosing me over the others? Or just choosing me first? After a moment, I decided that question could wait. I lowered my head and was pleasantly surprised when she raised hers.

Or lips met and the warm, firm pressure was like a promise of more good things to come. My arms went around her and we were pressed together, chest to chest, hip to hip, and her legs wrapped around mine.

I stroked her silky hair as the kiss deepened. She opened her mouth and I took the opportunity to explore and deepen our connection.

She moaned, and I could feel the vibration from where her soft breasts were pressed against me. I held her closer, still ravishing her mouth. I wanted more from her. I wanted everything. But I didn’t know if she was ready, and there was still one very important thing I needed to know.

Emma gave a little sigh as I broke the kiss, and I smiled. She was the sweetest thing ever, and now I knew she tasted as sweet as she looked.

“Emma?” In the dark, I couldn’t be sure, but I thought her eyes were closed. I squeezed her arm and said her name again. “Emma?”

“What?” She didn’t sound sleepy, she sounded… I wasn’t sure. Satisfied? Or ready for more?

“Tell me what you want, Emma.”

She ran her hand along my chest and abs, her light touch driving me crazy. “I want to feel something.”

I captured her wandering hand and brought it to my lips, kissing it. “You’re doing a good job of feeling me.”

She shook her head, her soft hair tickling me. “I want to feel something I’ve never felt before. Something I’ve never experienced before.”

Did she mean something she’d never done with Clint? I was hesitant to ask because I didn’t want to bring up the name of that asshole and ruin the moment. “What do you want to experience, sweetheart?”

Emma was quiet and I let her gather her thoughts. When she spoke, her words surprised me. “When you and Austin are up on stage, you seem so alive and young and… sexy.”

I chuckled. “We’re supposed to be sexy. That’s what the act’s about.”

Her head shook again. “What I mean is, you’re doing something. All of you. You’re working toward your dream of being a dance instructor. Tonio’s getting a degree. Knox has his photography, and he feels alive when he’s out in the natural world. And Austin… well, I don’t really know about him.”

“He’s got plans for the future, too,” I said, but they weren’t mine to tell. “You’re doing things, too. You’re following your dream to publish a book.”

“I am now, but for a long time, I didn’t feel like I was really living. When I was with Clint. And before that, living with my grandmother. I didn’t feel alive. I didn’t feel like I was doing things and experiencing things. I was only reading about them in books.”

“And now you’ll be the one dreaming up those experiences.”

“Because you guys pushed me.” She was silent for a moment. “And I know there’s more you can show me… and I really think I want you to.”

My pulse was pounding faster than it had been a moment ago, but my voice was still level. “Do you want me? Or all of us?”

Emma didn’t answer. Instead, she pressed her head against my side, her hair sweeping across my chest. At long last, she spoke in a muffled voice. “I really like you.”

Her response made me happier than she could know, but I suspected there was more to it—perhaps something she couldn’t even admit to herself.

“What about the others? Do you like them, too?”

It was nearly a minute before she nodded, her forehead brushing against me. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s okay to like all of us.”

“It is? I thought you’d be mad.”

“Of course not.”

“It’s just… all of you rescued me. Not just that night I was passed out at the club. You all rescued me from the life I hated, because if I hadn’t ended up here, I probably would’ve ended up back at my grandmother’s, at some job I hated. And I never would’ve learned what it felt like to dance in your arms. Or to cook with Tonio. Or to go hiking early in the morning with Knox.”

“And Austin?”

Her thighs clinched around my leg as she answered. “He kind of taught me that maybe… it’s okay to want things. He’s just so open with his, you know, sexuality. He’s made me think that maybe it’s okay to want more.” She stopped, and I squeezed my arm around her, knowing how hard it was for her to talk about stuff like this. “Are you sure you’re not disappointed with my answer?”

“No,” I said firmly. “Believe it or not, that’s the correct answer. Or, well, there are several correct ones, but that was one of them. Are you still interested in trying something new?”

“Yes.” She spoke without hesitation.

“Then come on.” I pushed back the covers and climbed out of bed.

She sprung up next to me. “Where are we going?”

“Downstairs to see Austin.” I held out a hand to her.

After the briefest of hesitations, she took it and followed me out of the room.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.