Stone (Highway Jokers #1)

Chapter 9



The shop was filled with people who were coming in for their lunch. I was making the coffee and putting them on the waitresses’ trays while another worker of mine took orders at the till. Once the lunch rush died down, I grabbed a few cakes from the fridge and made two milkshakes before I took them over to the booth in the corner.

Connor and Ben, the prospects who were looking after me while I worked, sat there on their phones. “Thought you two would be hungry,” I said and I placed the tray on the table. Connor quickly placed his phone down and grabbed the milkshakes.

“Thank you, Lolita, you didn’t have to.” He said, giving me a smile but I waved my hand.

“Nonsense may as well feed you both since you’re stuck here.” I smiled at them before I pulled out my phone when it started to ring. I excused myself, taking the tray with me as I answered the phone.


“Hi, Mrs Moss? This is Doctor Shelly from Busselton Health Centre. How are you doing?”

“I’m good thanks, yourself?” I asked her once I closed the door to my office.

“I’m good, thank you. I am calling because I haven’t been able to reach your husband about a check-up. Now, what he went through was very dangerous and I would like him to come to see me ASAP. I want to see how his wounds are coming along after he got the infection.”

“Wha… what infection?” Frowning as I took a seat in the chair. I was speechless.

“Oh… I thought you knew. Thursday night, your husband had a very high fever. We found out that there were fragments of the bullet still lodged in his body.”

My head fell to my hand as I listened to the doctor tell me about the situation. My heart was beating so fast I barely heard her calling for me. “I’m sorry Doctor Shelly. I will tell my husband to give you a call straight away. Thank you for calling me. Goodbye.” I hung up the phone and threw it on the desk in front of me. Staring at it, I didn’t know what to think.

Why wouldn’t Daniel tell me about it?

I jumped when my phone started to ring again but when I saw who it was, I reached over and switched it off. I was so mad at him right now I couldn’t talk to him.

A perfect day is now ruined by a lie…

I stayed in the office for an hour going over deliveries before I looked at the little tv for the CCTV. The shop was becoming busy once again with another lunch rush. I sighed and rubbed my face before I stood up from the chair. I took one last deep breath before I went out and helped my staff.

I looked over to my right and saw Connor standing there as I made a coffee for a regular couple who came in every couple of days. “What?” I asked him as he looked at me with a worried look.

“Stone is worried… he keeps calling me to see if you’ll talk to him.” He said, making me roll my eyes.

“Tell him, I’m busy.”


“Connor. I’m not in the mood to speak to a hot-headed biker right now. If he doesn’t understand why then tell him to go suck a dick.” I said to the young prospect, I wasn’t in the mood. I grabbed the tray of coffee, leaving Connor standing there with a shocked look on his face before I delivered the order to the lovely old couple.

“Hi guys, how is your afternoon going?” I asked them as I placed their coffees on the table.

By the time I had finished work, all I wanted to do was go home, have a shower and relax with a glass of wine. When I pulled into the parking spot at the clubhouse, I climbed out of the car with Connor since Ben was called to do something for the club. I noticed a few of the guys standing outside enjoying the warmth of the night around the fire, having a few beers.

“Go join them” I mumbled to Connor as I grabbed the files from his hands.

“Are you sure you don’t need help carrying that inside?” He asked me.

“I’m fine. Go, enjoy yourself” I said before I walked towards the clubhouse doors. I walked through the clubhouse, keeping my head down as I heard laughter all around me. I heard my name being called but I ignored it as I made my way up the stairs towards my dorm room. I locked the door behind me and placed my files and handbag on the small couch.

I made my way into the bathroom and locked the door behind me again before I started the water in the shower. I wanted to forget the day that I had, I wanted to forget the last few months with everything going on but I couldn’t. Daniel had walked back into my life for a reason… but why did he have to lie?

When I was finished with my shower, I dried off and wrapped the soft towel around my body before I unlocked the door to the bathroom. I came to a stop when I saw Daniel sitting on my bed, staring at me with intense eyes. I could tell he wasn’t happy but nor was I.

“Is your phone broken?” He asked me as he sat there, his arms were on his thighs while he was leaning forward. His tattooed hands were loosely clamped together.

“Wasn’t in the mood to talk,” I said with a shrug of the shoulder.

“Wasn’t in the mood… right.” He mumbled with a slight smirk on his face but it turned quickly into a growl. “So when the prospect said to me to go suck a dick which he quoted from you, you weren’t in the mood to talk.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “What do you want?” I asked him as I folded my arms across my chest.

“I wanna know why you weren’t answering your goddamn phone?”

“Because I was busy.”

“I smell bullshit, Poet.”

“Don’t call me that.” I rolled my eyes. “Just leave, I want to be alone.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” He said to me, “This is the last time I’ll ask. Why weren’t you answering your phone?”

“Because you lied!” I screamed at him.

“Lied? Lied about what?”

“You never told me why you stayed at the hospital for more than a week! I had the hospital call me up today wondering where you were. Your doctor told me you had gotten an infection and you never told me!” I threw one of the pillows that were on the couch at him. “You’re such a liar!”

“I didn’t lie to you, I just never told you.”

“Why? Why not? You wanted to be together, aren’t we meant to tell each other things like that?”

“You’re too stubborn. You would have come straight back.” I scoffed and shook my head. I ran my hand through my hair.

“I couldn’t risk you getting hurt. You’re so damn stubborn. You don’t listen and you don’t think ahead. I was attacked for the second time by the same people who were after you. If something happened to you because you left the lockdown to go back there for me I couldn’t live with myself.” Now standing up and walking over to me.

“This life isn’t simple. It’s never simple and never will be. It’s hard as all hell but I would never let you be put in harm's way so if that meant not telling you then fuck yeah I didn’t tell you.” He says as he looks deep into my eyes, making me freeze up.

The air just got ten times thicker and my body felt stuck in place. As if he sensed it he moved even closer to me. The two of us now body to body but our eyes never leave each other. I exhale lightly. Taking my hands off of the hem of my towel I reach up and slide his kutte off of his shoulders letting it hit the floor. His eyes became darker and darker with lust as I slowly helped him out of all of his clothing. Once he was down to his briefs he pulled the towel from around me before pulling me up into his arms, I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked us over the bed placing me down on it.

“Are you ready poet? I will need to punish you for being stubborn.” He smirks, making my entire body go mush.

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