Stone (Highway Jokers #1)

Chapter 8



I closed my eyes for a few moments when Lolita left. I wanted nothing more than to have her by my side but if that meant she would be away from safety I wasn’t having it. “She’s a tough one brother” I heard Gravel speak up from the chair in the corner of the room.

“Yeah and very stubborn,” I said.

“For a while there the entire club thought you picked the wrong old lady. But when she stepped to Thrasher last night before coming up here and then how she acted yesterday with the doctors and nurses! She’s perfect for you. She may take some time to shape into her role but I’m happy for you brother.”

“She stood up to Thrasher?” I asked him with a worried look.

“Yeah, apparently she didn’t want to stay behind and said she wasn’t playing around when he asked her about you. She loves you, man.”

It had been a week and a half since I got shot. The hospital kept me longer since something went wrong soon after Lolita left. Turns out one of the bullets broke into pieces in my arm and caused an infection. Shit was painful as all hell. I thought I was dying at one point, but I never told Lolita since I didn’t wanna worry her and have her leave the club without being cleared with Thrasher first.

I pulled into the compound behind Gravel as Thrasher and the other guys came outside. Lolita was at the shop so I knew I would be able to get some stuff done before she came back. Thrasher patted me on the back as he greeted me. “Good to have you back on your feet brother.” He said smiling and looking me over, making me nod at him.

“Let’s go inside for church. I have new intel from one of my connections concerning the shooting.” He nodded at me and we headed inside.

Dumping our phones into the bucket one by one we went into the Chapel for an immediate church session. After sitting down Thrasher slammed the gavel down on the table and gave me the signal to begin talking.

“So according to my undercover, The Devil’s Riders have been in debt to a new club trying to take over this town. One of their men got shot and killed leading to another one of their guy’s wife being kidnapped and murdered on video. The club that did it was The Broken Hitchman. When I did the drop that day it was a set-up to get the drugs and guns and sell it so that they could save another member.” mumbles filled the room as everyone started to speak angry slurs under their breaths.

“So why attack your Old Lady?” Thrasher asked.

“Apparently by her helping me and the fact we own the bard two doors down they figured she was already an Old Lady or worked for the club. They attack women and children that’s their M.O” Once again angry slurs filled the room.

Thrasher slammed his gavel down again making everyone shut up. “Do we have a location for these fuckers yet? 8ball, what the fuck do you have for me?” He asked but I spoke up before 8ball could.

“No need, I can take you there.” I looked to Thrasher as he smirked knowing my mind was going dark again.

“Anything else anyone wants to bring to the table while we are here? Redback, are we all good at shipping and guns?” Thrasher asked.

“All good. Everything is in place and ready to go. I just need two people to come with me just in case of anything as usual.” Thrasher nodded.

“Stone, Gravel take care of that. Skitzo I need you with me for something else. I have to make a house call.” we all nodded.

“Mase, where are we with that new information on the new club we are trying to open?” Thrasher sat up in his seat.

“So far so good, just need to look over the building to make sure not much work needs to be done then it’s a go for setting up.” Thrasher nodded.

“Anything else?” Thrasher asked as everyone else shook their heads no.

“Okay well, Mage got a few things to say.” Thrasher nodded at Mage as Mage stood up and began talking.

After another fifteen minutes in Church, we all stepped out of the Chapel and Medusa, one of the girls of the club, walked past us toward Vikki. Medusa was one of the few girls that lived here at the clubhouse. She walked past us nudging Gravel a bit. I looked at him catching on to the fact that he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. I don’t know if it’s because I had been gone for a while or what but it seems I haven’t been paying much attention.

I looked at Gravel and smirked “When did that start happening?” I asked him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about brother.” Gravel shrugged.

“Yeah like hell you don’t, I see how you were just watching Medusa. Looks like someone will have an Old Lady soon.” I nudged him as he stumbled and we started laughing walking over to the bar for a drink.

I sat at the bar drinking a beer and talking to Skitzo and Gravel when the doors of the clubhouse opened and the two prospects walked in with Lolita behind them. Her tired eyes scanned the room before reaching mine. Her hand immediately covered her mouth in shock as she ran over to me and I stood up catching her in my arms. One of my arms held her by her ass and the other moved the hair from her face before grabbing the back of her neck to bring her into a kiss.

“I missed you so much,” she said, her voice and face mixed with happiness.

“I missed you too, Poet. Now that I got you we got some stuff to do.” Winked at her, making her face blush a crimson colour.

Walking toward the stairs, Lolita was still in my arms and in our own world when I heard Thrasher come out of the Chapel. “Let’s roll.” He shouted.

“Be there in a few minutes Pres” I shouted.

“Five minutes Stone” He rolled his eyes.

“No promises” I laughed as Lolita hid her face and I ran up the stairs to my apartment still holding her.

Kicking the door shut once inside I wasted no time. I walked into the bathroom placing Lolita onto her feet. “Strip baby. We need to make this as quick as possible. Judging by the way things are looking it may take longer than expected.” I told her, making her blush but did what I asked anyway.

Thirty minutes later I limped off the last step leading me to the main room of the clubhouse. Pulling my kutte onto my shoulders I watched as a pissed Thrasher stood up from the bar and walked toward me. “You hold me up like that again for some pussy brother and I will have your damn head myself” I laughed and nodded at him.

“What can I say, brother? It has been a long time coming. And so damn worth it.” We all laughed as we walked out of the clubhouse doors toward the bikes.

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