Stolen by The Pack: An Omegaverse Reverse Harem Romance (Howl’s Edge Island: Omega For The Pack Book 1)

Stolen by The Pack: Chapter 5

He knelt in front of me, his square jaw tense.

My legs spread open on the bed. As if there was an invisible force separating them against my will.

“Is this good?” I asked.

“Good girl,” said Grant. “Men, come and take a peek at our omega.”

Three men I had never seen before walked into the bedroom, their eyes glued to my sex. I writhed under their inquisitive gazes. Turned on immensely.

“Her pussy is dripping,” said the man with a ponytail.

“Can we start licking it?” asked another. His eyes were a beautiful hazel.

“Please touch me,” I begged, spreading my legs wider.

Suddenly, I woke up with a gasp.

I sat up on the couch, my hand clutching my chest in shock. My panties were damp as hell. What the hell was that dream about? Why was I dreaming of having sex? I just met the dude in a random gas station.

“What’s wrong?” asked Lori carrying a bowl of frosted flakes and making her way over to the couch. I was at Lori’s apartment after she picked me up the night my parents revealed my true identity.

I still didn’t believe it and didn’t want to think about what they said. It had been a couple of days, and I missed my parents a little, but my life would be at a standstill if I went back. They’d fill me up with drugs and more shit I didn’t need. I looked at my phone, seeing a bunch of missed calls from Mom.

It was going to be hard to trust them again. Well, the way I trusted them my entire life.

Not happening again. Nope.

I sat my phone down, ignoring the voicemails.

“I had the most stupid nightmare,” I sighed, stretching. My heart was still racing from the naughty dream, but I was starting to calm down a little.

“Share the dream,” she said, eating her cereal and watching me with concern in her wide eyes.

“I dreamt I was about to have sex with four guys. Like all at once,” I said.

Saying it out loud made it sound so ridiculous.

“Whoa, girl, it looks like someone is sex-starved ‘round here,” laughed Lori, droplets of milk flying from her mouth. “I wouldn’t mind a couple of guys myself.”

“It was just…bizarre,” I said, shaking my head. “Glad the cruise is today.”

“Yeah, you’ve been too stressed about classes and family,” said Lori. “Pack your best shit. We gotta look nice and attract some guys.”

“Haha, I guess,” I laughed, removing the teddy bear printed sheet from my lap and making my way to the bathroom with purple tiled floors.

After brushing, showering, and getting dressed in a red sundress, I felt ready to go.

I wore a black cardigan over my dress. I stared into Lori’s vanity mirror, applying my mascara. I had curled my shoulder-length black hair and had to keep brushing off the little tendrils of curls covering my eyes.

I patted my hair down, happy with how I looked.

“Do you have extra sunglasses?” I asked Lori, who was scrambling to find something to wear.

“Yep, in the top drawer of the vanity,” she called from the closet.

Putting on the sunglasses, I felt sexy as I twirled around in front of the mirror. I wanted to meet some guys on purpose this time. Maybe it would work since I was fixed now with all my emotions. Wet dreams and all.

I unzipped my suitcase, making sure everything I needed was in there.

“I’m ready to go,” I said. “We’re going to be so late, Lori. The cruise leaves in an hour, and it’s going to take us time to get there.”

“I know,” she sighed, sinking against her few outfits in the closet. “I have literally nothing to wear.”

Maybe a vacation to the Bahamas is just what I needed to let loose.

After the chaotic morning with Lori trying to find an outfit, we walked along the boarding deck to the cruise ship.

It was a sunny morning, and the slight chill in the wind made me shiver. I wrapped my cardigan tighter around me. We stood in line as everyone’s bags were checked at the front by security guards.

“That’s my cousin,” said Lori pointing her out.

“She doesn’t look too happy,” I said, looking at the bride wearing a thin white dress. She had curly blond hair and red lipstick. She was in the front of the line, clutching her fiance’s hand and tapping his arm constantly. He looked like he couldn’t be bothered to talk.

“Yep, the one and only,” said Lori. “Not looking forward to saying hi to her when we board.”

She could be right. Her cousin looked like the definition of a bridezilla.

As we reached the front, one of the security guys looked up, tipping his hat up.

When I saw who it was, I froze.

It was freaking Grant. Out of all freaking people.

I turned around, ready to run away, but Lori pulled my arm.

“What are you doing?” she hissed at me.

I noticed the line behind us. They were looking annoyed. Shit, I didn’t have a choice. Either go back to my parents or go on a cruise with some hot guy I met at a gas station.

I took a deep breath and turned back to face Grant, the security officer.

“We need to pat you down for any weapons,” he said in his gravelly voice. I almost forgot what his voice did to me. It disarmed me completely as I stood there waiting for his touch. I stood with my arms out to the side. Grant waved over the other security guard to take care of Lori, and then he stood in front of me. He wore a white uniform with a medallion on the front. He had on white gloves to match his sailor’s hat.

When his hands made contact with my arms, my skin heated despite the cold. Immediately upon contact, my skin warmed under his touch. He rubbed my arms and slowly went down my sides. Deliberately taking his time in my bra area. My breathing intensified as his hands rested against my hips for a moment, then he released me.

“You’re good,” he said softly, looking at me with hooded eyes.

Flushed, I quickly walked onto the deck, my suitcase flopping behind me as I dragged it. Kids and families congregated on the large deck as workers directed them where to go. I leaned against the railing, waiting for Lori. I watched as the security guard checked her bag. Looking around the ship, I grew a little excited. Maybe this trip would be fun, especially with Grant on board.

“That was interesting,” said Lori. “Two hot as fuck security guys. We’re gonna have fun.”

For some reason, her comment didn’t sit well with me, and a stab of jealousy went through me. I bit my lip at how ridiculous I was being.

“Let’s figure out where our rooms are,” I said finally.

I unpacked my suitcase on my queen-size bed. I was sharing a room with Lori. She was already sprawled out on her bed.

“I’m starving,” she said, holding her stomach.

“You just ate cereal,” I said, my mind distracted as I thought about Grant’s hands patting me down.

“Well, it’s lunchtime,” she said, sitting up. She ended up wearing a purple crop top with purple leggings to the trip. She hated dressing up, which I knew since we were friends back in elementary. I tried to convince her to dress a little fancier, but she said she’d only do that on the actual wedding day, which was tomorrow.

“I don’t want to go upstairs right now,” I said, my stomach growling. I hadn’t had any breakfast since I was nervous about leaving my family for so long. Truth was, I was a bit nervous to be around Grant right now.

It was better hiding away here. I sat on the bed, feeling slightly dizzy and an incessant throbbing between my legs. I rubbed my warm forehead, hoping I wasn’t getting sick.

“Why not?”

“I’m just not feeling so good right now.”

“Alright, I’ll see you when you decide to come up.”

I nodded, closing my eyes.

“My cousin put us all the way in the back,” huffed Lori, looking around the room. “Typical. It’s like I don’t matter or something.”

At least we were here, I wanted to say. But I didn’t want to piss her off or act like I was on her cousin’s side. When Lori was hungry, there was no stopping her anger.

The door closed behind her. I finished unpacking and sat on the bed, clutching my abdomen. I felt minor cramps down there, but nothing too major. Twinges of arousal kept going through me, and my privates were clenching.

That’s it. I had to take care of this once and for all.

I walked into the tiny bathroom in our room and closed the door behind me. I had never masturbated before, so I was scared of what to expect. I’ve watched porn before out of curiosity but never needed any release until now. The pills really messed with me. Suppressing me my entire life.

I reached under my dress and lightly traced the lips of my vagina with my finger. It was like I had to get acquainted with myself first. As I rubbed outside my underwear, I felt it getting wet. My pussy was throbbing, waiting to be touched.

Moving my panties to the side, I touched my finger to my clitoris. Bolts of arousal shot through my body.

I cried out as I basked in the new sensation I’d never felt before.

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