Stolen by The Pack: An Omegaverse Reverse Harem Romance (Howl’s Edge Island: Omega For The Pack Book 1)

Stolen by The Pack: Chapter 4

was sitting in my office waiting for my useless pack to arrive. I remembered Tiana’s feeling of grief.

She was lonely.

I watched her through the window as her parents berated her. I should never have howled like that last night.

It was reckless, and I should have known better.

Tiana’s tears struck a cord through me. I had to stop myself with all my power from breaking through the window and embracing her. I felt the loneliness in her heart. I could relate to that feeling.

I tapped my pen against the desk, leaning back against my chair. My office was small in comparison to the chief’s, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to be here any longer, so I didn’t give a fuck about my impending promotion. I would be rich soon.

The door opened, and Tony walked in, with Wesley following close behind.

“Hey hey hey,” said Tony, flicking his obnoxiously long black hair back.

“What took you forever?” I greeted curtly.

“I had a music performance to do. Being a cop isn’t the only thing I do, man,” drawled Tony, setting his blasted guitar on his lap. That guitar never left Tony’s side. This guy was way too chill to be on this mission.

Wesley, on the other hand, was quieter. I wondered how he even joined my pack, but his keen insight was what I needed today. He nervously brushed his short blond hair back.

“Wesley, how are you?” I asked.

“I’m good. I’m excited to meet this Tiana of ours,” he said.

“As I said, she’s not ours,” I said. “So what did we find out?”

“She’s supposed to go on a cruise this Saturday,” Wesley said. ‘You gave me her friend’s address, and I sat outside the living room window last night listening to their plans.’

“A cruise?!” I roared, slamming my fist on the desk. I never thought that was going to happen after I watched her friend pick her up outside her house. I followed the car and decided to put Wesley on guard. We couldn’t lose sight of this omega after all the years it took finding her.

“Why, what’s wrong with that?” asked Wesley, his hands up.

“She can go into heat at any time! She’s never gone into heat,” I said, suddenly worried. After overhearing her conversation with her parents, she had no idea what an omega was and what it meant. She was in grave danger especially since she threw away her pills.

“Well then, we go on the cruise with her,” said Tony.

“How the fuck do we invite ourselves onto a random cruise, genius?”

Wesley showed us his phone with the wedding invite open. “ After digging around and trying to find out Tiana’s friend’s information about her family. I hacked into the registry and found the invite. It says they need security guards. We can call the number.”

‘Nice job,’ I said, impressed.

I grabbed my desk phone and quickly dialed the number on the wedding invitation.

Paradise Cruises, how can I help you?”

“You have a flyer requesting security guards. I can assist with that, and so could two of my friends,” I said, holding my breath.

“Okay, email us your credentials and experience. We’ll be in touch.”

I hung up, relieved. After they saw our years of experience being cops, we’d get approved in no time.

“Start packing for the trip, men,” I said. “We’ll figure out how to bring her to Howl’s Edge once we’re on that ship with her.”

“Woo! Our lives are finally getting interesting,” said Tony, playing a tune on the guitar. “I wonder if she’s beautiful.”

“All omegas are stunning,” said Wesley.

I rolled my eyes as the two men conversed about the cruise trip and meeting an omega. When we first moved here to Seattle they were simply boys in their early teens, and they had no experience with omegas. I was the oldest of the pack, so naturally, they looked to me as the leader.

I just hoped they had a little more self-control than me.

Because the next time I saw her, I didn’t know how I’d keep my hands to myself.

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