Spiritual knight

Chapter Case 12: Apart from You

Is been three months since Otto left to train with the White Wolf and two months since Titania stay with Vlamid and train her Dragon.

Things aren’t the same without them, Aron is getting irritated by the seconds, Nicolas and Scarlet’s working load triple the missing time that the Knights team are splitting up.

The Captain told them the day that they return from the mountains that the Knights will be on stand by until Otto and Titania returns from their training.

After the night that Scarlet and Aron made love, Scarlet grew irritated, knowing that the next to leave is Aron to his training, the question is when is going to be, she also knows that something diesn’t feel right.

The moment they started to have taken the stones, Scarlet grew weary for unknown reasons, she even suspected that something big is coming in the future, even sooner than later.

Secretly she has been going to her favorite place, that only Nicolas knows where to find her if they need her, she has been training non stop and Shadow is helping her to train her even harder than before, but that didn’t help her relieve some of the bad, weird felling she is having for the past two months.

Shadows gets near Scarlet as she pants hard, he cares his head near her cheek, Scarlet cares his nostril

“Everything is going to be alright, nothing is going to happen to us, I hope so” said Scarlet to Shadow

Shadow purr to his mistress words, he knows that she wouldn’t let anything happen to them, he returns into her shadow, Scarlet stood up and jog outside her secret place, that is until she heard flapping sounds near her. Scarlet stops on her tracks, she doesn’t need to turn around to know who it is.

“Tell me, what the devils name is going on here...” said Scarlet

She turns around to face the man behind her

“...Master?” said Scarlet without any expression on her face

“If I tell you nothing will change Scarlet” said the man to her

He is tall, his features resembles a Japanese guy, his get up is black and has his back wide open, his eyes are red and his long hair is black, almost like Scarlet when she is on her Dragon self. Scarlet made a 90º bow, meaning a person of great importance.

“Why are you here? I had already been train and I don’t need to leave the city” said Scarlet raising herself

“I came to protect you Scarlet, the enemy figure out that the Night Stone is fake, also I am here to prevent a prophecy we just recive” said the man.

Scarlet look at her master confuse

“A prophecy about what?” ask Scarlet

“You” answer the man

Scarlet is much more confuse than before, she heard about the prophesy, then suddenly a new one apeard that speaks about her.

“Scarlet, history is going to repeat itself again, the prophecy said that the Black Dragon will be under the control of the Black Sorcer once again, hurting and killing every innocent life, including the untrained dragons. The only way to destroy the Black Sorcer is the Great Four Demons, the Sorceress of Light and the legendary Great Four Dragons, but in order to defeat him, all the Dragons must be train and release the Black Dragon from his grasp, leaving him defenses for the special attack of each and every last one of them” explain the man

“You aren’t kidding me Tensei-senpai” said Scarlet very worry

Tensei didn’t answer her, just by looking at him, Scarlet knows that he is telling the truth, that sooner rather than later their enemies will come, and they will take the stone from her, even if they had to rip it away from her.

Tensei took Scarlet to her apartment, when a car stop in front of them, Aron came out off his car confuse and irritated that another man is with Scarlet.

He try to intimidate the man, but Tensei made a judo move that hold him down for a wield, Scarlet sigh at his boyfriend behavior.

“Let me go you!” growl Aron

“My my, this is the legendary Golden Dragon? He is sure to be out of control” said Tensei still siting on top of Aron and looking at Scarlet

“His powers are growing fast and he has no control what so ever about it” resume Scarlet

“I guess I should call Blaze about it” sigh Tensei

Scarlet remain quiet, she knows what it means, that it is Aron’s turn to be away from her and New Glacier will be protected by only her, but Knowing the enemies intention, she can’t risk it.

Tensei stood up and help Aron from the ground, he suggested that they should go inside and talk, obviously he will not reveal Scarlet’s true nature yet, and is not his right to say it either.

Once inside, Scarlet sat down on her couch and Aron beside her, as Tensei is across from them.

“Let me introduce myself, I am Kurohi Tensei, I am the four wing Raven, a Crow demon” said Tensei

Aron’s eyes widen by this man’s last name

“Wait, you are Kurohi?” ask Aron confuse

“Yes, I am the Black Dragon’s Master” said Tensei

Aron realize what it meant, that he is here to train the Black Dragon, but what he doesn’t know is that she has pass away three months ago, it will bring a shock to her former Master, on the other hand, Scarlet became a bit pale, knowing that a scolding will be in order, follow by a harsh spar with her Master.

“I am sorry to say this, but the Black Dragon had pass away a few months ago, she was murder by a Dragon hunter, also the last Dragon hunter pass away by her hands, so you are a bit late to try and train her” explain Aron with less detail

Tensei’s eye brow twitch a bit, making Scarlet became more pale than she already is now

“Did she now? With all the harsh training I had to make her do, she suddenly go up and die, what a pity, I should had kill her myself, firstly because she steals my last name for herself and now she is dead” he made a sever smile, specially for Scarlet to see

Scarlet is so horrified that she rarely talks, and she is starting to cold sweat heavily.

Aron turns to see her and got a bit worry, the poor woman looks like she is going to faint and had a heart attack at the same time, Tensei knows the reason behind her current situation.

“Anyway, I am not here to train the Black Dragon, I am here on a personal top secret mission, beside I am also here to send you to Blaze, so she can train you properly Golden Dragon” said Tensei

Aron grew panic, he knew that some day they will separate him from Scarlet, but he never thought that it will be way to soon for it. Tensei sees this and stood up, leaving them be, he decided to return later to see their decisions, he look at Scarlet for the last time, knowing what she must do, if he refuse.

Aron and Scarlet are alone in her living room, she suggested a cup of coffee before they started to talk, Aron remain quiet the hole time, wield she is making coffee, Scarlet is deadly worry about her mate, they haven’t even mark yet and they have to leave each other in order to accept their fate, besides she knows that both of them aren’t ready for that kind of commitment and bring a future for the next generations of Dragons.

“Aron, I thing you should go” said Scarlet

Aron stood up and turns around looking at her face

“Do you want me to leave? Do you want me to leave you alone?” ask Aron to her

Scarlet remain quiet looking at him

“No, but-” said Scarlet but was interrupted by Aron

“Then I won’t go! I can’t leave you!” Shouted Aron

“Aron, you have to go! For the safety of the people of New Glacier; your powers are out of control! If you try to rely in your emotions, your powers will bring destruction! And as far as we know, this enemy hasn’t stolen the Sun Stone yet, there is still time, before hell unravels!” shouted back Scarlet

“I can’t leave you, what if you get attack?! What if you get hurt?! What if you die?!” shouted Aron getting near her

“What if I get attack by your power?! What if I get hurt by your out of control rage?! What if I die by your hands?! Will you live to forgive yourself?!” shouted Scarlet on his face

She could fell her eyes changing color, she took a deep breath and close her eyes to prevent Aron to see the truth.

“Arg!” grunted Aron

Aron turns around and pace, trying to calm himself down. Both of them knew what is going to happen and they know that they don’t have much time to spend together.

Aron fast walk toward her and pick her up, kissing her lips, savoring her every scent she possessed, he kiss her chin and neck, making her a****e, he place her on the table, he wanted so bad to remove her shirt, but he remember that she doesn’t like that, so he pick up a piece of clothing and blindfolded himself, Scarlet watches as he cover his eyes, wondering what he is going to do.

After he secure his eyes are completely cover, he grabs her shirt and tear it open, making her more w*t than she already is. Aron kiss between the valley of her b****t, reaching her navel, riping her shorts off her legs with her u***********s, leaving her completely n**e for his hands to feel, he return on her neck and Scarlet’s finger nails grew a pit, she tear open his shirt leaving him bare from the waist up. Aron took the chance and i******d a finger on her fountain, Scarlet arch her back, crying for the p******e. She was ready, Aron removes his pants, reaching his thigh, and t****t himself inside Scarlet, making her m**n in e****y, he made his movements hard and deep, Scarlet is holding him for dear life.

“A-Aron” said Scarlet on his neck

Aron continue kissing her passionately and fierce, then he continue his assault on her neck leaving kiss marks on her neck, chest, stomach and navel, making sure that she is in his arms, making her unravel underneath him, they were both going crazy on the table, Scarlet even scratch the table with her nailed. Aron t****t even deeper, making Scarlet s****t on the spot, her pants on the table, but Aron wasn’t satisfied, he turns her around, half her body is lying on the table wield her legs are touching the floor and her a*s is in the air for him to touch. Aron positions himself and t****t again inside her c**t.

Scarlet never felt so complete like right now, Aron is covering every inch of her insides, she is losing her head, so much that her fangs and nails extended, her eyes turn vivid purple and with the cat line pupil, she even feels her wings on the verge of coming out of her back, a pain she isn’t accustom yet. Her body is shocking with electricity and her body is submitting to his will,

Aron is dominating her, like never before, he is marking her to let other know that she belongs to him and him alone. Scarlet s****t for the second time that night, and Aron couldn’t hold himself, he release himself, filling her up to the point that he made her s****t for the third time.

They both pant, Aron fell on top of Scarlet’s back feeling her sweet sweat on his skin, he wanted to take the blindfold off, but Scarlet reach to him, before he could take it off.

“N-No” said Scarlet between breaths

“Tell me Scarlet...Why can’t I take it off?” ask Aron between breaths

“I am not ready...and you aren’t ready to see the truth yet” said Scarlet

“Then tell me when I am going to be ready?” ask Aron

Scarlet remain quiet, then she try to move her heavy body, kissing him on the lips and caressing his face

“I am hoping sooner then you think” answer Scarlet honestly

Aron kiss her head and, he removes himself from her, she was so full of Aron’s seed, that when he removes himself from her, some of his s****s came out of her, he whisper on her ear that he is going to take a bath, he use his hands to guide him to the bathroom.

Aron reach the bathroom, close the door and removes his blindfold off, he sees his body, there were deep scratches on his back that sting every time he touches them, his eyes is the color of orange gold, meaning that he lost control of his emotions wield making love to Scarlet, a wild animal love making, he though, he hop on the shower and started the water running.

Scarlet on the other hand, left to her room and puts some cloths on, she grabs her phone and call her Master in the balcony where Aron can’t hear her conversation.

"You got a lot of explaining to do Kurohi? First of all, why my last name, those who can speak japaness might realize who you are?!” Said Tensei on the other line

“Can you scold me later, I want to talk about Aron’s training with Blaze, tell me did the enemy figure out where the Sun Stone is?” said Scarlet

Thensei remain quiet for a wield

As far as I know, they don’t even know where the Fire Sanctuary is yet, and if they do, Kurama Blaze, won’t even let them go near the place" said Tensei

“Ok, I need you to ready Blaze, because her student is going right now to her” said Scarlet as she hung up

Aron came out of the showers, he has sweatpants on and his shirt, he sees Scarlet in the living room, then he notice the table where they made their love making, the table is in a very poor conditions, there were scratches, their moistures were on the border and on the floor, he realize how wild they must had been.

When he sees her, her back on him, he got closer to her, worry that his animal instinct ruin her table, when he reach to her, Scarlet made a flash moved that hits him on the abdomen, Aron notice that Scarlet’s eyes are purple and there was a shocking current riding all over his body, he whisper her name and fell unconscious on the floor.

Scarlet had to put her emotions on the side and watch as her lover is on the floor, she then call out Shadow so he could create a black hole, sending him into a dark abyss, it hurt her and her tears were falling as he falls, but there was no other way.

Aron heard voices, they were talking about his condition, when he open his eyes, he jumps from the futon he was on, his abdomen were cover with bandages and they were foxes demons around him.

“I am glad that you had awaken Golden Dragon, we were worry for a second that you might had no awaken” said on of the foxes

“Where am I?” ask Aron

“You are in Mount Tarumae, home of the Sun Stone Sanctuary” answer another Fox

Aron’s eyes widen, he is in Japan! One thing he remembers is having a love making with Scarlet, the next thing he knows is that he is in Japan. Seconds later he heard a women’s voice screaming and shouting.

“This is not funny Tensei! You call me two hours ago that my student isn’t going to come and it will be difficult to separate him from his mate! Then 20 minutes later you tell me that, your Student is going to send him to me! What I didn’t expect is him coming out of nowhere and injured!” shouted the women on the other side of his door

There was a long pause that indicated that Tensei is answering her demands, Aron realize that Tensein must had send him unconscious to Japan, but then he mention a student, then the women sigh, giving up on the conversation, but then he heard what he never expected to hear.

“Fine then, as long as he helps me protect the stone, if the enemy get’s the stone, they will be going after that student of yours, after all the last remaining stone, is hidden inside the Black Dragon’s body, they will tear her, break her and maybe kill her to get that stone” said the women

Aron couldn’t believe what the women said, that the last stone is inside the Black Dragon, but if that is true, he figure out that Kurohi might still be alive all this time.

The women open the door and notice him awaken, she isn’t ashamed to hide her figure, the only thing that she is wearing is a long open side skirt with a belt around her waist, a leather light brown bra, with leather belts around her lower torso, she has a leather gloves on both arms, but on her left side she has a puffy white fur coat on her shoulder, her features is long red hair tie in a high pony tail and her eyes are red with a catlike pupil.

“Hey there Golden Dragon, I am your Master, the name is Kurama Blaze and I am a Nine Tail Fox, your training starts now, hot stuff, better be ready, I am going to train you like Tensei train his Student” grin Blaze at Aron

Blaze walk toward him and grabs him by the ear, pulling him to the training grounds, she didn’t explain to him, all she said to him was to figure a way to extinguish her flames.

After that brief explanation, she started to attack him, Aron dodge and counter attack, but he couldn’t find a way to extinguish her flame without using his, they spend hours and hours fighting, then night came to it, Aron is panting hard and tired, but Blaze continue to attack him, at this point Aron was to tired to keep fighting her so he kept on dodging her attacks.

“Is this the best you can hold?! Please, the Black Dragon can spend three days fighting without getting tired!” said Blaze

She manage to punch him on the face, he fell on the ground and once again unconsciousness took him over. He woke up again, in pain and his body aching, she stood up and walk toward the house, he saw her staring at the garden in front of her, he look at her direction, he notice that all the fire that she threw at him, didn’t harm the flowers, wield on his part some were badly damage.

“I know you are there” said Blaze

Aron came out of his hiding place and sat beside her

“I don’t get it, your flames didn’t hurt the flowers, but mine, make it toast and burn to the ground” said Aron

“Fire is a very dangerous power, it can easily hurt some one you love, like that mate of yours” said Blaze

Aron widen his eyes and look at her, Blaze smile at him

“I can smell her scent on your body. I heard from other foxes demons that trying to carry her out of the frozen elevator, you burn her skin and she rejects your touch, in that moment, you don’t have control over your temperature body in your semi-dragon state” said Blaze

“Semi-Dragon State?” ask Aron

“Is when the soul of the tamer and it’s Dragon are deeply connected, making the human body into a human Dragon transformation, the only one that I know that manage to do so is Tensei’s student, however, the transformation will bring the animal side of that human and can’t distinguish who is friend and who is foe, she manage to hurt Tensei in one of her training. Enough of the Black Dragon, we better concentrate on your skills, you have very good dodging reflex and very good counter attacks, but you are letting your mind take over you and not your surroundings, like I said before, fire is a dangerous powers, there fore it can burns someone you love easily, but if you manage to control it, you might learn to protect instead of burning that special someone” said Blaze

“I quite don’t get it yet” said Aron

“Is simple, my clueless student, think of the person you want to protect and cherish a lot, think a way that your flame might protect her and not burn her. Well then shall we resume our training, is going to be hard and we might spend some days whitout sleep, eat and rest, are you up to the test” ask Blaze

Aron stood up and nods his head, they resume their training, this time, Aron is watching his master’s movements and dodging them, after Blaze got him in a corner, he use his flames to hit her on the abdomen, she manage to dodge his attack, but secretly she is smiling, he is starting to understand his powers and that is a good way to train him.

Back at New Glacier, Scarlet is training with Tensei on her secret area, preparing her for the upcoming war, Tensei also is making himself a bit stronger if he is going to help defeat the Dark Sorcerer, wield they are training Nicolas is on a side, locating the Sorceress of Light, a winning key to the upcoming war. they are training none stop. Is been two weeks that she send Aron to Japan and hoping that he is taking his training serious, they stop for a minute to take a break.

“There is nothing for me to teach you Scarlet, you are even more powerful than me” said Tensei

“But power isn’t going to stop the Dark Sorcerer to take over me” said Scarlet

“That might be true, that is why we are having your friend here searching wield we are training” said Tensei

“Any luck?” said Scarlet to Nicolas

“I manage to pin point the Sorceress Location, but is going to take a wield longer before we get an exact location on her” said Nicolas

Then an earthquake made them lose their balance, the ground shake stronger and then a dark shadow came out of a crack that the earth created, Scarlet grabs Nicolas and Tensei jumps out of the ground to the upper part of a train cart, then a dark demon came out with a Black Stallion. Tensie and Scarlet got into positions of fight.

“Well, what have we here, the great Raven is here, and look what he has on his side, none other than the Black Dragon” said the Demon

Scarlet grunt at them

“What make you thing that I am the Black Dragon?” ask Scarlet

The stallion turn into a Woman, she laughs

“We had been watching you Scarlet Hope Walker” said the woman

Tensei Stood his battle stand

“Who are you?” ask Tensei

“Where are my manners, I am the Demon King, Dival Bloodstein and this is the Elf Queen, Star Stallion, we are followers of the Black Sorcerer, Victor of the Provence, son of the former Black Sorcerer Shaun of the Provence, we had come her to kidnap you, Black Dragon” said Dival holding his hand to her

Scarlet glare at the man, she refuse to be taken away

“Thanks, but no thanks, I rather die than been on the hands of the likes of you!” said Scarlet

Dival sighs

“So be it” as he attacks Scarlet

Scarlet counter attack with one of her electric ray, he fell on the ground, then stood up, he grin at her, Scarlet fell to the ground and they attack each other.

Tensei took Star, they attack and dodge every single attack the other made.

Nicolas continue to search for the Sorceress, hidden under the train cart.

Scarlet got kick and she was launch toward another train cart, she got even angrier, she grabs the cart and use it as a bat to hurt him, it was his turn to be launch toward a three, he growl at her as she did the same at him, they fought most of the day.

Later on, members of the SCIS, that they heard the commotion, rush toward the area, they are surprise to see Scarlet fighting a demon, she punch him so hard that she send him deeper on the ground, the demon cough blood.

The Captain of the SCIS army squad recognize Scarlet, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing

“Scarlet?” said the man at her

Scarlet recognize this man’s voice, she raise her head to stare directly another pair of green eyes just like her little Brother Alexander

“Big Brother?!” said Scarlet surprise

That same moment Dival injected a sedation on her shoulder, Scarlet grunt in pain and pull away from him, she was feeling weird, but still conscious, then she once again attack at Dival, he dodge her attacks seeing that she is moving slower than before, he took another sedation and injected on her back, she once again grunt in pain, she was felling weak and woozy, but she was still able to stand and fight.

Dival smirk at her, Scarlet was panting. Tensei sees this and try to rush to her aid, but then Star knock him unconscious, she gives the thumps up, Dival took the change to attack her again, this time she holds both his hands, the were making a tug war at each other.

Star took that chance and inject her with the third sedation on her ribs, Scarlet grunts one final time before she fell to the ground, unconscious.

The man sees this and aims his gun at them, but he couldn’t shoot, because Dival pick Scarlet’s unconscious body and throw her on his shoulder, Star kick Tensei’s unconscious body toward the SCIS army, they both disappear into the dark abyss, taking Scarlet with them.

“Damn, what the hells going on?” said the man

“Captain, the SCIS agency Captain has call for the report” said one of the soldiers

“This is Captain Edward Walker speaking, Captain Luther, you wouldn’t believe what I just saw, but I must ask, did you know that my sister could fight like a demon?” said Edward

Is been weeks since he started to train with Blaze, he is learning to control his powers faster than she can imagine, although there is a lot of more training to do and help him reach the Black Dragon’s level of power.

There days that Aron could fight all day without a sweat, some other day he meditates to earn his Dragon control, every time he does mediated, the Golden Dragon Oro, appeared and just like the other he shows his past with the stone, he realize that Oro’s tamer looks exactly like him, his meditation was interrupted by a massive quake that the earth made.

Aron look around and sees the foxes getting ready to battle, he jumps from his meditation area and reach Blaze, wield she is shouting commands to her subordinates. They were all getting ready to attack, when the two shadows emerge from a dark abyss, Dival and Star sees that they were expecting them, until Star located Aron, she smile and lick her lips, she was very turn on, by just the look of the handsome Golden Dragon.

“It was about time you show your ugly faces, Monsters” said Blaze

“Why thank you Miss Kurama, I am very please to finally show my face, but knowing that we are here with you and the Golden Dragon, we couldn’t just try and steal the Sun Stone, at least not this time” said Dival

“So we brought a bit of Back up for this occasion” said Star giggling

She open the portal of the abyss and a body fell on the ground, the body grunted, she try to get up and growl at them, but it couldn’t.

Aron couldn’t understand about this back up, until a very familiar scent reach his nostrils, a scent he can’t never erase from his mind and soul. He growl so loud that made the earth shake, Blaze didn’t understand his sudden behavior.

Dival grabs a fist full of the women’s hair, revealing a very weak and very hurt Scarlet

“Isn’t she a beauty” said Dival grinning at Aron

Scarlet hold his arm and try to break it, Dival made a small grunting sound and signal Star to sedate her, Scarlet had too much sedation on her body that she is fighting to keep herself sane for the time been, when Star inject her, she grunt in pain and fell back to the ground when Dival let her go.

“Feisty too, I am here to make a deal Golden Dragon, the Stone for the Woman, if you do not deliver, then I guess will keep her and play with her a bit, don’t you think?” said Dival

Aron doesn’t know what to do, he has to protect the stone, but he has a mate to protect as well, he then heard Scarlet’s voice

“Don’t...” but Dival hits her abdomen so hard that she cough blood, Aron couldn’t stand this

“Let them pass” said Aron grunting

“Aron you can’t let them have the stone, if they do, they will win” said Blaze knowing who they are holding

“Please, I can’t lose her” said Aron unaware of her powers

Blaze look at Scarlet, she knows who she is and why she is like this, she could see all the injections punctual marks all over her neck and arms, she knows that they been sedating her, hard, getting her weak, Blaze was about to speak, but that was what Dival was waiting, Star created a huge power pulse, pushing every last fox warrior away from them, leaving Blaze and Aron, what they didn’t realize is that Dival manage to pass them Grab the Stone and return to Star side, picking Scarlet on the ground and walking toward the abyss.

Aron rush toward them, getting near the closing abyss, before it close, Aron saw Scarlet’s eyes, her bright Purple eyes with a catlike pupil, that made him stop in his track, believing that the enemy is transforming Scarlet into a monster.

Blaze’s phone ring, she pick up the call, after a few minutes she turns to Aron, with sad expression, ready to deliver the news.

“Tensei call, he said that he call the other Dragons and we are to return to New Glacier, and get ready for war” said Blaze

Aron couldn’t erase Scarlet’s eyes at his mind, but he turn to Blaze with new purpose, to save her and protect her like never before

“Let’s go, there are a lot of explaining to do” said Aron

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