Spiritual knight

Chapter Case 11: Return of the Silver Dragon

High in the Mountains, where the cold is unbearable, lies the ice demons, within them lives one of the great demons, know as the Silver Vampire, Vlamid Roman, a very powerful Vampire King among the Vampires.

His right hand man, came to his office with a worry looking face, he stood in front of his desk, trying to find the words to discuses the new he just find out about the sanctuary of the high snowy peak mountains of New Glacier.

Taking a deep breath he spoke with calm and without shuddering

“Greetings sir, I had brought some disturbing news” said his right hand man

Vlamid raise his head, looking at his right hand man

“Please don’t tell me that the snow has block our merchandise routes again, man, this is getting old, Yuuki” he sigh

Yuuki shake his head

“I’m afraid that is something worst than our merchandise route, it seams that some demons try to enter the Ice Sanctuary recently, some of our guards put a stop to it, but their numbers are increasing, I am afraid that sooner than later are going to snitch the Ice Stone from the sanctuary” informed Yuuki

Vlamid grit his teeth, he never thought of someone to steal the Ice Stone, then Yuuki inform him about another bad news.

“Further more, we recive news that one of our associate of our newest product had been murder, they found his body, the SCIS is on their way here as we speak” inform Yuuki

Vlamid stood up from his chair and look at the window, he heard so many things about the SCIS top agents, the Knight team, base on the great Three legendary Dragons, he knows that hearing things, isn’t the same as watching them in action, so he walk toward the door, he grabs his coat and head toward the crime scene.

The SCIS were in the crime scene, Nicolas is taking picture of the body, wield Scarlet is taking samples from the body, she is shivering and is not brining very fond memories, last than a month ago she was in the hospital due to hypothermia and barely survive a knife in the abdominal area, she aint dying yet.

Aron and Titania are questioning the people that found the guy, once they finish questioning the witness that found the body.

Titania started to scout the area of the crime, wield Aron started to look at Scarlet and Dr. Stellar in action, he kneel down.

“Talk to me you two” said Aron

“Is fascinating, this poor demon was brutally murder, there are punctual trauma on his thorax and skull, can’t be certain that he die by hemorrhagic shock or hypothermia, but I can tell you that he die, between 10 pm to 1 am, I need to bring him to the agency for more information” said Dr. Stellar

“The thing is, his fingers are way to cold to run a finger print scan, it will take hours before we can give you an ID, not to mention that dental record is going to be a pain as well. There is also more, this wound is made by hand, that could mean that another demon did this, my guess is that we are dealing with a large claw, strong and wistand the cold kind of demon, a mountain cat demon, an ice demon or even a vampire, who knows, I have to compare the markings to see what kind of demon did this” finish Scarlet shivering

Titania kneels beside Scarlet, to help her collect the evidence, Scarlet notice that Tatiana isn’t been herself lately, so she grabs her shoulder

“You ok there Titania?” ask Scarlet

“I am fine” answer Titania raising up from her side

Scarlet pick up a crunching sound, with her dragon hearing senses, and her scent of smell she could pick up a powerful demon approaching.

The crowed behind then became silent, when a demon, tall like 6′2, well built, gracefully and his skin color pale as a ghost, his red cat like eyes stare at them with interest, his black shoulder long hair tie behind his back stand out and his calm aura that could be danger to those that opposed him, this guy could scream Vampire in a mile away.

Scarlet’s senses are screaming to be on defense. Aron could sense the same thing Scarlet could sense, but his poster is screaming offence, in order to protect Scarlet he had to be the upper hand. The man came close to the crime scene tape, he look around and saw the team there, his eyes were on Aron and Titania, then he gaze at Scarlet and Dr. Stellar, finally he look at Nicolas.

“So this is the great Knights Team, I am impress” said the man

Aron stood tall and proud “Who are you?”

Scarlet stood up from her crouching position

“You are the Silver Vampire, King of all Vampires, Vlamid Roman, and you are his right hand man, the Ice demon Noble, Yuuki White” said Scarlet looking at them

She remember when she was training with Tensei, that he lecture her about the great Four demons, she already meat the White Wolf, and now she is meeting with the Silver Vampire, Tensei also told her about the Former Dragons and their tamer to hide some special Stones, but he never told her what was the purpose of those stones.

Vlamid smirk at Scarlet, he never thought that a human could recognize him and his right hand man.

“I am guessing that you are the brain of the team, Miss?” ask Vlamid

Scarlet was about to answer him until Aron interrupted her

“Miss Kingston, Scarlet Kingston” glare Aron at Vlamid

Scarlet step on his foot, hard that Aron crinch in pain, she might had use a bit of her inhuman strength on him

“You stupid, idiot, golden lizard!” whisper yell Scarlet at him

She stood calm again in front of Vlamid

“My apologize, he can be a little possessive over me; my name is Scarlet Walker, I am the chief Forensic of the SCIS Knights Team, this idiot Lizard is my boyfriend, The Golden Dragon, Aron Kingston, I am very honor for your presence, but may I ask, Why is the Royal vampire doing in a place like this?” ask Scarlet

“The answer is simple, that man lying on the floor is an associate of mine, his name is Baron Harper, we were discussing new products of freshly deliver of donors blood to the other blood bank to maintain our nutrients fresh and secure, but we never made the deal that was suppose to be two days ago” answer Vlamid

Titania join the conversation, she hasn’t realize about Vlamid’s presence

“There are disturbance on the snow and I can sense different smells, that could mean that whoever is doing this is either stupid or smart, he or she is masking its scent with the other group” said Titania

Scarlet look at the victim and then back at Titania

“I am just guessing here, but I believe that we are dealing with a male demon, that kind of claw marks could mean a male, females are a tab bit smaller than males” finish Scarlet

Vlamid stare at Titania, he sees her top to bottom, Titania turn to see the Vampire and stare back at him

“Can I help you?” ask Titania

Vlamid look around he notice that there are two Dragons on his territory

” I can’t help wondering, but isn’t the SCIS best is equipped with Three Legendary Dragons, and yet I sense Two” wonder Vlamid

Aron sighs

“Our Third Dragon is currently on training with the White Wolf, due to some stolen object from a sanctuary in the California Forest” said Aron

Vlamid’s eyes widen, by hearing this from the Golden Dragon he realize that the Earth sanctuary’s Stone must had ben stolen and restore by the Bronze Dragon, therefore he must had the impression that the stone can be stolen and the Silver Dragon can restore it, but he knows the consequence of the stone been stolen and that is something that can not be happen.

He invited the Dragons and their team to his house, that they can continue their investigation there and not out in the cold.

They agree and thank him for the hospitality, they enter to the car and headed to his mansion.

Once they arrived, he order one of his maids to rearrange two guess rooms, one for the boys and one for the girls.

Aron wasn’t very fond of the idea, but he has to remember that he is working right now and there is no time for i******y.

They started their investigation on the living room and asking questions to Yuuki and Vlamid.

Later that night Scarlet is drowning her seventh cup of coffee, and continue her work, Nicolas is doing the same only he had four cup of coffee,

Aron is typing his report of the day and getting ready for a cold shower since he can’t have Scarlet for the night, not to mention that Valentines day is almost here, so he was planning to finish with this investigation and take her out on a date.

Titania is on the balcony, taking a breather, she can’t stand being in the same room with the Forensic when they are reaching their personality limit, she chuckle at the memories, Vlamid enter the balcony scaring her a bit.

“I thought that Dragons are suppose to be alerted at all times, I heard that their senses are mostly sharper than any other demon” said Vlamid

“Apparently, my senses are a bit dull” said Titania smiling

“You chuckle a bit, had you remember something funny?” ask Vlamid

Titania chuckle again

“You heard that? I was just remembering the time when I was still meeting with the Forensic team, you see Scarlet is a strong, stubborn and serious kind of women, something that attracts Aron, and Nicolas is a charming, positive and pacific kind of guy, that is why Monica, his wife loves about him, anyways, we were dealing this case and the two of them were two nights over working for the case that they didn’t sleep, the day that Otto and I brought coffee for them, they kind of swap personalities, that is was weird, but funny at the same time, to think that we became a very close team, is no wonder I feel a little back out” said Tatiana

“What do you mean about back out?” ask Vlamid

“Scarlet is a 24 year old woman, and she is the chief Forensic, Nicolas is her assistant, but they work as one, they are in the top of their game all the time. Aron and Otto are evolving in becoming the greatest Dragons, their powers are growing faster than before, as for me, my senses are dull and I am just way back from them” Titania sigh putting herself down

Vlamid stare at the sky and thought for a minute

“The reason that you are feeling way behind my dear is that you lack a sense of Pride, I see that she is the Golden Dragon’s mate, that women has a bigger pride than her boyfriends ego, and maybe that is why she is great in thing, but you lack that sense of Pride, you see on the others accomplishment and not on your own. Let me tell you something, when your friend told me that Nelson is training the Bronze Dragon, it got me thinking and he confirm it” said Vlamid

Titania shows a confusing expression to Vlamid, he chuckles a bit and looks at her seriously

“There is an Ice Sanctuary not to far from here, my soldiers are guarding it, in case that some other demons think of entering to steal the Ice Stone, but your friend told me the Earth Stone was taken and the Bronze Dragon restore the peace of the sanctuary, what did your friend doesn’t know is that the stones has a purpose, I do not know that purpose, but I know that there are 4 stones, the Earth Stone. the Ice Stone, the Fire Stone and the Dark Stone, each of this stones were guarded by the legendary Dragons and their tamers, but since they pass away, the great four demons had been protecting it for years, the thing is that something is going to happen if the stones are taken away and reunited” explain Vlamid

“That is awful, I want to help” said Titania

Vlamid explain to her that he can train her to become the next to create a new stone and protect the one in the sanctuary.

They both enter to the living room to see Aron behind Scarlet sleeping on her back wield she is typing like there is no tomorrow, Nicolas is snoring on the couch in front of them.

Vlamis is surprise of this women’s stamina,

Titania help Nicolas to his room and Vlamid help Aron to his room, leaving a focused Scarlet type until she gets tired.

Vlamid told Titania to meet him on the backyard the next day, she agree, he retire to his room, Titania knows that she is doing the right thing if she wants to get stronger, she went back to the living room, she didn’t find Scarlet there, but she could smell brew coffee, she follow it to the kitchen were she found her.

Scarlet was making coffee, Titania came closer to her, she could see the dark circles under her eyes coming out.

“This is going to be a nighter” said Scarlet knowing that Titania is there

“Well you work until you reach your limit and not even Aron can stop you” said Titania smiling

Scarlet chuckle

“You are right, but is better that way, we might finish this case faster and the faster we finish the faster we can get the hell out of here” said Scarlet

“You don’t like the cold?” ask Titania

“Is not that I don’t like it, I mean last month I barely die of hypothermia, the next thing I know we have a case up in the cold mountains” said Scarlet pouring her eight cup of the night

Scarlet stare at Titania, she just lower her head looking at the floor, Scarlet understood the meaning of it, she has been there once too.

“I am guessing you are going to start training with Vlamid” said Scarlet

“How did you?” ask Titania

“Is obviously, the Stones are been targeted since Otto’s case and now the Ice Stone is been targeted, meaning that the Silver Dragon’s training is going to start soon. Don’t worry about us, we can take care of our self, you just have to worry in getting stronger, it might be useful in the near future” said Scarlet

“You are talking like something big is going to happen” said Titania

“Something big IS coming Titania, ever since the Earth Stone had been taken I had this bad feeling for quite something, I didn’t wanted to worry Aron about it, but is not safe to say that this stones are connected to something big” explain Scarlet her theory

There was a small silence until Titania spoke

“Um, Scarlet, may I ask why are you so prideful? What made you be so proud of yourself?” ask Titania

Scarlet remain silent for a moment

Scarlet knows that she can’t tell Titania that the reason of her pride ego is because of the Dark Dragon and the small trap of Ileana, that made her to be so independent and strong, so she decided to tell a small white lie to her.

“When I was in the University, Aron and I seal the deal that time, we were dating for almost a year, I was so dependent for him that I didn’t wanted to let him go, it made me so happy and cheerful, but when that trap of Ileana happen, I was so angry and so heartbroken, that I wanted to murder her so badly. That same time, I ask for my parents to accept the deal of my scholarship in Japan, where I study like crazy and become Independent to the world, but my anger toward Aron and Ileana was greater that I didn’t let anyone near my heart again, I became more prideful and keeping my head held high, because no one is going to change who am I and what I am, the best thing about yourself is yourself, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise” said Scarlet with a smile at her face

Titania felt her resolve break, Scarlet was right about her, she was letting everyone talk about her and didn’t care what she though of herself, she smile back at Scarlet and let her returned to her work.

The next morning, Vlamid sees the change in Titania’s eyes wield she is waiting on the bottom of the stairs, he notice that Aron and Nicolas are having breakfast.

When he turn his head to the living room he saw Scarlet still on the computer and with 12 cups of coffee on the table, he can’t figure out that so much caffeine that human body can stand.

He took Titania on the back of the backyard and started to train her, they spend hours and hours under the cold and snow, Titania kept on mid what Scarlet told her last night. It was already evening, the maid has call Vlamid and Titania for dinner, Titania is getting better, but her process is way to slow, and Vlaid doesn’t have the time for slow process.

Enetring the house, the two notice that Scarlet isn’t in the living room.

“Where is Miss Walker?” ask Vlamid

“Scarlet is currently sleeping in her room. She made quite a process here, the demon that murder your associate is an Ice demon, he created ice claws to look like it was another demon, but one of the Ice shards were found and melted, but the minerals of the ice still remain detected, it looks like, there was a gang that hurt him first, but that was in the bar he was in, on his way back at the hotel he turn the wrong way, where the demon took the chance and murder him, the question is why?” finish Nicolas explaining the report

“I am still confuse how did Scarlet is sleeping on the middle of her report?” ask Titania

“That is simple, wield she is focusing on her work, I slip some sleeping pills on her 16th cup of coffee, she is sleeping like a baby in her room” said Aron

They were both impress and scare at the same time, they finish the dinner and head to bed.

Titania enter her room to see a sleeping Scarlet is sleeping peacefully, she notice how much she change, her short hair is longer, almost to her lower shoulders, she looks even beautiful without her glasses and her hair down, she started to mumble some words.

“Mmm, No...Kill...Bond...Shadow...save...me” Scarlet was mumbling

Titania is in shock, she doesn’t know who this «Shadow» is, but that Scarlet need someone to save her, now that is worry some, Titania remember what she told her that something big is coming and she hasn’t even told Aron about it.

Titania lay down on her bed and close her eyes, sleeping taking her.

Titania is standing on a Ice lake, she is looking around, then the image change into a ice colum area, there she notice a Silver scale Dragon and beside her there is a woman, she notice that her image is white hair and crystal grey eyes, the Dragon and the women were walking side by side and on her chest there is a crystal stone on her.

"Silvia I fear that he might returned and that we might not be there to stop him” said the woman on the Dragon side

“Do not need for fear Milagros, we are going to leave a descendant life to take responsibility of our duty, beside if something ever to happen to the Stone we can create new one, but we can not stop the demons that might take the one we just create to seal him away, and Knowing my big brother the Black Dragon he hid his stone in a place where no one can reach, let’s just hope that no one finds it, he will be the last stone to find, for he is the master of the Dark” said the Dragon

Titania open her eyes to see that she is on her bed and Scarlet is starting to move, she saw how Scarlet sat down on her bed stretching herself, she open her eyes and rub one of them, Titania notice how different Scarlet looks without her glasses. Scarlet scan the room around her, she sees that Titania is in the room, so she pretended to look for her glasses and puts them on.

“Hi Titania” said Scarlet with a grin on her face

Titania had a very bad feeling just by looking at her “Morning Scarlet”

“Tell me, who was the bastard that drug me last night?” Her face was calm, but Titania knows better, that she is in a very bad, bad mood

She told Scarlet what Aron did to her, Scarlet didn’t wait long, she left the room and heard when she open the door to Aron’s room, she heard him grunting and pancaking for his life.

They all had breakfast, Vlamid grab Titania and drag her to the backyard again, this time her was tougher than before, she fell, was punch and brutally hurt by him, Vlamid didn’t hold back he use his speed and strength to provoke her.

Aron was about to help her, but Scarlet stop him.

“He is hurting her” said Aron gritting his teeth

“True, but if Titania doesn’t know when to stop depending on his partners, how she is going to defend for herself?” said Scarlet

Titania was starting to get really piss off, then memories of her in the beginning of her agency with SCIS, Aron, Otto, Scarlet and Nicolas, made her realize that she lost confident on herself by watching the others work their a***s off, Nicolas and Scarlet with their endless nights at work, Aron and Otto evolving, she was starting to get angrier and angrier, when Vlamid was about to crush her again, Titania gain a lot more anger and courage.

“Enough!” she screams and Ice spikes came out of the ground she created

Vlamid back off and smirk, Titania stood up and continue to use Ice spikes from the ground then she cover both her arms with Ice claws that look more like Dragon Ice Claws, that is when Scarlet realize something, she ran to the house and look for Yuuki.

Scarlet found Yuuki in Vlamid’s office.

“Ah, Miss Walker, what can I do for you?” ask Yuuki

“I need questions with answer, Mister Snow, Who are the people that knows about the Ice Stone locations?” ask Scarlet with Aron behind her tail

Yuuki though for a minute

“Well, beside Vlamid and I, there is four soldiers that know about it, since they are the one guarding it” answer Yuuki

“Are any of this soldiers an Ice demon?” ask Aron

“Yes, I believe his name is Christ Frost, why?” said Yuuki

“Where is Christ now?” ask Aron and Scarlet

“He must be in the guarding post of the Sanctuary” said Yuuki

Scarlet and Aron ran toward the exit, they grab their coats and enter the car where Aron drove toward the sanctuary, once they arrived they saw one guard, Scarlet and Aron fast walk toward the guard.

“Hold it you can’t enter here!” said the guard loud and clear

“Are you Christ Frost?” ask Scarlet

“No, I am Liam Stone, that bastard Frost left me doing the guard alone” said the guard

“Liam, when was the last time you saw Frost?” ask Aron

“Last night, we were at bar and then we parted ways” said Liam

“Where does Frost live?” said Scarlet

“Three blocks from the bar” said Liam confuse

Scarlet and Aron fast walk back to the car

Aron drove above the speed limit to reach the house, they were discussing the realization inside the car, Scarlet realize that the only being to get near the stone must be by the same element, the reason that Aron can’t get inside is because he isn’t compatible to the stone, same goes fro Scarlet and Otto, that the only one is Titania, Vlamid, Yuuki and the four soldiers, Scarlet thinks that if the stone was ever stolen that would mean that the stone is already been taken away and that the only one could be a small swipe of demons, that the soldier that could had been swapping is Christ Frost and the intruder, witch could mean that the intruder is most likely an Ice demon and he hid his scent by using a soldier clothing.

They arrived at Christ’s house, Aron open the door and Scarlet was right, there in the living room lies the body of Christ, Scarlet check on him and Aron made a call to Nicolas knowing that Titania is quite busy at the moment. Aron explain to Nicolas what they realize and Scarlet sigh of relive to see that Christ is alive.

Nicolas recive the new from Aron and ran toward Titania and Vlamid, Yuuki was walking toward them to ask Vlamid for some signatures. Nicolas is panting hard and trying to speak at the same time, Vlamid try to calm him down and Yuuki gave a towel to Titania

“Calm down Sir Nicolas or your going to faint” said Vlamid

Nicolas took a large deep breath

“One of your guards by the name of Christ Frost was found lying on the floor of his house, he is alright and alive, but some ice demon swap places with him, we believe that the Ice stone is already taken from the Sanctuary” explain Nicolas in one breath

They ran toward the sanctuary to find Liam still standing there alone “Liam, did Christ came by here?” ask Vlamid

“Yes sir, this morning, he was acting weird, I told him that was going to take a leak and left my post for a minute, when I return he was long gone” explain Liam

Vlamid, Yuuki and Titania enter the sanctuary, Titania notice that the place was familiar, just like in her dream, then she heard someone punching a column, there stood Vlamid angry and Yuuki feeling anxious, Titania notice that the place where a suppose Stone should be lying there is empty. then she heard a whisper saying to mediated, she sat down in front of the empty display and started to mediated. She felt her soul drifting into an icy lake, but she was under the water, there a sudden movement happen behind her, she turns, but nothing was behind her, then she turns away and there right in front of her she sees the same Dragon from her dreams.

"Greetings young Dragon, by the look of your face I can see that you know Who I am" said Silvia

Titania nod at her

Silvia chuckles

My dear you can breath down here" mention Silvia

Titania took a breather and she was right about the breathing.

“Silvia, I heard your call, please tell me, what I must do to return the stone back?” Said Titania

Silvia stare at her

By the look of your face, you are ready to receive my power, but first you must tame your own dragon, just like the Bronze and the Black dragon they had tame their own dragons, and they created a new stone, with the new stone, the one that was created by my tamer and I will weaken, but it will take time, all you have to do is create your dragon and then tame it, like Valentina did with the Black Dragon, once that is done, you will return back and receive the new stone" explain Silvia

Titania had no idea in how to create a Dragon, but she close her eyes and imagine what her dragon would look like, then she spread her arms out, she created a giant crystal under the icy lake, she gave it a shape and in the end created her perfect dragon.

When she open her eyes, she got closer to her dragon crystal and touch her, the crystal dragon broke and a live ice dragon was born, Titania was happy and so her new partner, she name it Icy.

Titania open her eyes and behind her stood Icy, she stood up to see Icy and the new Ice Stone on her hand. Vlamid and Yuuki were surprise that she manage to restore the stone faster than Nelson and the other wolf’s. They came out of the sanctuary to be greeted by Aron, Scarlet and Nicolas.

“I am guessing that things are in order?” said Nicolas

Titania smile at them

“Yes everything is at order” said Titania, then she look at Aron

“I know that New Glacier needs their Dragons, but I am hoping to stay an keep my training with Vlamid” ask Titania

Vlamid holds her hand and gives a small kiss behind it

“I wouldn’t mind the company of a beautiful lady with a broken heart, besides her training just started” said Vlamid

The trio gasp and widen their eyes, Titania nods her head confirming Vlamids words, she had broke up with her boyfriend a month ago and she put herself down because of it, but thanks to Scarlet and the rest of the team she gain that lost confident.

It took a wield to convince Aron about Titania’s decision, but they left the mountains without Titania.

A few days later, Aron made that date successful, he took Scarlet on a restaurant, a cold night walk and they even went to the coast for a night watch.

They arrived at Scarlet’s apartment, Aron lean himself on her back and start kissing her neck, then her shoulder.

“Aron” shiver Scarlet by the sensations

Aron push her inside turning her on the process and passionately kiss her, they stumble until they reach the couch of her living room.

“I can’t wait anymore, do you have any idea how much I had to endure, keeping myself at bay to not jump you and have my way with you” said Aron kissing her everywhere

He couldn’t wait any longer, his hands raise a bit of her dress, he removes her undergarments, he position himself between her thighs and savor her flavor.

Scarlet made a small cry of pleasure, Aron is devouring her like she was the last drop of water of the desert, Scarlet’s cry had gotten louder.

Aron removed himself between her legs and took his shirt off, takes his buckle off and unzip his pants, without wait he connected with Scarlet.

Both of them tangle on the couch, crying in pleasure, their movements became desperate, faster and harder. Hours of intercourse they came together in a mess and ecstasy, Aron fell on top of Scarlet panting and still connected to her body, still dress they spoke how much they love each other, but Scarlet knows that this passionate love making and closeness, won’t last forever, because knowing that sooner than later they will take Aron away from her and she will be truly alone to fight this war.

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