Chapter sorry 51

Chapter 51. Accepting the Concept of a New Daddy‘

Briana POV

The triplets were speechless, but it was Noah’s reaction that actually had me flummoxed.

His mouth parted, and his jaw hung open in shock.

“Briana.” He mumbled under his breath.

We stared at each other, I don’t know what made me blurt it out like that.

I had planned on doing it after this day. When the children got to know him a little, but seeing how overwhelmed Noah looked when the triplets sounded unsure about spending the day with him, I had to do something.

In order to allay the children’s apprehension, I told them the truth. It was just that I had not counted on the revelation to backfire on us.

“Oh shoot! So, you are the daddy that makes our mommy cry?” It was Riley again, getting riled up.

“Yeah. You hurt our mommy big time, mister! You are going to pay for it.” Brixx pulled at the sleeves of his shirt and curled his fingers to make his hand into fists.

If it had been any other situation, I would have laughed at the cute way he was. preparing himself for a fight.

My little man. So small, and yet so fierce.

Noah and I looked at them dumbfounded.

“Bros, Daddy M said that we had to be nice to our daddy when we met him. He is our father.” Mason sang a different tune from his brothers.

I’d like to hug Marcus for impressing that thought to the children.

He could have stayed silent and let the children process everything themselves. But because he loves Riley, Brixx, and Mason so much, he does not want them to harbor hate, especially for their father.

“Bro, he hurt mommy!” Riley protested.

“Riley,” I warned.

Riley straightened up after hearing the warring in my tone, but he was still throwing dagger looks at Noah.

Noah dropped to his knees to face Riley. Brixx and Mason stood behind their brother

I bit my lip at their show of support. Even when they have conflicting views on things, they stand by each other no matter what.

I saw Noah swallowed, making his Adam’s apple show.

I am sure he did not expect how tight the triplets‘ bond is.

“I know it’s late, but I wanted to apologize for hurting your mommy, it’s all my fault.” Noah solemnly said before he looked up, and our eyes met and held.

I did not know what I was going to feel at the time. The remorse in his eyes- how he readily admitted to his fault – got to me big time.

1 cleared my throat.

“We better get going,” I told the four of them after looking pointedly at my wristwatch.

But Noah ignored my reminder. He looked each of the three boys in the eye and asked for their forgiveness.

“Daddy is sorry for hurting the three of you most. I love you. I want to make things right if you will let me.” He rasped.

Noah swallowed while he subjected himself to our children’s scrutiny.

He did not back down. He did not force the three to accept him. He waited.

“Can you give your daddy a chance to be with you?” He asked them.

I could tell that it took him a lot of effort to say what he said to the children, and I appreciate that he was trying to talk to the triplets like little men that they are – without frills and fanfare.

The triplets huddled together. They were whispering among themselves.

It took them some time, but Noah and I did not try to hurry them up.

We patiently waited until they finished talking, and they faced Noah and me.

“Okay. If you said you love us. It can’t hurt to have another daddy.” Riley commented.

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Back then, it was thrilling to see changes in his attitude toward me every day. Isan admiration, and I basked in it

shook my head to dispel these unwanted memoer

I can’t afford to be swayed again by this sarte men. He loves another have to remind myself of that

“Mommy, let’s go.” Mason nudged me it was what brought me back to my senses Tlocked at everyone, and they were all gawing back a me

Where have you gone off to, Mom, Timbuni

It was often a running joke with my brothers and me when they talked about the hardships they faced trying to locate me and convince me to reunite with them.

I shook my head and rubbed their heads one by one.

“Let’s go, daddy” Mason took his father’s hand while Baxx took his other hand Only Riley took my hand and clung to me.

I could feel that my firstoom still needed to warm up to his father, but at least the two, Macon and Broox, were open about accepting him.

The stunned look on Nest’s face had me smiling wistfully and wishing on things that

weren’t there

“Let’s go “I choked back a sob and started to walk out of the house.

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