Chapter CHAPTER 4

Ben was moved to another facility after all investigations, examinations results were good, on instructions from the governors,

The governors were in charge of the planet,

Mars back four hundred years ago was just a distant planet to be looked at and thought about,

The ozone protective dome protecting earth started to decay, harmful rays from the sun came through, people on earth started to get more cancers and more,

Heads of states of all the earths countries came together for a meeting and they met.

Agreements were made to work as fast as they could together to build space stations close to the moon, out of the worlds atmosphere, it was time to slowly evacuate the planet.

As was expected some didn’t agree and big complications arose with disastrous effects on all countries,

Another world war happened, nuclear weapons were not used, land and air warfare took place and tore the earth apart, this all happened a good one hundred years after ben had gone into his hibernation,

There was space stations up and running, hundreds of thousands of citizens were taken to them, Earth was in a panic, the stations orbiting earth were in place however law and order on earth was broken.

The space stations were effected for a while but quickly sorted out, earth however was not and in a right mess, there was an element of police and military down there but corruption had taken over,

Years past, another two hundred years, Earth was now just a place, a bad memory, penile colony, all the bad elements, miss fits were sent there, Earth was now the place where pirates, bounty hunters and more made their monies,

Mars was now the new Earth for millions of patriots who took the oath to the new governors and their new homes,

Mars’s solar system was now a busy place, times had changed, five hundred years into the future.

Ben woke, a droid was checking him over,

“hey, take it easy there tiger” Ben announced,

“Daily checks sir, just following procedures according to my data, you will be checked again in two hours by my colleague, now small scratch” the droid said, Ben pulled away, “no more of that if you please” Ben exclaimed, “please sir I have to give it to you” the droid announced,

“I said no and I mean no, do you understand pal” Ben growled!

“this will have to be reported, I have failed here, oh dear, my superior will not be happy with me, another downgrade for me” the droid exclaimed and kept on talking away,

The droid left after seeing Bens eyes.

Ben led there for a while fighting his thoughts, he pulled himself up and got to his feet, Ben drank the water from a plastic cup on the side shelf, his hand shook and he dropped the cup,

“need something a lot stronger than that lad” he said to himself,

Ben walked over to what looked like a vending machine for coffee,

He had watched all the other droids push buttons on a small keypad quite a few times getting his medication for him, he memorised what buttons they had pressed and copied them, a small cup dropped down, Ben looked inside and recognised the tablets,

“jackpot” Ben announced,

He put the tablets into his mouth with some water and sat on the bed.

Ben felt relaxed and liked it, he got two more cups and took the tablets, Ben led on the bed hallucinating, “ye, see I knew I was in a dream, outstanding” he slurred to himself,

“Ben, Ben”! someone was shouting!

Ben opened his eyes, things were hazy, Mickey was standing over him,

“what happened, look at the state of you, why was the door lock broken, what happened in here Ben” Mickey asked very concerned,

Ben looked about, he saw a broken chair against the side wall, empty cups strewn around and his own bodily fluids on the floor too,

“looks like you missed the party, my party, glad you’re here though, come over here and give me a hug you sexy hunk of metal” Ben slurred,

“leave you alone and look what happens, there is a droid outside who is confused, what did you do to him by the way” Mickey asked and giggled the way she could,

Ben looked at her, “you look different, am I seeing things again” Ben slurred,

“I went to command, well I was summoned there really, I told them what them a lot of stuff, stuff they already know from recorded data, but from my own voice and recorded they were very happy with what I told them, they spoke about you, when they are ready and feel you are ready, you will be taken to another station to be interviewed, this will not happen”,

“I promise you, once they get their hands on you, there will be no more Ben, just” Ben cut her off,

“well excuse me then, I am human, I think, am I still, and please forgive me, but you are looking different, in a good way, you look more feminine, more of the woman look, how that happen then my metal Mickey, looks good though” Ben slurred,

Ben fell to the floor and was sick, he passed out,

Two droids came into the room and spoke harshly with Mickey in their own language, Mickey growled back!

One of the droids was about to call for help,

Mickey put a stop to that,

She was a lot bigger than the droids.

Mickey spoke back to the two droids harshly, they backed off and went to attend Ben,

Mickey took out something from her hip holster,

She clicked a button on a small PDA instrument, the droids spoke to each other in a wonky way, they bounced into each other, they both sat on the floor and chatted to each other,

Ben was awake and saw what happened, “that’s a neat trick” he slurred,

“shut up my man, be quiet now, I need to get you out of here quickly, we don’t have much time Mr, so be good and let me do what I have to do” Mickey exclaimed,

“bring it on sexy” Ben replied.

Mickey looked at ben, “listen to me Mr, I have looked after you for years, you had a malfunction with your incubator, too long in there, your time run out, I saved you, my duty, I could of done a lot of different things but I didn’t, I took care of you, I love you Ben, now shut up and let me get you out of here, if that’s ok with you, by the way” Mickey announced in a stern metallic voice,

“I know, I have dreamt, I know you looked after me and what extra things you did for me over the years we were together, ok, when my head is back to normal I will say this all again because I mean it girl” Ben slurred our,

“I know you do Ben” Mickey replied,

She picked him up and left the room.

Mickey carried Ben down a corridor and threw a few set of doors, other droids and robots, Mickey spoke to them in their own languages, they moved away and carried on with what they were doing, Mickey kicked open a secured door and walked down some steps, “easy tiger, hate to see you when you’re really pissed” Ben slurred,

“you be quiet now please, got to get you out of here somehow, I have disabled certain visual recorders, no just be quiet for a while and let me concentrate” Mickey announced as she pushed open another door that was secured,

Ben giggled and hung on,

Mickey carried ben down some more steps and spoke her language to herself,

Lights started to flicker and alarm noises sounded off,

“sounds like we’ve been busted my metal friend” Ben commented,

“if you don’t stop with your unfunny comments I will have to silence you myself, if we don’t get out of here Ben then I promise you we will both regret it, do you want to be re-programmed, turned into a humanoid once they have finished with you, dragged all what they want to out of your brain, your memories and more, I know this Ben, I have been told, now shut up and hang on please” Mickey growled!

“roger that” Ben replied and shut up.

Mickey pushed another door open, there was two robot droid things standing in front of them, Ben saw they were both holding some sort of weapons,

Mickey spoke in her own language, the two other robots replied back sternly!

Mickey placed Ben gently onto the floor, she tapped him with her foot,

Ben looked up at her and she looked back at him,

Ben got the message and started to roll around on the floor complaining,

Ben started to shout out, “I’ve been abducted, I’m sick, what the hell is going on” Ben shouted out!, he knelt on his hands and knees and pretended to vomit, “help me please” Ben shouted out!

The two robot droids looked a bit concerned, if he dies I think you two will be in a lot of trouble don’t you think” Mickey announced in her own language,

She stepped back and let the two robots try and see what they could do, Mickey knew they were out of their comfort zone and off guard, they were not programmed for this kind of situation,

Ben rolled around and spat out blood, he deliberately bit his tongue, causing the blood,

Mickey spoke to the two of them frantically, they didn’t know what to do,

A voice started talking from some speaker on the wall,

Ben grabbed one of the robot’s legs, he pulled as hard as he could, the robot toppled over, cursing in his own language, Mickey took care of the other one, she stuck her fingers into a soft spot of his armour and electrically fried him, Mickey fell backwards against the wall as the other robot fell to the floor,

She did the same to the robot who had fallen over, again she had to step back after the shock,

“that’s a neat trick” Ben commented, “wow, must get used to that, something new I can do with the upgrade they gave me” she spoke out,

“outstanding, now can you please get me the hell out of here, I am starting to soba up” Ben growled!

Mickey didn’t reply, she gave Ben the eyes and pulled him up, Ben already grabbed one of the robot’s weapons, Mickey also picked the other one up,

“quick question for you my dear, how do these things work then” Ben asked?

“Just scanned them and my own data base is unsure, trial and error, like you say, stand back” Mickey exclaimed and played about with the weapon, there was a whooshing noise and a bolt of light flew out and hit the wall, sparks and bright light lit the corridor they were in, there was now a big hole in the wall, “I’ll buy that for a dollar” Ben announced and copied what Mickey had done, another whooshing sound, followed by broken wall bits and pieces,

“ok girl, I’m ok now, adrenalin rush, you lead the way, I’m right behind you mate” ben announced,

Mickey frowned, “we don’t have much time, need to get down to sub level ten, drone sentry’s will be on guard now, you up to this” Mickey asked?

“you know I’m an ex-marine, you better believe it maam” Ben replied,

Mickey put her finger into one of the fallen robots neck, she paused and nodded her head, “into their communication network now, too much going on, a lot of activity, we are being looked for” Mickey exclaimed, she pulled her finger out of the robots neck and looked at a small camera on the ceiling, the red light went out,

“less they see the better, just stole the robot’s security data, let’s go then Ben” Mickey announced,

She moved off and the robot on the floor moved, he aimed his arm towards Mickey, Ben messed with the weapon he was holding, the robot and half the wall disintegrated,

Mickey turned instantly, thankyou Ben, you amaze me all the time” she commented,

“roger that, you watch my back and I’ll watch yours’s babe, move out soldier” Ben replied,

Mickey smiled and walked forward, every camera that came into view she disabled,

The two of them went down some more steps and carried on.

“this sub level ten you spoke about, how far is that, I’m assuming it’s down ye” Ben asked?

“yes Ben, down we go, we are on sub level three at the moment, need to get to ten, it’s the only way out after the lock down alarm, I have friends who have disabled a ventilation shaft, waste disposal, there is a chance, you are worth it and I want to save you too, oh and myself as well by the way, there will be a speeder there for us to get out of here as long as we can get down there” Mickey exclaimed,

“on your tail, sexy, you lead the way and let’s kick some ass” Ben replied,

They made their way down another set of metal steps,

Red lights were flashing about the place, a muffled robot voice was coming through some speakers,

Mickey put her finger to the speaker and sparks came into the area, “had enough of that, need you on your toes Ben, you ok” Mickey asked?

Ben nodded but looked a bit tired,

“right then, ease up” Mickey ordered!

She put her hand on his neck, Ben was on one knee, “you need water, how stupid of me, you are fully human, you need water to survive, take a break, stay guard here, I will be back” Mickey exclaimed and walked off, Ben sat on the floor, he did feel a bit exhausted,

“good girl she is, never thought I would fall for a robot” Ben slurred.

He sat there and watched her disappear around a corner, Ben closed his eyes, he fought not to but felt so tired.

Ben opened his eyes, there was flashing lights down the corridor and explosive noises, he tried to get up but couldn’t,

Ben grabbed the weapon he took off the robot earlier on,

He aimed it in front of him, it got heavy so he rested it on his knees,

He heard a noise from behind him and turned, there was a droid hovering close to him, he spoke in his own metallic voice, the droid came closer,

Ben swung the weapon around and pushed the button, “whoosh”

The droid disappeared in a flash of light, half of the ceiling came down, dust and debris was all over Ben,

He led there panting,

“another bad dream mate, fecking hell” he growled to himself!

Ben strained his eyes through the dust, he held the weapon that he had taken off the other robot thing earlier on, another whooshing sound was heard followed by a thud and the sound of things falling to the ground, “Mickey, you ok up there pet” Ben shouted out!

Ben saw a figure coming through the dust, “hope that’s you Mickey” Ben called out,

Mickey appeared and put her metal hand onto the wall,

“looking a bit bashed up there mate, you ok” Ben asked?

“sentry drones and droids, it’s a mess up there, they were not expecting my upgrades, just thought I was just another basic model, well they were very wrong, when I got upgraded I was really upgraded, there’s a lot to me that I don’t even understand myself, my hand Ben, look at my hand, I can change it to soft silicon if I wish for a softer touch if I need to work on a computer touch screen, feel it Ben” Micky exclaimed,

She bent down and held out her arm,

Ben held her hand and squeezed it,

“this was shown on tv, the future of robots, five hundred years ago, girl, what else can you do” Ben asked?

Mickey pulled Ben up, he groaned and so did she, they stood looking at each other, Mickey’s protective metal screened layer in front of her face rose up, “kiss me Ben” she said,

Mickey under her full head cover had the face of a pretty woman’s face, there was a few scars but Micky under her pretty metal woman like armour was pretty inside too,

“sexy on the outside and sexy on the inside, come here then” Ben said softly, they kissed and forgot the moment and what they had just been through,

A droid appeared and spoke erratically at Mickey, Mickey spoke back in their language,

Ben pressed the button on the weapon he was holding, “whoosh”!

The droid took the bolt of whatever the weapon fired straight on, there was a flash and the corridor shook, bit and pieces of the droid flew around, Mickey turned Ben around and covered him with her body from the flying bits of metal,

“more scratches and dents to my new figure, this will not do” Mickey exclaimed,

She let go of Ben,

Ben started to laugh, “that was an interesting kiss” Ben announced, he stood back up after the weapon he fired had a bit of a kick and pushed him back,

“need to get used to this and you babe” Ben exclaimed,

Mickey’s protective face plate came back down,

“ok soldier blue, get to grips with that thing, we got some way to go yet, you cover me, I move forward, I cover you and you move forward, I looked this up in my data base from army tactics” Mickey exclaimed,

“roger that, on your thirty maam” Ben replied, Mickey nodded and moved off down the corridor thinking about her thirty, she got it in the end.

They passed three busted up robot droids, holes in the walls and ceiling, they got themselves over the broken parts of the walls that were all over the place and moved further on,

“take the lift maybe” Ben asked?

“impossible, instant trap, we go down the levels the hard way” Mickey replied,

“roger that amigo” Ben replied.

Mickey fired a bolt of power at the lift that was in front of them, another flash of light, a shudder and more bits of metal flew through the air, again Mickey covered Ben, “come on, we go down another level my mate” Mickey announced,

Ben nodded and followed on.

Mickey led the way down the winding steel stair case, red lights were flashing and a muffled voice was talking through speakers on the walls, there was cameras in places, Mickey looked at them and the little red light that illuminated on them went out,

They got down to another level, it was quiet, they made their way down the steel steps and got to sub minus level five.

Mickey stopped and pointed forward,

Ben looked,

There was a metal walkway ahead of them, “this level looks like the power house, air units and, turbines, gas and forced oxygen generators, should be engineer droids and robots in here and others, don’t touch anything with your hands Ben, some pipes will freeze you instantly, follow on and be ready, there are no friendlies down here” Mickey said and walked forward slowly,

Ben followed on behind as he was told to do.

Mickey swung around fast, she took care of some droid and then another one,

Ben kept quiet and followed on, for a moment he didn’t recognise Mickey,

“combat mode initiated, please stand clear, level ten, primary task, secondary task, protect human, get human to safety” Mickey said in a very metal voice, she looked back at Ben,

Her eyes glowed red through her protective cover,

“we have a long way to go, many obstacles, are you ok for this or do I have to carry you sir” Mickey asked?

“hey, go easy there tiger, it’s me Ben remember, five hundred years together, should get you a ring or something maybe, you gone into war mode by the looks of things pet” Ben exclaimed!

Mickey looked at Ben, she lowered her head and shook it from side to side, Ben saw her eyes and shut up.

“like I told you Ben I have been updated and some more, I am not the person, android, robot droid or whatever you think and want to call me, they really went to town on me, like you say in your lingua short hand English speaking, cutting thins short and coming up with a different word that means the same meaning for something, slang I see from my database, my metal casing has been changed to light weight armour, I can change certain parts of my body to silicone for a softer touch when required, I am totally upgraded to the latest models, I have military database installed and weapons, my new mission is to get you out of here, alive”!......

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