Ben opened his eyes after hearing some strange noises, he strained to focus,

He could feel he was strapped down again,

“hello sir, so glad to see you awake, you are the talk of the centre”,

“you are in good shape considering how long you were out there for, it’s a miracle, well actually it’s all down to your care taker, all those years, an old model, he’s like an antique now, still in working order after we fixed him up, he is looking forward to seeing you again sir, oh yes it such a wonderful thing”,

“never have I heard of this before, five hundred years sir”, “yes five hundred years” the droid announced,

Ben led there looking at him, he went to say something and coughed,

“oh yes I will have a look into that cough of yours sir, oh look at me talking on, I totally forgot, we got all the information from your care takers memory banks, you have been checked over thoroughly, the cancer is no more, is that good news sir” the droid exclaimed.

Ben closed his eyes, he prayed he was dreaming,

He opened his eyes and stared at the droid,

“I’m in pain, can I have some pain relief please, make me feel more relaxed, my droid, caretaker, whatever you want to call him was giving me some stuff that really worked for me, could do with some more” Ben moaned out,

“oh yes we have found what he gave to you in your system, he will be reprimanded for the over dosage”,

“I cannot give you any more of that, your body shows signs that you are now dependant on the relaxant drug, I can give you something else for you to relax”,

“I have more checks to do then we can have a good chat”,

“I have so much to tell you about and for sure you want some explanations of where you are and what happened” the droid announced,

Ben led there and shook his head,

“please, I need something, I am in pain” Ben groaned,

The droid came forward, Ben felt some pressure on his arm and felt a lot better instantly,

“that’s the ticket” Ben announced and closed his eyes,

Ben tried to sleep and relax, he couldn’t,

“ok, ok I get it now, obviously, something has gone drastically wrong as I have been informed of, so now you say I do not have cancer anymore”,

“that’s grand, I don’t recollect me having it anyway” Ben blurted out,

The droid moved around,

“on the contrary sir, you did so much have cancer of the lungs, an aggressive one too according to records, because you have been frozen for so long in the special solution that is not practiced anymore, well out of date, so anyway, the cancer was frozen and you have no more cancer, simple as that, you will have to go through along time of rehabilitations” the droid added,

“look my friend, I’m still trying to get my head around all this stuff,

“So let me get this straight”

“I have been frozen for five hundred years, lost in space after some accident, my pod or whatever I was in was jettisoned and lost, I had a robot looking after me for all that time, I remember him telling me something like I had to woke up before medical complications occurred”,

“so then, he kept me alive and did everything for me, so I had cancer and payed for me to be frozen and woken up in fifty years’ time in the hope that medical science would of progressed and would be able to fix me, ok then, something went wrong and now I find myself surrounded by droids and whatever, my so called cancer has gone and I am ok” Ben slurred,

“affirmative sir, you have told me a few things we didn’t know about but you will be looked after I assure you, you are safe here sir, ok, I have to do some tests on you, please try to rest, some of the tests might feel a little bit uncomfortable, I will give you a mild sedative, help you relax ok” the droid announced,

Ben felt a little pressure on his arm again. He smiled and closed his eyes.

The droid did his checks on Ben, he was given a full blood transfusion and a lot more, Ben was given more sedation whilst he was cleaned up.

Ben woke, he could hear a familiar voice,

“good day to you Ben, wonderful news, they fixed us both up, I thought I was finished, I remember trying my best to steady the pod but it was out of control” the droid announced,

“hello metal Mickey, nice to see you too, so me and you got some serious history, you tell me strait then, is this for real, I had cancer and now I’m cured, five hundred years into the future” Ben announced?

“yes Ben, me and you are five hundred years into the future, I feel so out of date compared to all the other droids, I would have been shut down but for the contract”,

“your wishes were, that I was your guardian, caretaker and I am to be taken care of whatever the case, I thank you Ben for that”

”when you are fit and well enough to be released we will be re-located and I will continue to serve you” the droid exclaimed,

“fecking hell, you got some of that relaxing stuff for me by the way” Ben asked?

“I am not your medical officer now, sorry”,

“that’s ok mate, I feel relaxed, just tell me everything you know and what happens next my old friend” Ben added, he led on the bed and listened to the droid waffle on for a good while, Ben fell asleep.

His droid left when two other droids entered the room, they spoke in their own protocol, a lot of beeps and other sounds,

Ben listened and slept some more.

Ben felt himself being probed and turned over, the two droids inspected everywhere and everywhere some more, Ben let them get on with it, he kept his eyes closed and said nothing, he was given something that made him sleepy, he went back to sleep,

Ben went into some deep dreams and started to remember a few things.

Ben woke and realised his restraints were no longer there, he stretched his arms out,

Ben moved his legs, they weren’t strapped down anymore, he looked about,

There was a silver container placed on a side table, it had a straw coming out of it, Ben reached over and picked it up,

“gin and tonic would be nice” he said to himself,

Ben held the silver container, he took a plastic cover off of the straw and sucked,

“well god damn you sir, that’s got a punch” Ben growled! He shook as he swallowed what came out of the metal container,

He sucked hard on the straw again and shivered, Ben put the container back where he took it from,

“bloody good stuff there” he commented,

Ben shivered again and looked around, “ok my friend, I think I am getting this now, wish I wasn’t though, five hundred years asleep, fecking hell lad”

”I’ve got some catching up to do” Ben announced out loud!

Ben sat up and put his feet onto the floor, he stood up and wobbled, he held onto the bed,

“easy lad, just had some wonky juice there” he commented to himself,

Ben got his balance and looked about, there was a small door in the room, there was no handle on it, he pushed it and it didn’t move,

“still banged up then” he said,

Ben noticed a monitor on the wall, there was someone talking away, he looked about for a control,

He pressed some buttons on the monitor and listened,

Ben looked at the screen and raised his eye brows,

“futurama, and some more” Ben announced, he sat on the bed and watched the monitor,

“and to add, we have another new sun, another twelve lunar hours, solar temp has raised”,

Ben shook his head and pressed another button on the monitor, the screen changed, “come on you lazy droids, it’s time to get your oil heated up and rushing around, let’s do this, come on” a metallic voice announced!

Ben sat on the bed and watched a robot moving around doing stretching movements whilst giving instructions,

Ben took another drink,

“ok son, need to get things straight here, news and weather by metal Mickey, other channels by the same, fecking hell, maybe I am not in some bollocks dream” Ben growled! He took another sip from the straw,

“ok, ok folks, I give up, whatever you want to know I will tell you, had enough now, well confused here, whatever it was I didn’t do it” Ben yelled out!

“do what Ben” the droid asked?

“hell I don’t fecking know, someone, something was in here earlier on, another droid, bigger, had legs, like robo cop, too many questions, I was confused, still feel tired, no energy, too many tests, I still can’t get my head around all this”,

“five hundred years into the future, common man, do you blame me” Ben growled!

“Ben, you need to calm down, you are right, you didn’t do anything wrong, I can give you something to ease your stress, as long as you calm down and let me talk and explain things to you, please Ben, you are in a different time now, different world, things work differently now, they re-programmed me so I can work to the present day as I was the same age as you”, “five hundred years back” the robot droid announced,

Ben looked at him, “you got fixed and came to see me, I like that, still think you’re and ass bandit though, too long with me cleaning me up and stuff”,

“I know what nurses can do to their patients in a long-time coma and stuff, watching you boyo, ha, well thanks anyway Mickey”,

“you were there for me and you kept me alive, thanks mate” Ben announced,

The robot nodded and held his hand out, Ben shook his hand,

The robot looked around, he walked around the room and checked a few things,

“what you doing pal, got nothing stashed in here, wish I did though, a little bit of Marijuana would go down just good now” Ben exclaimed.

“always the joking man, you Ben, listen now to me, they fixed me up, I am up to date now”,

“yes I have legs again, combat efficient and ready to assist, defend my next contract, shh now” the robot announced as he saw Ben was about to say something, Ben led on the bed and listened,

“ok then, I am not the robot, android that people think I am, remember I told you I was human once”,

Ben nodded,

“even though I work for the system, the governors now, five hundred years into the future, a few of us still have our own ways, like old soldiers, a leopard never loses his spots I have heard”,

“Underneath this metal frame I am still half human”,

“i still feel female Ben, I know I am not in so many ways but I still have the memories” the robot said,

Ben sat up, “what exactly are you trying to say to me Mickey” Ben asked?

“ok so your name for me is now Mickey, it’s ok, better than a number, Mickey sat on Bens bed, “listen to me, even though I am now five hundred years old, I have been refurbished, you like that word, I learnt it from the data base, I have been noticed and so have you, certain elements of society are really interested in us”,

“we have something that today’s living do not have, they have memories and data bases access”,

“we have the true memories and sight of what life was really like five hundred years ago, I have already been contacted and looked after underneath the governors eyes, I am too look after you for the rest of you foreseen life, I will explain again in full later, you look tired”

Ben nodded, he closed his eyes.

Mickey checked him over, she sat there and held his hand,

He door opened swiftly,

“our turn now Tango T180, you are talked about so much, we all look forward to sharing your thoughts, memories sometime Sir, the droid announced who came in through the door followed by another one,

Mickey stepped aside to let the medical robot droids do their duties, she looked at Ben and he stared back at her, Mickey left the room, she spoke in her own dialect robot language, the two droids in the room replied and carried on their work with Ben.

Ben led there and let them get on, he was given some relaxant medicine, he fell asleep.

“Ben, Ben, Wake up”!

Ben opened his eyes,

“ye, knew it was still a dream, still inside that pod capsule thing, your still taking care of me and giving me a headache with your outstanding witty conversation I would say rather old bean” Ben said in a posh voice,

Mickey laughed and touched Bens Leg,

“I can’t stay long, you are being monitored, you are a very important person now, the governors are trying to keep you quiet from the rest, they want to investigate the past with your help, I have to be careful what I say to you now, very difficult, too many want to learn about the past, I am under surveillance too, rest now, I see you later” Mickey said and left.

Ben nodded and smiled,

A droid came into the room and did checks on him,

He led there and let it carry on, Ben led there thinking about what Mickey had said to him, he was still confused and didn’t want to trust anyone, he went back to sleep.

The droids left and let Ben sleep after more medication.

Ben opened his eyes, Mickey the droid who looked after him for so long was stood next to him, “hello sleepy head, how are you today Ben” the robot droid asked?

“so so, sleeping too much I think, had some waky dreams, dreamt you looked after me for five hundred years, was terrible, you tried to get sexual with me and stuff” Ben exclaimed,

Mickey stood there, “my thoughts of my former self wanted too Ben” Mickey replied,

Ben started to laugh and so did Mickey.

“you know Ben, I did sometimes relieve you, a man has to get rid of dirty water from time to time I think they call it, you had dreams when you came out of you pod and I suppose got aroused” Mickey said,

“you dirty cow, took advantage of me eh” Ben commented,

“quite a few times I must admit, I shaved you, cut your hair, washed bathed you, cleaned you up after your sanitary wear was soiled, I did everything for you Ben and would do it all again if I had too” Mickey announced,

Ben smiled at her,

“I love you Ben” Mickey said and nodded to him,

“suddenly I am feeling a little bit aroused and scared, so what happens now then” Ben asked?

“I need to get you out of here, I have already made some friends, we get you to a safe place, before the governors can get their hands on you, exploit your memories and knowledge of the old Earth, everything is on database but you have the correct data”,

“what you hold in your mind is far more than the governors have and other things I do believe, do all sorts of things to you, more than likely turn you into a humanoid, keep you forever, like they did to me in the first place” Mickey exclaimed,

“hey there, wooow, slow down there mate, too much info, head still a bit groggy” Ben growled!

“for sure Ben, I will be back soon, need to take care of a few things, need to get you out of here, they are giving you far too much medication, that’s why you are feeling the way you are, keeping you here, make you think your still not well enough in yourself to abscond or do something stupid before they have taken out of you what they want”, “your memories and a lot more yet don’t worry, I will fix this, rest now please” Mickey announced and left the room.

Ben led there, still feeling groggy, he smiled and closed his eyes.

Mickey left the facility, she was persuaded to go to another facility for more re-habilitation on the orders from the governors, she didn’t see Ben for quite some time

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