Some Mate You Are...

Chapter Reception Interruption

The garden looked breathtaking with the floating glass candle holders and ribbons tied on the lower branches of the trees. The bushes had all been draped with twinkling fairy lights. The tables were rustic with linen runners, decorative lanterns, and wildflower centerpieces. It was simple but it all felt rather magical to me.

I had originally hoped to hold the ceremony in the garden as well. But as the guest list grew, we were forced to reconsider due to lack of space and utilized the courtyard instead. However, that still had allowed for the reception to be held here as that did not require everyone to be gathered into a single space at once as the rituals had. Everyone could simply mingle about the entirety of the pack house and its grounds. Even wandering into the forest if they felt so inclined.

Enzo and I were escorted to the large table that everything seemed to be centered towards. We sat in the center with our parents flanking us on either side. Our food and drink would be brought to us there. Also, this provided opportunity for individual Alphas and Lunas, as well as other small groups to come up to us and congratulate us personally.

Unfortunately, the table had also provided the cover that Enzo had been seeking to begin teasing me relentlessly. It did not matter that his mother sat next to him or that my father sat next to me. His hand caressed my thigh, working my dress up towards my knee, as he slipped his hand beneath. I almost gasped in shock as his fingers made contact with the flesh of my inner thigh. I had not realized that he had already made it that far, as I had been distracted addressing the Luna of the Harvest Moon Pack. But now I was distracted for an entirely different reason, and I struggled to swat his hand away without drawing attention to what he was doing.

When we finally had a quick moment to ourselves. I tugged on his arm and drew his focus to my face. I glared at him as seriously as I could possibly manage as he retaliated with the poutiest lips and the biggest “puppy dog” eyes that I had ever seen, causing me to giggle.

“You need to control yourself.” I chastised, shaking my head at him, but a smile still firmly planted on my lips.

“How am I supposed to that when the most beautiful she-wolf in the world is sitting beside after just promising to be my Luna?” He questioned as if his struggles were real.

“If you behave, then I promise to make it worth your while later.” I cooed in my most flirtatious voice.

“You promise?” Enzo pressed, his green eyes sparkling with the possibilities.

“I promise.”

He thought about this for a moment before deciding that the terms were agreeable, except…

“I am afraid that I am going to need a little something to tide me over…” He remarked.

And before I could question him further, his hands weaved into the curls at the back of my head and he pulled me into him. His lips crashing down onto mine in a greedy kiss. However, I did not mind. I was craving him too. So, I sunk into him, relenting to his demands as his tongue probed for entrance. My fingers grasped the lapel of his jacket and I held on for dear life as his kissed threatened to sear itself into my very soul. Branding it's memory into my brain.

Then...moments later...the whole world came crashing down.

Out of nowhere, a wild and foaming she-wolf with patchy brown fur came charging into the garden. Interrupting the calm atmosphere that had fostered there. I knew who it was in an instant, I recognized her scent, though it had changed some. Her hair may have been bleach blonde, but her fur was brunette. She had always argued that it was anomaly. But we all knew the truth, blonde was not her natural color no matter how much she would protest.

“Cora…” I growled.

As I stared her down, surprised by the feral look in her eyes. What had happened to her in the short time that she had been gone? She had seemed a bit crazy before. Certainly, was not all there. But now the last shred of sanity that she had possessed appeared to have snapped. She snarled at the crowd, her spittle flying through the air.

Her eyes zeroed in on me. Releasing a furious growl before charging forward. I began to shift, preparing to match her challenge. But I did not get the chance. As she approached, Enzo acted, pushing me backwards and out of harm’s way. But he had not been quick enough himself as her outstretched claws ripped into his chest, shredding his flesh.

“NO!!!!!” I screamed, the force of it ripping through my body like fire, scorching everything that it touched inside of me.

I turned on my heels, the terror gripping my soul as the pain ripped through me. I scrambled to Enzo’s side, falling to my knees. Cora had been pulled away and was being held by several Alphas who had been nearby when the attack occurred. I took in Enzo’s condition, his skin had paled considerably, and the blood loss had taken its toll. But he remained conscious. His green eyes staring up into mine. I could not stop the tears as they began to flood down my cheeks, dropping onto his handsome face. It could not end like this. I would not allow it. We had been through too much. We deserved more than this.

“Enzo, don’t you leave me!” I ordered. “You are not allowed. We have too much to do. Too many plans. We are only getting started. I refuse to let you go!”

He reached up, touching my cheek with a shaky hand.

“It would take a lot more than this for me to leave you.” He promised, coughing a little as he spoke.

I reached up and held his hand against my face. Relishing in the warmth of his touch. I had never loved anyone more in my life. And now I had never been more afraid to lose them. The world was a cruel place and everything you knew could be ripped away from you in an instant. But I supposed that was the price to be paid in exchange for getting to love someone so deeply.

The pack doctors were quick to arrive, and I stepped out of their way, allowing them to get to work. I wanted to stay by Enzo’s side, but there was a pressing matter that needed tended to and I knew that he was in good hands.

I turned with ferocious eyes in Cora’s direction. Approaching her slowly, forcing down the urge to tear her to shreds for what she had just done. Two Alphas were currently restraining her. She had already shifted back into her human form. And stood naked, flailing against those who held her back.

“Enzo! Enzo, baby, I’m so sorry!” She cried, calling out to the man whom she still falsely believed belonged to her.

I growled lowly still struggling to maintain my control. It was not helping that even after everything she still felt that she had a right to call out to my mate as if he were her own. It was causing a burning rage to grow within me as the jealousy and anger overwhelmed me. I kept reminding myself over and over that I needed to act like a Luna and not just react as a furious mate.

“Is he alright?!” She demanded of me as she noticed my approach. “Please tell me that he will be alright!”

“He will be fine. He has me.” I assured her, more to get her to shut up than to relieve her fears. “You, on the other hand, I am not so sure.” I tsked as I looked her over with disgust. “We gave you a chance. We offered you the opportunity to go out in the world and find a life for yourself elsewhere. And this is how you repay our kindness?!” I exclaimed, my emotions boiling just beneath the surface. “After everything that you did, we allowed you leave with your life! We were merciful to your plight. And now you come here, intent on attacking me again. Instead putting Enzo’s life in danger, assaulting the very Alpha that you claim to love!”

“You say that you were merciful! But you separated me from my mate! There is no greater pain than that!” Cora cried as she continued to thrash against those who bound her.

“Luis had a choice. He was tired of your manipulation and took his opportunity to start his life over. The fault lies with you. Not with me.” I countered, taking a few steps closer to her.

“I am not talking about Luis. I could care less about that fool. The Goddess obviously got it wrong when she had paired me with him.” She scoffed, a strange look in in her eyes. “I am talking about the wolf who I was supposed to be destined to...Enzo!” She shrieked.

I recognized that look which had flared to life within her gaze. It was the same crazed stare that I had seen living within Harm’s unnatural glare. She truly believed the things that she was saying. She really was that insane. She thought that Enzo was meant to be hers and she would stop at nothing to get him.

“I am sorry, but Enzo is not your mate, Cora.” I huffed shaking my head. “He is my mate. I wish that you would find a way past this before you end up going down the same path as Harm.”

“I will never give up, Marble!!!” She screamed wildly as she struggled to rip her limbs free from the Alpha’s who held her. “This is not over!!!”

I rolled my eyes at the use of the taunting name that she always used when she was attempting to get under my skin. I was not going to let it work. We were not in high school any longer. I was determined to keep myself together here, despite the fury that was burning through me, I wanted to handle this with grace. I would not sink down to her level if I had anything to say about it.

“I am afraid that it is. Take her to the Lockdown. We will figure out what to do with her later.” I instructed the pack warriors that had come to the scene to collect Cora.

I turned my back and began to walk away from her. The pack doctors were preparing to take Enzo to the pack hospital to be certain that there was no major damage. And I intended to join them. Enzo was my top priority right now. Once he was healed and ready, then we would determine what needed to be done with Cora.

However, something happened as the Alphas handed Cora over to the warriors. She managed to break free. I could hear her snarling as she rushed upon me from behind. She was starting her shift as she caught up to me, preparing to use her claws to slice me up in the same way that she had accidentally done to Enzo.

But she would not get the chance.

On instinct, I turned just in time, catching her around her neck, my arms wrapping around her tightly. I flexed my muscles and used all my strength snapping her neck in one fluid motion. I had not even thought about it. The act had been done innately; action brought on by self-preservation.

I felt her body slump in my arms, and I dropped it as the realization came over me. I had wanted her gone but not like this. I had never taken a life before and had not really been ready to do so. My instincts were to protect my mate and to protect the pack. I had acted on those and now I would have to contend with the consequences of that. Even if they were only in my head.

My eyes dropped as I prepared myself to look at what I had done. To take in the horror of the crime against nature that I had committed. But as I turned my head to take on the scene, my father rushed up to me. Grabbing my cheek and turning it the other way.

“You do not need to see this.” My father stressed. “Let’s get you out of here. Enzo will want you by his side as he heals, and he will heal better with you there.” He encouraged reminding me of my responsibilities.

That redirected my mind, allowing me to bury my horror for the time. My mate needed me, and that singular thought spurred me into action. I nodded my head at my father and gulped down the emotions that were building inside my chest. My father wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me away. Sparing me the image of what I had done.

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