Some Mate You Are...

Chapter Accession Ceremony Pt. 2

My eyes landed on Enzo who waited for me halfway down the aisle. He was so striking in his midnight blue tuxedo that it caused my breath to hitch. For once, it was crisp, clean, and well appointed. Though in his typical carefree fashion, the top button was undone, causing his tie to be just a little bit looser than it should have been. I chuckled to myself knowing that I would not have it any other way.

His green eyes locked with mine and I swept up in a whirlwind of emotions. Everything that he had ever wanted to say but had not. The moments that we had shared. All of the secret touches, their meanings left unspoken. The revelation of our love. The contentment he felt knowing that all of his adoration was returned. I was so swept in the current of his emotions that I almost forgot myself. Almost forget that we were surrounded by hundreds of other wolves and in the middle of a very important ritual. It was as though all the others melted into the background. Leaving only him and I. And I wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and show him just how much I loved him as well. That I wished for everything that he desired for us and so much more.

But my mother must have sensed something as she cleared her throat, reminding me of where I was and the moment that I was in. It was probably for the best. I would have the rest of our lives to show Enzo how I felt. Right now, we were an Alpha and a Luna. Not simply two mates who could act on their impulses without consequence.

My parents finally handed me off to Enzo and as soon as our hands touched, I could feel the mate bond pulse between us. A low growl rumbled through Enzo’s chest as he struggled to maintain control. I could see the hunger in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to carry me away from there as fast as he could move and get me somewhere private.

“Ceremony first. Everyone is waiting.” I whispered lowly in his ear as I turned to lead him towards the stage.

He grunted his displeasure at being forced to be patient, but he relented. Locking his arm in mine as he led me the rest of the way. My parents followed behind us, the Betas also required on the stage. And Aida followed behind them along with Tyrus.

Our procession made its way to the stage without incident. However, the very moment that we stopped in front of his parents, Enzo’s hands quickly began attempting to roam wherever they could reach. I knew that he was attempting to be discreet, but it was not discreet enough for my liking, and at one point, I literally had to smack his hand away.

“Dammit Kiara.” Was all that I could think as though she had somehow cursed me.

I expected Alpha Griffith to say something to discourage Enzo’s behavior. But to my shock, he merely chuckled and shook his head as though he were just an innocent youth getting too handsy with his first real girlfriend. Fortunately, Luna Rigina corrected him with a sharp glare and Enzo fought a little harder to control himself from that point on.

“We welcome all of you! Thank you for being here to join us on this most auspicious day! We are here today for a very important tradition…the passing of the mantle of Alpha and Luna to the next generation.” Alpha Griffith announced addressing the crowd. “My son, Enzo Troy Parker, and his mate, Marvel Elara Hala, will become the next leaders of the Crescent Moon Pack with the blessing of the Goddess.”

It was then that Alpha Griffith and Luna Rigina turned to face Enzo and I directly.

“Do you, Enzo Parker, swear to uphold the office of Alpha with respect and honesty? Leading the pack with a fair and steady hand?” Alpha Griffith questioned.

“I swear.” Enzo affirmed with confidence in his voice.

“Do you swear to put the good of the pack above all others? Even so far as sacrificing yourself in the line of duty, if necessary?”

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to be a symbol of strength and courage? Always a shining example for the pack to exemplify?”

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to only use your Alpha influence for good and never use it to control another in a way that would inflict harm or cause damage to another’s soul or being?”

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to release the title of Alpha and the power that it wields should the time ever come that you find yourself unfit to serve in the capacity that your pack requires?”

“I swear.”

“And finally, Enzo Parker, do you swear to uphold the laws of the wolves as handed down by our Goddess? Always respecting and abiding by Her will?”

“I swear.”

Now it was my turn. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, fighting off the nerves that threatened to take hold. This was it. There would be no turning back now. No more carefree party girl that I had once been. Not that I had been her for a while now. I would have the responsibility of the pack on my shoulders. I would need to be an effective partner for Enzo. It was time to grow up completely.

“Do you, Marvel Hala, swear to uphold the office of Luna with respect and honesty? Leading the pack with a loving and understanding hand?” Luna Rigina began her questioning.

“I swear.” I responded matching Enzo’s conviction.

“Do you swear to put the good of the pack above all others? Even so far as sacrificing yourself in the line of duty, if necessary?”

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to be a symbol wisdom and courage? Always a shining example for the pack to exemplify?

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to only use your influence for good? Offering a kind word and a shoulder to cry on when a pack member needs it the most?”

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to offer support and guidance to your Alpha in the good times and the hard? Never leaving him to have to suffer a decision alone?”

“I swear.”

“And finally, Marvel Hala, do you swear to uphold the laws of the wolves as handed down by our Goddess? Always respecting and abiding by Her will?”

“I swear.”

Alpha Griffith elongated his claws and sliced open the palm of his right hand while Enzo mimicked the action. They then grasped each other’s hands tightly and you could almost see the power of the energy that flowed between them in that moment. It sizzled and floated through the air on invisible threads, but it bound the two men in an unspoken covenant that the power they shared would always be for the good of the pack.

Luna Rigina followed by slicing open the palm of her right hand as well. And I knew that I would be expected to do the same. So I did without hesitation. I grasped Luna Rigina’s hand tightly as we were joined into the same pact that Enzo and Alpha Griffith now shared.

And while the four of us completed this ritual. My parents were performing a similar passing of the power through their own blood with Tyrus and Aida. Marking them as the new pack Betas at the same time that we were to be named the newest Alpha and Luna of the pack.

“Crescent Moon Pack is yours. May you lead it well.” Alpha Griffith exclaimed.

Our hands were then separated, the wounds already having begun to heal. But it was not over yet. Luna Rigina lifted the small, crystal tiara that she wore off of her own head and placed it atop mine instead. This was meant to honor the Goddess of the Moon, passing her blessing from one Luna to the next.

“May the Goddess guide your reign with clarity and peace of mind.” She proclaimed with a slight bow of her head.

Enzo and I then turned to face each other. This was our declaration to each other rather than just to the pack. Promising that we would always work together as a team. We both sliced open the palm of our left hands this time before joining them together and allowing our power and bond to flow between us through the open wounds. I gasped at the strength that I could suddenly feel, now that Enzo was a full Alpha it had increased threefold. And I felt as though I could take on the world without question. Enzo was overwhelmed by the power that he felt coming from me. His knees almost buckling under my influence.

However, he managed to right himself. Holding steady against the unexpected jolt. He did not want anyone there to see him waiver and to mistakenly believe him to be weak. However, the new Luna in me had been more intense than he had expected. And he took a moment to clear his throat, as he looked at me with wide eyes.

“I promise to be the Alpha that you deserve.” He swore, after gathering himself together.

“I promise to be the Luna that you need.” I replied in kind.

He pulled my hand upwards and kissed the top of it gently, and a little too slowly, before he finally dropped it. Instead choosing to intertwine my arm back into his as we turned to address the crowd one final time.

“Ladies and gentlemen, she-wolves and wolves, may I present to you the newest leaders of the Crescent Moon Pack…Alpha Enzo Parker and Luna Marvel Parker.” Alpha Griffith announced, loudly, his voice booming for all to hear.

Enzo and I began to howl, the final act of the ritual, announcing our Accession to all who could hear. We were quickly followed by the others on the stage. And before long, the entire pack and then the rest of the guests had joined in. A cacophony of howls ringing out into the world. Sharing in our joy.

The crowd was suddenly in an uproar as everyone hooted, hollered, and cheered. Congratulatory cries coming from every which way. I do not think that I had ever had a larger smile on my face than the one that I did in that moment. I could feel it straining against my cheeks as my face could simply not accommodate all of the happiness that I felt. Everything felt right. As though all, finally, was as it was meant to be.

Enzo released his hold on my elbow, in favor of wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to his side. And as I waved out to the crowd that was showering us with praise and throwing wildflowers into the air...Enzo had other things on his mind.

“Marvel Parker…hmm…” He purred into my ear. “I REALLY like the sound of that.”

Instantly, I could feel the heat rush to my core. And when he leaned forward to lightly nibble my ear, I was more than ready to run off and find a private place for a quick moment. But just as I was about to agree, we were quickly ushered along by Alpha Griffith and Luna Rigina. Who began to lead us towards the garden where the bulk of the reception was set to be held.

“I know what the two of you are thinking. But that is going to have to wait.” Alpha Griffith’s voice chuckled throughout both of our minds simultaneously.

I could see Enzo visibly deflate next to me for a moment. But when I turned to offer him a consoling smile. His disappointment had quickly dissipated and something more mischievous twinkled in his eyes.

“Uh oh…” Was all that I could think as he offered me a sly smile in return.

This was going to be a long night indeed.

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